Examples of Net Profit after Tax in a sentence
If the measured entity does not make a profit in a particular year, then qualifying contributions of an average of the last 3 years will earn the measured entity the full points in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 respectively.3.2 For Banks, the Net Profit after Tax to be used for Consumer Education, is the Net Profit after Tax generated by retail operations.
YESNO Please indicate in detail the proportions of enterprise development spend to Net Profit after Tax.
The earning considered in ascertaining EPS comprise the Net Profit after Tax.
AEPL made a Net Profit after Tax of Rs. 665.01 lakhs for the financial year and has proposed to pay a dividend of Rs. 5.75 per share.
Consolidated:The consolidate total income increased from ` 24377.29 Lacs to ` 32542.50 Lacs, increase of 33.50% over the previous financial year.The Consolidated Net Profit after Tax decrease from ` 320.61 Lacs to ` 272.84 Lacs, a decline of 14.90% over the previous financial year.