National Housing Act definition

National Housing Act means the National Housing Act (Canada), a federal law that promotes the construction of new houses and the repair and modernization of existing houses. CMHC provides mortgage default insurance under this law.
National Housing Act means the national housing act, 12 USC 1701 to 1750g.
National Housing Act means the National Housing Act of 1934, as amended.

Examples of National Housing Act in a sentence

  • A State Agency which provides perma- nent financing for newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated housing processed under subpart D and financed without Federal mortgage insurance or a Federal guarantee except coinsur- ance under Section 244 of the National Housing Act.

  • The County has received Home Investment Partnerships Act funds in the amount of Two Million Two Hundred Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($2,200,400), from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") pursuant to the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx National Housing Act of 1990 ("HOME Funds").

  • In order to be eligible for these proce- dures, a State Agency must provide permanent financing without Federal mortgage insurance or a Federal guar- xxxxx except coinsurance under Sec- tion 244 of the National Housing Act.

  • A State Agency that used the Fast Track Procedures formerly in this part must provide per- manent financing for any new con- struction or substantial rehabilitation project without Federal mortgage in- surance, except coinsurance under sec- tion 244 under the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq).

More Definitions of National Housing Act

National Housing Act. The National Housing Act of 1934, as amended.
National Housing Act means the National Housing Act, R. S. C. 1985, c. N.-11, as amended and replaced from time to time.
National Housing Act means the National Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and the applicable regulations thereunder.
National Housing Act means the National Housing Act of 1934, as amended. “Program Obligations” has the meaning set forth in the Security Instrument. “Residual Receipts” has the meaning specified in the HUD Regulatory Agreement.
National Housing Act means the National Housing Act of 1934, as amended. “Program Obligations” has the meaning set forth in the Security InstrumentResidual Receipts” has the meaning specified in the HUD Regulatory Agreement.
National Housing Act means the federal law under which the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation offers mortgage default insurance.
National Housing Act means the National Housing Act of 1934, as amended