mutual fund conflict of interest investment restrictions definition

mutual fund conflict of interest investment restrictions means the provisions of securities legislation that

Related to mutual fund conflict of interest investment restrictions

  • Investment Restrictions means the investment restrictions of the Fund as set forth in the Declaration of Trust including, without limitation, those described in section 2.0 of this Annual Information Form.

  • Special Purpose Investment Personnel means each SEI Access Person who, in connection with his or her regular functions (including, where appropriate, attendance at Board meetings and other meetings at which the official business of a Trust or any Fund thereof is discussed or carried on), obtains contemporaneous information regarding the purchase or sale of a Security by a Fund. Special Purpose Investment Personnel shall occupy this status only with respect to those Securities as to which he or she obtains such contemporaneous information.

  • Highest Required Investment Category (i) With respect to ratings assigned by Moody’s, “Aa2” or “P-1” for one month instruments, “Aa2” and “P-1” for three month instruments, “Aa3” and “P-1” for six month instruments and “Aa2” and “P-1” for instruments with a term in excess of six months, (ii) with respect to rating assigned by S&P, “A-1” for short-term instruments and “A” for long-term instruments, and (iii) with respect to rating assigned by Fitch (if such investment is rated by Fitch), “F-1+” for short-term instruments and “AAA” for long-term instruments.

  • Nonpurpose Investment means any investment property, as defined in section 148(b) of the Code, in which Gross Proceeds of the Bonds are invested and which is not acquired to carry out the governmental purposes of the Bonds.

  • Investment Letter shall have the meaning specified in subsection 9.07(a).

  • Securities Lending Agreement means an agreement under which a local agency agrees to transfer securities to a borrower who, in turn, agrees to provide collateral to the local agency. During the term of the agreement, both the securities and the collateral are held by a third party. At the conclusion of the agreement, the securities are transferred back to the local agency in return for the collateral.

  • Least restrictive alternative means the treatment and conditions of treatment which, separately and in combination, are no more intrusive or restrictive of freedom than reasonably necessary to achieve a substantial therapeutic benefit to the minor, or to protect the minor or others from physical injury;

  • Investment End Date : means 11 November 2022, or if such day is not a Scheduled Trading Day, the following day which is a Scheduled Trading Day.

  • Eligible Investment Required Ratings A long-term debt rating of at least “A+” by S&P or a long-term debt rating of at least “A” by S&P and a short-term debt rating of at least “A-1” by S&P.

  • Qualified equity investment means any equity investment in, or long-term debt security issued by, a qualified community development entity that:

  • Investment Provider means any commercial bank or trust company, bank holding company, investment company or other entity (which may include the Trustee, the Bond Registrar or the Paying Agent), whose credit rating (or the equivalent of such rating by virtue of guarantees or insurance arrangements) by each nationally recognized Rating Agency then rating the Class I Bonds is sufficiently high to maintain the then current rating on such Bonds by such Rating Agency or is otherwise acceptable to each such Rating Agency in order to maintain the then current rating on such Bonds by such Rating Agency, which Investment Providers shall be approved by the Authority for the purpose of providing investment agreements.

  • Securities Financing Transactions means repurchase agreements, reverse repurchase agreements, securities lending agreements and any other transactions within the scope of SFTR that a Fund is permitted to engage in;

  • securities financing transaction or 'SFT' means a repurchase transaction, a securities or commodities lending or borrowing transaction, or a margin lending transaction;

  • Investment Decisions Investment, trading, lending or other financial decisions, strategies or recommendations with respect to Investments, whether on behalf of the Master Servicer or any Affiliate thereof, the Special Servicer or any Affiliate thereof, the Operating Advisor or any Affiliate thereof, the Certificate Administrator or any Affiliate thereof, or the Trustee or any Affiliate thereof, as applicable, or any Person on whose behalf the Master Servicer or any Affiliate thereof, the Special Servicer or any Affiliate thereof, the Operating Advisor or any Affiliate thereof, the Certificate Administrator or any Affiliate thereof, or the Trustee or any Affiliate thereof, as applicable, has discretion in connection with Investments.

  • Required Investors means the Investors holding a majority of the Registrable Securities.

  • Internal lot restriction means a platted note, platted demarcation, or platted designation that:

  • Mutual Funds means (i) all open-end mutual funds; and (ii) similar pooled investment vehicles established in non-U.S. jurisdictions, such as registered investment trusts in Japan. For purposes of the Code, Mutual Fund does not include shares of open-end money market mutual funds (unless otherwise advised by Compliance).

  • Less restrictive alternative treatment means a program of

  • covered investment means, with respect to a Party, an investment in its territory of an investor of the other Party in existence as of the date of entry into force of this Treaty or established, acquired, or expanded thereafter.

  • PIPE Investment has the meaning specified in the Recitals hereto.