Moog Component Group Receivable definition

Moog Component Group Receivable means any Receivable generated by Moog Component Group, a business division or group of Moog.
Moog Component Group Receivable means any Receivable generated by Moog Component Group, a business division or group ofMoog.

Related to Moog Component Group Receivable

  • Transferred Receivable means a Purchased Receivable or a Contributed Receivable.

  • Diluted Receivable means a Pool Receivable the entire or partial Unpaid Balance of which is reduced or cancelled due to Dilution.

  • Excluded Receivable means all indebtedness and other obligations owed to Originator or in which Originator has a security interest or other interest (including, without limitation, any indebtedness, obligation or interest constituting an account, chattel paper, instrument or general intangible) arising in connection with the sale of merchandise or the rendering of services by Originator and further includes, without limitation, the obligation to pay any Finance Charges with respect thereto:

  • Excluded Receivables means, as of any date of determination, all accounts receivable referred to in Item 1 of Schedule 7.01.

  • Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance The aggregate Stated Principal Balances of all Mortgage Loans as of the Cut-off Date.

  • Unbilled Receivable means, at any time, any Receivable as to which the invoice or xxxx with respect thereto has not yet been sent to the Obligor thereof.

  • Net Receivables Balance means, at any time, the aggregate Outstanding Balance of all Receivables that are Eligible Receivables at such time reduced by (i) the aggregate amount by which the Outstanding Balance of all Receivables that are Eligible Receivables of each Obligor and its Affiliates exceeds the Concentration Limit for such Obligor and (ii) the aggregate Contractual Dilution Reserves for all Eligible Receivables of all Obligors.

  • Subsequent Receivables means the Receivables transferred to the Issuer pursuant to Section 2.2, which shall be listed on Schedule A to the related Subsequent Transfer Agreement.

  • Net Receivables Pool Balance means, at any time: (a) the Outstanding Balance of Eligible Receivables then in the Receivables Pool minus (b) the Excess Concentration.

  • Group D Obligor means any Obligor that is not a Group A Obligor, Group B Obligor or Group C Obligor.

  • Purchased Receivable means a Receivable purchased as of the close of business on the last day of a Collection Period by the Servicer pursuant to Sections 4.2, 4.4(c) or 4.7 or repurchased by the Seller or the Servicer pursuant to Section 3.2 or Section 10.1(a).

  • Group C Obligor means an Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable, if such Obligor is not rated) that is not a Group A Obligor or a Group B Obligor, with a short-term rating of at least: (a) “A-3” by S&P, or if such Obligor does not have a short-term rating from S&P, a rating of “BBB-” to “BBB” by S&P on such Obligor’s, its parent’s or its majority owner’s (as applicable) long-term senior unsecured and uncredit-enhanced debt securities, and (b) “P 3” by Moody’s, or if such Obligor does not have a short-term rating from Moody’s, “Baa3” to “Baa2” by Moody’s on such Obligor’s, its parent’s or its majority owner’s (as applicable) long-term senior unsecured and uncredit-enhanced debt securities; provided, that if an Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable, if such Obligor is not rated) receives a split rating from S&P and Moody’s, then such Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable) shall be deemed to have the higher rating, and such deemed rating shall be used for the purposes of whether such rating satisfies clauses (a) and (b) above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Obligor that is a Subsidiary of an Obligor that satisfies the definition of “Group C Obligor” shall be deemed to be a Group C Obligor and shall be aggregated with the Obligor that satisfies such definition for the purposes of determining the “Concentration Reserve Percentage”, the “Concentration Reserve” and clause (i) of the definition of “Excess Concentration” for such Obligors, unless such deemed Obligor separately satisfies the definition of “Group A Obligor”, “Group B Obligor”, or “Group C Obligor”, in which case such Obligor shall be separately treated as a Group A Obligor, a Group B Obligor or a Group C Obligor, as the case may be, and shall be aggregated and combined for such purposes with any of its Subsidiaries that are Obligors.

  • Principal Receivable means each Receivable other than Finance Charge -------------------- Receivables and Receivables in Defaulted Accounts. A Principal Receivable shall be deemed to have been created at the end of the day on the Date of Processing of such Receivable. In calculating the aggregate amount of Principal Receivables on any day, the amount of Principal Receivables shall be reduced by the aggregate amount of credit balances in the Accounts on such day. Any Principal Receivables which Seller is unable to transfer as provided in Section 2.5(c) of -------------- the Transfer and Servicing Agreement shall not be included in calculating the aggregate amount of Principal Receivables.

  • Reference Portfolio Return means on any day, the weighted average return of the Reference Assets calculated as the sum of the Weighted Reference Asset Return of each of the Reference Assets comprising the Reference Portfolio.

  • Eligible Unbilled Receivable means, at any time, any Unbilled Receivable if (a) the related Originator has recognized the related revenue on its financial books and records under GAAP, and (b) not more than thirty (30) days have expired since the date such Unbilled Receivable arose.

  • Liquidated Receivable means any Receivable liquidated by the Servicer through the sale or other disposition of the related Financed Equipment or that the Servicer has, after using all reasonable efforts to realize upon the Financed Equipment, determined to charge off without realizing upon the Financed Equipment.

  • Receivable Interest means, at any date of determination, an undivided percentage ownership interest in (a) all then outstanding Pool Receivables arising prior to the time of the most recent computation or recomputation of such undivided percentage interest pursuant to Section 1.03, (b) all Related Security with respect to such Pool Receivables and (c) all Collections with respect to, and other proceeds of, such Pool Receivables and Related Security. Each undivided percentage interest shall be computed as C + YR + LR + CAFR +DR NRPB where:

  • Cut-Off Date Aggregate Principal Balance The aggregate of the Cut-off Date Principal Balances of the Mortgage Loans.

  • Group B Obligor means an Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable, if such Obligor is not rated) that is not a Group A Obligor, with a short-term rating of at least: (a) “A-2” by S&P, or if such Obligor does not have a short-term rating from S&P, a rating of “BBB+” to “A” by S&P on such Obligor’s, its parent’s or its majority owner’s (as applicable) long-term senior unsecured and uncredit-enhanced debt securities, or (b) “P-2” by Moody’s, or if such Obligor does not have a short-term rating from Moody’s, “Baal” to “A2” by Moody’s on such Obligor’s, its parent’s or its majority owner’s (as applicable) long-term senior unsecured and uncredit-enhanced debt securities; provided, that if an Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable, if such Obligor is not rated) receives a split rating from S&P and Moody’s, then such Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable) shall be deemed to have only the lower of the two rating for the purpose of determining whether such rating satisfies clauses (a) or (b) above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Obligor that is a Subsidiary of an Obligor that satisfies the definition of “Group B Obligor” shall be deemed to be a Group B Obligor and shall be aggregated with the Obligor that satisfies such definition for the purposes of determining the “Concentration Reserve Percentage”, the “Concentration Reserve” and clause (a) of the definition of “Excess Concentration” for such Obligors, unless such deemed Obligor separately satisfies the definition of “Group A Obligor”, “Group B Obligor”, or “Group C Obligor”, in which case such Obligor shall be separately treated as a Group A Obligor, a Group B Obligor or a Group C Obligor, as the case may be, and shall be aggregated and combined for such purposes with any of its Subsidiaries that are Obligors.

  • Group A Obligor means any Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable, if such Obligor is not rated) with a short-term rating of at least: (a) “A-1” by S&P, or if such Obligor does not have a short-term rating from S&P, a rating of “A+” or better by S&P on such Obligor’s, its parent’s, or its majority owner’s (as applicable) long-term senior unsecured and uncredit-enhanced debt securities, or (b) “P-1” by Moody’s, or if such Obligor does not have a short-term rating from Moody’s, “Al” or better by Moody’s on such Obligor’s, its parent’s or its majority owner’s (as applicable) long-term senior unsecured and uncredit-enhanced debt securities; provided, that if an Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable, if such Obligor is not rated) receives a split rating from S&P and Moody’s, then such Obligor (or its parent or majority owner, as applicable) shall be deemed to have only the lower of the two rating for the purpose of determining whether such rating satisfies clauses (a) or (b) above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Obligor that is a Subsidiary of an Obligor that satisfies the definition of “Group A Obligor” shall be deemed to be a Group A Obligor and shall be aggregated with the Obligor that satisfies such definition for the purposes of determining the “Concentration Reserve Percentage”, the “Concentration Reserve” and clause (a) of the definition of “Excess Concentration” for such Obligors, unless such deemed Obligor separately satisfies the definition of “Group A Obligor”, “Group B Obligor”, or “Group C Obligor”, in which case such Obligor shall be separately treated as a Group A Obligor, a Group B Obligor or a Group C Obligor, as the case may be, and shall be aggregated and combined for such purposes with any of its Subsidiaries that are Obligors.

  • Reference Cut-Off Date means the eighth Scheduled Trading Day immediately following the Scheduled Reference Date or, if earlier, the Scheduled Trading Day falling on or immediately preceding the second Business Day immediately preceding the due date on which payment of any amount or delivery of any assets may have to be made pursuant to any calculation or determination made on such Reference Date, provided that the Reference Cut-Off Date shall not fall prior to the original date on which such Reference Date was scheduled to fall.