Inpatient discharges definition

Inpatient discharges means records or data from discharges of patients who are admitted to a health care facility and are coded as “Inpatient”.
Inpatient discharges means records or data from discharges of patients who are admitted to a health care facility and are coded as “Inpatient”, except when UB-04 Form Locator 04 “Type of Bill” is equal to 018x, hospital swing beds.

Examples of Inpatient discharges in a sentence

  • Inpatient discharges relating to Medicare and Medicaid programs accounted for approximately 39% and 31%, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2013 and approximately 39% and 32%, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2012.

  • In-patient discharges shall be provided during the human service transportation operating hours established in subsection (2)(b) of this section, and shall not require a seventy-two (72) hour notice of scheduling in advance.

  • Inpatient discharges relating to Medicare and Medicaid programs accounted for approximately 37% and 30% respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2010 and 36% and 28%, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2009.

  • Inpatient discharges relating to Medicare and Medicaid programs accounted for approximately 31% and 28%, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2011 and approximately 31% and 27%, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2010.

  • Inpatient discharges are expected to see an increase of 3.0% while inpatient days are increasing by 8%.

  • Inpatient discharges relating to Medicare and Medicaid programs accounted for approximately 39% and 32%, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2012 and approximately 37% and 32%, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2011.

  • The Clinical Coding department currently uses the paper case note to code approximately 170,000 Inpatient discharges per year.

  • In-patient discharges are 8% ahead of target and daycases are 11%.

  • Inpatient discharges are up 4.1 % over the last three years (2009/10 to 2011/12) with a projected increase of 11.3% for 2012/13.

  • Inpatient discharges growth rate for each hospital measures the percent change in discharges for inpatient admissions between FY13 and FY14.

Related to Inpatient discharges

  • Direct discharge means the discharge of a pollutant.

  • Non-stormwater discharge means any discharge not comprised entirely of stormwater discharges authorized by a NPDES permit.

  • Illicit discharge means any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of stormwater except discharges pursuant to a NPDES permit (other than the NPDES permit for discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer) and discharges resulting from emergency fire fighting activities.

  • Indirect discharge means the introduction of pollutants into a POTW from any non-domestic source regulated under section 307(b), (c) or (d) of the Act.

  • Indirect discharger means a non-domestic discharger introducing pollutants into a publicly owned treatment and disposal system.

  • Inpatient means an Insured Person who is Confined.

  • New discharger means any building, structure, facility, or installation: (A) From which there is or may be a new or additional discharge of pollutants at a site at which on October 18, 1972, it had never discharged pollutants; (B) Which has never received a finally effective NPDES permit for discharges at that site; and (C) Which is not a “new source”. This definition includes an indirect discharger, which commences discharging into waters of the United States. It also includes any existing mobile point source, such as an offshore oil drilling rig, seafood processing vessel, or aggregate plant that begins discharging at a location for which it does not have an existing permit.

  • Daily discharge means the discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represents the calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants with limitations expressed in units of mass, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day. For pollutants with limitations expressed in other units of measurement, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant over the day.

  • Inpatient care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a hospital for more than 24 hours for a covered event.

  • Hazardous Discharge shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.19(d) hereof.

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of CWA. The term includes an approved program.

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements under Sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Clean Water Act.

  • Health care expenses means, for purposes of Section 14, expenses of health maintenance organizations associated with the delivery of health care services, which expenses are analogous to incurred losses of insurers.

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit or “NPDES” means a permit issued by the MPCA as required by federal law for the purpose of regulating the discharge of pollutants from point sources into waters of the United States from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) as defined by federal law

  • Long-term inpatient care means inpatient services for

  • Rehabilitation counseling services means services provided by qualified personnel in individual or group sessions that focus specifically on career development, employment preparation, achieving independence, and integration in the workplace and community of a student with a disability. The term also includes vocational rehabilitation services provided to a student with disabilities by vocational rehabilitation programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

  • Medical Expenses means those expenses that an Insured Person has necessarily and actually incurred for medical treatment on account of Illness or Accident on the advice of a Medical Practitioner, as long as these are no more than would have been payable if the Insured Person had not been insured and no more than other hospitals or doctors in the same locality would have charged for the same medical treatment.

  • Constructive Discharge means the occurrence of any of the following:

  • Graduate medical education and disproportionate share fund or “GME/DSH fund” means a reimbursement fund developed as an adjunct reimbursement methodology to directly reimburse qualifying hospitals for the direct and indirect costs associated with the operation of graduate medical education programs and the costs associated with the treatment of a disproportionate share of poor, indigent, nonreimbursed or nominally reimbursed patients for inpatient services.

  • Inpatient treatment means twenty-four-hour-per-day mental

  • Patient counseling means the written and oral communication by the pharmacist

  • Inpatient services means services provided to you as an admitted inpatient in a recognised private or public hospital for treatment that is in an included clinical category, has a Medicare item number allocated and a Medicare benefit is payable.

  • Vocational rehabilitation services means professional services reasonably necessary during or after, or both during and after, medical treatment to enable a disabled injured employee to return to gainful employment as soon as practical. "Vocational rehabilitation services" includes vocational evaluation, retraining and job placement.

  • Qualified rehabilitation expenditures means capital

  • Final Discharge Date means the date when all principal, interest and any other costs or outstanding amounts under the Senior Finance Documents have been irrevocably discharged in full and all commitments of the Secured Parties under the Senior Finance Documents have expired, been cancelled or terminated.

  • Dependent Care Expenses means employment-related expenses incurred on behalf of a person who meets the requirements to be a "Qualifying Individual," as defined in the first bulleted item below. All of the following conditions must be met for such expenses to qualify as Dependent Care Expenses that are eligible for reimbursement: