Home energy definition

Home energy means retail electric and natural gas service provided for end-use
Home energy means a source of heating in a Dwelling Unit or a Rental Unit (each as defined in the Rule).
Home energy means a source of heating or cooling in residential dwellings as set forth in 42

Examples of Home energy in a sentence

  • Home energy assistance means any assist- ance related to meeting the cost of heating or cooling a home.

  • Home energy performance reports provide information for potential buyers of residential properties.

  • Home energy cost benchmarks are calculated for total annual household energy expenditures; total annual expenditures for individual fuels; annual average per unit energy costs for primary home energy sources and are set at 275 percent of the relevant national average household energy expenditures.

  • Columbus, OH 43215 Columbus, OH 43211 (800) 648-1176; (614) 221-4336 (614) 645-5954 (Assists in accessing programs needed to be healthy and secure) • Children’s health care insurance • Home energy assistance • Child care subsidies • Food stamps • Free tax assistance including the earned income tax credit ohiofoodbanks.org Senior Citizen Employment Agencies Mature Services Senior Employment Center 3400 N.

  • Specifically, one commenter suggested the addition of a new paragraph (8) at § 214.300(c) that would read as follows: ‘‘(8) Home energy budget counseling, including providing information to help clients understand the utility costs within a home, controlling utility costs within the home and managing the utility bill within the home.’’ This commenter stated that utility bills can account for 20 to 25 percent of total shelter costs and can be volatile.

More Definitions of Home energy

Home energy means any energy source or fuel used by a household for purposes other than transportation, including electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas (propane), other petroleum products, wood and other biomass fuels, coal, wind, and solar energy. Fuels used for subsistence activities in remote rural areas are also included.
Home energy means a source of heating or cooling in residential dwellings.
Home energy means electricity, oil, coal, wood, kerosene, or any other fuel used for heating or cooling a residence.
Home energy. ’ means any energy source or fuel used by a household for purposes other than
Home energy means a source of heating or cooling in residential dwell- ings.
Home energy means the electricity or natural gas used to power the household's primary source of heating or cooling equipment.
Home energy means the type of energy or fuel, including but not limited to fuel oil, natural gas, electricity, wood or propane, used to power the household's primary source of heating or cooling equipment.