Ginnie Mae definition

Ginnie Mae is hereby added to Article I to immediately follxx xxx xxxinition of "Freddie Mac":
Ginnie Mae. The Government National Morxxxxx Xssociation, or any successor thereto.
Ginnie Mae means the Government National Mortgage Association established under authority of the federal national mortgage association charter act, 12 USC 1716 to 1749aaa-5.

Examples of Ginnie Mae in a sentence

  • For Ginnie Mae II MBS, information regarding the number of assets and the identity of the originators at issuance could not be obtained without unreasonable effort or expense due to the number of transactions, the number of originators and the length of time the securitizer has been engaged in transactions.

  • This report only covers repurchase activity reported by the securitizer to Ginnie Mae for Ginnie Mae MBS pools with defective mortgage assets as described in Section 14-8(D) of the Ginnie Mae MBS Guide during the reporting period covered by this Form ABS-15G.

  • An outstanding principal balance shown in this column and used to calculate the corresponding “% of principal balance” column for any Ginnie Mae MBS is determined in accordance with the reporting methodology prescribed by the Ginnie Mae MBS Guide.

  • Due to systems limitations and loss of institutional knowledge in connection with such sales, the original pool principal balances, outstanding pool principal balances, pool percentages and/or the pool identifiers for the reported Ginnie Mae mortgage loans cannot be provided, or cannot be provided without unreasonable effort or expense, or the cooperation of the applicable Demand Entities.

  • The Bank sold its residential mortgage servicing platform and a substantial amount of its mortgage servicing rights to mortgage loans subject to Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities in 2008.

More Definitions of Ginnie Mae

Ginnie Mae means the Government National Mortgage Association, a wholly-owned corporate instrumentality of the United States of America within HUD.
Ginnie Mae means the Government National Mortgage Association, a wholly owned corporate instrumentality of the United States within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or any successor to its functions.
Ginnie Mae. The Government National Mortgage Association, or any successor thereto.
Ginnie Mae means the Government National Mortgage Association, a wholly-owned corporate instrumentality of the United States within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Ginnie Mae means the Government National Mortgage Association, a wholly-owned corporate instrumentality of the United States of America within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, whose powers are prescribed generally by Title III of the National Housing Act of 1934, as amended (12 U.S.C. § 1716 et seq.), and any successor thereto.