Fineness definition

Fineness means the percentage by weight of the material which will pass U.S. standard sieves of specified sizes.
Fineness means the precious metal content of an Article.
Fineness means the percentage by weight of the material which will pass through United States

Examples of Fineness in a sentence

  • Lab for Sieve Analysis, Fineness Modulus, Water Absorption, Chemical tests, Specific Gravity test etc.

  • Test on sand shall include: (i) Sieve Test (ii) Test for Organic Impurities (iii) Decantation Test for Determining Clay (iv) Specific Gravity Test (v) Test for Sieve Analysis and Fineness Modulus.

  • Cement brought at site for use shall be tested periodically for "Fineness" and "Tensile strength" and other qualities if necessary to see that it conforms with the latest British Standard Specifications for Portland Cement.

  • Fine aggregates having a variation in Fitness Modulus greater than plus or minus0.2 from the Fineness Modulus of the Representative samples may be rejected.

  • For the purpose of determining the degree of uniformity, a Fineness Modulus determination shall be made upon representative samples of fine aggregates from such sources as are proposed for use.

More Definitions of Fineness

Fineness means the percentage of weight of the material which will pass United States Standard sieves of specified sizes.
Fineness. , in relation to jewellery, means the number of parts by mass of a precious metal in one thousand parts by mass of its alloy;
Fineness means the percentage by weight of the material which will pass
Fineness means the percentage by weight of the material which will pass sieves of specified sizes. The fineness shall be measured in reference to 10 mesh and 60 mesh sieves of United States standard designation.
Fineness means a standard indicating the weight of a precious metal in an alloy, expressed in parts per thousand;
Fineness means the degree of purity of a precious metal, expressed in parts per thousand by mass;
Fineness means the percentage by weight of the material passing U.S. standard sieves of specified sizes. The State Board of Agriculture shall promulgate rules relating to fineness and shall be guided by theAmerican Society for Testing Materials specification for sieve sizes;