Fair Market Value of the Premises definition

Fair Market Value of the Premises as defined in Section 3.02(d)(v).
Fair Market Value of the Premises means the fair market value of the Premises based upon then current use of the Premises under applicable land use and zoning laws as determined by mutual agreement of the parties or, if the parties are unable to agree, as determined pursuant to the appraisal process set forth in Section 3.2 of this Lease.
Fair Market Value of the Premises means the value of the Premises as determined pursuant to Exhibit C.

Examples of Fair Market Value of the Premises in a sentence

  • The “Industry Multiple” shall mean the quotient of Net Operating Income divided by the Fair Market Value of the Premises.

  • During each Extended Term, Base Rent shall be payable with respect to the Premises on the first day of each calendar quarter, in advance, and, subject to the credits described in Section 9.1(c), without abatement, offset, deduction, or prior notice, in the amount of seven percent (7%) of the appraised Fair Market Value of the Premises as of the first day of each Extended Term.

  • I n determining Fair Market Value of the Premises, all financial aspects of similar spaces shall be considered including, without limitation, basic rent, escalations, renewals, commissions, concessions, and work letters.

  • If Landlord shall so object, both parties shall jointly appoint a separate licensed real estate broker familiar with the Bergen County area who shall determine the Fair Market Value of the Premises.

  • EXHIBIT B DETERMINATION OF FAIR MARKET VALUE The Fair Market Value of the Premises for purposes of this Lease shall take into account the provisions of this Lease and shall be set forth by Landlord in a notice to Tenant at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the fourth anniversary of the Commencement Date or the applicable Extension Term, as the case may be (“Landlord’s Notice”).

  • Commencing on the day after the end of the Construction Period (“Operations Period Commencement Date”), Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount of [TBD; the product of 7.5% and the current Fair Market Value of the Premises] Dollars ([$ ]) as annual Ground Lease Rent, resulting in a monthly Ground Lease Rent payment in the amount of [TBD; the product of 7.5% and the current Fair Market Value of the Premises] Dollars ([$ ]).

  • Tenant’s designated broker shall then determine and promptly report to both parties in writing the Fair Market Value of the Premises, which report shall be binding upon both parties unless Landlord shall object to same within twenty (20) days after receipt of said report.

  • Upon the receipt of such joint appraisal, the Fair Market Value of the Premises for purposes of this Lease shall be finally established as the determination that is neither the highest or the lowest of the three (3) determinations, provided, however, that if two of the determinations are equal, the Fair Market Value of the Premises established by those two (2) determinations shall be finally established as the Fair Market Value hereunder.

More Definitions of Fair Market Value of the Premises

Fair Market Value of the Premises shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 13(d) of Part II.

Related to Fair Market Value of the Premises

  • Fair Market Value means, as of any date, the value of Common Stock determined as follows:

  • Gross Fair Market Value means the value of the assets of the Company, or the value of the assets being disposed of, determined without regard to any liabilities associated with such assets.

  • Fair Market Value Excess With respect to each Mortgage Loan to be purchased pursuant to Section 10.01(a), the excess, if any, of the Fair Market Value Call Price for such Mortgage Loan, over the Par Call Price for such Mortgage Loan. Any Fair Market Value Excess will not become part of the related Group Available Funds, but shall instead be distributed directly to the Holders of the Class A-LR Certificates pursuant to Section 4.02(g).

  • Fair Market Rent for the Subject Leased Property means for any Renewal Term shall mean an amount determined as follows: Landlord shall designate an independent MAI appraiser to determine the Fair Market Rent of the Subject Leased Property for the applicable Renewal Term within twenty (20) days after Tenant’s notice of its exercise of the applicable renewal option. Within thirty (30) days after selection of Landlord’s appraiser, Landlord shall notify Tenant of the determination made by Landlord’s appraiser with respect to the Fair Market Rent. Tenant shall then have ten (10) days to dispute such determination and to select its own independent MAI appraiser. In the event that Tenant fails to select its appraiser within such ten (10) day period, the determination of Landlord’s appraiser shall constitute such Fair Market Rent. Within ten (10) days after selection of Tenant’s appraiser, the two appraisers shall meet and attempt to agree as to the Fair Market Rent for the Subject Leased Property for the Renewal Term in question. In the event that such appraisers are unable to agree as to such Fair Market Rent then: (i) if the difference between the two determinations is less than five percent (5%) of the lower determination, then the average of the two determinations shall be deemed to constitute such Fair Market Rent; or (ii) if the difference between the two determinations is equal to or greater than five percent (5%) of the lower determination, then the two appraisers shall jointly select a third independent MAI appraiser, which appraiser shall select which of the determinations of the first two appraisers shall constitute such Fair Market Rent. Such third appraiser shall not have the right to vary or modify the determinations of the appraisers selected by Landlord and Tenant. Any appraiser selected pursuant to this paragraph must have at least ten (10) years experience in appraising commercial real estate in the area in which the Subject Leased Property is located. The appraisers shall not have the right to amend, modify or vary any of the terms of this Lease and the determination of the appraisers in accordance with this paragraph shall be final, binding and conclusive upon Landlord and Tenant. ]

  • Adjusted Fair Market Value means, in the event of a Change in Control, the greater of (i) the highest price per Share paid to holders of the Shares in any transaction (or series of transactions) constituting or resulting in a Change in Control or (ii) the highest Fair Market Value of a Share during the ninety (90) day period ending on the date of a Change in Control.

  • Fair Market Rental Value or "Fair Market Sales Value" shall mean with respect to any property or service as of any date, the cash rent or cash price obtainable in an arm's length lease, sale or supply, respectively, between an informed and willing lessee or purchaser under no compulsion to lease or purchase and an informed and willing lessor or seller or supplier under no compulsion to lease or sell or supply of the property or service in question, and shall, in the case of any Unit or an Owner Lessor's Interest, be determined (except pursuant to Section 17 of the Facility Lease or as otherwise provided below or in the Operative Documents) on the basis that (a) the conditions contained in Sections 7 and 8 of the Facility Lease shall have been complied with in all respects, (b) the lessee or buyer shall have rights in, or an assignment of, the Operative Documents to which the Owner Lessor is a party and the obligations relating thereto, (c) the Unit or the Owner Lessor's Interest, as the case may be, is free and clear of all Liens (other than Owner Lessor's Liens, Owner Participant's Liens and Indenture Trustee's Liens), (d) taking into account the remaining terms of the Site Lease and the Site Sublease, and (e) in the case of the Fair Market Rental Value, taking into account the terms of the Facility Lease and the other Operative Documents. If the Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Rental Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest is to be determined during the continuance of a Lease Event of Default or in connection with the exercise of remedies by the Owner Lessor pursuant to Section 17 of the Facility Lease, such value shall be determined by an appraiser appointed solely by the Owner Lessor on an "as-is", "where-is" and "with all faults" basis and shall take into account all Liens (other than Owner Lessor's Liens, Owner Participant's Liens and Indenture Trustee's Liens); provided, however, in any such case where the Owner Lessor shall be unable to obtain constructive possession sufficient to realize the economic benefit of the Owner Lessor's Interest, Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Retail Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest shall be deemed equal to $0. If in any case other than in the preceding sentence the parties are unable to agree upon a Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Rental Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest within 30 days after a request therefor has been made, the Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Rental Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest shall be determined by appraisal pursuant to the Appraisal Procedures. Any fair market value determination of a spare part or Severable Modification for purposes of Section 5.2(d) of the Facility Lease shall take into consideration any liens or encumbrances to which the spare part or Severable Modification being appraised is subject and which are being assumed by the transferee, and that such spare part or Severable Modification is being transferred on an "as-is", "where-is" basis.

  • Fair Market Value Per Share means as of any date the fair market value of each of the Shares on such date (the "applicable date") as determined by the Option Committee in good faith. The Option Committee is authorized to make its determination as to the fair market value on the following basis: (i) if the Shares are not traded on a securities exchange and are not quoted on the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.'s Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ"), but are quoted on the Over The Counter Electronic Bulletin Board operated by NASDAQ, "Fair Market Value per Share" shall be the mean between the average daily bid and average daily asked prices of the Shares on the applicable date, as published on such bulletin board; (ii) if the Shares are not traded on a securities exchange and are quoted on NASDAQ, "Fair Market Value per Share" shall be the closing transaction price of the Shares on the applicable date, as reported on NASDAQ; (iii) if the Shares are traded on a securities exchange, "Fair Market Value per Share" shall be the daily closing price of the Shares, on such securities exchange as of the applicable date; or (iv) if the Shares are traded other than as described in (i), (ii) or (iii) above, or if the Shares are not publicly traded, "Fair Market Value per Share" shall be the value determined by the Option Committee in good faith based upon the fair market value as determined by completely independent and well qualified experts. In the case of Shares described in (i), (ii) or (iii) above, if no prices are reported for the Shares on the applicable date, the "Fair Market Value per Share" shall be the price reported for such Shares on the next preceding date on which there were reported prices.

  • Fair Market Rental The fair market rental of the Leased Property means the rental which a willing tenant not compelled to rent would pay a willing landlord not compelled to lease for the use and occupancy of such Leased Property pursuant to the Lease for the term in question, (a) assuming that Lessee is not in default thereunder and (b) determined in accordance with the appraisal procedures set forth in Article 24 or in such other manner as shall be mutually acceptable to Lessor and Lessee.

  • Fair Market Rental Rate means the Monthly Base Rent equal to the monthly base rental per rentable square foot which a tenant would pay and which a willing landlord would accept for space comparable to the Premises in the Building and in other buildings of class A standards in Seaport Centre and along the Highway 101 corridor in Redwood City and Redwood Shores (the “Applicable Market”) for the period for which such rental is to be paid and for a lease on terms substantially similar to those of the Lease (including, without limitation, those applicable to Taxes, Operating Expenses and exclusions, but also considering so-called net and triple net leases, and leases utilizing operating expense stops or base years, and making appropriate adjustment between such leases and this Lease, as described below), based on prevailing market conditions in the Applicable Market at the time such determination is made (“Comparable Transactions”). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Comparable Transactions shall be for a term similar to the term of tenancy and for space comparable in use, floor levels, view and orientation, square footage and location within the Building and in the Applicable Market as the transaction for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; however, leases of unusual or odd shaped spaces shall not be considered. In any determination of Fair Market Rental Rate, the stated or contract monthly net or base rental in Comparable Transactions shall be appropriately adjusted to take into account the different terms and conditions prevailing in such transactions and those present in the Lease, including, without limitation: (a) the extent to which average annual expenses and taxes per rentable square foot payable by tenants in Comparable Transactions vary from those payable by Tenant under the Lease, and so, for example, if the Lease provides for payment of Rent Adjustments and/or certain Operating Expenses on the basis of increases over a base year, then the rate of Monthly Base Rent under the Lease shall be based upon a step-up to change the calendar year which serves as the base year for calculation of the base for such Operating Expenses for the Option Term to be the full calendar year in which the Option Term commences, and such step-up shall be considered in the determination of the Fair Market Rental Rate; (b) tenant improvements, value of existing tenant improvements, the concessions, if any, being given by landlords in Comparable Transactions, such as parking charge abatement, free rent or rental abatement applicable after substantial completion of any tenant improvements (and no adjustment shall be made for any free or abated rent during any construction periods), loans at below-market interest rates, moving allowances, space planning allowances, lease takeover payments and work allowances, as compared to any tenant improvement, refurbishment or repainting allowance given to Tenant under the Lease for the space for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; (c) the brokerage commissions, fees and bonuses payable by landlords in Comparable Transactions (whether to tenant’s agent, such landlord or any person or entity affiliated with such landlord), as compared to any such amounts payable by Landlord to the broker(s) identified with respect to the transaction for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; (d) the time value of money; (e) any material difference between the definition of rentable area and the ratio of project rentable to useable square feet in Comparable Transactions, as compared to such figures applicable to the space for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; and (f) the extent to which charges for parking by tenants in Comparable Transactions vary from those payable by Tenant under the Lease.

  • Fair Rental Value as used in this Lease, shall be equal to the annual rent per rentable square foot (including additional rent and considering any “base year” or “expense stop” applicable thereto), including all escalations, at which tenants (pursuant to leases consummated within the twelve (12) month period preceding the first day of the Option Term), are leasing non-sublease, non-encumbered, non-equity space which is not significantly greater or smaller in size than the subject space, with a comparable level of improvements (excluding any property that Tenant would be allowed to remove from the Premises at the termination of the Lease), for a comparable lease term, in an arm’s length transaction, which comparable space is located in the “Comparable Buildings,” as that term is defined in this Section 2.2.2, below (transactions satisfying the foregoing criteria shall be known as the “Comparable Transactions”), taking into consideration the following concessions (the “Concessions”): (a) rental abatement concessions, if any, being granted such tenants in connection with such comparable space; (b) tenant improvements or allowances provided or to be provided for such comparable space, and taking into account the value, if any, of the existing improvements in the subject space, such value to be based upon the age, condition, design, quality of finishes and layout of the improvements and the extent to which the same can be utilized by a general office/lab user other than Tenant; and (c) other reasonable monetary concessions being granted such tenants in connection with such comparable space; provided, however, that in calculating the Fair Rental Value, no consideration shall be given to the fact that Landlord is or is not required to pay a real estate brokerage commission in connection with Tenant’s exercise of its right to extend the Lease Term, or the fact that landlords are or are not paying real estate brokerage commissions in connection with such comparable space. The Concessions shall be reflected in the effective rental rate (which effective rental rate shall take into consideration the total dollar value of such Concessions as amortized on a straight-line basis over the applicable term of the Comparable Transaction (in which case such Concessions evidenced in the effective rental rate shall not be granted to Tenant)) payable by Tenant. The term “Comparable Buildings” shall mean the Building and those other life sciences buildings which are comparable to the Building in terms of age (based upon the date of completion of construction or major renovation of to the building), quality of construction, level of services and amenities, size and appearance, and are located in South San Francisco, California and the surrounding commercial area.

  • Historical Fair Market Value means the volume weighted average price of the Ordinary Shares during the ten (10) trading day period ending on the trading day prior to the first date on which the Ordinary Shares trade on the applicable exchange or in the applicable market, regular way, without the right to receive such rights. No Ordinary Shares shall be issued at less than their par value.

  • Fair Market Value" of a share of Common Stock on a specified date means:

  • Applicable Market Value has the meaning specified in Section 5.1.

  • Market Rent means the price that a ready and willing tenant would pay, at commencement of the Option Term, as monthly base rent to a ready and willing landlord of similar space in the geographical area of San Diego County known as Del Mar Heights if such office space were offered for lease on the open market for a reasonable period of time and be the product of the fair market annual rental rate per rentable square foot multiplied by the Rentable Area of the Premises (as set forth in the Basic Lease Information), determined as follows: (a) as mutually agreed by Landlord and Tenant within ten (10) days of Landlord’s delivery to Tenant of Landlord’s opinion of the Market Rent for the first year of the Option Term (“Landlord Rent Notice”, which shall be Verus Lease v06 -4- February 2, 2005 (8:51 pm) delivered to Tenant within ten (10) days of receipt of Tenant’s written Extension Notice; or (b) in the event that Landlord and Tenant are unable to so agree, the Market Rent shall be determined by concurrent appraisals pursuant to Section 4.01(c) below. In determining Market Rent, appraisers shall take into account the duration of the Option Term, the quality, condition and prestige of the Building and Premises (as tenant improvements are maintained as required by the terms and conditions of this Lease), recent monthly rental rates and annual base rent escalations for buildings of similar size and location imputed to the commencement of the Option Term, condition and quality of comparable tenant improvements in buildings of similar quality and location and all relevant economic terms of this Lease, including free rent and other economic inducements, it being the intent that Market Rent, as so determined, should reflect the total economic package which would be offered at the time of commencement of the Option Term to a new tenant for the Premises, or substantially similar space in a building of similar quality, condition, and location and with similar tenant improvements under a lease with substantially the same terms and provisions as the applicable terms and provisions of this Lease (“Market for Similar Space”) without discounting the rent for the creditworthiness of the Tenant or for the cost of real estate leasing commissions. Landlord’s Rent Notice, and any determination of Market Rent by appraisal as described herein, shall also set forth the market annual base rent escalation rate then prevailing in the relevant marketplace, which shall be used for purposes of determining Base Rent adjustments during the Option Term in accordance with Section 4.03 below.

  • Per Share Fair Market Value has the meaning set forth in Section 13(C).

  • Market Value as defined in the regulation prescribing the standards for real estate appraisals used in federally related transactions, 12

  • Average Market Value is the average of the closing sale prices of the Common Stock during the thirty (30) day period immediately preceding the date before the redemption date on the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange Listed Stocks, or, if such stock is not quoted on the Composite Tape, on the New York Stock Exchange, or, if such stock is not listed on such Exchange, on the principal United States securities exchange registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, on which such stock is listed, or, if such stock is not listed on any such exchange, the average of the closing sale prices with respect to a share of Common Stock during such thirty (30) day period, as quoted on the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations System or any system then in use, or if no such quotations are available, the fair market value of the Common Stock as determined by the Board of Directors in good faith.

  • Appraised Current Market Value of any Aircraft means the lower of the average and the median of the three most recent Post-Default Appraisals of such Aircraft.

  • Fair Market Price means a price not higher than the price at which the securities would be purchased from the customer or from a similarly situated customer in the ordinary course of business by a dealer in such securities in transactions of similar size and having similar characteristics but not involving a security taken in trade.

  • Market Value per Share means, as of any particular date, the closing price of a Common Share as reported for that date on the New York Stock Exchange or, if the Common Shares are not then listed on the New York Stock Exchange, on any other national securities exchange on which the Common Shares are listed, or if there are no sales on such date, on the next preceding trading day during which a sale occurred. If there is no regular public trading market for the Common Shares, then the Market Value per Share shall be the fair market value as determined in good faith by the Committee. The Committee is authorized to adopt another fair market value pricing method provided such method is stated in the applicable Evidence of Award and is in compliance with the fair market value pricing rules set forth in Section 409A of the Code.

  • Rental Value means Business Income that consists of:

  • Open Market Rent means the yearly rent which one would expect to be payable if the Property were let as a whole in the open market at the relevant Open Market Review Date:

  • Sponsor Fair Market Value means the average last reported sale price of the Ordinary Shares for the ten (10) trading days ending on the third (3rd) trading day prior to the date on which notice of exercise of the Private Placement Warrant is sent to the Warrant Agent;

  • Rentable Area of the Premises The amount of square footage set forth in Section 1.01(10).

  • Market Rental Rate means the rate of Base Rent, calculated on a triple net basis, being charged for a new lease for comparable space (including all relevant factors such as size, age, location and condition of the premises and improvements in place therein) within buildings (including, but not limited to, the Building) within the Northwest Quadrant of Austin, Texas during the previous six (6) months. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of Tenant’s renewal notice (and any required supporting information), Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing of the Market Rental Rate. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, Tenant shall notify Landlord that Tenant either (a) accepts Landlord’s renewal terms, in which event the parties shall promptly enter into an amendment to this Lease incorporating such terms or (b) rejects Landlord’s renewal terms. Failure of Tenant to respond within such fifteen (15) day period shall be deemed a rejection of Landlord’s terms. If Tenant rejects Landlord’s renewal terms, then within ten (10) days of such rejection, Landlord will (i) select a M.A.I. appraiser; (ii) Tenant will select a M.A.I. appraiser; and (iii) the two appraisers so selected shall agree upon a third M.A.I. appraiser (the “Third Appraiser”). Within thirty (30) days after the date the Third Appraiser is appointed: (x) the M.A.I. appraiser selected by Landlord shall submit a recommendation of the Market Rental Rate to the Third Appraiser; (y) the M.A.I. appraiser selected by Tenant shall submit a recommendation of the Market Rental Rate to the Third Appraiser; and (z) the Third Appraiser shall decide between the two recommendations so submitted, and the Market Rental Rate selected by the Third Appraiser shall be binding upon the parties. Each party will pay the cost of its own appraiser and one-half of the cost of the Third Appraiser. The failure of Tenant to exercise the Renewal Option within the time period set forth herein shall constitute a waiver and termination of such Renewal Option. This Renewal Option is personal to Tenant and is not assignable to any third parties, other than an affiliate of Tenant.

  • Current Market Value per Unit at any date means: (A) in the event that neither the Units nor Public Warrants are still trading, the remainder derived from subtracting (x) the exercise price of the Warrants multiplied by the number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants underlying one Unit from (y) (i) the Current Market Price of the Common Stock multiplied by (ii) the number of shares of Common Stock underlying one Unit, which shall include the shares of Common Stock underlying the Warrants included in such Unit; (B) in the event that the Units, Common Stock and Public Warrants are still trading, (i) if the Units are listed on a national securities exchange or quoted on the Nasdaq National Market, Nasdaq SmallCap Market or NASD OTC Bulletin Board (or successor exchange), the last sale price of the Units in the principal trading market for the Units as reported by the exchange, Nasdaq or the NASD, as the case may be, on the last trading day preceding the date in question; or (ii) if the Units are not listed on a national securities exchange or quoted on the Nasdaq National Market, Nasdaq SmallCap Market or the NASD OTC Bulletin Board (or successor exchange), but is traded in the residual over-the-counter market, the closing bid price for Units on the last trading day preceding the date in question for which such quotations are reported by the Pink Sheets, LLC or similar publisher of such quotations; and (C) in the event that the Units are not still trading but the Common Stock and Public Warrants underlying the Units are still trading, the Current Market Price of the Common Stock plus the product of (x) the Current Market Price of the Public Warrants and (y) the number of shares of Common Stock underlying the Warrants included in one Unit. The “Current Market Price” shall mean (i) if the Common Stock (or Public Warrants, as the case may be) is listed on a national securities exchange or quoted on the Nasdaq National Market, Nasdaq SmallCap Market or NASD OTC Bulletin Board (or successor exchange), the last sale price of the Common Stock (or Public Warrants) in the principal trading market for the Common Stock as reported by the exchange, Nasdaq or the NASD, as the case may be, on the last trading day preceding the date in question; (ii) if the Common Stock (or Public Warrants, as the case may be) is not listed on a national securities exchange or quoted on the Nasdaq National Market, Nasdaq SmallCap Market or the NASD OTC Bulletin Board (or successor exchange), but is traded in the residual over-the-counter market, the closing bid price for the Common Stock (or Public Warrants) on the last trading day preceding the date in question for which such quotations are reported by the Pink Sheets, LLC or similar publisher of such quotations; and (iii) if the fair market value of the Common Stock cannot be determined pursuant to clause (i) or (ii) above, such price as the Board of Directors of the Company shall determine, in good faith. In the event the Public Warrants have expired and are no longer exercisable, no “Value” shall be attributed to the Warrants underlying this Purchase Option. Additionally, in the event that this Purchase Option is exercised pursuant to this Section 2.3 and the Public Warrants are still trading, the “Value” shall be reduced by the difference between the Warrant Exercise Price and the exercise price of the Public Warrants multiplied by the number of Warrants underlying the Units included in the portion of this Purchase Option being converted.