Extraordinary nuclear occurrence definition

Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means any event causing a discharge or dispersal of
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means an event which the Commission has deter- mined to be an extraordinary nuclear occur- rence as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means an event which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined to be an extraordinary nuclear occurrence as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

Examples of Extraordinary nuclear occurrence in a sentence

  • If the scale minimum of his or her experience classification should be higher on his or her return, he or she will then be entitled to that minimum.

  • LIST OF SUBJECTS IN 10 CFR PART 140: Extraordinary nuclear occurrence, insurance, intergovernmental relations, nuclear materials, nuclear power plants and reactors, penalty, reporting req'uirements.

  • As u sed h e r ei n: Extraordinary nuclear occurrence m e a n s a n eve n t w h ic h t h e N u cle a r R eg- u l a t o ry Co mm issio n h a s de t e r m i n ed t o be a n ex t r a o r di n a ry nu cle a r occ urr e n ce a s defi n ed i n t h e A t o m ic E n e r g y Ac t of 1954, a s a m e n ded.Financial protection a n d nuclear inci- dent h a ve t h e m e a n i n gs give n t h e m i n t h e A t o m ic E n e r g y Ac t of 1954, a s a m e n ded.

  • Extraordinary nuclear occurrence" means an event whichthe Commission has determined to be an.extraordinary nuclear occur rence as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

  • As used herein: Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means an event which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined to be an extraordinary nuclear occurrence as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

More Definitions of Extraordinary nuclear occurrence

Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means an event whichthe United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined to be an "extraordinary nuclear occurrence" as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or in any law amendatory thereof.
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means any event causing a discharge or dispersal of source material, special nuclear material or by-product material as those terms are defined in ORS 453.605, from its intended place of confinement off-site, or causing radiation levels off-site, that the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission or its successor determines to be substantial and to have resulted in or to be likely to result in substantial damages to persons or property off-site.
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means any event causing a dis-
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means an event which the
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means an event which
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means an event which the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined to be an "extraordinary nuclear occurrence"
Extraordinary nuclear occurrence means a n event w hich the N uclear R egulatory Com­ m ission has determ ined to be an extraordi­ nary nuclear occurrence as defined in the Atom ic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.