Earning capacity definition

Earning capacity means impairment as modified by age, education, and adaptability.
Earning capacity is also a capacious term. It means “[a] person’s ability or power to earn money,” not merely the hours they are assigned by their employer. Earning Capacity, BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (11th ed. 2019); see Marshall v. Andrew F. Mahony Co., 56 F.2d 74, 78 (9th Cir. 1932) (“Earning capacity means fitness and readiness and willingness to work, considered in connection with opportunity to work.”).
Earning capacity. , except as herein provided, means:

Examples of Earning capacity in a sentence

  • Earning capacity is deemed restored if in any calendar year the in- come of the annuitant from wages or self-em- ployment or both equals at least 80 percent of the current rate of pay of the position occupied immediately before retirement.

  • Earning capacity for the purposes of this section is dem- onstrated by an annuitant’s ability to earn post-retirement income in a cal- endar year through personal work ef- forts or services.

  • Earning capacity is lost if, during any calendar year, the individual’s in- come from wages or self-employment or both is less than 80 percent of the current rate of basic pay of the posi- tion held at retirement.

  • Earning capacity shall be considered to be restored if in any cal- endar year the income of the annuitant from wages or self-employment, or both, equals at least 80 percent of the current rate of pay for the grade and step the annuitant held at the time of retirement.

  • Earning capacity is not limited to wage-earning capacity, but includes moneys available from all sources.

  • Earning capacity of each party, including educational background, training, employment skills, work experience, length of absence from the job market, custodial responsibilities for the child(ren), and the time and expense necessary to acquire sufficient education or training to enable the party to become self-supporting at a standard of living reasonably comparable to that enjoyed during the marriage.

  • Earning capacity may include factors such as work history, education, occupational skills, and job opportunities.

  • Earning capacity is to be calculated using the standards specified in ORS 656.726 (4)(f).

  • Earning capacity shall be considered to be restored if in any calendar year the income of the annuitant from wages or self-employment, or both, equals at least 80 percent of the cur- rent rate of pay for the grade and step the annuitant held at the time of retirement.

  • A.1): si ∈ {−, +}, fi ∈ R+, o ∈ O : superlative words like “longest”, arg ∈ {arg min, arg max}, wi ∈ W : words from NTLK Words Corpus, di ∈ D: dates until Sep 2019, dsup ∈ DSUP : superlative words like “latest”, prd ∈ {“days”, “months”, “years”}, pi ∈ (0, 100), pcent ∈ {“percent”, “percent not”}.

Related to Earning capacity

  • Excess Capacity means volume or capacity in a duct, conduit, or support structure other than a utility pole or anchor which can be used, pursuant to the orders and regulations of the Commission, for a pole attachment.

  • Nominal Capacity means the volume indicated by the manufacturer that represents the maximum recommended filling level.

  • Ramping Capability means the sustained rate of change of generator output, in megawatts per minute.

  • Project Capacity means the AC capacity of the project at the generating terminal(s) and to be contracted with MSEDCL for supply from the Solar Power Project.

  • Contracted Capacity means the capacity (in MW AC) contracted with MSEDCL for supply by the successful bidder at the Delivery Point from the Solar Power Project.

  • Bid Capacity meanss capacity offered by the bidder in his Bid under invitation.

  • Nameplate capacity means the maximum electrical generating output (in MWe) that a generator can sustain over a specified period of time when not restricted by seasonal or other deratings as measured in accordance with the United States Department of Energy standards.

  • Rated Capacity means the Average Daily Flow for which the Works are approved to handle;

  • Installed Capacity or 'IC’ means the summation of the name plate capacities of all the units of the generating station or the capacity of the generating station (reckoned at the generator terminals), approved by the Commission from time to time;