Direct GHG Emission Reduction definition

Direct GHG Emission Reduction means a GHG emission reduction from applicable GHG emission sources, GHG sinks, or GHG reservoirs that are under control of the Offset Project Operator or Authorized Project Designee.
Direct GHG Emission Reduction means a reduction of GHG emis- sions from applicable GHG emission sources, GHG sinks, or GHG reser- voirs that are under control of an offset project operator or author- ized project designee.

Related to Direct GHG Emission Reduction

  • Waste reduction , or “pollution prevention” means the practice of minimizing the generation of waste at the source and, when wastes cannot be prevented, utilizing environmentally sound on-site or off-site reuse and recycling. The term includes equipment or technology modifications, process or procedure modifications, product reformulation or redesign, and raw material substitutions. Waste treatment, control, management, and disposal are not considered pollution prevention, per the definitions under Part 143, Waste Minimization, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA), 1994 PA 451, as amended.

  • Load Reduction Event means a reduction in demand by a Member or Special Member for the purpose of participating in the PJM Interchange Energy Market.

  • extended reduction period means the period for which a person is in receipt of an extended reduction in accordance with paragraph 89, 96 or 101;

  • extended reduction means a reduction under this scheme for which a person is eligible under Part 12 (extended reductions);

  • Emission Rate for a given pollutant means the number of pounds of that pollutant emitted per million British thermal units of heat input (lb/mmBTU), measured in accordance with this Consent Decree.

  • emission factor means the average emission rate of a greenhouse gas relative to the activity data of a source stream assuming complete oxidation for combustion and complete conversion for all other chemical reactions;

  • extended reduction (qualifying contributory benefits means a reduction under this scheme for which a person is eligible in accordance with paragraph 88 or 95;