Curtailment Compensation Excess definition

Curtailment Compensation Excess means, in respect of any Qualifying Curtailment, where the Curtailment Compensation is greater than the Defined Curtailment Compensation in respect of such Qualifying Curtailment, the amount of the excess (expressed in pounds);
Curtailment Compensation Excess. “Curtailment Compensation Shortfall”; “Defined Curtailment Compensation”; “Defined Partial Curtailment Compensation”; “Emergency De-energisation Instruction”; “Imbalance Charge”; “Partial Curtailment”; “Partial Curtailment Compensation”; “Partial Curtailment Compensation Excess”; “Partial Curtailment Compensation Shortfall”; “Preliminary Annual QCPC Report”; “Qualifying CPC Event”; “Qualifying Curtailment”; “Qualifying Partial Curtailment”; and “Revised Annual QCPC Information”; and, if such definitions are so disapplied, any reference to any of the foregoing definitions in any other definition shall be disregarded.