Contribution Proceedings definition

Contribution Proceedings means any claims for contribution which have been made between the defendant Parties or third Parties in the Proceedings.

Examples of Contribution Proceedings in a sentence

  • Contribution Proceedings by Javelin against GSMAL, its Related Entities and or the Directors.

  • The significance of this Order is that it deprives (then co-defendant) Aventis of further ac- 15 tion for Contribution Proceedings on a theory of Divisibility of Harm, and acknowledges final judgment in accordance with FRCP 54(b): 16 17 16.

  • Many US carriers still choose to compensate passengers for the inconvenience of those delays and cancelations.

  • Contribution Proceedings by GSMAL, GSF, the Directors and the Non-Executive Directors against each other.

Related to Contribution Proceedings

  • Third party in-kind contributions means the value of non-cash contribu- tions provided by non-Federal third parties. Third party in-kind contribu- tions may be in the form of real prop- erty, equipment, supplies and other ex- pendable property, and the value of goods and services directly benefiting and specifically identifiable to the project or program.

  • Contribution in aid of construction, as used in this subrule, means a nonrefundable cash payment grossed-up for the income tax effect of such revenue covering the costs of a distribution main extension or service line that are in excess of costs paid by the utility. The amount of tax shall be reduced by the present value of the tax benefits to be obtained by depreciating the property in determining the tax liability.

  • Contribution means a "political contribution" as defined in MCC Ch. 2-156, as amended.

  • Contribution Period means the period specified in Article VI for which Employer Contributions shall be made.

  • Campaign Contribution means a gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit of money or other thing of value, including the estimated value of an in-kind contribution, that is made to or received by an applicable public official or any person authorized to raise, collect or expend contributions on that official’s behalf for the purpose of electing the official to either statewide or local office. “Campaign Contribution” includes the payment of a debt incurred in an election campaign, but does not include the value of services provided without compensation or unreimbursed travel or other personal expenses of individuals who volunteer a portion or all of their time on behalf of a candidate or political committee, nor does it include the administrative or solicitation expenses of a political committee that are paid by an organization that sponsors the committee.

  • Contribution Amounts the aggregate amount of capital contributions applied by the Borrower to permit the Incurrence of Contribution Indebtedness pursuant to Subsection 8.1(b)(xi).

  • Precontribution Gain has the meaning set forth in subparagraph 4(c) of Exhibit B.

  • Contribution Date has the meaning set forth in Section 4.3 hereof.

  • Defined Contribution Plan A retirement plan which provides for an individual account for each participant and for benefits based solely on the amount contributed to the participant's account, and any income, expenses, gains and losses, and any forfeitures of accounts of other participants which the plan may allocate to such participant's account. The Advisory Committee must treat all defined contribution plans (whether or not terminated) maintained by the Employer as a single plan. Solely for purposes of the limitations of Part 2 of this Article III, the Advisory Committee will treat employee contributions made to a defined benefit plan maintained by the Employer as a separate defined contribution plan. The Advisory Committee also will treat as a defined contribution plan an individual medical account (as defined in Code Section 415(l)(2)) included as part of a defined benefit plan maintained by the Employer and, for taxable years ending after December 31, 1985, a welfare benefit fund under Code Section 419(e) maintained by the Employer to the extent there are post-retirement medical benefits allocated to the separate account of a key employee (as defined in Code Section 419A(d)(3)).

  • Additional contributions means contributions made by a member of a defined benefit plan to

  • Delayed contribution payment means an amount paid by an employee for purchase of current service. The amount shall be determined using the same formula in KRS 61.5525, and the payment shall not be picked up by the employer. A delayed contribution payment shall be deposited to the member's account and considered as accumulated contributions of the individual member. In determining payments under this subsection, the formula found in this subsection shall prevail over the one found in KRS 212.434;

  • Additional Contribution Each Member's pro-rata portion of a Required Amount, determined by multiplying the Required Amount by each Member's Interest.

  • Initial Contribution means that contribution each Participant has made or agrees to make pursuant to Section 5.1.

  • State contribution means the lesser of:

  • Contributions means the payroll deductions and other additional payments specifically provided for in the Offering that a Participant contributes to fund the exercise of a Purchase Right. A Participant may make additional payments into his or her account if specifically provided for in the Offering, and then only if the Participant has not already had the maximum permitted amount withheld during the Offering through payroll deductions.

  • Financial Contribution means a contribution from an implementing partner in the form of own risk-taking capacity that is provided on a pari passu basis with the EU guarantee or in another form that allows an efficient implementation of the InvestEU Programme while ensuring appropriate alignment of interest;

  • After-Tax Contributions means amounts withheld from an Employee’s Compensation pursuant to a Salary Reduction Agreement after all applicable state and federal taxes have been deducted. Such amounts are withheld for purposes of purchasing one or more of the Benefit Package Options available under the Plan.

  • Catch-Up Contribution means an Elective Deferral made to the Plan by a Catch-Up Eligible Participant that, during any taxable year of such Participant, exceeds one of the following:

  • Catch-Up Contributions means Salary Reduction Contributions made to the Plan that are in excess of an otherwise applicable Plan limit and that are made by Participants who are Age 50 or over by the end of their taxable years. An “otherwise applicable Plan limit” is a limit in the Plan that applies to Salary Reduction Contributions without regard to Catch-up Contributions, such as the limits on Annual Additions, the dollar limitation on Salary Reduction Contributions under Code Section 402(g) (not counting Catch-up Contributions) and the limit imposed by the Actual Deferral Percentage (ADP) test under Code Section 401(k)(3). Catch-up Contributions for a Participant for a taxable year may not exceed the dollar limit on Catch-up Contributions under Code Section 414(v)(2)(B)(i) for the taxable year. The dollar limit on Catch-up Contributions under Code Section 414(v)(2)(B)(i) is $1,000 for taxable years beginning in 2002, increasing by $1,000 for each year thereafter up to $5,000 for taxable years beginning in 2006 and later years. After 2006, the $5,000 limit will be adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury for cost-of-living increases under Code Section 414(v)(2)(C). Any such adjustments will be in multiples of $500.

  • Pre-Tax Contributions means, for any Participant, the aggregate of the Participant's Basic Pre-Tax Contributions and Supplemental Pre-Tax Contributions contributed to the applicable Pre-Tax Contribution Account.

  • Claim means any claim, action, cause of action, demand, lawsuit, arbitration, inquiry, audit, notice of violation, proceeding, litigation, citation, summons, subpoena, or investigation of any nature, whether civil, criminal, administrative, regulatory or other, and whether at law, in equity or otherwise brought against an Indemnified Person.

  • Political contribution means any payment, gift, subscription, assessment, contract, payment for services, dues, loan, forbearance, advance or deposit of money or any valuable thing, to a candidate for public office or to a political committee, including but not limited to a political action committee, made for the purpose of influencing any election in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or for paying debts incurred by or for a candidate or committee before or after any election.

  • Defined Contribution Plan Fraction means a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of the Annual Additions to the Member's account under all the defined contribution plans (whether or not terminated) maintained by the Employer for the current and all prior Limitation Years (including the Annual Additions attributable to the Member's nondeductible employee contributions to all defined benefit plans, whether or not terminated, maintained by the Employer, and the Annual Additions attributable to all welfare benefit funds, individual medical accounts, and simplified employee pensions, maintained by the Employer), and the denominator of which is the sum of the maximum aggregate amounts for the current and all prior Limitation Years of service with the Employer (regardless of whether a defined contribution plan was maintained by the Employer). The maximum aggregate amount in any Limitation Year is the lesser of (i) 125 percent of the dollar limitation under Code Section 415(c)(1)(A) after adjustment under Code Section 415(d) or (ii) 35 percent of the Member's Compensation for such year. If the Employee was a member as of the end of the first day of the first Limitation Year beginning after December 31, 1986, in one or more defined contribution plans maintained by the Employer which were in existence on May 6, 1986, the numerator of this fraction will be adjusted if the sum of this fraction and the Defined Benefit Plan Fraction would otherwise exceed 1.0 under the terms of this Plan. Under the adjustment, an amount equal to the product of (i) the excess of the sum of the fractions over 1.0 times (ii) the denominator of this fraction, will be permanently subtracted from the numerator of this fraction. The adjustment is calculated using the fractions as they would be computed as of the end of the last Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1987, and disregarding any changes in the terms and conditions of the plan made after May 5, 1986, but using the Code Section 415 limitation applicable to the first Limitation Year beginning on or after January 1, 1987. The Annual Addition for any Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1987, shall not be recomputed to treat all employee contributions as Annual Additions.

  • Contribution Value means the fair market value as reasonably determined by the General Partner of property (other than cash) contributed by a Partner to the Partnership (net of liabilities secured by such contributed property that the Partnership is treated as assuming or taking subject to pursuant to the provisions of Section 752 of the Code).

  • In-kind contribution means a contribution of goods or services received by a candidate committee, joint candidates committee, political committee, continuing political committee, political party committee, or legislative leadership committee, which contribution is paid for by a person or entity other than the recipient committee, but does not include services provided without compensation by an individual volunteering a part of or all of his or her time on behalf of a candidate or committee.

  • Contribution Rate means, in a reserve study as described in RCW 64.38.065, the amount contributed to the reserve account so that the association will have cash reserves to pay major maintenance, repair, or replacement costs without the need of a special assessment.