Combatants definition

Combatants means Movements’ forces.
Combatants means those who have engaged in armed struggle on behalf of the undersigned Movements’.
Combatants means those who arrive at the assembly areas with a personal automatic gun (rifle) or a group weapon (machine gun, mortar, DShK, etc.) from among the fighters affiliated with the movements signatory to this agreement.

Examples of Combatants in a sentence

  • Aldrich, The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Determination of Illegal Combatants, 96 AM.

  • Before the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces of the House Armed Services Committee on Capacity of the U.S. Navy to Project Power With large Surface Combatants, June 17, 2015, pp.

  • Combatants shall behave in a knightly and chivalrous manner and shall fight according to the appropriate Society and Kingdom Conventions of Combat.

  • Combatants who are unable to distinguish enemy combatants from civilians might resort to firing upon all human beings in the area of operations.

  • In general.--The Secretary of the Navy may not deviate from the 2016 Navy Force Structure Assessment to implement the results of a new force structure assessment or new annual long-range plan for construction of naval vessels that would reduce the requirement for Large Surface Combatants to fewer than 104 such vessels until the date on which the Secretary of the Navy submits to the congressional defense committees the certification under paragraph (2) and the report under subsection (c).

  • See generally CRS Report RL31724, Detention of American Citizens as Enemy Combatants, by Jennifer K.

  • Tittemore, Unprivileged Combatants and the Hostilities in Afghanistan: Their Status and Rights Under International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, American Society of International Law, Task Force on Terrorism Paper 23 (Dec.

  • With plans for construction of a new class of Large Surface Combatants (LSCs) toward the end of this decade and the current multi-year procurement of DDG–51s ending in fiscal year 2022, the committee believes that it is imperative that the Navy award another DDG–51 multi-year contract beginning in fiscal year 2023.

  • Mallison, The Juridical Status of Irregular Combatants under the International Law of Armed Conflict, 9 CASE W.

  • MONUSCO and UNOHCHR, Report of the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office on International Humanitarian Law Violations Committed by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) Combatants in the Territory of Beni, North Kivu Province, Between 1 October and 31 December 2014, May 2015.

Related to Combatants

  • Cultural means relating to the habits, practices, beliefs, and traditions of a certain group of people.

  • Technological safeguards means the technology and the policy and procedures for use of the technology to protect and control access to personal information.

  • Plagiarism means to take and present as one's own a material portion of the ideas or words of another or to present as one's own an idea or work derived from an existing source without full and proper credit to the source of the ideas, words, or works. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

  • Dangerous Goods means Goods which are officially classified as hazardous as well as Goods which are or may become of a dangerous, inflammable, radioactive noxious or damaging nature.