Collateral Category definition

Collateral Category means each of Land Held for Development, Lots under Development, Finished Lots, Model Housing Units, Pre-Sold Housing Units and Speculative Housing Units.
Collateral Category means each of Land Held for Development, Lots Under Development, Finished Lots, Model Housing Units, Presold Housing Units and Speculative Housing Units.
Collateral Category is defined on Schedule EC.

Examples of Collateral Category in a sentence

  • Schedule 7.1(f) is, as of the Agreement Date, a complete and correct listing of all real estate assets of the Borrower, setting forth, for each such Property, its Collateral Category.

Related to Collateral Category

  • Rating Category means one of the generic rating categories of any Rating Agency without regard to any refinement or gradation of such rating by a numerical modifier or otherwise.

  • eligible Categories means Categories (1), (2) and (3) set forth in the table in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to this Agreement;

  • Special Category Data means any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation.

  • Eligible Receivables means Receivables arising in the ordinary course of Borrower's business from the sale of goods or rendition of services, which Silicon, in its sole judgment, shall deem eligible for borrowing, based on such considerations as Silicon may from time to time deem appropriate. Without limiting the fact that the determina-tion of which Receivables are eligible for borrowing is a matter of Silicon’s discretion, the following (the "Minimum Eligibility Requirements") are the minimum requirements for a Receivable to be an Eligible Receivable: (i) the Receivable must not be outstanding for more than 90 days from its invoice date, (ii) the Receivable must not represent progress xxxxxxxx, or be due under a fulfillment or requirements contract with the Account Debtor, (iii) the Receivable must not be subject to any contingencies (including Receivables arising from sales on consignment, guaranteed sale or other terms pursuant to which payment by the Account Debtor may be condi-tional), (iv) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor with whom the Borrower has any dispute (whether or not relating to the particular Receivable), (v) the Receivable must not be owing from an Affiliate of Borrower, (vi) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor which is subject to any insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding, or whose financial condition is not acceptable to Silicon, or which, fails or goes out of a mate-rial portion of its business, (vii) the Receivable must not be owing from the United States or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof (unless there has been compliance, to Silicon’s satisfaction, with the United States Assignment of Claims Act), (viii) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor located outside the United States or Canada (unless pre-approved by Silicon in its discretion in writing, or backed by a letter of credit sat-isfactory to Silicon, or FCIA insured satisfactory to Silicon), (ix) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor to whom Borrower is or may be liable for goods purchased from such Account Debtor or otherwise. Receivables owing from one Account Debtor will not be deemed Eligible Receivables to the extent they exceed 25% of the total Receivables outstanding. In addi-tion, if more than 50% of the Receivables owing from an Account Debtor are outstanding more than 90 days from their invoice date (without regard to unapplied credits) or are otherwise not eligible Receivables, then all Receivables owing from that Account Debtor will be deemed ineligible for borrowing. Silicon may, from time to time, in its discretion, revise the Minimum Eligibility Requirements, upon written notice to the Borrower.

  • Collateral Pool means, at any time, each Portfolio Investment that has been Delivered (as defined in the Guarantee and Security Agreement) to the Collateral Agent and is subject to the Lien of the Guarantee and Security Agreement, and then only for so long as such Portfolio Investment continues to be Delivered as contemplated therein and in which the Collateral Agent has a first-priority perfected Lien as security for the Secured Obligations (subject to any Lien permitted by Section 6.02 hereof with respect to such Portfolio Investment), provided that in the case of any Portfolio Investment in which the Collateral Agent has a first-priority perfected (subject to Permitted Liens under clause (g) of the definition thereof) security interest pursuant to a valid Uniform Commercial Code filing, such Portfolio Investment may be included in the Collateral Pool so long as all remaining actions to complete “Delivery” are satisfied in full within the longest period of (i) seven (7) days of such inclusion and (ii) as the Collateral Agent may agree in its reasonable discretion.

  • Asset Pool means a pool of cash-flow generating assets in which an issuer of a securitized product has a direct or indirect ownership or security interest;

  • Collateral Floating Percentage means, with respect to any Distribution Date, the percentage equivalent (which percentage shall never exceed 100%) of a fraction, the numerator of which is equal to the Collateral Invested Amount as of the close of business on the last day of the preceding Monthly Period and the denominator of which is the Adjusted Invested Amount as of the close of business on such last day; provided, however, that with respect to the first Monthly Period, the Collateral Floating Percentage shall mean the percentage equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is the Collateral Initial Invested Amount and the denominator of which is the Initial Invested Amount.

  • Product Category means the applicable category which best describes the product as listed in this Section 94508.

  • Highest Rating Category means, with respect to a Permitted Investment, that the Permitted Investment is rated by S&P or Moody’s in the highest rating category given by that rating agency for that general category of security. By way of example, the Highest Rating Category for tax exempt municipal debt established by S&P is “A 1+” for debt with a term of one year or less and “AAA” for a term greater than one year, with corresponding ratings by Moody’s of “MIG 1” (for fixed rate) or “VMIG 1” (for variable rate) for three months or less and “Aaa” for greater than three months. If at any time (i) both S&P and Moody’s rate a Permitted Investment and (ii) one of those ratings is below the Highest Rating Category, then such Permitted Investment will, nevertheless, be deemed to be rated in the Highest Rating Category if the lower rating is no more than one rating category below the highest rating category of that rating agency. For example, a Permitted Investment rated “AAA” by S&P and “Aa3” by Moody’s is rated in the Highest Rating Category. If, however, the lower rating is more than one full rating category below the Highest Rating Category of that Rating Agency, then the Permitted Investment will be deemed to be rated below the Highest Rating Category. For example, a Permitted Investment rated “AAA” by S&P and “A1” by Moody’s is not rated in the Highest Rating Category.

  • Eligible Inventory means and include Inventory, excluding work in process, with respect to each Borrower, valued at the lower of cost or market value, determined on a first-in, first-out basis, which is not obsolete, slow moving or unmerchantable as determined by Agent in its Permitted Discretion and which Inventory, based on such considerations as Agent may from time to time deem appropriate in its Permitted Discretion including whether the Inventory is subject to a perfected, first priority security interest in favor of Agent and no other Lien (other than a Permitted Encumbrance). Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, no Inventory shall be Eligible Inventory to the extent such Inventory was acquired by a Borrower pursuant to an entity creation under Section 7.12 or a Permitted Acquisition, unless Agent has (i) completed field examinations with respect to such Inventory, the results of which are satisfactory in form and substance to Agent in its Permitted Discretion or (ii) waived such restriction in its Permitted Discretion. In addition, Inventory shall not be Eligible Inventory if it: (a) does not conform in all material respects to all standards imposed by any Governmental Body which has regulatory authority over such goods or the use or sale thereof; (b) is in transit (other than between one or more locations where Borrowers are permitted hereunder to maintain or store Inventory and such location is the subject of a Lien Waiver Agreement or a Processor’s Agreement, as applicable, unless such location is owned by Borrower); (c) is located outside the continental United States or at a location that is not otherwise in compliance with this Agreement; (d) constitutes Consigned Inventory (other than Consigned Inventory that is subject to a warehouseman’s waiver in form and substance satisfactory to Agent); (e) is the subject of an Intellectual Property Claim; (f) is subject to a License Agreement that limits, conditions or restricts the applicable Borrower’s or Agent’s right to sell or otherwise dispose of such Inventory, unless Agent is a party to a Licensor/Agent Agreement with the Licensor under such License Agreement (or Agent shall agree otherwise in its Permitted Discretion after establishing reserves against the Formula Amount with respect thereto as Agent shall deem appropriate in its Permitted Discretion); (g) at any time following seventy-five (75) days after the Closing Date (or such later date agreed to by Agent), is situated at a location not owned by a Borrower unless the owner or occupier of such location has executed in favor of Agent a Lien Waiver Agreement or a Processor’s Agreement, as applicable (or Agent shall have established reserves against the Formula Amount with respect thereto as Agent shall deem appropriate in its Permitted Discretion in an amount not to exceed the equivalent of three (3) months’ rental obligation with respect to such location); or (h) if the sale of such Inventory would result in the creation of a Receivable which, on the date of such sale, would fail to constitute an Eligible Receivable due to the operation of any of clauses (b), (c) or (e) – (p) of such definition.

  • Collateral Quality Test means a test that is satisfied if, as of any date of determination, in the aggregate, the Collateral Loans owned (or, in relation to a proposed purchase of a Collateral Loan, both owned and proposed to be owned) by the Borrower satisfy each of the tests set forth below, calculated, in each case, in accordance with Section 1.04:

  • Special Categories of Data means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation;