Clean Air Interstate Rule definition

Clean Air Interstate Rule or “CAIR” means the requirements EPA published in the Federal Register (70 Fed. Reg. 25161) on May 12, 2005.
Clean Air Interstate Rule or “CAIR” means the regulations promulgated by EPA on May 12, 2005, at 70 Fed. Reg. 25,161, which are entitled, “Rule to Reduce Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone (Clean Air Interstate Rule); Revisions to Acid Rain Program; Revisions to NOx SIP Call; Final Rule,” and any subsequent amendments to that regulation, and any applicable, federally-approved state implementation plan or the federal implementation plan to implement CAIR.
Clean Air Interstate Rule or “CAIR” means the requirements EPA published in the Federal Reg- ister (70 Fed. Reg. 25161) on May 12, 2005.

Examples of Clean Air Interstate Rule in a sentence

  • Each Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) NOx source shall have one CAIR designated representative and may have one alternate representative, as per 6NYCRR Part 244-2.2, with regard to all matters under the CAIR NOx Annual Trading Program.

  • As of midnight of March 1, or midnight of the first business day thereafter (if March 1 is not a business day) for a control period, the owners and operators of each Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) SO2 source shall hold, in the source's compliance account, a tonnage equivalent in CAIR SO2 allowances available for compliance deductions for the control period (January 1 through December 31) not less than the tons of total sulfur dioxide emissions for the control period from all CAIR SO2 units at the source.

  • As of midnight of March 1, or midnight of the first business day thereafter if March 1 is not a business day, the owners and operators shall hold, in their compliance account, Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) NOx allowances available for compliance deductions for the previous control period (January 1 through December 31), in an amount not less than the total tons of nitrogen oxides emissions from all CAIR NOx units at the source during that control period.

  • See ‘‘Rule To Reduce Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone (Clean Air Interstate Rule); Revisions to Acid Rain Program; Revisions to the NOX SIP Call; Final Rule,’’ 70 FR 25162 (May 12, 2005) (defining, among other things, the phrase ‘‘contribute significantly to nonattainment’’).

  • Ohio EPA is inserting this language because the United States environmental protection agency will not administer the NOx SIP Call trading program after 2008 (see 40 CFR 51.121(r) or the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) program after 2014 (see 40 CFR 51.123(ff)).

  • Each Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) NOx source shall have one CAIR designated representative and may have one alternate representative, as per 6NYCRR Part 243-2.2, with regard to all matters under the CAIR NOx Ozone Season Trading Program.

  • The permittee shall ensure that any emissions unit(s) subject to the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) complies/comply with the requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Chapter 3745-109, which includes submitting timely permit applications.

  • This modification was to incorporate Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) requirements set forth in Regulation 19, Chapter 14.

  • The Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) or other federal regulations for NOx and SO2, using Equations 4 and 5 as described in Section 14, Appendices, Appendix 5.

  • Presentation before the Clean Air Interstate Rule Implementation Stakeholders Meeting.

More Definitions of Clean Air Interstate Rule

Clean Air Interstate Rule or “CAIR” means the require- ments EPA published in the Federal Register (70 Fed. Reg. 25161) on May 12, 2005.
Clean Air Interstate Rule. ’ means the Clean Air
Clean Air Interstate Rule. ’ means the regulations

Related to Clean Air Interstate Rule

  • Clean Air Act or “Act” means the federal Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401-7671q, and its implementing regulations.

  • Clean Water Act or "CWA" means the federal Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1251 et seq.), formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500, as amended by Public Law 95-217, Public Law 95-576, Public Law 96-483, and Public Law 97-117, or any subsequent revisions thereto.

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of CWA. The term includes an approved program.

  • Clean water standards, as used in this clause, means any enforceable limitation, control, condition, prohibition, standard, or other requirement promulgated under the Water Act or contained in a permit issued to a discharger by the Environmental Protection Agency or by a State under an approved program, as authorized by Section 402 of the Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1342), or by local government to ensure compliance with pre-treatment regulations as required by Section 307 of the Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317).

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements under Sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Clean Water Act.

  • Interstate means a telecommunications service that originates in one United States state, or a United States territory or possession, and terminates in a different United States state or a United States territory or possession.

  • Clean wood means natural wood which has not been painted, varnished or coated with a similar material, has not been pressure treated with preservatives and does not contain resins or glues as in plywood or other composite wood products.

  • Water Act, as used in this clause, means Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.).

  • Clean air standards, as used in this clause means:

  • Air Act, as used in this clause, means the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.).

  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act means the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq., as in effect from time to time.

  • RCRA means the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 et seq., as same may be amended from time to time.