C-arm fluoroscope definition

C-arm fluoroscope means a fluoroscopic x-ray system in which the image receptor and the x-ray tube housing assembly are connected or coordinated to maintain a spatial relationship. Such a system allows a change in the direction of the beam axis with respect to the patient without moving the patient.
C-arm fluoroscope means an x-ray system in which the image receptor and x-ray tube housing assembly are connected by a common mechanical support system in order to maintain a desired spatial relationship. This system is designed to allow a change in the projection of the beam through the patient without a change in the position of the patient.
C-arm fluoroscope means a fluoroscopic machine where the image receptor and the x-ray tube housing assembly are ganged allowing a change in the direction of the beam axis with respect to the patient without moving the patient.

More Definitions of C-arm fluoroscope

C-arm fluoroscope means a fluoroscopic x-ray system in which the image receptor and the x-ray tube housing assembly are connected or coordinated to maintain a spatial relationship.
C-arm fluoroscope means an x-ray system in which the image receptor and x-ray tube housing assembly are connected by a common mechanical support system in order to maintain a
C-arm fluoroscope means a fluoroscopic x-ray system in which the image receptor and the x-ray tube housing assembly are connected or coordinated to maintain a spatial relationship. Such a system allows a change in the direction of the beam axis with respect to the patient without moving the patient. Cantilevered tabletop means a tabletop designed such that the unsupported portion can be extended at least 100 centimeterscm beyond the support. Cassette holder means a device, other than a spot-film device, that supports and/or fixes the position of an x-ray film cassette during an x-ray exposure. Cephalometric device means a device intended for the radiographic visualization and measurement of the dimensions of the human head. Coefficient of variation means the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean value of a population of observations. It is estimated using the following equation: where: s = Estimated standard deviation of the population. X = Mean value of observations in sample.Xi = ith observation sampled. n = Number of observations sampled. Computed tomography (CT) means the production of a tomogram by the acquisition and computer processing of x- ray transmission data. Control panel means that part of the x-ray control upon which are mounted the switches, knobs, pushbuttons, and other hardware necessary for manually setting the technique factors. Cooling curve means the graphical relationship between heat units stored and cooling time. Cradle means: (1) A removable device which supports and may restrain a patient above an x-ray table; or (2) A device;
C-arm fluoroscope means a fluoroscopic x-ray system in which the image

Related to C-arm fluoroscope

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  • Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.

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