bund wall definition

bund wall means a containment wall surrounding an above ground storage tank, constructed of an impervious material and designed to contain 110% of the contents of the tank;
bund wall means a containment wall surrounding an above ground storage tank, constructed of impervious material;
bund wall. ’ means a containment wall surrounding an above ground storage tank, constructed or an impervious material;

More Definitions of bund wall

bund wall means a containment wall surrounding an above ground storage tank, constructed of impervious material;[definition of "bund wall" substituted by section 1(a) of the Amendment By-law, 2006]
bund wall means a containment wall surrounding an above ground storage tank, constructed of an impervious material and designed to contain 100% of the contents of the tank; “Combustible material” means combustible refuse, combustible waste or any other material capable of igniting;
bund wall means a containment wall surrounding an above ground storage tank, constructed of an impervious material and designed to contain 110% of the contents of the tank; Comment [JC4]: Proposed definition from the City of JHB Metropolitan Municipality “Emergency Services” By-Law.
bund wall means a containment wall surrounding an above ground storage tank, constructed ofsuitably sealed solid masonry or concrete and designed to contain 110% of the contents of the tank;
bund wall means a containment wall surrounding the above ground storage tank, constructed of impervious materials and designed to contain 100% of the contents of the storage tank plus 10% extra of the storage tank contents;

Related to bund wall

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