Blended motor fuel definition

Blended motor fuel means a mixture of motor fuel and another liquid, other than a de minimis amount of a product including, but not limited to, carburetor detergent or oxidation inhibitor, that can be used as motor fuel in a motor vehicle.
Blended motor fuel means a mixture of motor fuel and

Related to Blended motor fuel

  • Motor fuel means petroleum or a petroleum-based substance that is motor gasoline, aviation gasoline, No. 1 or No. 2 diesel fuel, or any grade of gasohol, and is typically used in the operation of a motor engine.

  • Flex fuel vehicle means a vehicle with one fuel storage system that can run on different mixtures of two or more fuels.

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per

  • Bi-fuel vehicle means a vehicle with two separate fuel storage systems that is designed to run primarily on only one fuel at a time; however, the simultaneous use of both fuels is permitted in limited amount and duration.

  • Dyed diesel fuel means diesel fuel that is dyed in accordance with internal revenue service rules or pursuant to any other internal revenue service requirements, including any invisible marker requirements.

  • Basic gas supply service means gas supply service that is

  • Gas supply service means the provision to customers of the

  • Net energy metering means measuring the difference, over the net metering period, between (i)

  • Mono-fuel gas vehicle means a mono-fuel vehicle that runs primarily on liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas/biomethane, or hydrogen but may also have a petrol system for emergency purposes or starting only, where the petrol tank does not contain more than 15 litres of petrol.

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Grade point average or "GPA" means the grade point average earned by an eligible student and reported by the high school or participating institution in which the student was enrolled based on a scale of 4.0 or its equivalent if the high school or participating institution that the student attends does not use the 4.0 grade scale;

  • high-efficiency cogeneration means cogeneration meeting the criteria laid down in Annex II;

  • Blending means either the mixing of originally segregated Binned Grades within a Facility or during the outturn process.

  • Renewable fuel means a fuel that is derived from Eligible Energy Resources. This term does not include a fossil fuel or a waste product from a fossil fuel source.

  • Mono-fuel vehicle means a vehicle that is designed to run primarily on one type of fuel.

  • Bulk gasoline terminal means a gasoline storage facility which receives gasoline from its supply source primarily by pipeline, ship, or barge, and delivers gasoline to bulk gasoline plants or to commercial or retail accounts primarily by tank truck; and has an average daily throughput of more than 76,000 liters (20,000 gallons) of gasoline.

  • Alternative fuel vehicle means a vehicle designed to be capable of running on at least one type of fuel that is either gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure, or substantially non-mineral oil derived.

  • input service means any service used or intended to be used by a supplier in the course or furtherance of business;

  • fuel supplier means an entity supplying fuel to the market that is responsible for passing fuel through an excise duty point or, in the case of electricity or where no excise is due or where duly justified, any other relevant entity designated by a Member State;

  • Daily Contract Quantity or “DCQ” means the quantity of Gas as set out in Clause 4.1 herein.

  • Declared Monthly Consumption means the Declared Monthly Consumption set out in the Acceptance Form for Electricity Supply.