Available Names definition

Available Names means .rest names that have not been reserved, restricted, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated.
Available Names means names that have not been reserved, restricted, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated prior to commencement of the Sunrise period or, in connection with General Availability, prior to the Registry’s receipt of a Registration Request.
Available Names means .basketball names that have not been reserved, restricted, protected, registered, awarded, blocked or otherwise allocated.

Examples of Available Names in a sentence

  • Early Access Period Registration Requests may be submitted for Available Names, meaning .dealer names that have not been reserved, restricted, or otherwise allocated prior to commencement of the Early Access Period or prior to the submission of a Registration Request during the Early Access Period.

  • Upon the commencement of the Early Access Period, Available Names will be allocated via Accredited Registrars on a first-come, first-served basis subject to the Registry Policies and ICANN Requirements.

  • Available Names are .dealer names that have not been reserved, restricted, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated prior to commencement of the relevant launch period and prior to the Registry’s receipt of a Registration Request.

  • Sunrise Registration Requests may be submitted for Available Names, meaning .dealer names that have not been reserved, restricted, or otherwise allocated prior to commencement of the Sunrise Period or prior to the submission of a Registration Request during the Sunrise Period.

  • Because .dealer will use a Start-Date Sunrise Period, Applications for Available Names during the Sunrise Period will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis period to Applicants who have submitted Registration Requests that meet the eligibility criteria described herein and in accordance with Registry Policies.

  • Available Name(s) are .xx.xxx names that have not been reserved, restricted, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated prior to commencement of the Sunrise period, or in the Land Rush period, or in the Restricted Names and Premium Names reservation and allocation or, in connection with General Availability, prior to the Registry’s receipt of a Registration Request.

  • Because .dealer will use a Start-Date Sunrise Period, Applications for Available Names during the Sunrise Period will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to Applicants who have submitted Registration Requests that meet the eligibility criteria described herein and in accordance with Registry Policies.

More Definitions of Available Names

Available Names means names that have not been reserved, restricted, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated prior to the Registry’s receipt of a Registration Request.
Available Names means xn--ngbe9e0a names that have not been reserved, restricted, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated.
Available Names means names that have not been reserved, restricted, protected, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated.
Available Names means .fans names that have not been reserved, restricted, protected, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated.
Available Names meansاتصالات. (A-label: xn--mgbaakc7dvf) names that have not been reserved, restricted, registered, awarded, or otherwise allocated.

Related to Available Names

  • Best available technology means those practices which most appropriately remove, treat, or isolate contaminants from groundwater, soil or associated environment, as determined through professional judgment considering actual equipment or techniques currently in use, published technical articles, site hydrogeology and research results, engineering and groundwater professional reference materials, consultation with experts in the field, capital and operating costs, and guidelines or rules of other regulatory agencies.

  • Available Tenor means, as of any date of determination and with respect to the then-current Benchmark, as applicable, (x) if the then-current Benchmark is a term rate, any tenor for such Benchmark that is or may be used for determining the length of an Interest Period or (y) otherwise, any payment period for interest calculated with reference to such Benchmark, as applicable, pursuant to this Agreement as of such date.

  • Available Amount of any Letter of Credit means, at any time, the maximum amount available to be drawn under such Letter of Credit at such time (assuming compliance at such time with all conditions to drawing).

  • Available Revenues means all monies on deposit from time to time (including investment earnings thereon) in (a) the PILOTS Account, and (b) subject to annual appropriation, the EATS Account that have been appropriated to the repayment of the TIF Notes, excluding (i) any amount paid under protest until the protest is withdrawn or resolved against the taxpayer or (ii) any sum received by the City which is the subject of a suit or other claim communicated to the City which suit or claim challenges the collection of such sum.

  • Best available control technology or “BACT” means an emissions limitation, including a visible emissions standard, based on the maximum degree of reduction for each regulated NSR pollutant which would be emitted from any proposed major stationary source or major modification which the reviewing authority, on a case-by-case basis, taking into account energy, environmental, and economic impacts and other costs, determines is achievable for such source or modification through application of production processes or available methods, systems, and techniques, including fuel cleaning or treatment or innovative fuel combination techniques for control of such pollutant. In no event shall application of best available control technology result in emissions of any pollutant which would exceed the emissions allowed by any applicable standard under 567—subrules 23.1(2) through 23.1(5) (standards for new stationary sources, federal standards for hazardous air pollutants, and federal emissions guidelines), or federal regulations as set forth in 40 CFR Parts 60, 61 and 63 but not yet adopted by the state. If the department determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular emissions unit would make the imposition of an emissions standard infeasible, a design, equipment, work practice, operational standard or combination thereof may be prescribed instead to satisfy the requirement for the application of best available control technology. Such standard shall, to the degree possible, set forth the emissions reduction achievable by implementation of such design, equipment, work practice or operation and shall provide for compliance by means which achieve equivalent results.

  • Available Income means the Up-MACRO Available Income or the Down-MACRO Available Income, as applicable.

  • Maximum Available Minutes is the sum of all Deployment Minutes across all Relays deployed by Customer in a given Azure subscription during a billing month.

  • available techniques means those techniques which have been developed on a scale which allows implementation in the relevant industrial sector, in the economically and technically viable conditions, taking into consideration the cost and advantages, whether or not the techniques are used or produced inside the United Kingdom, as long as they are reasonably accessible to the operator;

  • Available Balance means, in relation to any Account, the aggregate of: