Examples of At least quarterly in a sentence
At least quarterly, the Board of Trustees shall be provided by any person authorized to direct the disposition of monies paid or payable by the Fund pursuant to this Plan or any related agreement, and the Board shall review, a written report of the amounts expended pursuant to this Plan and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.
At least quarterly in each year this Plan remains in effect, the Fund's Principal Accounting Officer or Treasurer, or such other person authorized to direct the disposition of monies paid or payable by the Fund, shall prepare and furnish to the Trustees of the Fund for their review, and the Trustees shall review, a written report complying with the requirements of Rule 12b-l under the Act regarding the amounts expended under this Plan and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.
At least quarterly, the Designated Supervisory Person (or his or her designee) shall review and compare the confirmations and quarterly reports received with the written pre-clearance authorization provided.
At least quarterly, for Securities Transactions requiring preclearance under this Code, the Preclearance Officer (or his or her designee) shall compare the confirmations and periodic statements provided pursuant to the trade reporting requirements (Section II.G.1.) to the approved Trade Authorization Request Forms.
At least quarterly, the Board of [Directors][Trustees] shall be provided by any person authorized to direct the disposition of monies paid or payable by the Fund pursuant to this Plan or any related agreement, and the Board shall review, a written report of the amounts expended pursuant to this Plan and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.
At least quarterly, the Review Officer shall prepare and provide a written report to the Board of Trustees with respect to all issues that, under the Code, have occurred since the last quarterly report to the Board, including, but not limited to, information about violations of the Code or the procedures and sanctions imposed in response to those violations.
At least quarterly and independently of the Employees responsible the payroll will be checked to minimise the possibility that fictitious names and enhanced payments have been included.
At least quarterly, the Directors shall send interim reports to the Shareholders having the form and content as the Directors deem proper.
At least quarterly in each year this Plan remains in effect, the Fund's Principal Accounting Officer or Treasurer, or such other person authorized to direct the disposition of monies paid or payable by the Fund, shall prepare and furnish to the Trustees of the Fund for their review, and the Trustees shall review, a written report complying with the requirements of Rule 12b-1 under the Act regarding the amounts expended under this Plan and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.
At least quarterly in each year this Plan remains in effect, the Fund’s Principal Accounting Officer or Treasurer, or such other person authorized to direct the disposition of monies paid or payable by the Fund, shall prepare and furnish to the Trustees of the Fund for their review, and the Trustees shall review, a written report complying with the requirements of Rule 12b-1 under the Act regarding the amounts expended under this Plan and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.