Allowed DIP Claim definition

Allowed DIP Claim means the Administrative Claim of the DIP Lender under the DIP Note.

Examples of Allowed DIP Claim in a sentence

  • In full and final satisfaction, settlement, release, and discharge of each Allowed DIP Claim, on the Effective Date, each holder of such Allowed DIP Claim shall receive either (a) payment in full in Cash or (b) such other treatment as to which the Debtors and the holder of such Allowed DIP Claims will have agreed upon in writing, with the consent of the Requisite Consenting Creditors (subject to the parties’ rights and obligations under the RSA).

  • Except to the extent that a Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim agrees to a less favorable treatment, in full and final satisfaction, settlement, release, and discharge of, and in exchange for, each Allowed DIP Claim, each such Allowed DIP Claim shall be paid in full in Cash by the Debtors on the Effective Date.

  • Except to the extent that a Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim agrees to a less favorable treatment, on the Effective Date, each Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim shall receive Cash equal to the full amount of its Allowed DIP Claims in full and final satisfaction of such Claims.

  • On the Effective Date, or as soon as practicable thereafter, each Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim shall be paid in full in Cash in full satisfaction, settlement, release and discharge of and in exchange for each and every Allowed DIP Claim, unless such Holder consents to other treatment.

  • Except to the extent that a Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim agrees to a less favorable treatment, in full and final satisfaction, settlement, release, and discharge of, and in exchange for, each Allowed DIP Claim, each such Allowed DIP Claim shall be indefeasibly paid in full, in Cash, by the Debtors on the Effective Date or such later date as the DIP Claims become due and payable pursuant to any agreement such Holder and the Debtors or the Reorganized Debtors.

  • Each holder of an Allowed DIP Claim is conclusively presumed to have accepted this Plan and is not entitled to vote to accept or reject this Plan.

  • Except to the extent that a Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim agrees to a less favorable treatment in full and final satisfaction, settlement, release, and discharge of, and in exchange for, each Allowed DIP Claim, each such Allowed DIP Claim shall be paid in full in Cash by the Debtors on the Effective Date.

  • Except to the extent that a Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim agrees to less favorable treatment, in full and final satisfaction, settlement, release, and discharge of, and in exchange for, each Allowed DIP Claim, each Holder of an Allowed DIP Claim shall receive payment in full, in Cash, of such Allowed DIP Claim on the Effective Date.

  • Upon satisfaction of the DIP Claims, all Liens and security interests granted to secure the DIP Facility shall be deemed cancelled and shall be of no further force and effect and each Allowed DIP Claim shall be deemed to be fully satisfied, settled, released, and compromised.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the DIP Liens (as defined in the DIP Orders) shall not be released until (y) the indefeasible payment in full in Cash (or conversion into the DIP Exit First Lien Facility, as applicable) of each Allowed DIP Claim and (z) receipt by the DIP Agent of a payoff letter in form and substance satisfactory to the DIP Agent.

Related to Allowed DIP Claim

  • DIP Claim means any Claim arising under, derived from or based upon the DIP Facility or DIP Orders, including the DIP Exit Backstop Premium and the guarantees in respect thereof under the DIP Facility Documents, including Claims for all principal amounts outstanding, interest, fees, expenses, costs, and other charges arising under or related to the DIP Facility.

  • Allowed Unsecured Claim means all or that portion of an Unsecured Claim which is an Allowed Claim.

  • Allowed Claim means an Allowed Claim of the type described.

  • Allowed Secured Claim means an Allowed Claim secured by a lien, security interest or other charge against property in which the Estate has an interest, or which is subject to setoff under Section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code, to the extent of the value, determined in accordance with Section 506(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, of the interest of the holder of such Allowed Secured Claim in the Estate's interest in such property, or to the extent of the amount subject to any setoff, as the case may be.

  • Disallowed Claim means (a) a Claim, or any portion thereof, that has been disallowed by a Final Order or a settlement, (b) a Claim or any portion thereof that is Scheduled at zero or as contingent, disputed, or unliquidated and as to which a proof of claim bar date has been established but no proof of claim has been timely filed or deemed timely filed with the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to either the Bankruptcy Code or any Final Order of the Bankruptcy Court or otherwise deemed timely filed under applicable law, or (c) a Claim or any portion thereof that is not Scheduled and as to which a proof of claim bar date has been established but no proof of claim has been timely filed or deemed timely filed with the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to either the Bankruptcy Code or any Final Order of the Bankruptcy Court or otherwise deemed timely filed under applicable law.

  • Secured Claim means a Claim that is secured by a Lien on property in which any of the Debtors’ Estates have an interest or that is subject to setoff under section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code, to the extent of the value of the Claim holder’s interest in such Estate’s interest in such property or to the extent of the amount subject to setoff, as applicable, as determined pursuant to section 506(a) of the Bankruptcy Code or, in the case of setoff, pursuant to section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Priority Claim means a Claim that is entitled to priority in payment pursuant to section 507(a) of the Bankruptcy Code that is not an Administrative Claim or a Priority Tax Claim.

  • Unsecured Claim means any Claim that is not a Secured Claim.

  • Allowed Amount means the total amount of reimbursement allocated to a covered Service and includes both the BCBSAZ payment and the Member Cost-share payment. BCBSAZ calculates deductible and Coinsurance based on the Allowed Amount, less any access fees or Precertification Charges. BCBSAZ uses the Allowed Amount to accumulate toward any Out-of-pocket Coinsurance Maximum or Out-of-pocket Maximum that applies to the member’s Benefit Plan. The Allowed Amount does not include any balance bills from noncontracted Providers. The Allowed Amount is neither tied to, nor necessarily reflective of, the amounts Providers in any given area usually charge for their services. The table below shows how BCBSAZ determines the Allowed Amount:

  • Allowed Administrative Claim means an Allowed Claim that is an Administrative Claim.

  • DIP Claims means, collectively, the DIP ABL Claims and the DIP Term Loan Claims.

  • Allowed Interest means an Interest in any Debtor, which has been or hereafter is listed by such Debtor in its books and records as liquidated in an amount and not disputed or contingent; provided, however, that to the extent an Interest is a Disputed Interest, the determination of whether such Interest shall be allowed and/or the amount of any such Interest shall be determined, resolved, or adjudicated, as the case may be, in the manner in which such Interest would have been determined, resolved, or adjudicated if the Chapter 11 Cases had not been commenced; and provided further, however, that proofs of Interest need not and should not be filed in the Bankruptcy Court with respect to any Interests; and provided further, however, that the Reorganized Debtors, in their discretion, may bring an objection or motion with respect to a Disputed Interest before the Bankruptcy Court for resolution.

  • Administrative Claim means a Claim for costs and expenses of administration of the Estates under sections 503(b), 507(a)(2), 507(b), or 1114(e)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code, including: (a) the actual and necessary costs and expenses incurred on or after the Petition Date of preserving the Estates and operating the businesses of the Debtors; (b) Allowed Professional Fee Claims in the Chapter 11 Cases; and (c) all fees and charges assessed against the Estates under chapter 123 of title 28 of the United States Code, 28 U.S.C. §§ 1911-1930.

  • Disputed Claim means any Claim that is not Allowed.

  • AWR Claim means any complaint or claim to a tribunal or court made by or on behalf of the Agency Worker against the Hirer and/or the Employment Business for any breach of the AWR;

  • Covered claim means the following:

  • IPR Claim means any claim of infringement or alleged infringement (including the defence of such infringement or alleged infringement) of any IPR, used to provide the Services or as otherwise provided and/or licensed by the Supplier (or to which the Supplier has provided access) to the Authority in the fulfilment of its obligations under this Framework Agreement;

  • Unimpaired Claim means a Claim that is not impaired within the meaning of section 1124 of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • General Unsecured Claim means any Claim that is not a/an: Administrative Claim; DIP Facility Claim; Professional Fee Claim; Priority Tax Claim; Secured Tax Claim; Other Priority Claim; Other Secured Claim; Intercompany Claim; Prepetition Debt Claim; or 510(b) Equity Claim.

  • Intercompany Claim means any Claim held by a Debtor against another Debtor.

  • Unsecured Claims means claims which are not secured by any property of the Debtor’s Estate and which are not part of any other class defined in this Plan.

  • Superpriority Claim means a claim against the Borrower and any Guarantor in any of the Cases which is an administrative expense claim having priority over any or all administrative expenses of the kind specified in Sections 503(b) or 507(b) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Priority Claims means, collectively, Priority Tax Claims and Other Priority Claims.

  • DIP Facility Claim means a Claim arising under or as a result of the DIP Facility.

  • IP Claim means a Claim made against you by a third party alleging that the Stripe Technology, Services or a Stripe Mark provided to and used by you in accordance with this Agreement infringes or misappropriates the IP Rights of the third party making the Claim, excluding Claims made by Connected Accounts.

  • Subordinated Claim means a Claim of the kind described in sections 726(a)(3) or 726(a)(4) of the Bankruptcy Code and/or Claims subordinated under sections 510(b) or 510(c) of the Bankruptcy Code.