Common use of School Clause in Contracts

School. We agree to: • Provide a safe, secure, supportive and happy environment. • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets statutory requirements and beyond. • Support children to understand their work, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged by it. • Provide children with regular homework, and provide support for parents to facilitate home learning. • Encourage children to do their best at all times and to aim for high standards. • Empower children to take responsibility for their own learning, by setting them clear targets and providing them with regular constructive feedback (either written or verbal). • Inform parents of their children’s progress on a termly basis, and provide a written report once a year. • Inform parents promptly of any concerns about their children. • Encourage children to take good care of other people, and of their belongings and surroundings. • Provide opportunities for children to take responsibility. • Encourage children to adopt healthy lifestyles. • Teach children how to stay safe, and encourage them to talk about worries or concerns they may have. • Ensure children are safe and secure when using the internet, via appropriate supervision, website filtering and e-Safety education. Headteacher’s signature: Date: February 24th, 2021 FAMILY We agree to: • Ensure that our child attends school regularly and punctually, and is collected promptly at home time. • Inform school promptly of the reason for any absence, or of any change to collection arrangements. • Avoid requesting Leave of Absence during term time unless in exceptional circumstances. • Ensure that our child does not attend school if they are ill, showing due regard for others’ health. • Ensure that our child attends wearing the school uniform, and with any necessary equipment (e.g. PE kit). • Support our child with homework, reading and other opportunities for home learning. • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect our child’s work or behaviour. • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour. • Support the school’s teaching of safe, secure use of the internet. • Attend parents’ evenings and other meetings to support our child’s education. Parents’/carers’ signature(s) ……………………………………………………… Date………………. Name/s (print) ………………………………………………………………………. CHILD I agree to: • Always do my best in lessons, and avoid distracting others. • Listen to and follow instructions. • Put my hand up to ask and answer questions, or to ask for help. • Respect and be kind towards others, and look after our school. • Keep my hands and feet to myself, and not hurt others. • Complete my homework as well as I can, and hand it in on time. • Tell a trusted adult if I have a worry or concern. • Use the Internet safely. Child’s signature (if appropriate) ………………………………………………… Date………………. Please return this signed agreement to the school office.

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Samples: School Agreement

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School. As a school, we will do our best to ensure that students are READY to learn, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. We agree towill: Be READY • Have high expectations of all students, identifying individual needs and talents so that each student fulfils their true potential at school and home; • Offer a balanced and challenging curriculum that meets the needs of all students; • Provide high quality teaching and a variety of enrichment activities; • Provide the best possible learning environment which is safe, attractive and caring; • Set, mark and monitor homework on a regular basis, in keeping with the school’s policy; • Inform parents/carers of their child’s progress through annual parent/carer evenings and biannual progress reports; • Contact parents/carers as soon as we become concerned about their child’s standard of work, attendance, punctuality, behaviour or wellbeing. Be RESPECTFUL • Make sure that all students and their families are valued and treated with respect and sensitivity; • Contact parents/carers to celebrate the success of their child; • Respond to any concerns or communications from your child or parents/carers; • Keep parent/carers informed about school activities through Arbor, regular letters home, newsletters, the school weekly bulletin and the website; • Offer opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in school life. Be SAFE • Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, secure, supportive and happy caring environment. • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets statutory requirements and beyond. • Support children to understand their work, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged by it. • Provide children with regular homework, and provide support for parents to facilitate home learning. ; • Encourage children students to do their best at all times and to aim for high standards. • Empower children to take responsibility for their own learning, by setting them clear targets and providing them with regular constructive feedback (either written or verbal). • Inform parents of their children’s progress on a termly basis, and provide a written report once a year. • Inform parents promptly of any concerns about their children. • Encourage children to take good care of other people, and of their belongings and surroundings. • Provide opportunities for children to take responsibility. • Encourage children to adopt healthy lifestyles. • Teach children how to stay safe, and encourage them to talk about worries or concerns they may have. • Ensure children are safe and secure when using the internet, via appropriate supervision, website filtering and e-Safety education. Headteacher’s signature: Date: February 24th, 2021 FAMILY We agree to: • Ensure that our child attends attend school regularly and punctuallypunctually and contact parents/carers promptly should any problem arise; • Have a clearly stated Behaviour Management and Positive Relationship Policy that we will communicate to students regularly. Mrs X Xxxxxx, Head Teacher Students As a student, I will do my best to: Be READY • Attend school regularly, in full uniform; • Arrive at school and is collected promptly at to my lessons on time; • Come to school with all the equipment I need for each day; • Be open to challenge and stretch – jump into learning; • Complete my home learning on time. Be RESPECTFUL Inform Listen and work to the best of my ability at all times; • Respect others and be polite, kind and friendly to all; • Behave well and avoid disrupting the learning of other students. Be SAFE • Look after the school promptly environment and the local community; • Treat all members of the reason for school community with care and respect; • Speak to an adult about any absence, or of any change to collection arrangements. • Avoid requesting Leave of Absence during term time unless in exceptional circumstances. • Ensure issues I’m experiencing that our child does not attend school if they are ill, showing due regard for others’ health. • Ensure that our child attends wearing the school uniform, and with any necessary equipment (e.g. PE kit). • Support our child with homework, reading and other opportunities for home learning. • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might may affect our child’s my work or behaviour; • Speak to an adult about any concerns I have about my or other students’ safety; • Follow school expectation regarding how to behave in classrooms, on corridors, at break or lunch time or on my way to and from school. • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour. • Support the school’s teaching of safe, secure use of the internet. • Attend parents’ evenings and other meetings to support our child’s education. Parents’/carers’ signature(s) Student Signature: ……………………………………………………… Date………………. Name/s (print) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. CHILD I agree toStudent Name: • Always do my best in lessons, and avoid distracting others. • Listen to and follow instructions. • Put my hand up to ask and answer questions, or to ask for help. • Respect and be kind towards others, and look after our school. • Keep my hands and feet to myself, and not hurt others. • Complete my homework as well as I can, and hand it in on time. • Tell a trusted adult if I have a worry or concern. • Use the Internet safely. Child’s signature (if appropriate) …………………………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………….……. Parents/Carers As a parent(s)/carer(s), I/we will do our best to: Be READY • Support our child’s learning at school and home and encourage them to do their best all the time, demonstrating a positive attitude towards school; • Make sure that my child completes their homework on time and raises any issues with their teachers • Ensure that our child attends regularly, in full uniform, fully equipped and on time. Be RESPECTFUL • Support the school and our policies; • Attend Parent/Carer Evenings and other meetings about our child’s progress; • Actively participate in activities and school life whenever possible; • Read all correspondence from the school and respond quickly when necessary. • Make sure communication with the school is respectful, and that I make every reasonable effort to address my communications to the appropriate member of staff • Understand that I should communicate with staff during core school hours, and although they may at times respond outside of those hours, I can’t always expect that Be SAFE • Inform school promptly of any absence; • Keep school informed of any circumstances that may affect our child’s wellbeing, ability to learn effectively or behave appropriately. Parent/Carer Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Parent/Carer Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………. Please return this signed agreement A Bullying Charter Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of 1 person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is, therefore: • Deliberately hurtful; • Repeated, often over a period of time; • Difficult to defend against. Bullying can include: TYPE OF BULLYING DEFINITION Emotional Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, intimidation, manipulation, coercive control Physical Hitting, kicking, pushing, taking another’s belongings, any use of violence Prejudice-based and discriminatory, including: ● Racial ● Faith-based ● Gendered (sexist) ● Homophobic/biphobic ● Transphobic ● Disability-based Taunts, gestures, graffiti or physical abuse focused on a particular characteristic (e.g. gender, race, sexuality) Sexual Explicit sexual remarks, display of sexual material, sexual gestures, unwanted physical attention, comments about sexual reputation or performance, inappropriate touching, upskirting, Sexting (consensual and non-consensual sharing nude or semi-nude images or videos or messages of a sexual nature) Direct or indirect verbal Name-calling, xxxxxxx, spreading rumours, teasing Online/Mobile-bullying Bullying that takes place online or via any communication device, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites OUR CODE • Every person in Stretford High School has the right to enjoy their learning and leisure free of intimidation, both in the school office.and in the surrounding community; • Our school community will not tolerate unkind actions or remarks – even if these were not intended to hurt; • Everyone in our school community has a duty to tackle and report bullying – staff, students, parents/carers; • Reported instances of bullying will always be investigated; • Students should support each other by reporting instances of bullying; • Bullying will be dealt with seriously; • Telling is the only way to stop bullying. I agree to keep this code Student Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Parent/Carer Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Parent/Carer Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………

Appears in 1 contract


School. As a school, we will do our best to ensure that students are READY to learn, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. We agree towill: Be READY • Have high expectations of all students, identifying individual needs and talents so that each student fulfils their true potential at school and home; • Offer a balanced and challenging curriculum that meets the needs of all students; • Provide high quality teaching and a variety of enrichment activities; • Provide the best possible learning environment which is safe, attractive and caring; • Set, mark and monitor homework on a regular basis, in keeping with the school’s policy; • Inform parents/carers of their child’s progress through annual parent/carer evenings and biannual progress reports; • Contact parents/carers as soon as we become concerned about their child’s standard of work, attendance, punctuality, behaviour or wellbeing. Be RESPECTFUL • Make sure that all students and their families are valued and treated with respect and sensitivity; • Contact parents/carers to celebrate the success of their child; • Respond to any concerns or communications from your child or parents/carers; • Keep parent/carers informed about school activities through Arbor, regular letters home, newsletters, the school weekly bulletin and the website; • Offer opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in school life. Be SAFE • Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, secure, supportive and happy caring environment. • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets statutory requirements and beyond. • Support children to understand their work, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged by it. • Provide children with regular homework, and provide support for parents to facilitate home learning. ; • Encourage children students to do their best at all times and to aim for high standards. • Empower children to take responsibility for their own learning, by setting them clear targets and providing them with regular constructive feedback (either written or verbal). • Inform parents of their children’s progress on a termly basis, and provide a written report once a year. • Inform parents promptly of any concerns about their children. • Encourage children to take good care of other people, and of their belongings and surroundings. • Provide opportunities for children to take responsibility. • Encourage children to adopt healthy lifestyles. • Teach children how to stay safe, and encourage them to talk about worries or concerns they may have. • Ensure children are safe and secure when using the internet, via appropriate supervision, website filtering and e-Safety education. Headteacher’s signature: Date: February 24th, 2021 FAMILY We agree to: • Ensure that our child attends attend school regularly and punctuallypunctually and contact parents/carers promptly should any problem arise; • Have a clearly stated Behaviour Management and Positive Relationship Policy that we will communicate to students regularly. Mrs X Xxxxxx, Head Teacher Students As a student, I will do my best to: Be READY • Attend school regularly, in full uniform; • Arrive at school and is collected promptly at to my lessons on time; • Come to school with all the equipment I need for each day; • Be open to challenge and stretch – jump into learning; • Complete my home learning on time. Be RESPECTFUL Inform Listen and work to the best of my ability at all times; • Respect others and be polite, kind and friendly to all; • Behave well and avoid disrupting the learning of other students. Be SAFE • Look after the school promptly environment and the local community; • Treat all members of the reason for school community with care and respect; • Speak to an adult about any absence, or of any change to collection arrangements. • Avoid requesting Leave of Absence during term time unless in exceptional circumstances. • Ensure issues I’m experiencing that our child does not attend school if they are ill, showing due regard for others’ health. • Ensure that our child attends wearing the school uniform, and with any necessary equipment (e.g. PE kit). • Support our child with homework, reading and other opportunities for home learning. • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might may affect our child’s my work or behaviour; • Speak to an adult about any concerns I have about my or other students’ safety; • Follow school expectation regarding how to behave in classrooms, on corridors, at break or lunch time or on my way to and from school. • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour. • Support the school’s teaching of safe, secure use of the internet. • Attend parents’ evenings and other meetings to support our child’s education. Parents’/carers’ signature(s) Student Signature: ……………………………………………………… Date………………. Name/s (print) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. CHILD I agree toStudent Name: • Always do my best in lessons, and avoid distracting others. • Listen to and follow instructions. • Put my hand up to ask and answer questions, or to ask for help. • Respect and be kind towards others, and look after our school. • Keep my hands and feet to myself, and not hurt others. • Complete my homework as well as I can, and hand it in on time. • Tell a trusted adult if I have a worry or concern. • Use the Internet safely. Child’s signature (if appropriate) …………………………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………….……. Parents/Carers As a parent(s)/carer(s), I/we will do our best to: Be READY • Support our child’s learning at school and home and encourage them to do their best all the time, demonstrating a positive attitude towards school; • Make sure that my child completes their homework on time and raises any issues with their teachers • Ensure that our child attends regularly, in full uniform, fully equipped and on time. Be RESPECTFUL • Support the school and our policies; • Attend Parent/Carer Evenings and other meetings about our child’s progress; • Actively participate in activities and school life whenever possible; • Read all correspondence from the school and respond quickly when necessary. • Make sure communication with the school is respectful, and that I make every reasonable effort to address my communications to the appropriate member of staff • Understand that I should communicate with staff during core school hours, and although they may at times respond outside of those hours, I can’t always expect that Be SAFE • Inform school promptly of any absence; • Keep school informed of any circumstances that may affect our child’s wellbeing, ability to learn effectively or behave appropriately. Parent/Carer Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Parent/Carer Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………. Please return this signed agreement A Bullying Charter Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of 1 person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is, therefore: • Deliberately hurtful; • Repeated, often over a period of time; • Difficult to defend against. We do not accept bulling in any form whether it be aimed at one person or a group of people due to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or any other feature linked to that person or persons. There are many types of bullying that take place but there are six common types and these are: • Mentally - which can be threatening a student and making them feel scared and isolated both mentally and physically; • Emotional – Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, intimidation, manipulation, coercive control; • Direct or indirect verbal - which includes calling people hurtful names or spreading rumours around, sarcasm or teasing; • Physically - bullying someone using physical violence to harm them such as hitting, pushing or assaulting a peer; • Cyber - is any form of bullying which takes place online or through any device. This can be through social networking sites, messaging apps, gaming sites and chat rooms such as Facebook, XBox Live, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and other chat rooms; • Sexual – bullying someone by using sexualised language, gestures or acts. It can take both physical and verbal forms and can be directed at individuals or groups; • Prejudice-based and discriminatory - Taunts, gestures, graffiti or physical abuse focused on a particular characteristic (e.g. gender, race, sexuality). OUR CODE • Every person in Stretford High School has the right to enjoy their learning and leisure free of intimidation, both in the school office.and in the surrounding community; • Our school community will not tolerate unkind actions or remarks – even if these were not intended to hurt; • Everyone in our school community has a duty to tackle and report bullying – staff, students, parents/carers; • Reported instances of bullying will always be investigated; • Students should support each other by reporting instances of bullying; • Bullying will be dealt with seriously; • Telling is the only way to stop bullying. I agree to keep this code Student Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Parent/Carer Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Parent/Carer Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………

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School. We agree to: The Responsibilities of the School • Provide a safe, securesecure and caring learning environment; • Xxxxx and encourage the children to do their best and achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community; • Develop, supportive in each child, positive values and happy a caring attitude towards the school and wider community including the environment. ; • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets statutory requirements of the highest quality and beyond. • Support children to understand their work, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged by it. meet the individual needs of each child; • Provide appropriate reading books and homework as set out in the homework policy; • Inform children with regular homeworkand parents what the teachers aim to teach the children during the academic year; • Report to parents academic progress, targets and provide support achievements of their child; • Be welcoming and offer opportunities for parents to facilitate become part of the school community; • Contact parents as soon as concerns are raised about your child’s work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality; • Respond to any parents questions or concerns as quickly as possible; • Have a clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for children as set out in the Behaviour and Discipline Policy; • Communicate between home learning. and school through letters, emails, text messages, phone calls, newsletters, meetings, school’s website and Twitter; Encourage children to do their best at all times and to aim for high standards. • Empower children to take responsibility for their own learning, by setting them clear targets and providing them with regular constructive feedback (either written or verbal). • Inform parents of their Celebrate the children’s progress achievement on a termly regular basis, and provide a written report once a year. ; Inform parents promptly of any concerns about their children. • Encourage Allow children to take good care of other people, and of their belongings and surroundings. • Provide opportunities for children to take responsibility. • Encourage children to adopt healthy lifestyles. • Teach children how to stay safe, and encourage them to talk about worries or concerns they may have. • Ensure children are safe and secure when using use of the internetinternet through a combination of site filtering, via appropriate supervisionsupervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in all children, website filtering and e-Safety educationin partnership with parents. Headteacher’s signature: Date: February 24th, 2021 FAMILY We agree to: Parent The Responsibilities of the Parents Ensure See that our my child attends school regularly regularly, is punctual and punctually, and is collected promptly at home timeproperly equipped. • Inform school promptly of the reason for any absence, or of any change to collection arrangements. • Avoid requesting Leave of Absence during term time unless in exceptional circumstances. • Ensure that our child does not attend school if they are ill, showing due regard for others’ health. • Ensure that our child attends This includes wearing the full school uniform, having their PE kit and with any necessary equipment (e.g. PE kit). being ready to learn; Support our child with homework, reading and other opportunities for home learning. • Make Inform the school aware on the first day and subsequent days of absence; • Raise any concerns or problems that might affect our my child’s work ability to learn or behaviour. behave appropriately; • Support the schoolschool to make sure my child maintains excellent behaviour; • Conduct myself, whilst in and around the school site, in an appropriate manner and act as a role model to all children; • Listen to my child read daily, sign their reading record and help learn their times tables (from year 3); • Attend parent meetings with the teacher to discuss my child’s policies achievements and guidelines for behaviour. progress; • Support all staff in their efforts to create a caring community which values children and their rights; • Support the school in getting any help my child may need; • Read all correspondence, including letters, text and emails that are sent from the school; • Inform the school immediately of any changes to parents emergency contacts details; • Celebrate your child’s achievements and rewards; • Support the school in the teaching of safe, safe and secure internet use of the internet. • Attend parents’ evenings and other meetings to support our child’s education. Parents’/carers’ signature(s) ……………………………………………………… Date………………. Name/s (print) ………………………………………………………………………. CHILD I agree to: • Always do my best in lessons, and avoid distracting others. • Listen to and follow instructions. • Put my hand up to ask and answer questions, or to ask for help. • Respect and be kind towards others, and look after our school. • Keep my hands and feet to myself, and not hurt others. • Complete my homework as well as I can, and hand it in on time. • Tell a trusted adult if I have a worry or concern. • Use the Internet safely. Child’s signature (if appropriate) ………………………………………………… Date………………. Please return this signed agreement to the school officeat home.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: School Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

School. We agree toThe school will: • Provide a Ensure your child is safe, secure, supportive enjoys school and happy environment. makes a positive contribution to school life Provide Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which meets statutory requirements and beyond. • Support children to understand their work, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged by it. • Provide children with regular homework, a range of extra-curricular activities • Ensure that homework tasks/projects are given and provide support for parents reflect your child’s learning needs • Actively welcome parents/carers into the life of the school and ensure teaching staff are available by mutual arrangement to facilitate home learning. discuss any concerns you may have about your child • Keep you informed about school life • Ensure teaching staff are kept up to date on important educational developments which might affect your child • Encourage children your child to do their best at all times and to aim for high standards. • Empower children to take responsibility for their own learning, by setting them clear targets and providing them with regular constructive feedback (either written or verbal). • Inform parents of their children’s progress on develop a termly basis, and provide a written report once a year. • Inform parents promptly of any concerns about their children. • Encourage children to take good care of other people, and of their belongings and surroundings. • Provide opportunities for children to take responsibility. • Encourage children to adopt healthy lifestyles. • Teach children how to stay safe, and encourage them to talk about worries or concerns they may have. lifestyle • Ensure children are your child is safe and secure when using computers/internet by following the internet, via appropriate supervision, website filtering and e-Safety educationschool’s acceptable use policy. Headteacher’s signature: Date: February 24th, 2021 FAMILY We agree toParents/Carers I/we will: • Ensure that our my child attends school regularly and punctually, that absences are properly notified • Ensure that my child arrives and is collected promptly at home time. • Inform school promptly of the reason for any absence, or of any change to collection arrangements. • Avoid requesting Leave of Absence during term on time unless in exceptional circumstances. • Ensure that our child does not attend school if they are ill, showing due regard for others’ health. • Ensure that our child attends wearing the school uniform, and with any necessary equipment (e.g. PE kit). • Support our child with homework, reading and other opportunities for home learning. • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect our child’s work or behaviour. • Support the school’s policies work and guidelines ethos of the school and encourage my child to do so too • Support my child with his/her homework and whenever possible promote oppor- tunities for behaviourhome learning and reading • Ensure my child leads a healthy lifestyle and goes to bed at a reasonable time on weekdays. • Support Attend parent/Carer consultations • Respect all members of the school com- munity • Ensure my child follows the school acceptable use policy and ensure they are being safe when using the internet at home • Ensure my child comes to school with the relevant kit and equipment Pupils: I will: • Always try to do my best • Always be polite and thoughtful towards others • Respect others • Always follow the school rules • Follow the school’s teaching of safe, secure use of policy and keep safe on the internet. inter- net Attend parents’ evenings Take responsibility for my learning and other meetings to support our child’s education. Parents’/carers’ signature(s) ……………………………………………………… Date………………. Name/s (print) ………………………………………………………………………. CHILD I agree to: • Always do my best in lessons, and avoid distracting others. • Listen to and follow instructions. • Put my hand up to ask and answer questions, or to ask for help. • Respect and be kind towards others, and look after our school. • Keep my hands and feet to myself, and not hurt others. • Complete my homework as well as I can, and hand it in on time. • Tell a trusted adult if I have a worry or concern. • Use the Internet safely. Child’s signature (if appropriate) ………………………………………………… Date………………. Please return this signed agreement to the school office.behavior

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School. We agree To help your child at school we will endeavour to: • Provide a safeCare for your child’s safety, secure, supportive including online safety and happy environment. • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets statutory requirements and beyond. • Support children to understand their work, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged by it. • Provide children with regular homework, and provide support for parents to facilitate home learning. happiness • Encourage children to work hard, do their best at all times and to aim for high standardsbe proud of what they have achieved. • Empower children Help to take responsibility for their own learningdevelop your child’s self-sufficiency, by setting them clear targets independence and providing them with regular constructive feedback (either written or verbal). • Inform parents of their children’s progress on a termly basis, and provide a written report once a year. • Inform parents promptly of any concerns about their children. • Encourage children to take good care of other people, and of their belongings and surroundingsresilience. • Provide opportunities for children a high quality and creative curriculum that meets the needs of your child and enables them to take responsibilitybecome respectful, independent and perseverant individuals. • Encourage children to adopt Promote healthy lifestyles. • Teach children how to stay safeDevelop your child’s spiritual, moral, social and encourage them to talk about worries or concerns they may havecultural understanding including British Values by teaching Christian beliefs and values. • Ensure children are safe and secure when using the internetShare information with you about your child’s progress, via appropriate supervision, website filtering and e-Safety education. Headteacher’s signature: Date: February 24th, 2021 FAMILY We agree to: • Ensure that our child attends school regularly and punctually, and is collected promptly at home time. • Inform school promptly of the reason for any absence, or of any change to collection arrangements. • Avoid requesting Leave of Absence during term time unless in exceptional circumstances. • Ensure that our child does not attend school if they are ill, showing due regard for others’ health. • Ensure that our child attends wearing the school uniform, and with any necessary equipment (e.g. PE kit). • Support our child with homework, reading and other opportunities for home learning. • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect our and other school matters. • Achieve high standards of behaviour by building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility. • Promote the importance of regular attendance and punctuality. • Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for you to become involved in school. • Communicate with you about events and key dates during the year. • Identify those children with additional needs and support them. In some cases by involving other professional services (with your permission). • Where relevant, set homework which helps to reinforce skills learnt at school. • Provide a range of extra-curricular activities designed to enrich the children’s school experience. • Contact you if there is a persistent problem concerning your child’s work attendance, punctuality or behaviour. • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour. • Support the school’s teaching of safe, secure use of the internet. • Attend parents’ evenings and other meetings to support our child’s education. Parents’/carers’ signature(s) Head Teacher:………………………………………………………………………… Date……………………………… PARENTS/CARERS To help my child at school I will endeavour to: • Ensure that my child arrives at school, on time ready for a 9.00 am start in class and is collected promptly at the end of the day. Name• Make sure my child attends school regularly and contact the school by email (by 9.00am) if my child is absent. • Avoid any term time leave of absence unless circumstances are exceptional and approved by the Head Teacher • Always encourage my child to do their best and help them to understand that working hard, asking for help and learning from our mistakes are essential skills of learning and life. • Help school to develop my child’s self-sufficiency, independence and resilience. • Encourage my child to speak to staff in school about problems they have encountered as soon as they happen, so they develop the skills to solve issues for themselves. • Support the school policies and guidelines, particularly those relating to health and safety and online safety. Uphold the school’s policy of not permitting children to have mobile phones in school. • Comply with the school’s Acceptable Use and Photography Policy which states ‘Images should only be taken at the school’s discretion and at appropriate times. Parents and carers will be informed if photography and filming is appropriate. Digital images taken by parents and carers of any children other than those they have parental consent for must not be shared on social media. • Work with the school to encourage good behaviour and manners. • Support my child with their homework, ensuring it is handed in on time, and other home- learning opportunities such as sharing books at home. • Ensure my child wears the correct school uniform and is fully equipped for the school day. • Keep school informed regarding any issues at home which may impact on my child in school. • Talk to the school if my child is worried about going to school. • Treat staff with consideration and respect and trust their judgement and professionalism • Attend appointments regarding my child’s education and health. • Read the school newsletter and reply promptly to any school correspondence. Parent/s (print) …………………………Guardian………………………………………… Head Teacher……………………………………………. CHILD I agree to: • Always do my best in lessons, and avoid distracting others. • Listen to and follow instructions. • Put my hand up to ask and answer questions, or to ask for help. • Respect and be kind towards others, and look after our school. • Keep my hands and feet to myself, and not hurt others. • Complete my homework as well as I can, and hand it in on time. • Tell a trusted adult if I have a worry or concern. • Use the Internet safely. Child’s signature (if appropriate) ………………………………………………… Date………………. Please return this signed agreement to the school office.

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Samples: School Agreement

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