School Visits. Representatives of the association and their affiliates will be permitted on school property at all reasonable times, provided this will not disrupt normal school operations. Such representatives will notify the school principal and receive permission. No reasonable request will be denied.
School Visits. Youth shall participate in a minimum of one (1) school visit. School visits may not occur when county school system hours of operations are closed for business during such times as summer break and winter break sessions. In such occurrences, participating youth shall have an additional one (1) home visit during program participation.
School Visits a The President of the Union or designated representative, or full-time Union employees may visit schools to examine complaints pertaining to this Agreement and other Board and government policies, provided the representative(s) first sign(s) in on the appropriate log indicating the purpose of the visit. If conferences with teachers are necessary, they shall be scheduled before or after the instructional day or during lunch period.
School Visits. 23.05.01 One (1) day’s leave per child per year for the purpose of visiting the member’s child(xxx)’s school.
23.06.02 It is understood that spouse includes common-law and same-sex partners.
23.06.03 Additional leave may be granted, subject to the discretion of the General Secretary.
School Visits. 6.1 In order to avoid creating channels of communication around The Superintendent/Principal and, thus, reducing his/her effectiveness as the leader of the school system, Board members will visit schools and seek direct communication with employees only under a systematic plan mutually agreed to by and between the Board and the Superintendent/Principal.
6.2 The preceding provision shall not apply to activities open to the public or visits where the Board member is acting solely in his/her role as a parent of a student.
School Visits. Not Board Employees - Federation Representatives who are not employed by the Board shall have access to the work locations, subject to the visiting rules of the work location and further provided that the visit of the Representative does not interfere with the educational program. All such visitors shall report to the building office of any school prior to conducting any business.
School Visits. Beginning on March 22, 2022 and ending on June 30, 2022, on dates to be agreed upon between Xx. Xxx and the Board President and/or the current District Superintendent, Xx. Xxx shall spend up to seven (7) full work days visiting the School District. Xx. Xxx shall spend such time consulting with the current Superintendent and administration, union leadership, and other personnel, and reviewing such documents and other records as he deems necessary to learn about the District and prepare for his assumption of duties as Superintendent. Current School District administration shall cooperate with Xx. Xxx in providing him with documents and/or information as he deems appropriate.
School Visits. Visits will be conducted after agreement between the Evaluator and the project manager. Agreement on visit dates will be done through e-mail communication. The Evaluator agrees to comply with all requirements of Sections 1012.32 and 1012.465, Florida Statues, and all of its personnel who are to be permitted access to school grounds when students are present will successfully complete the background screening required by the referenced statutes and meet the standards established by the statutes. This background screening will be conducted by the School Board in advance of Evaluator's personnel coming onto school grounds. The Evaluator shall bear the cost of acquiring the background screening required by Section 1012.32, Florida Statutes, and any fee imposed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to maintain the fingerprints provided with respect to Evaluator and its personnel. The School Board has the right to refuse entry onto its school grounds of any individual whose background check discloses information that is inconsistent with School Board standards. The Evaluator assures that all USF volunteers, employees or agents associated with the project will abide by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 12329; 34 CFR Part 99) when dealing with student records and all personally identifiable student information. This information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to any other person or organization without the prior permission of the district or parent.
School Visits. When a participating department is currently working overtime, all field visits outside the staff persons currently scheduled working hours will be paid as overtime for the staff member that volunteers. If a staff person volunteers for a field visit and their current scheduled day ends before the departure, the staff person:
A. Should return to work at the time of departure for the field visit and overtime will be paid for the field visit, or
B. Would be allowed a C2 schedule adjustment to avoid the above gap between regular and overtime hours for the day. If the combined regular and overtime hours exceed six and one-half (6 ½) hours, the staff person must include a lunch break in their schedule. When a participating department is not currently working overtime, staff who volunteer for the field visit will be required to schedule adjust to the anticipated start/end time of the field visit, up to ten (10) working hours. Overtime will only be paid if time worked goes beyond the anticipated ending time of the field visit or ten (10) working hours for that day. If MESSA receives short notice of a field visit (there is not enough time to post for volunteers, or for volunteers to arrange for a schedule adjustment), voluntary overtime may be offered instead of a schedule adjustment. The estimated start and end times for the school visit will be defined when the request for volunteers is announced, and schedule adjustments will be based on these times. Should the school visit last longer than anticipated, the additional time worked is overtime. If there are no volunteers for the field visits, they will become mandatory for the least senior staff person by job skill needed to attend. The least senior staff person will then be paid overtime for the visit hours that exceed the regular hours scheduled for that day. Every effort will be made to notify the least senior staff member 2-3 business days prior to the field visit if possible. When planning school visits, an email will be sent requesting volunteers. Staff volunteering will be selected on a first come first serve basis from responses to each email announcement; selection is not based on seniority or a rotation basis. If someone is concerned about consistently being too late to volunteer, managers will work with the Union to determine the best next steps.
School Visits. The Supervising Officer shall perform scheduled and non- scheduled visits to the schools within WCSD to which SRO's are assigned.