Common use of Other Defined Terms Clause in Contracts

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Rentech Inc /Co/)

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Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock ABO 6.6(b) Acquisition Proposal 5.3(c) Additional Cash Distribution 2.8 Agreement Preamble Allocation 2.13(c) Allocation Schedule 2.13(a) Alternative Financing 5.7(c) Amended and Restated LLC Agreement 5.18(b) Anti-Corruption Laws 3.12(b) Approvals 5.15(a) Balance Sheet Date 3.7(a) Bank Debt Merger Sub Preamble Base Secondary Equity Interests Cash Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiSee definition of Closing Secondary Equity Interests Cash Consideration, 1.1 Bond Debt Merger Sub Preamble Business Financial Information 3.7(a) Business Insurance Policies See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Business Intellectual Property See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Business Permits See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Business Software 3.10(e) Cash Amounts Principles See definition of Cash Closing Cash Shortfall, 1.1 Cash Balance Sheet Contributions 2.11(c) Cash Contribution 2.5 Cash Incentive Compensation 6.8 Cash Shortfall Contributions 2.11(c) CFC 7.9(b) Closing 2.9 Closing Date 2.9 Closing Statement 2.11(b) Collection Costs 9.4(b) Commercial Agreements 5.18(c) Commitment Letters 4.6(c) Confidential Business Information 5.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Conforming Determinations 7.9(b) Continuation Period 6.2(a) control See definition of Affiliate, 1.1 controlled by See definition of Affiliate, 1.1 Current Representation 11.15(a) Data Security Requirements 3.22(a) DC Transfer Amounts 6.5(b) Debt Commitment Letter Section 4.6(a) Debt Financing Section 4.6(a) Debt Merger Agreements 2.3 Debt Merger Subs Preamble Debt Mergers 2.3 Debt-Financed Distribution 2.4 Deferred Compensation Participants 6.7(a) Definitive Agreements 5.7(a) Delayed Employment Period 6.1(d) Delayed Transfer Employee 6.1(d) Designated Person 11.15(a) Dispute Notice 2.12(b) Dispute Resolution Period 2.12(b) Dutch AML Act 3.12(b) Equity Commitment Letter 4.6(c) Equity Financing 4.6(c) Equity Investors 4.6(c) Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.11(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviEstimated Closing Cash Shortfall 2.11(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Estimated Closing Funded Debt 2.11(b) Excess Amount 2.14(d)(iSee definition of Adjustment Amount, 1.1 Excluded Information See definition of Financing Information, 1.1 Fair Value Section 4.11 FCPA 3.12(b) Final Secondary Equity Interests Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i2.12(d) Certificate Financing 4.6(c) Financing Amounts 4.6(e) Financing Authorization Letters 5.7(c) Financing Entities See definition of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Financing Parties, 1.1 Guarantees 5.9 Guaranty Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a10.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv10.5(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.12(b) Independent Engineer Intended Tax Treatment 7.5 Interim Secured Debt Section 2.10(b)(vi) International Transferred Employee 6.1(e) Inventory See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Joint Steering Committee 5.19 Leased Real Property See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Lenders Section 4.6(a) Material Contracts 3.12(a) Misallocated Business IP Section 5.17(c) Misallocated Retained Business IP Section 5.17(c) Networks 3.13(d) New Plans 6.2(c) New Subsidiaries 3.23(b) Objection Rights 6.1(b) OFAC See definition of Sanctioned Person, 1.1 Offer Employee 6.1(c) Old Plans 6.2(c) Outside Date 9.1(d) Owned Real Property See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Parties Preamble PBGC Section 3.17(c) Pension Transfer Amounts 6.6(c) Phase-Out Period 5.10(a) Post-Closing Covenant 10.1(c) Post-Closing Representation 11.15(a) Post-Closing Statement 2.12(a) Pre-Closing Restructuring Steps 5.14 Pre-Closing Structure 5.14 Pre-Closing Tax Return 7.2(a) Primary Equity Interests 2.5 Privileged Communications 11.15(b) Processing Matters 3.13(d) Prohibited Modifications 5.7(b) Property Taxes 7.8 Purchased Entity Preamble Purchased Entity Covered Person 5.16(b) Purchased Entity DC Plans 6.5(a) Purchased Entity Deferred Compensation Plans 6.7(a) Purchased Entity Equity Interests Recitals Purchased Entity FSA Plan 6.2(e) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Purchaser Related Parties 9.4(c) Purchaser Severance Amount Section 6.2(b) Purchaser’s Allocation 2.13(b) Reduction 7.5 Registered Business IP 3.10(a) Registration Rights Agreement 5.18(b) Relevant Assets 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiRetained Businesses See definition of Business, 1.1 Retained Transaction Expenses See definition of Retained Liabilities, 1.1 Reverse Termination Fee 9.4(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vSale 2.6 Sale Process NDA 5.3(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Sample Closing Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria Article III Secondary Equity Interests 2.6 Seller Preamble Seller Covered Person 5.16(a) Seller DC Plans 6.5(a) Seller Deferred Compensation Plans 6.7(a) Seller FSA Plan 6.2(e) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Insurance Policies 5.11 Seller Related Parties 9.4(c) Seller Tax Group See definition of Excluded Assets, 1.1 Seller’s Notice 2.13(b) Shared Contract 5.15(e) Shortfall Amount See definition of Adjustment Amount, 1.1 Specified Business Contracts See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Specified Date 9.1(d) Specified Termination 9.4(a) Tax Consideration 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTrade Controls 3.13(f) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 7.7 Transferee Pension Plans 6.6(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferor Pension Plans 6.6(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Employees 6.1(e) Weeks Employment Transferred FSA Balances 6.2(e) Transferred Pension Plan Participants 6.6(a) Transferred Tangible Personal Property See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv5.18(a) Written Consent 8.10TUD Employee 6.1(b) U.S. Transferred Employee 6.1(e) under common control with See definition of Affiliate, 1.1 Worldpay Entities See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1 Worldpay Entity Interests See definition of Transferred Assets, 1.1

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Principles 2.6(a)(i) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 4.19(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation Statement 2.7 Altersteilzeit 7.4(b)(ix) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iApplicable Survival Period 10.1(d) Assigned Contracts 2.1(d) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 3.2(b) Assignment and Assumption of Lease 3.2(g) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Audited Financial Statements 4.5(a)(i) Balance Sheet 4.5(b) Balance Sheet Date 4.5(b) Base Net Assets 2.6(a)(ii) Business Recitals Business Authorizations 4.11(a) Buyer Preamble Buyer Closing Certificate 8.3(c) Buyer Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article V Buyer Indemnitees 10.2(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.5(a) Closing 3.1 Closing Assets 2.6(a)(iii) Closing Date 3.1 Closing Liabilities 2.6(a)(iv) Closing Net Assets 2.6(a)(v) Closing Net Assets Statement 2.10(a2.6(a)(vi) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCOBRA 7.4(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 6.3 Consents 4.4(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCopyrights 4.15(a) DGCL CTC Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDeficit Amount 2.6(e)(i) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aDOJ 7.1(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 3.3(a) Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFund 3.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiAmount 2.6(e)(ii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExcluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cNet Assets 2.6(a)(vii) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.5(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iForeign Plans 4.20(q) Indemnified Party 12.5(aFTC 7.1(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aGerman Employees 7.4(b)(i) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIn-Bound Licenses 4.15(c) Independent Auditor 2.10(bExpert 2.6(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntellectual Property 4.15(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property Rights 4.15(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vInterim Balance Sheet 4.5(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiInterim Balance Sheet Date 4.5(b) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bInterim Financial Statements 4.5(a)(ii) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivLease 4.14(c) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Leased Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.14(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aLiabilities 4.6 Losses 10.2(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aMarks 4.15(a) Material Contract 4.17(a) Minor Contracts 4.17(b) Names 7.3(a) Noncompetition Period 6.8(a) Notice of Claim 10.4(a) Notice of Objection 2.6(c) Out-Bound Licenses 4.15(d) Patents 4.15(a) Pension Plan 4.20(b) Pensionssicherungsverein 7.4(b)(ix) Personal Property 4.12(a) Policies 4.23(a) Post-Closing Tax Period 7.5(e) Pre-Closing Tax Period 7.5(e) Products 4.24(a) Proprietary Information 4.15(a) Purchase Price 2.5(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Qualified Lawsuit 7.12 Real Property 4.14(b) Representatives 6.3 Restricted Business 6.8(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Contract 2.8(a) Review Period 2.6(c) Section 1060 Forms 2.7 Seller Preamble Seller Benefit Plans 4.20(a) Seller Closing Certificate of Merger 2.12(c8.2(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c8 Seller Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article IV Seller Employees 2.4(f) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller Benefit Plans 4.20(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller Indemnitees 10.3(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSeller Intellectual Property 4.15(e) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Owned Intellectual Property 4.15(b) Seller Registered Items 4.15(f) Software 4.15(a) Subsidiary Stock Certificates 2.7(a4.3(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defense 10.4(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransferred Employees 7.4(a)(ii) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransition Services Agreement 7.10 Unexpected Employees 7.4(b)(v) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Wertguthaben 7.4(b)(ix)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Composite Technology Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms meaning set forth in the Sections set forth below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Proposal 6.05(e) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Action 3.09 Affiliate Transactions 3.20 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiMerger 1.03 Certificates 2.04(b) Change in Board Recommendation 6.05(c) Change in Control Agreement 3.10(c) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.02 Closing Date 1.02 Code 3.10(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bApprovals 3.05(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBoard Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCommon Stock 2.01(a) Company Disclosure Schedule Article III Company Permits 3.06(a) Company Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Company Rights Agreement 3.03(b) Company Stock Option 2.02(a) Company Stock Option Plans 2.02(a) Company Stockholders’ Meeting 6.03 Company Termination Fee 8.03(d) Confidentiality Agreement 6.04(b) Contracts 3.05(a) Customers 3.21(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) 1.01 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.05(a) Effective Time 2.2 1.03 Employee 6.07(a) Environmental Laws 3.15(c)(i) Environmental Permits 3.15(c)(ii) ERISA 5.15(a3.10(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cERISA Affiliate 3.10(b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii40 Exchange Act 3.05(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Fund 2.04(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExpenses 8.03(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFPS Customers 3.16(b)(ix) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cGAAP 3.07(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiGovernmental Entity 3.05(b) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHazardous Substances 3.15(c)(iii) HSR Act 3.05(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv6.06(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bCommittee 3.04(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aCommittee Recommendation 3.04(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property 3.13 In-the-Money Option 2.02(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vIRS 3.10(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLeased Real Properties 3.12(b) Lien 3.05(a) Material Adverse Effect 3.01(c) Material Contract 3.16(b) Measurement Date 3.03(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Co Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bMerger Consideration 2.01(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivMROP Customers 3.16(b)(ix) Multiemployer Plan 3.10(b) Multiple Employer Plan 3.10(b) Nasdaq 3.05(b) Notice of Superior Proposal 6.05(b) OFAC 3.06(d) Other Filings 6.01 Other Contemplated Transactions 3.04(a) Owned Real Property 3.12(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iApprovals 4.03(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aBenefit Programs 6.07(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bRetiree Medical Programs 6.07(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bTermination Fee 8.03(e) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aWelfare Benefit Plans 6.07(c) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPaying Agent 2.02(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPer Share Merger Consideration 2.01(a) Permitted Objection 2.14(bLiens 3.12(a) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPlans 3.10(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Proxy Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) 6.01 Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.12(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRecommendation 3.04(b) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRepresentatives 6.04(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cShares 2.02(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRights 3.03(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.06(c) SDNs 3.06(e) SEC 3.07(a) SEC Reports 3.07(a) 41 Securities Act 3.07(a) Shares 2.5(b)(i2.01(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSolvent 4.12 Stockholder Approval 3.04(c) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSubsidiary 3.01(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSuperior Proposal 8.01 Suppliers 3.21(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 1.01 Takeover Laws 3.19 Tax or Taxes 3.14(f)(i) Tax Claim 8.7(eReturns 3.14(f)(ii) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Termination Date 8.01

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Industrial Distribution Group Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, each of the following terms shall have the meanings defined for meaning given to such terms term in the Sections set forth belowapplicable Section of this Agreement listed opposite such term: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiA&S Assets 1.5(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiA&S Liabilities 1.6(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAgreement Disputes 8.1(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAinge Preamble Appointed Representative 8.1(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iDividend 2.6 Casualty Loss 6.5 Closing Adjustment Amount 3.5(d)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Condemnation Event 6.5 Convey 1.1(a) Cross-License Agreement 2.2(a)(iv) Cut-Off Time 3.5(a) Debt Exchange Recitals Debt Exchange Parties Recitals Deferred Asset 1.8(b) Disposed A&S Business 1.6(a)(ii)(3) Distribution Recitals Excluded Assets 1.5(b) Excluded Liabilities 1.6(b) Final Balance Sheet 3.5(b) Final Closing 4.1 Cash. 3.5(b) Final Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiIndebtedness 3.5(b) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Final Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c3.5(b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiFox Preamble Fox Accounts 1.10(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bFox Board Recitals Fox Deductible 4.5(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivFox Common Stock 3.2(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFox Shared Contract 1.5(b)(ix) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cFox Transfer Documents 2.4 Guarantee Release 6.3(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Guaranteed Obligations 7.3 Indemnifying Party 12.5(a4.6(b) Indemnitee 4.6(b) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivPayment 4.7(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bInternal Restructuring 1.1(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iilinked 1.10(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Recitals Net Cash Adjustment 3.5(e)(i) Net Working Capital Adjustment 3.5(e)(ii) Newco Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iNewco Accounts 1.10(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aNewco Books and Records 1.5(a)(xi) Newco Contracts 1.5(a)(x) Term Section Stockholders Newco Deductible 4.5(a) Newco Information 5.4(b) Newco IT Assets 1.5(a)(viii) Newco Real Property 1.5(a)(i) Newco Registration Statement 3.3(a) Newco Shared Contract 1.5(a)(x) Newco Subs 1.5(a)(ii) Non-Transferable Permits 1.8(a) Notice of Objections 3.5(a) Parties Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aParty Preamble Post-Closing Claims 6.4(c) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aPre-Closing Occurrence Based Policies 6.4(c) Stock Certificates 2.7(aPreliminary Plan 1.1(a) Survival Privileged Information 5.4(a) Privileges 5.4(a) Proposed Balance Sheet 3.5(a) Proposed Closing Cash 3.5(a) Proposed Closing Indebtedness 3.5(a) Proposed Net Working Capital Amount 3.5(a) Proposed Statement 3.5(a) Related Party Agreements 1.7(a) Schedule TO 3.3(a) Separation Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a2.1 Separation Plan 1.1(b) Separation Time, 2.1 Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bMatters Agreement 2.2(a)(ii) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a4.6(b) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bThird-Party Proceeds 4.7(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iDocuments 2.5 Transferable Permits 1.5(a)(iv) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransition Services Agreement 2.2(a)(iii) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvUpdated Preliminary Plan 1.1(b) Written Consent 8.10[Signature Page Follows]

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Separation and Distribution Agreement

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section ACM 4.18(a) Acquisition Proposal 6.5(a) Acquisition Sub Preamble Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiOption 3.3(c) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdvance Contract 4.10(c) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBenefits Continuation Period 6.13(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iTerm Section Blackstone 4.24 Board of Directors 6.5(a) Capitalization Date 4.5(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iFraction 3.3(b) Cash-Out Amount 3.3(b) Cash-Out Price 3.3(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii3.6(b) Charter Amendment 6.2(a)(i) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.3(d) Closing Date 2.3(d) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBalance Sheet Date 4.8 Company Board of Directors Recitals Company Board Recommendation 6.2(a)(ii) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDisclosure Letter Article IV Company Employees 4.13(a) Company Form 10-K Article IV Company Intellectual Property 4.17(a)(i) Company Plans 4.13(a) Company SEC Reports 4.7(a) Company Shares 3.1(a) Company Stockholders Meeting 6.2(a)(i) Company Termination Fee 8.2(b) Compensation 6.13(c) Current Employee 6.13(c) CVS Recitals Debt and Purchase Contract Assumption 6.6(h)(ii) Deferred Compensation Distribution 6.13(b) DGCL Recitals Diamond Certificate of Merger 2.3(b) Diamond LLC Recitals Term Section Diamond LLC Conversion Recitals Diamond Merger Recitals Diamond Reorganization 6.17 Dissenting Shares 3.5(b) Effective Time 2.3(e) Emerald Certificate of Merger 2.3(e) Emerald Merger Recitals Environmental Laws 4.18(c) Environmental Permits 4.18(c) Financing 5.11 Financing Commitment 5.11 First Operating Year 4.10(c) Form S-4 6.3(a) F Reorg 6.17 Gxxxxxx Sxxxx 4.24 HITS 4.5(a) HITS Indenture 4.22(a) HITS Purchase Contract Agreement 4.22(a) HSR Clearance 6.6(d) Indemnified Directors and Officers 6.8(a) Initial Closing 2.3(a) Initial Closing Date 2.3(a) Initial Effective Time 2.3(b) IRS 4.13(b) Leased Real Property 4.15(b) Lucky Delaware 6.17 LXXXx 5.5(a) Material Contract 4.10(a) Materials of Environmental Concern 4.18(c) Mergers Recitals Multiemployer Plan 4.13(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals New Diamond Preamble New Diamond Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNew Diamond Shares 3.1(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivObjection 6.6(d) Owned Real Property 4.15(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Balance Sheet Date 5.7 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iBoard of Directors Recitals Parent Board Recommendation 6.2(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aDisclosure Letter Article V Parent Form 10-K Article V Parent Plan 6.13(d) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRights Plan 5.5(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aReports 5.6(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiParent Shares 5.5(a) Permitted Objection 2.14(bParent Stockholders Meeting 6.2(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cParent Termination Fee 8.2(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cPaying Agent 3.6(a) Qualified License PBGC 4.13(b) Pledge Agreement 2.14(d)(vi6.6(h) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiProxy Statement/Prospectus 6.3(a) Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.15(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRegulatory Termination Fee 8.2(d) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRemarketing Agreement 6.6(h) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cRepresentatives 6.5(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRequisite Company Stockholder Vote 4.2(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iRequisite Parent Stockholder Vote 5.2(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aRights Plan 4.5(a) SEC 4.7(a) Separate Balance Sheet Data 4.7(b) Separate Operations Data 4.7(b) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSeparation Agreement Recitals Share Issuance 5.2(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aStandalone Drug Sale Agreement Recitals Superior Proposal 6.5(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSurviving Corporation 2.2 Termination Date 8.1(c) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aThird Party Use and Occupancy Agreement 4.15(c) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Withdrawal Liability 4.13(d)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Albertsons Inc /De/)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAggregate Contribution Margin 2.07(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApproval 2.09 Assigned Contracts 2.01(b) ByLaws 5.5 Assumed Employee Plans 4.07(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.03 Austin Assignment 2.06(a)(viii) Balance Sheet Date 4.17(a) Board of Directors 6.02(c) Bond Maintenance Period 6.13 Books and Records 2.01(e) Business Recitals Business Balance Sheet 4.17(a) Business Employees 6.08(a) Business Financial Statements 4.17(a) Business Intellectual Property 2.01(d) Business Intellectual Property Agreements 4.03(b) CAA 1.01 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.02(c) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCapital Expenditures Budget 6.01(e) Certificate CCMG Preamble CCMG General Assignment and Xxxx of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiSale 2.06(a)(iv) CCMG Material Adverse Effect 3.01(a) CERCLA 1.01 Cincinnati Lease 2.06(a)(x) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.05 Closing Date 2.05 Closing Purchase Price 2.06(a)(i) Company CLS Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCLS General Assignment and Xxxx of Sale 2.06(a)(v) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCLS Material Adverse Effect 3.01(b) CM 6.12(d) CMG Utah Preamble CMG Utah General Assignment and Xxxx of Sale 2.06(a)(xvi) CMG Utah Material Adverse Effect 3.01(d) COBRA 6.01(k) Code 4.07(g)(ii) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCombined Aggregate 4.04(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bCompetitive Operations 6.12(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aConfidentiality Agreement 6.03 Contribution Margin 2.07(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dConvergys Preamble Convergys Financial Advisor 6.02(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bConvergys General Assignment and Xxxx of Sale 2.06(a)(vi) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiConvergys Material Adverse Effect 3.01(c) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gCredit Enhancements 6.13 CWA 1.01 Deferred Payment Note 2.06(a)(i) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDOJ 6.06(b) Effective Time 2.2 Employee Maintenance Agreement 2.06(a)(vii) Employee Plan 4.07(a) EPCRKA 1.01 ERISA 5.15(a4.07(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net ERISA Affiliate 4.07(d) Excluded Assets 2.02 Fair Value Price 6.17(b) Final Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cStatement 2.08(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiFixed Assets 2.01(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bForeign Purchase Agreements 7.01(d) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivFTC 6.06(b) Feasibility Completion General Enforceability Exceptions 3.02 Global Closing Purchase Price 2.01 Global Purchase Price 2.01 Guarantees 4.18 Healthcare Groups 6.12(d)(i) Healthcare Services 6.12(d)(i) HSR Act 3.03 Inactive Business Employee 6.08(b) Inactive Business Employee Disability Expenses 6.08(b) Inactive Business Employee Transfer Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i6.08(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv9.04(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.08(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aJacksonville Lease 2.06(a)(xiii) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiJacksonville Warehouse Sublease 2.06(a)(xiv) Know-How 2.01(h) Leased Real Property 4.02 Master Services Agreement 2.06(a)(xii) Material Contract 4.04(a) Material Customers 4.15 Material Supplier Contract 4.04(a) Material Suppliers 4.15 Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vNames 6.10(a) Maximum EarnNISL Preamble Open Source Software 4.03(g) OSHA 1.01 PBGC 4.07(d) Permits 2.01(c) Personnel Records 6.08(m) Post-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiClosing Assigned Contract Employee 6.08(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Purchase Price 2.01 Purchased Assets 2.01 Purchaser Preamble Objections Purchaser Disclosure Schedules Article V Purchaser Indemnitees 9.02(a) Purchaser Material Adverse Effect 5.01 Purchaser Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy 1.01 RCRA 1.01 Representatives 6.02(a) Retained Business Maintenance Agreement 2.06(a)(xi) Retained Contract Collateral Assets 2.02(b) Retained Contracts 2.02(a) Retained Employee Plans 4.07(c) Retained Liabilities 2.04 Retained Tax Liabilities 2.04(e) Sample Working Capital Statement 2.10(b4.17(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivSeller Preamble Seller Entities 4.18 Seller Group 4.05(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Seller Indemnitees 9.03(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Purchase Agreement (Convergys Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings are defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiisections indicated. Acquired Assets 2.1 Allocation Statement 2.9(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAssigned Contracts 2.1(c) Assignment and Assumption Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi2.1 Astromec preamble Assumed Liabilities 2.4(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iXxxx of Sale 2.1 Book Value Objection 2.5(c) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iClaim Notice 6.3 Closing 2.10(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 2.10(a) Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.5(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aCOBRA 5.2(d) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCurrent Products 2.6(a)(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares Earnout Payments 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEarnout Period 2.6(a) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEarnout Sales Base 2.6(a) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEarnout Statement 2.6(a) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gEncumbered Assets 2.2 Excluded Assets 2.3 Excluded Liabilities 2.4(b) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGoodwill 2.1(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a6.3 Intellectual Property Assignment 2.1 Inventory 2.1(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivMajor Customer 4.15 Major Vendor 4.15 Notice of Objection 2.6(c) Parent Preamble preamble Party preamble Physical Inventory 2.5(b) Pre-Paid Expenses 2.1(j) Pro-Dex preamble Purchase Orders 2.1(c) Purchased Intellectual Property 2.1(f) Purchaser Indemnitee 6.2(a) Purchaser preamble Purchaser Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(ipreamble Records 2.1(f) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aResponsible Party 6.3 Seller preamble Seller Indemnitee 6.2(b) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bShared Assets 4.4 Subject Employees 5.2 (a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSupplies 2.1(b) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aPeriod 6.1 Terminated Employees 5.2(a) Tax Claim 8.7(eThreshold 6.5(a)(i) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b6.4(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i2.8 Transferred Employees 5.2(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Permits 2.1(e) Weeks Employment Transition Production Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.10(b)(iv) Written Consent 8.10Unresolved Items 2.6(c) Warranty Liability 2.4(b)(iii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Pro Dex Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall will have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii2013 Xxxx Memo 4.13(b) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Firm 2.17(c) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAdditional Shares 2.18(b) ByLaws 5.5 Anti-Money Laundering Laws 4.26 Apps 4.28 Assumed Option 2.7(a)(i) Audited Financial Statements 6.19 Balance Sheet Date 4.8(b) Benefit Arrangements 4.16(i) Buyer Introduction Buyer Disclosure Schedules 5 Buyer Excluded Representation 9.1(a)(ii) Buyer’s, Merger Sub’s and the SPAC’s Contractual Representations 5.20 Buyer’s, Merger Sub’s and the SPAC’s Extra Contractual Representations 5.20 Buyer’s Counsel 10.15(b) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.1(d)(ii) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCertificate 2.9(c) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.2 Claim 6.11 Closing 4.1 3.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 3.1 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiIndebtedness 1.1(n) Closing Working Capital Statement 2.10(a2.5(d) or (e) Coattail Agreement 2.14 Company Introduction Company Closing Cash 1.1(n) Company Preamble Disclosure Schedules 4 Company Change Objection 2.13(bIntellectual Property 4.12(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bShareholder Notice 6.17 Confidential Information 9.4 Confidentiality Agreement 6.4(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bConversion Offering 6.22(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.8 Draft Working Capital Statement 2.17(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEstimated Cash 2.6(c)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Closing Merger Consideration 2.6(c)(i) Estimated Indebtedness 2.6(c)(i) Estimated Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.6(c)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Agent 2.9(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Exchange Rights Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i2.14 Founder Subscription Agreements Introduction Holdback Shares 2.6(d) Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.1(e) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a9.1(e) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIntended Tax Treatment Introduction Leased Real Property 4.10(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bLetter of Transmittal 2.9(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLockup Agreement 2.14 Merger Consideration Spreadsheet 2.6(c)(i) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiNon-Accredited Seller 2.9(i) Term Section Initial OFAC 4.27 Outside Date 8.1(b)(i) Owned Real Property 4.10(b) Party Introduction Pension Plans 4.16(a) Personal Information 4.28 PIPE Investment Introduction PIPE Investment Amount Introduction PIPE Investor Introduction Post-Closing Straddle Period 9.9(c) Post-Signing Matters 6.18 Pre-Closing Straddle Period 9.8(c) Pre-Closing Tax Periods 9.8(a) Principal Seller 9.5 Privacy Requirements 4.28 Registration Rights Agreement 2.14 Related Party Transaction 4.17 Releasee 9.9 RSU 2.7(a)(iii) Sanctions 4.27 Security Breach 4.28 Seller Introduction Seller Excluded Representation 9.1(a)(i) Seller Fundamental Representations 9.1(a)(i) Sellers’ and the Company’s Contractual Representations 4.34 Sellers’ and the Company’s Extra Contractual Representations 4.34 Sellers’ Counsel 10.15(a) Sellers’ Representative Introduction SPAC Introduction SPAC Board Recommendation 6.10(b) SPAC Closing Cash 7.3(g) SPAC Closing Statement 3.2 SPAC Financial Statements 5.10(a) SPAC Incentive Plan 9.10 Investor Rights Agreement 2.15 Straddle Period 9.8(c) Subscription Agreements Introduction Surrender Documentation 2.9(c) Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Tax Act 10.16 Tax Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a9.1(a)(i) Tax Claim 8.7(eMatter 9.8(g) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.1(e) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.1(d)(i) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bUnvested Exchanged Option 2.7(a)(iii) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iVested Exchanged Option 2.7(a)(ii) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Welfare Plans 4.16(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Glass House Brands Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: - 9 - Defined Term Section Reference Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiOption 2.8(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdverse Recommendation Change 2.16(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviFirst Paragraph Appraisal Shares 2.14 Articles of Merger 2.3 Audited Financial Statements 3.9(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet 3.9(a) Balance Sheet Date 3.9(a) Book Entry Shares 2.11(b) Call Reports 3.9(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i2.7(a)(i) Cash Conversion Number 2.9(a) Cash Election 2.7(a)(i) Cash Election Number 2.9(b)(i) Cash Election Shares 2.7(a)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.11(b) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.2 Closing Date 2.2 Closing Date Plan Year 5.7(d) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bContinuing Employee 5.7(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCRA 3.35 Disclosure Schedules Article IV Discontinued Employee 5.7(c) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDOL 3.24(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a2.3 Election 2.10(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cElection Deadline 2.10(d) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiElection Period 2.10(c) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv5.13 Exchange Agent 2.11(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExchange Agent Agreement 2.11(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cExchange Fund 2.11(a) Exchange Ratio 2.7(b) Excluded Shares 2.7(d) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii3.9(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor Form of Election 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aHolder 2.10 Indemnitees 5.9(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property 3.21 Interim Balance Sheet 3.9(a) Interim Balance Sheet Date 3.9(a) Interim Financial Statements 3.9(a) - 10 - Defined Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vReference Leased Property 3.14(c) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLeases 3.14(c) Loans 3.17(a) Materially Burdensome Regulatory Condition 5.2(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bConsideration 2.7(b) Outstanding NCBCA 2.3 Net Share 2.8(a) NewDominion First Paragraph NewDominion Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv2.7(a) NewDominion Disclosure Schedule Article III NewDominion Equity Awards 2.8(b) NewDominion Exercisable Option 2.8(a) NewDominion Recommendation 2.16(a) NewDominion Regulatory Agreement 3.5 NewDominion Restricted Stock Award 2.8(b) NewDominion Shareholders Recitals NewDominion Shareholders’ Meeting 2.16(a) Non-Election Shares 2.7(a)(iii) North Carolina Secretary 2.3 Notice of Recommendation Change 2.16(b)(iii) Option Cancellation Agreements 2.8(a) OREO 3.14(b) Owned Real Property 3.14(b) Parent Preamble First Paragraph Parent Documents 7.2 Common Stock 2.4 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aPlans 5.7(d) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiFilings 4.11 Park Disclosure Schedule Article IV Park National First Paragraph Per Share Cash Consideration 2.7(b) Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.14(c) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a3.6(a) Registrable Shortfall Number 2.9(b)(ii) Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a2.7(a)(ii) Stock Certificates 2.7(aElection 2.7(a)(ii) Survival Date 12.1 Stock Election Shares 2.7(a)(ii) Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iBank 2.1 Termination Fee 7.2(b) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10and Support Agreements Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization (Park National Corp /Oh/)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) 1.1 Affiliate 1.1 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation 2.10 Alternative Financing 5.14(d) ByLaws 5.5 Antitrust Laws 3.3 Approvals 2.11 Assigned Contracts 2.4(a) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Assumption Agreement 2.8(a)(iv) Base Purchase Price 2.2 Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(v) Business Day 1.1 Canadian Consent Agreement 1.1 Canadian Subsidiary 2.8(b)(xii) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.2(b)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Amounts 1.1 Closing 4.1 2.3 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 2.3 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Purchase Price 1.1 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiStatement 2.9(b) Closing Statement 2.10(aWorking Capital 1.1 Code 1.1 Commissioner of Competition Recitals Commissioner of Competition Concerns Recitals Commitment Letter 4.4(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bContract 1.1 Continuation Period 5.6(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCopyrights 1.1 Covered Loss 1.1 Deductible 9.2(b)(i) DGCL Recitals Definitive Debt Financing Agreements 5.14(a) Delayed Transfer Industrial Wood Employee 1.1 De Minimis Amount 9.2(b)(i) Diligence Materials 4.6 Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.9(d) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEnvironmental Laws 1.1 ERISA 1.1 ERISA Affiliate 1.1 Estate Assignment Agreement 2.8(a)(ix) DLLCA Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.9(b) ETA 1.1 Excluded Assets 2.5 Excluded Taxes 1.1 Existing Title Commitments 1.1 Expenses 8.4 Exploit 1.1 Exploitation 1.1 Export Approvals 3.17(a) Export Laws 3.17 Financing 1.1 Financing Conditions 4.4(b) Financing Sources 1.1 Foreign Closing Documents 2.8(a)(vi) FTC Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger FTC Concerns Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) FTC Order 1.1 GAAP 1.1 Government Contract 1.1 Governmental Entity 1.1 Hazardous Material 1.1 HST 1.1 Inactive Industrial Wood Employee 1.1 Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv9.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.9(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIndustrial Wood Business Recitals Industrial Wood Business Balance Sheets 3.5 Industrial Wood Business Financial Statements 3.5 Industrial Wood Business Intellectual Property 2.4(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIndustrial Wood Business Permits 3.12(b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vIndustrial Wood Business Sensitive Information 3.9(c) Maximum EarnIndustrial Wood Business Tangible Property 2.4(c) Industrial Wood Employee 1.1 Industrial Wood Facilities 1.1 Industrial Wood Material Adverse Effect 1.1 Industrial Wood Products 1.1 Industrial Wood Subsidiaries 1.1 Intellectual Property 1.1 Inventory 2.4(f) IP Assignment Agreements 2.8(b)(xiii) IP License Agreement 2.8(a)(vii) Judgment 1.1 Key Customers 3.18(a) Key Suppliers 3.18(b) Know-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiHow 1.1 Knowledge 1.1 Law 1.1 Leased Real Property 3.10(a) Liabilities 1.1 Lien 1.1 Marks 1.1 Material Contracts 3.11(a) Merger Recitals Merger Agreement Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bRecitals Names 5.7 Offering Documents 5.14(e) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOutside Date 8.1(d) Owned Real Property 3.10(a) Owner’s Policy 5.1(g) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent 401(k) Plan 5.6(a) Patents 1.1 PBGC 3.15(e) Permits 1.1 Permitted Liens 1.1 Person 1.1 Personal Information 1.1 Post-Closing Plans 5.6(b) Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) Pre-Closing Period 1.1 Pre-Closing WC Claims 5.8(b) Proceeding 1.1 Product 3.19 Property Taxes 1.1 Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchaser Preamble Purchaser 401(k) Plan 5.6(h) Purchaser Business Confidential Information 5.3(b) Purchaser Cafeteria Plan 5.6(i) Purchaser Disclosure Schedules 1.1 Purchaser Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i9.1(b) Parent Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a9.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Purchaser Welfare Plans 5.6(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Purchaser’s Allocation Notice 2.10 Real Estate Assignment Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii2.8(a)(ix) Real Property Lease 5.11(b1.1 Regulatory Approvals 1.1 Relating to the Industrial Wood Business 1.1 Release 1.1 Representatives 1.1 Retained Liabilities 2.7 Sample Closing Statement 2.9(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aSeller Preamble Seller Benefit Plan 1.1 Seller Business Confidential Information 5.3(c) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aSeller Cafeteria Plan 5.6(i) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cSeller Disclosure Schedules 1.1 Seller Fundamental Representations 9.1(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a9.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Severance Plan 5.6(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSeller Sites 3.9(i) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSeller Welfare Plans 5.6(b) Seller’s Allocation 2.10 Software 1.1 Solvent 1.1 Straddle Period 1.1 Subsidiary 1.1 Supply Agreement 2.8(a)(viii) Target Working Capital 1.1 Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-1.1 Tax Proceeding 1.1 Tax Return 1.1 Taxing Authority 1.1 Territory 1.1 Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTitle Company 1.1 Toll Manufacturing Agreement 2.8(a)(x) Trade Secrets 1.1 Transaction Recitals Transaction Accounting Principles 2.9(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Documents 1.1 Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.2(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Industrial Wood Employee 5.6(a) Weeks Employment Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(a)(iii) Written Consent 8.10U.S. Deed 2.8(b)(x) WARN 1.1 WC Insurer 5.8(b) Workers Compensation Policies 5.8(b) Working Capital 1.1 ARTICLE II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Principles 2.6(a)(i) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 4.17(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation Statement 2.7 Applicable Survival Period 10.1(d) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Assigned Business Authorizations 7.1(d) Assigned Contracts 2.1(f) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 3.2(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Authorized Service Provider Agreement 3.2(d) Balance Sheet Date 2.6(a)(i) Base Amount 2.14(d)(i2.6(a)(ii) Xxxx of Sale 3.2(a) Business Recitals Business Authorizations 4.9(a) Buyer Preamble Buyer’s Benefit Plans 7.4(c) Buyer Closing Certificate 8.3(c) Buyer Indemnitees 10.2(a) Buyer Warranty Losses 10.2(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i2.5(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCERCLA 4.20(a)(i) China Asset Transfer Agreement 3.2(e) Closing 3.1 6 Closing Date 3.1 Closing Inventory Amount 2.6(a)(iii) Closing Inventory Statement 2.10(a2.6(a)(iv) Company COBRA 7.4(k) Confidentiality Agreement 6.3 Consents 4.3(a) Copyrights 4.13(a) Dispatched Employees 4.19(g)(viii) Environment 4.20(a)(ii) Environmental Action 4.20(a)(iii) Environmental Clean-up Site 4.20(a)(iv) Environmental Laws 4.20(a)(v) Environmental Permit 4.20(a)(vi) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 FCPA 4.26 Flow Products Recitals Foreign Plans 4.18(n) Hazardous Substances 4.20(a)(vii) In-Bound Licenses 4.13(a)(c) Intellectual Property 4.13(a) Intellectual Property Rights 4.13(a) IP Assignments 3.2(h) Japan Buildings 2.1(a) Japan Business Employees 4.19(g)(i) Japan Collective Bargaining Agreements 4.19(g)(iii) Japan Land 2.1(a) Japan Office Space Lease 3.2(f) Japan Personnel 4.19(g)(vii) Japan Plans 4.18(o) Japan Real Estate Purchase Agreement 3.2(g) Japan Work Rules 4.19(g)(vi) JSI Agreement 7.6 June Income Statement 4.4(a) Lease 4.12(c) 7 Leased Real Property 4.12(a) Liabilities 4.5 Losses 10.2(a) Marks 4.13(a) Master Services Agreement 3.2(c) Material Contracts 4.15(b) Noncompetition Period 6.8(a) Nondisclosure Agreements 4.13(i) Notice of Claim 10.4(a) Out-Bound Licenses 4.13(d) Owned Real Property 4.12(a) Patents 4.13(a) PCBs 4.20(i) Pension Plan 4.18(b) Personal Property 4.10(a) Policies 4.21(a) Post-Closing Tax Period 7.5(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 7.5(b) Products 4.22(a) Proprietary Information 4.13(a) Purchase Price 2.5(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Real Property 4.12(a) Release 4.20(a)(viii) Representatives 6.3 Restricted Business 6.8(a) Restricted Contract 2.8(a) Retained Names 7.3 Section 1060 Forms 2.7 Seller Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bSeller Closing Certificate 8.2(c) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bSeller Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article IV Seller Employees 7.4(e) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bSeller Group Recitals Seller Group Benefit Plans 4.18(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bSeller Indemnitees 10.3(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a8 Seller Intellectual Property 4.13(e) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dSeller June Balance Sheet 2.6(a)(i) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bSeller Owned Intellectual Property 4.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiSeller Registered Items 4.13(f) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gSeller Warranty Losses 10.3(b) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aSoftware 4.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified Software License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi3.2(i) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiStatements of Operations 4.4(a) Real Property Lease 5.11(bSublease Agreements 3.2(j) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bThird Party Defense 10.4(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i7.5(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Employees 7.4(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvUS Plans 4.18(a) Written Consent 8.10Work Product Agreements 4.13(j)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Advanced Energy Industries Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Account Purchase Agreements 5.18 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAnti-Corruption Laws 3.16(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iApprovals 2.10(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAssignment Agreement and Bill of Sale 2.8(a)(v) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiAssumed Liabilities 2.6 Balance Sheet Date 3.7(c) Base Purchase Price 2.2 Business Financial Information 3.7(a) Business Insurance Policies 2.4(m) Business Intellectual Property 2.4(d) Business Permits 3.16(c) Central States MEPP 5.19 Claim Expenses 2.13(f) Claim Recovery 2.13(a)(ii) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(a2.9(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bConfidential Business Information 5.3(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bContinuing Employee 6.1(c) DGCL Recitals Contribution Amount 5.19 control 1.1 controlled by 1.1 Controlling Party 7.4(b) Current Representation 11.15(a) DC Employees 6.5 Deferred Payment Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.12(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDesignated Person 11.15(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDispute Notice 2.9(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bDispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gDOL 3.19(a) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.11(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEarn-Out Statement 2.12(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow EBITDA Target 2.11(a) Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 2.9(b) Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cClosing Cash Amounts 2.9(b) Estimated Closing Funded Debt 2.9(b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiAllotment 2.13(a)(ii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExcluded Assets 2.5 FAR 3.12(a)(xv) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPurchase Price 2.9(f) Financial Statements GDB Claim Expenses 2.13(f) GDB Claim Recoveries 2.13(a)(i) GGB Claim Expenses 2.13(f) GGB Claim Recoveries 2.13(a)(ii) GGB Loss Statement 2.12(a) Guarantees 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiHCERA 3.19(j) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHealthcare Reform Laws 3.19(j) Indemnified Party 12.5(a10.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv10.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.9(d) Independent Engineer Inside Date 2.3 IRS 3.19(a) Leased Real Property 2.4(c)(ii) Material Contracts 3.12(a) New Plans 6.2(c) Non-Controlling Party 7.4(b) Old Plans 6.2(c) Outside Date 9.1(d) Owned Real Property 2.4(c)(i) Parties Preamble Post-Closing Representation 11.15(a) Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) PPACA 3.19(j) Pre-Closing Separate Tax Return 7.2(a) Privileged Communications 11.15(b) Public Software 3.10(d)(i) Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Entities 2.4(a)(i) Purchased Entity 2.4(a)(i) Purchased Entity Shares 2.4(a)(i) Purchased Venture Interests 2.4(a)(ii) Purchased Ventures 2.4(a)(ii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Covered Person 5.12(b) Purchaser DC Plans 6.5 Purchaser FSA Plan 6.2(e) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Purchaser Licensed Intellectual Property 5.8(c) Purchaser-Filed Tax Return 7.2(b) Qualified Benefit Plan 3.19(b) R&W Insurance Policy 5.15 Real Property 2.4(c)(ii) Reimbursable Contribution Events 5.19 Retained Businesses 1.1 Retained Claim Recovery 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiRetained Liabilities 2.7 Review Period 2.12(a) Term Sale Process NDA 5.3(a) Sample Closing Statement 2.9(a) Seller Preamble Seller Covered Person 5.12(a) Seller DC Plans 6.5 Seller Deferred Compensation Plans Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v6.6 Seller FSA Plan 6.2(e) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiSeller Indemnified Parties 10.3 Seller Insurance Policies 5.9 Seller Licensed Intellectual Property 5.8(b) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Seller Parent Preamble Seller Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iConditional Guaranty 5.16 Seller Parent’s Applicable GDB Portion 2.13(a)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aSeller Parent’s Applicable Portion 2.13(a)(ii) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bSeller Returns 7.2(a) Parent Proposed Change Shared Contract 2.10(e) Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-7.4 Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiXXXX 3.12(a)(xv) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.9(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i7.8 Transferred FSA Balances 6.2(e) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Tangible Personal Property 2.4(e) Weeks Employment Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(a)(iii) Written Consent 8.10under common control with 1.1 Unreimbursed Claim Expenses 2.13(f) Unreimbursed GDB Claim Expenses 2.13(f) Unreimbursed GGB Claim Expenses 2.13(f)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Shimmick Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms given to them in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii1994 Plan 2.12 1997 Plan 2.12 2005 Plan 2.12 Acquisition Proposal 5.4(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBalance Sheet 4.6(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.2 Claims 4.21 Closing 4.1 2.3 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Date 2.3 COBRA 4.16 Common Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) 4.4 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBoard Recommendation 2.15(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDisclosure Schedules 4.27 Company Intellectual Property 4.15(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bProperty 4.21 Company SEC Reports 4.6(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Company Stock 4.4 Confidentiality Agreement 5.3 D&O Insurance 5.9 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) 2.11 DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) 2.1 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cEnvironmental Claims 4.21 Environmental Law 4.21 Expense Reimbursement 7.3(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i4.6(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(aPersons 5.9 Key Employees 4.16 Letter of Transmittal 2.13(c) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLicensed Intellectual Property 4.15(a) Merger Recitals Merger Solicitation Efforts 2.15(c) Merger Special Meeting 2.15(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bTerm Section Option Agreement 2.13(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOption Consideration 2.12 Owned Intellectual Property 4.15(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Party/Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria Preamble Paying Agent 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Paying Agent Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Preferred Stock 4.4 Proxy Statement 5.5 Representatives 5.4(a) Requisite Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aVote 4.24 SEC 4.6(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSecurities Act 4.6(a) Stock Share Certificates 2.7(a2.13(a) Survival Date 12.1 Specified Definitive Acquisition Agreement 7.1(c) Superior Proposal 5.4(b) Surviving Company 2.12(a2.1 Termination Date 7.1(b) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTermination Fee 7.3(b) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Recitals VSCA 2.2

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Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Halifax Corp of Virginia)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections location set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiDefinition Location Accrued PTO 6.6(e) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAffected Foreign Employees 6.6(s) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAgreement Date Preamble Allocation 3.3 Assigned Contracts Appendix A Assigned Material Contract 4.5(a) ByLaws 5.5 Assumed Liabilities Appendix C Books and Records 6.5(a) Business Guarantees 6.15 Business Real Property Appendix A Buyer Preamble Buyer Benefit Plans 6.6(m) Buyer Indemnified Parties 9.1(a) Buyer Indemnified Party 9.1(a) Buyer Losses 9.1(a) Buyer’s 401(k) Plan 6.6(q) Buyer’s FSA 6.6(o) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.2(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCayman IP Acquisition Preamble Closing 8.1 Closing Date 8.1 Competing Activity 6.10(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCompliant Offer 6.6(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aConfidentiality Agreement 6.2(b) Company Contribution Agreement 2.5(a) Conflict Minerals 4.22(c) Contemplated Transactions Appendix F Continuation Period 6.6(b) Continuing Employee 6.6(a) Contributed Assets Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCopyright and Mask Work Assignment Agreement 2.5(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDeductible 9.2(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDenver LLC Agreement Preamble DHS 6.6(s) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Disclosure Letter Article 4 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a8.1 Employee Accrued PTO Payment 6.6(e) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEmployee Census 4.12(k) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEmploying Entity 6.6(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bEquity Consideration 3.1 Equity Consideration Cancellation 9.3(d) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivEquity Consideration Valuation 9.3(d) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cEquity Transfer Documents 3.4(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cExcluded Assets Appendix D Excluded Employee Liabilities 6.6(j) Excluded IT Assets Appendix D Excluded Liabilities Appendix E Excluded Pending Litigation Appendix E Excluded Tax Liabilities 6.8(a)(i) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.11(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iForeign Continuing Employee 6.6(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aGovernment Contract 4.20 Governmental Authority 4.3(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aIndia Asset Purchase Preamble Information 6.12 Investors 3.2 IPMA Preamble Local Transfer Agreement 2.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivMACOM India Preamble Material Contracts 4.5(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bMaterial Shared Contracts 4.5(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aMinimum Amount 9.2(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiModified Cap 9.2(a)(i) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation New India Co. Preamble New Taiwan Co. Preamble Notification 6.8(g) OFAC 4.22(a) Offer Recipient Employee 6.6(a) Other Asset Sellers 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOther Sellers 2.2 Other Share Sellers 2.2 Other Transfer Documents 2.5(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iParties Preamble Party Preamble Patent Assignment 2.5(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPost-Closing Tax Action 6.8(e)(ii) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPost-Transaction Severance Benefits 6.6(i) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Privileged Information 6.12 Privileges 6.12 Products Appendix A Purchase Price 3.1 Purchase Transaction Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Purchased Assets Appendix A Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases Appendix A Refund Recipient 6.8(e)(i) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRegistered Transferred IPR 4.7(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aReleasee 6.16(d) Releasors 6.16(d) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cAssets 2.6(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRestricted Split Interest 2.6(d) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Seller Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller 401(k) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aPlan 6.6(q) Term Section Stockholders Seller Indemnified Party 9.1(b) Seller Losses 9.1(b) Seller’s FSA 6.6(o) Seller-Signed Tax Returns 6.8(d)(i) Share Purchases Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSpecified Indemnification Provision Appendix F Split Interest 2.6(c) Stockholder Representative Statutory Financial Statements 6.14 Straddle Period Tax Returns 6.8(d)(ii) Subcontracted Work 2.6(f) Taiwan Asset Purchase Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aTangible Assets Appendix A Tax Attribute 6.8(e)(ii) Tax Claim 8.7(eBenefit 9.2(h) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Return Filer 6.8(d)(iii) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.3(c)(i) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Claim Notice 9.3(c)(i) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTrademark Assignment 2.5(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i2.6(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransfer Tax Returns 6.8(b)(v) Weeks Employment Transferred Intellectual Property Rights Appendix A Transferred IT Assets Appendix A Transferred Real Property Assets Appendix A Transferred Technology Appendix A Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xvPreamble U.S. Continuing Employee 6.6(a) Written Consent 8.10U.S. Health and Welfare Transition Date 6.6(o) Vietnam Share Purchase Preamble WARN Act 6.6(b) Withholding Party 3.5(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase Agreement (MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms has specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: the respective meaning Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdditional Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.03(b)(i) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCertificate 2.03(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 1.02 Closing 4.1 1.03 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 1.03 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(aYear 6.10(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bAcquisition Agreement 5.03(b) Company Adverse Recommendation Change Objection Statement 2.13(b5.03(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bArticles 3.01 Company Board Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04 Company Bylaws 3.01 Company Common Stock 2.01(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Company Contract 3.15(a) Company Credit Agreement 5.05(c) Company Disclosure Letter Article III Company Employee 6.10(a) Company Financial Statements 3.06(a) Company Indemnified Parties 6.09(a) Company Intervening Event 5.03(f)(iii) Company Projections 3.22 Company Recommendation Change Notice 2.14(b5.03(c) Company Reports 3.06(a) Company Required Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Company Required Consents 3.05(a) Company Risk Management Guidelines 5.01(a)(xxi) Company Shareholder Approval 3.04 Company Shareholders Meeting 3.04 Company Takeover Proposal 5.03(f)(i) Company Voting Debt 3.03(b) Confidentiality Agreement 6.02(b) Consent 3.05(b) Continuation Period 6.10(a) Controlled Group Liability 3.09(d) Debt Commitment Letter 4.06 Debt Financing 4.06 Debt Financing Related Parties 9.07 Debt Financing Source Provisions 9.07 Debt Letters 4.06 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) 2.05 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.02 End Date 8.01(b)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEnvironmental Permit 3.14(a)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEquity Commitment Agreement Recitals Equity Securities 3.03(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Act 3.05(b)(i) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExchange Agent 2.03(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExchange Fund 2.03(a) FERC 3.05(b)(iv) Filing 3.05(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cOrder 7.01(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFPA 3.05(b)(iv) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGAAP 3.06(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aHSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aInsurance Policies 3.18 IRS 3.09(b) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIT Policies and Procedures 3.17(d) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIT Systems 3.17(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLegal Restraint 7.01(c) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLiability Limitation 9.10 Liens 3.05(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAmount 6.09(c) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 2.01(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNMPRC 3.19(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNRC 3.05(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Disclosure Letter Article IV Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iRequired Approvals 4.03(b)(ii) Parent Indemnified Required Consents 4.03(a) Parties 12.2(aPreamble Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bProceedings 5.02 Proxy Statement 6.01(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPUCT 3.19(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRepresentatives 5.03(a) Parent Represented Employee 6.10(c) Required Amendment 5.05(c) Required Approvals 4.03(b)(ii) Required Consents 4.03(a) SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a3.05(b)(i) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiSecurities Act 3.05(b)(i) Permitted Objection 2.14(bSponsor Recitals Substitute Financing 5.04(e) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSuperior Company Proposal 5.03(f)(ii) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cSurviving Corporation 1.01 Takeover Statute 3.13 TBOC Recitals Transaction Litigation 6.04 Trustee 5.05(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(viWARN Act 3.10 Willful Breach 8.02(e) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate EXHIBIT B COMMITMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN APPLICATIONS TO THE PUCT AND NMPRC AND AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF EL PASO Economic Development and Community Commitments • Commitment to dedicate $100 million to promote economic development in the City of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving El Paso, Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico to be funded at a level of $5 million per year for 20 years. Contributions to the fund will not be recoverable in rates. • Maintain the Company’s annual amount of charitable giving following the transaction at the Company’s average annual charitable giving level for the three-year period ending December 31, 2018 (i.e., approximately $1.2 million per year). • Maintain the Company’s existing low income assistance programs while evaluating potential methods to improve such programs. • Create programs that provide entry-level training focused on engineering, management and finance skills for the local labor force in collaboration with the University of Texas at El Paso and New Mexico State University. • Create apprenticeship programs for technical and professional positions for students in local high-schools and colleges. • Continue and enhance utility supplier diversity by promoting the inclusion of minority-, women-, LGBTQ- and veteran- owned businesses into the Company’s supply chain. • Study and evaluate growth opportunities related to electric vehicles, distributed generation and battery storage in collaboration with the University of Texas at El Paso and New Mexico State University. • The Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10will support Texas RPS standards and the New Mexico Energy Transition Act. • The Company shall report annually to the NMPRC the status of efforts during the prior calendar year to add renewable energy to its power supply portfolio and assure compliance toward the New Mexico Energy Transition Act. Such report shall include a description of efforts to diversify the renewable energy sources considered and an explanation as to what determinations were made and the basis therefor.

Appears in 1 contract


Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings are defined for such terms in this Agreement in the Sections set forth Section indicated below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAssumed Liabilities 2.3 Closing 8.1 Closing Date 8.1 Closing Inventory Value 3.2(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii3.1(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aConsents 2.6 Deferred Payments 3.1(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bDirect Claim 10.3(c) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDispute Notice 3.2(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 First Deferred Payment 3.1(b) Foundry Services Agreement Recitals In-Licenses 4.9(g) Indemnification Cap 10.5(b Indemnifying Party 10.3(a) Independent Accounting Firm 3.2(c) Nondisclosure Agreement 6.4 Notice of Claim 10.3(c) Defined Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bObjection Notice 10.3(c) DGCL Out-Licenses 4.9(l) Pre-Closing Period 6.1 Product License Agreement Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bPurchase Price 3.1 Purchase Price Allocation 3.4(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aPurchaser Preamble Purchaser Losses 10.1 Restricted Business 6.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dRestricted Period 6.6(a) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bSecond Deferred Payment 3.1(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Seller Preamble Seller Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii10.4 Seller Losses 10.2 Seller Statement 3.2(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iTarget Inventory Value 3.2(f) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Termination Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b9.1(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a10.3(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii10.5(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransferred Assets 2.1 Transferred Contracts 2.1(g) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Copyable Technology 2.1(e) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Inventory 2.1(a) Weeks Employment Transferred IP 2.1(d) Transferred Non-Copyable Technology 2.1(f) Transferred Other IP 2.1(d) Transferred Patents 2.1(c) Transferred Permits 2.1(h) Transferred Tangible Assets 2.1(b) Transferred Technology 2.1(f) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Ixys Corp /De/)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have has the meanings defined for such terms respective meaning specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAnti-Corruption Laws 3.13(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.02(b)(ii) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iEquity 4.06(b) Certificate 2.02(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 1.02 Closing 4.1 1.03 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(aDate 1.03 Commitment Letters 4.06(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bAcquisition Agreement 5.02(b) Company Adverse Recommendation Change Objection Statement 2.13(b5.02(b) Company Board Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04 Company Bylaws 3.01 Company Charter 3.01 Company Common Stock 2.01(a)(i) Company Disclosure Schedule Article III Company Employee 6.09(a) Company Financial Statements 3.06(a) Company Group 8.02(d)(ii) Company Indemnified Parties 6.08(a) Company Indemnified Party 6.08(a) Company Intervening Event 5.02(g)(iii) Company IP 3.19(b)(i) Company Material Contract 3.17(a) Company Projections 3.27 Company Reports 3.06(a) Company Stockholder Approval 3.04 Company Stockholders Meeting 3.04 Company Subsidiaries 3.01 Company Takeover Proposal 5.02(g)(i) Company Termination Fee 8.02(b) Company Top Customer 3.20(a) Company Top Supplier 3.20(a) Consent 3.05(b) Consent Solicitation Documents 6.03(e) Consent Solicitations 6.03(e) Continuation Period 6.09(a) Customary Agreements 3.08(a)(iii) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bD&O Insurance 6.08(c) debt 4.12 Debt Commitment Letter 4.06(a) Debt Financing 4.06(a) Definitive Agreements 6.03(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) 1.01 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aShare 2.04(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.02 End Date 8.01(b)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEnforcement Expenses 8.02(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEquity Commitment Letter 4.06(b) Excess Licensing Fees Equity Investor 4.06(b) Equity Securities 3.03(b) Exchange Act 3.05(b)(i) Existing Notes Refinancing 6.03(e) Export and Sanctions Regulations 3.14(a) FCPA 3.13(a) Filing 3.05(b) Financing 4.06(b) GAAP 3.06(a) Guarantor Recitals Guaranty Recitals HSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) Insurance Policies 3.21 IRS 3.09(a) Legal Restraint 7.01(c) Liens 3.02 Merger 1.01 Merger Amounts 4.06(e) Merger Sub Preamble Multiemployer Plan 3.09(e) Nonparty Affiliate 9.15 Parent Preamble Parent Group 8.02(d)(i) Parent Termination Fee 8.02(b)(ii) Parties Preamble Paying Agent 2.02(a) Payment Fund 2.02(a) Post-Closing Plan 6.09(d) Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Prohibited Financing Modifications 6.03(b) Proxy Statement 2.14(b6.01(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivRepresentatives 5.02 Required Consents 3.05(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiRequired Statutory Approvals 3.05(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Retirement Plan 6.09(a) SEC 3.05(b)(i) Securities Act 3.05(b)(i) Solvent 4.12 Superior Company Proposal 5.02(g)(ii) Supporting Stockholder Recitals Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v1.01 Tail Period 6.08(c) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Takeover Statute 3.15 Transaction Litigation 6.14 Voting Agreement Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Willful Breach 8.02(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (W R Grace & Co)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Definition Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAdjustment Number 2.2(b) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAggregate Number 2.2(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAsset Transfer Recitals Asset Transfer Documents Recitals Automobile Purchase Contract 4.10(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBeneficiary 7.22 Beneficiary Exercise Price 7.23(a) Business Cooperation Agreement Recitals BVI Holdco Recitals Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iRecitals CFC 6.9 Claims 9.2(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Code 6.8 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bSecurity Holder 6.13(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConstitutional Documents 4.14 Conversion Shares 4.3 Cooperation Recitals Cooperation Documents Recitals Covered Persons 4.13 Damages 9.2(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDisclosing Party 10.10(c) DGCL Disclosure Schedule 4 Domco Preamble Employment Agreements 7.13 Employment Matters Agreement Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bExercise Price 7.23(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cExisting Shareholders Preamble FCPA 6.13(b) Financial Statements 5.7 4.18 First Step Merger Closing 3.1(a) First Closing Date 3.1(a) First Closing Purchase Price 2.2(a) Framework Agreement Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiGroup Company or Business Contracts 4.14 Hammer Schedule A Hammer Director 7.9 HK Holdco Preamble HKIAC Rules 10.13(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnification Agreements 7.18 Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.2(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a9.2(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiExercise Price 7.23(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vInvestor Option 2.2(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiInvestors Preamble JD Schedule A Joint Venture Affiliate 4.2(d) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Key Employees 4.23 Leased Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.8 Long-Stop Date 10.15(a)(ii) Registrable Payoff Amount Material Contracts 4.10(a) New Employers Recitals New Investor 2.2(c) Next Round Financing 2.3 Nominee Shareholder(s) 6.13(e) Non-Disclosing Parties 10.10(c) Non-Transferred Asset 6.1(c) Note Purchase Agreement Recitals Ordinary Shares 2.11(a4.2(a)(i)(A) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aPermits 4.7 PFIC 6.8 PRC Companies Preamble PRC GAAP 4.18 Preferred A Issue Price 2.2(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Privacy Laws 4.31 Proceeds 6.5 Remaining Number 2.2(c) Restated Articles 2.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cClosing 3.1 Second Closing Date 3.1(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSecurities Act 4.12 Series A-1 Directors 7.9 Series A-1 Shares Recitals Series A-2 Shares Recitals Series Pre-A Shares Recitals Share Charge 7.11 Success Fee 4.27 Tencent Schedule A Tencent Director 7.9 Trust 7.22 Trust Arrangement 7.23 Trust Holdco Preamble Trust Holdco Subscription Agreement 7.23 Trust Ordinary Shares 7.23 Warrantor 4 Warrantors 4 WFOE Preamble Xintai 6.13(h) Second Step Merger Yixin Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Yixin Note Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Business Cooperation Agreement

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Definition Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounts Receivable 2.05(a) Advisors 7.01(a) ADW Introductory Clause Agreement Introductory Clause AMW Introductory Clause Bxxxxxx Introductory Clause Base Balance Sheet 2.04(a) Base Net Working Capital 2.04(a) Basket 11.03(b) Benefit Plans 3.18(a) Business Background Closing 2.06(a) Closing Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.02(c) Closing Statement 2.10(aDate Balance Sheet 2.04(b) Closing Date 2.06(a) Closing Net Working Capital 2.04(b) Collection Deadline 2.05(a) Company Preamble Introductory Clause Company Change Objection 2.13(bLatest Balance Sheet 3.04 Company Shares Background Company Statements 3.04 Contract Termination Liability 7.21 Cxxxxx Introductory Clause Current Assets 2.04(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCurrent Liabilities 2.04(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCustomer Contracts 3.11(c) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDeposit Amount 2.02(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDeposit Agreement 2.02(b) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDirect Claim 11.06(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDocument Retention Period 7.01(c) Effective Time 2.2 2.06(a) EMM Introductory Clause Employees 3.17(c) Employee Termination Time 7.02(a) Environmental Laws 3.22(a)(i) Environmental Permits 3.22(c) ERISA 5.15(aAffiliate 3.18(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 2.02(c) Escrow Amount 2.9 2.02(c) Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Agreement 2.02(c) Facilities Background Family Trust Introductory Clause Garfield Estate Introductory Clause Government Programs 3.12(d) Hanover I Introductory Clause Hanover II Introductory Clause Hazardous Materials 3.22(a)(i) Hired Employees 7.02(b) Healthcare Fraud Laws 3.12(g) HJG Introductory Clause Hxxxxx Trust Introductory Clause Independent Accountants 2.04(d) LandAmerica 2.02(b) M&A Qualified Beneficiaries 7.02(d) Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.04(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) New Operator Introductory Clause New Operator Indemnified Party 12.5(a11.03(a) Indemnifying New Operator Parent Introductory Clause PBGC 3.18(g) PCBs 3.22(d) PNCN Introductory Clause PNP Introductory Clause Private Programs 3.12(e) Purchase Price 2.02(a) Purchaser Introductory Clause Purchaser Indemnified Party 12.5(a11.03(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Purchaser Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiIntroductory Clause Real Property Tax Liability 7.15(d) Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.06(a) Registrable Payoff Refund Amount Shares 2.11(a2.04(e)(i) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRelease 3.22(a)(iii) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cRequired Consents 2.06(b)(xiv) Second Step Effective Remainder Trust Introductory Clause Rent Rolls 3.25(a) Revocable Trust Introductory Clause Shareholders Introductory Clause Shareholder Indemnified Party 11.04(a) Shareholders’ Representative 14.08 Sick Time 2.12(cAgreement 7.02(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iStraddle Tax Period 13.01(b) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSuburban Introductory Clause Tail Coverage 7.06(g) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aTangible Property 3.06(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aTerminated Contracts 7.21 Title Policies 2.06(b)(iv) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a11.06(a)(i) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTrust Accounts 3.26 UCC Searches 8.01(g) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bVEBA 7.02(g) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Wexford Introductory Clause Working Capital Adjustment Amount 2.03

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Omega Healthcare Investors Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii---- ------- Accounting Arbitrator 2.04(d) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable Amount 6.05(c) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iArbitrator 11.13(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAssumed Contracts 2.02(a)(ii) Assumed Employees 6.01(d) Assumed Liabilities 2.02(a) Benefit Gap Payment 6.05(a) Benefit Plans 3.12(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii6.05(b) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.05 Closing Date 2.05 Closing Accounts Receivable 2.04(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bClosing Deferred Revenue 2.04(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bLiability Closing Specified Liabilities 2.04(a) Competitive Activities 5.03(a) Competitive Products 5.03(a) Confidentiality Agreement 5.05(a) Current Bonus Cycle 6.05(c) Customer Contracts 3.15(a)(ii) Cutoff Date 6.02(a)(vii) Deemed Liability Limit 3.15(b) Dispute 11.13(a) Employment Offer 6.01(a) European Specified Business 6.01(c) Employee Final Bonus Payment 6.05(c) Financial Statements 3.04(a) Foreign Specified Business 6.01(b) Employee ICC 11.13(a) Identified Contracts 5.13(c) Indemnifiable Terminations 6.04(d) Indemnified Party 10.05(a) Indemnifying Party 10.05(a) Lease Period 6.02(a)(iv) Leased Real Property 3.11 Loaned Employee 6.02(a)(iv) Losses 10.01 Mandatory Assumed Employee 6.04(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b---- ------- Mandatory Business Employee 6.01(c) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bMaterial Contracts 3.15(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aNotification Statutes 6.06 Offer Letter 6.01(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dParticipant 3.12(a) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bPermitted Goods and Services 5.03(a) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Purchaser Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a10.02 Purchaser Plan 6.02(a)(viii) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser Welfare Plans 6.02(a)(ix) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPurchaser's Superannuation Fund 6.03(b)(i) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRefundable Transaction Taxes 7.06(b) Parent Retained Contracts 5.13(a) Retained Liabilities 2.02(b) Retention Options 6.05(b) Retention Pool 6.05(b) SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder 5.15 Seller Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a10.01 Seller's Bonus Plans 6.05(c) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller's Relocation Policies 6.02(a)(xi) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSeller's Superannuation Fund 6.03(b)(ii) Survival Specified Assumed Liabilities 2.02(a)(v) Specified Customer Contracts 3.15(b) Straddle Period 7.01(e) Submission Period 11.13(b) Termination Benefit 6.03(b)(ii) Termination Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.01(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 7.01(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Obligations 6.03(a)(i) Voting Debt 5.3(bU.S. GAAP 2.04(e) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvU.S. Specified Business Employee 6.01(b) Written Consent 8.10Vesting Date 6.05(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Acquisition Agreement (Amdocs LTD)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall will have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Accepted Reconciliation Item 2.5(c) Affiliation Form 6.13(a) Agreement Introduction Application Party or Application Parties 6.13(a) Benefit Arrangements 4.13(i) Buyer Introduction Buyer Excluded Representations 9.1(b) Buyer Maximum Indemnification Liability 9.4(c) Buyer Parties 9.2 Cash Consideration 2.10(c)(iii2.2(a) Closing 3.1 Closing Date 3.1 Closing Indebtedness Amount 2.4(a) Closing Indebtedness Schedule 2.4(a) Closing Net Working Capital 2.5 Company Introduction Company Interests Recitals Company Transaction Expense Schedule 2.4(b) Confidential Information 10.6 Debt Payoff Letters 2.4(a) Disclosure Schedules Article 4 Disputed Reconciliation Item 2.5(c) DOH Recitals Due Diligence Period 8.1(c) Effective Date Introduction Estimated Closing Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.3(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviEstimated Closing Net Working Capital 2.3(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iEstoppel Certificate 7.1(m) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iFinished Goods Inventory Count 2.3(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 GP Permit 4.13(f) Indemnified Party 9.5 Indemnifying Party 9.5 [***] 7.1(k) Independent Accountant 2.5(e) Jushi Introduction Leased Real Property 4.10(a) Leases 4.10(a) NDA 6.5 Negative Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.3(b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiNet Working Capital Statement 2.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees Note 2.2(b) Note Consideration 2.2(b) Option 10.3 Option Period 10.3 PADS 7.1(t) PADS Equity 10.3 Party or Parties Introduction Pension Plans 4.16(a) Positive Closing Net Working Capital Amount 2.3(b) Post-Closing Straddle Period 10.2(c) Pre-Closing Straddle Period 10.2(c) Pre-Closing Tax Periods 10.2(a) Purchase Price 2.2 Reconciliation Items 2.5(a) Reconciliation Period 2.5(a) Reconciliation Statement 2.14(b2.5(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivReleasing Parties 11.19 Resolution Period 2.5(d) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cReview Period 2.5(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSeller Introduction Seller Excluded Representations 9.1(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Seller Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii9.1(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iSeller Maximum Indemnification Liability 9.4(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(aStatement of Objections 2.5(c) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aStraddle Period 10.2(c) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Supply Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a7.1(t) Tax Claim 8.7(eand ERISA Representations 9.1(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Matter 10.2(g) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a9.5 Threshold 9.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTransition Services Agreement 7.1(t) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bUndisclosed Material Adverse Fact WARN Act 7.1(r) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i4.26(v) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Welfare Plans 4.16(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Equity Purchase Agreement (Vireo Health International, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAgreement Preamble Allocation 2.10 Anti-Corruption Laws 3.23 Antitrust Laws 3.4 Approvals 2.11(a) Assignment Agreement and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(iv) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Balance Sheet Date 3.6(a) Base Purchase Price 2.2 BoA 2.8(b)(v) Brafasco Preamble Business Balance Sheet 3.6(a) Business Financial Statements 3.6(a) Business Permits 3.12(b) Buyer Preamble Buyer Fundamental Representations 9.1(b) Buyer Indemnified Parties 9.2(a) Buyer Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Buyer Portion of the Shared Contract Liabilities 2.11(c) Buyer Savings Plan 5.7(c) Buyer’s Allocation 2.10 Buyer’s Plans 5.7(b) Cap 9.2(b)(ii) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.9(b) Combined Tax Return 6.3(a) Competing Business 5.13(b)(ii) Confidential Business Information 5.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Covered Person 5.13(a) Deductible 9.2(b)(i) Dispute Notice 2.9(d) Dispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.9(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviEstimated Closing Cash Amounts 2.9(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iEstimated Closing Funded Debt 2.9(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iEstimated Closing Working Capital 2.9(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiExcluded Assets 2.5 Excluded Business Taxes 6.1 Final Purchase Price 2.9(f) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bFundamental Representations 9.1(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bGECC 2.8(b)(vi) DGCL GECF 2.8(b)(vi) General Conveyance and Assumption of Liabilities Agreement 2.8(a)(iv) Guarantees 5.8(a) HD Supply Preamble HD Supply Allocation Notice 2.10 HDS GP Preamble HDS Power Solutions Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bHDS Power Solutions Equity Interests Recitals HDS PS Recitals HDS PS Equity Interests Recitals HDS PS Group Preamble Holdings Preamble Inactive Current Business Employees 5.7(h) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iLease Costs 5.17 Indemnified Party 9.4(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aTaxes 6.5(d) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv9.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.9(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInventory 2.4(f) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiJacksonville Site 2.7(j) K&S 10.13(a) Licensed Field of Use 5.15(a) Listed HD Insurance Policies 5.10(b) Material Contracts 3.11(a) Money Laundering Laws 3.24 Non-Transferred Assets 2.11(d) OFAC 3.22 Outside Date 8.1(d) Owned Real Property 2.4(b) Parties. Preamble Party Preamble Per-Claim Threshold 9.2(b)(i) Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) Pre-Closing Claims 5.10(b) Pre-Closing Restructuring 5.12 Pre-Closing Separate Tax Return 6.3(a) Privileged Deal Communications 10.13(b) Pro Canadian Recitals Pro Canadian Equity Interests Recitals Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Companies Recitals Purchased Company Recitals Purchased Company Equity Interests Recitals Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vPurchased Company Guarantees 5.8(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiPurchased Company Subsidiary Equity Interests 3.2(b) Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases 2.4(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRestrictive Covenant Contracts 2.4(k) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRetained Businesses 5.13(b)(iii) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cRetained Liabilities 2.7 Retained Marks 5.15(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRetained Trademark License 5.15(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iReturn Date 5.7(h) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSample Closing Statement 2.9(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller COBRA Period 5.7(f) Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a9.3 Seller Parties 10.13(a) Stockholder Representative Seller Tax Returns 6.3(a) Sellers Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSellers Savings Plan 5.7(c) Stock Certificates 2.7(aShared Contract 2.11(c) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSpecified Assets and Liabilities 5.23 Specified Business Contracts 2.4(a) Straddle Period Separate Tax Return 6.3(b) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Indemnified Parties 6.1 Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.4(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.9(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.10 Transferred Business Employees 5.7(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Leased Property 2.4(b) Weeks Employment Transferred Permits 2.4(g) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(a)(iii) Written Consent 8.10Xxxxxxx Costs 5.10(b) ARTICLE II.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase Agreement (Anixter International Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdulterated Product See definition of Adverse Facilities Matter, 1.1 Agreed Items 2.11(c) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation 2.11(c) ByLaws 5.5 Allocation Schedule 2.11(a) Alternate Arrangement 2.10(b) Anti-Corruption Laws 3.13(b) Approvals 2.10(a) Assignment Agreement and Bill of Sale 2.8(a)(ix) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Automatic Shelf 5.27 Balance Sheet Date 3.6(c) Bankruptcy Code 5.21(h) Base Cash Purchase Price 2.2 Basket Amount 10.2(b) Business CBA 3.19(a) Business Contracts 2.4(a) Business Financial Information 3.6(a) Business Guarantees 5.7 Business Information Technology 2.4(l) Business Inventory 2.4(g) Business Patent See definition of Business Intellectual Property, 1.1 Business Permits 3.13(c) Business Top Customers 3.20(a) Business Top Suppliers 3.20(a) Canadian Bill of Sale 2.8(a)(x) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii10.2(b) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(a2.9(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreements 5.4(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCopyrights See definition of Intellectual Property Rights, 1.1 Current Representation 11.15(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bData Privacy Requirements 3.10 Deed(s) DGCL Recitals 2.8(b)(ix) Designated Person 11.15(a) Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.9(d) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDivested Entity 5.21(g)(ii) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEstimated Adjustment Amount 2.9(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiExcluded Assets 2.5 Extended Period 5.26(c) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFCPA 3.13(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cCash Purchase Price 2.9(f) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Form S-3 Shelf 5.27 Immigration Documentation 6.5 Indemnified Party 12.5(a10.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv10.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.9(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aAudit Firm 5.24(a)(i) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiInternet Properties See definition of Intellectual Property Rights, 1.1 IP Assignment Agreement 2.8(a)(viii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLeased Real Property 2.4(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLicensee Party 5.21(e) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bMarks See definition of Intellectual Property Rights, 1.1 Material Contracts 3.12(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivMonthly KPI Reports 5.5(e) New Contract 2.10(c) New Plans 6.2(c) NYSE 4.9 Old Plans 6.2(c) Outside Date 9.1(d) Owned Real Property 2.4(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iDC Plans 6.4(a) Parent Permits 4.10(c) Parent Preferred Stock 4.5(a) Parties Preamble Party Preamble Patents See definition of Intellectual Property Rights, 1.1 PBGC 3.18(c) Post-Closing Adjustment Amount 5.26(b) Post-Closing Production Commitment 5.26(b) Post-Closing Production Report 5.26(b) Post-Closing Representation 11.15(a) Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) Pre-Closing Production Report 5.26(a) Privileged Communications 11.15(b) Production Deadline 5.26(b) Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Confidentiality Agreement 5.4(b) Purchaser Contract Manufacturing Agreement 2.8(a)(vi) Purchaser Covered Person 5.12(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a10.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser Licensees 5.21(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPurchaser Licensors 5.21(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aPurchaser Parties Preamble Purchaser Parties’ Closing Certificate 8.3(e) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPurchaser Related Parties 10.5(b) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPurchaser Releasees 10.5(c) Permitted Objection 2.14(bPurchaser’s Allocation 2.11(c) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Purchaser’s Real Property Lease 5.11(bAllocation 2.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRecall 3.15 Registered Business Intellectual Property 3.9(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRegistration Rights Agreement 2.8(a)(vii) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate Required Financial Information 5.24(a)(iii) Retained Businesses See definition of Merger 2.12(cBusiness, 1.1 Retained Liabilities 2.7 Retained Names and Marks 5.8 Scheduled Business Employees 3.19(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSeller Preamble Seller Confidentiality Agreement 5.4(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller Contract Manufacturing Agreement 2.8(a)(v) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller Covered Person 5.12(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller DC Plans 6.4(a) Seller Equity Agreement 6.12 Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a10.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Licensees 5.21(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSeller Licensors 5.21(a) Survival Date 12.1 Seller Related Parties 10.5(c) Seller Releasees 10.5(b) Seller Surviving Company 2.12(aRepresentations 10.1(a) Tax Claim 8.7(eSeller’s Allocation Notice 2.11(c) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bSeller’s Closing Certificate 8.2(e) Third-Service Provider 6.8 Share Issuance 2.2 System See definition of Adverse Facilities Matter, 1.1 Termination Payments 6.2(b) Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Title Company 5.25 Title Policies 5.25 Title Policy 5.25 Trade Secrets See definition of Intellectual Property Rights, 1.1 Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.9(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i7.4 Transferred Codes 2.4(m) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Employee 6.1(a) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvTransferred Lease 2.4(b) Written Consent 8.10Transferred Shared Contract 2.10(d) Transferred Tangible Personal Property 2.4(f) Transition Services Agreement(s) 2.8(a)(iv) U.S. DC Employees 6.4(a) VAT 7.4 WARN Act 5.2(b)(xii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Post Holdings, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: EXHIBIT 2.1 Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAgreement Preamble Alternative Debt Financing 5.19(b) Anti-Corruption Laws 3.11(b) Antitrust Action 5.1(d) Antitrust Laws 3.3 Approvals 2.11(a) Assignment Agreement and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(v) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Base Purchase Price 2.2 Business Contracts 2.4(b) Business Financial Statements 3.5(a) Business Intellectual Property 2.4(d) Business Permits 3.11(c) Cash Equity 4.4(a) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.9(b) Closing Structure 5.17 Commitment Letters 4.4(d) Competing Business 5.13(c) Confidential Business Information 5.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Current Representation 10.14(a) Debt Commitment Letter 4.4(d) Designated Person 10.14(a) Dispute Notice 2.9(d) Dispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Environmental Covered Losses 5.16 Environmental Insurance Policy 5.16 Environmental Permits 3.12 Equity Commitment Letter 4.4(a) Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.9(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviEstimated Closing Cash Amounts 2.9(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iEstimated Closing Funded Debt 2.9(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExcluded Assets 2.5 FCPA 3.11(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cAllocation 2.1 Final Purchase Price 2.9(f) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiForeign Acquisition Agreements 2.13 Foreign Closing Documents 2.8(a)(vi) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Guarantees 5.8 Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivEXHIBIT 2.1 Independent Accounting Firm 2.9(d) Independent Auditor 2.10(bInventory 2.4(h) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIP Contracts 3.10(a)(viii) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLicensed Intellectual Property 3.10(a)(viii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Material Contracts 3.10(a) New Subsidiaries 4.12(a) Outside Date 8.1(d) Owned Real Property 2.4(c) Post-Closing Representation 10.14(a) Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) Pre-Closing Restructuring Steps 5.17 Privileged Communications 10.14(b) Proposed Allocation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vProprietary Information Agreement 3.8(i) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiPurchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Companies 2.4(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Purchased Company 2.4(a) Purchased Company Employee 5.6(a) Purchased Company Shares 2.4(a) Purchased Company Tax Returns 6.1(a) Purchaser Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchaser 401(k) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivPlan 5.6(f) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPurchaser Covered Person 5.13(b) Parent Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a9.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Purchaser R&W Insurance Policy 5.18 Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases 2.4(c) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRegistered Intellectual Property 3.8(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRetained Liabilities 2.7 Sale Transaction Recitals Sample Closing Statement 2.9(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cSatisfaction Date 2.3 Self-Claim Notice 9.4(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSeller Preamble Seller 401(k) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iPlans 5.6(f) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller Covered Person 5.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a9.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aShared Contract 2.11(e) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSponsor 4.4(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSubsequent Loss 6.2(c) Supply Agreement 2.8(a)(iii) Tax Claim 8.7(eProceeding 6.7(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Claim Notice 9.4(a) Transaction Accounting Principles 2.9(a) EXHIBIT 2.1 Transaction Amounts 4.4(f) Transactions Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 6.6 Transferred Business Employee 5.6(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Leased Property 2.4(c) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Tangible Personal Property 2.4(e) Weeks Employment Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.102.8(a)(iv)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Chemours Co)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounts Receivable 3.20 Assigned Purchaser 12.1 Audited Entities 3.7 (b) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Balance Sheet 3.7 Balance Sheet Date 3.7 CSXWT Balance Sheet 3.7 Closing 4.1 2.4 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 2.4 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiDate Computations 2.3 (a) Closing Statement 2.10(aDate Debt Computation 2.3 (a) Closing Date Debt Estimate Amount 2.2 Closing Date Working Capital Computation 2.3 (a) Closing Date Working Capital Estimate Amount 2.2 Company Recitals Company Balance Sheet 3.7 Company Leased Property 3.14 (a) Company Preamble Leases 3.14 Company Change Objection 2.13(b/ Subsidiary Group 3.13 (b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b/ Subsidiary Group Plans 3.13 (b) Continuing Employee(s) 6.1 (a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.3 (d) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDOJ 5.3 (a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDongya Interest 5.17 Employee Benefit Plan 3.13 (b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bERISA Affiliate 3.13 (f) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPlan 3.13 (d) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii3.7 FTC 5.3 (a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIndemnifiable Cost 9.5 (e) Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.2 (c) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a9.2 (c) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIntercompany Accounts 5.7 (a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIRS 3.13 (c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLoss 9.2 (a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiMarks 5.6 (b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Multiemployer Plans 3.13 (b) Newco 5.17 Newco Certificate 5.17 Newco Shares 5.17 Non-US Benefit Plan 3.13 (b) PBGC 3.13 (f) Pension Plan 3.13 (d) Property Taxes 7.10 Purchase Price 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiPurchased Business 5.3 (a) Merger Purchaser Business 5.3 (a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser’s Accounting Expert 2.3 (b) Records 5.9 (b) Reduced Tax Benefit 9.5 (e) Response 2.3 (d)(i) Scheduled Intellectual Property 3.15 (c) Seconded Employees 5.10 Seller Preamble Seller Plans 3.13 (b) Seller’s Accounting Expert 2.3 (a) Services 5.10 Shares Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aStraddle Period Tax Return 7.1 (b) Tax Claim 8.7(eBenefit 9.5 (e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Controversy 9.3 (d) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(aClaims 9.2 (c) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.105.10 waiving party 8.3

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (CSX Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms meaning set forth in the Sections set forth below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Proposal 6.05(e) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Action 3.09 Affiliate Transactions 3.20 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiMerger 1.03 Certificates 2.04(b) Change in Board Recommendation 6.05(c) Change in Control Agreement 3.10(c) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.02 Closing Date 1.02 Code 3.10(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bApprovals 3.05(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBoard Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04(b) Company Common Stock 2.01(a) Company Disclosure Schedule Article III Company Permits 3.06(a) Company Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Company Rights Agreement 3.03(b) Company Stock Option 2.02(a) Company Stock Option Plans 2.02(a) Company Stockholders’ Meeting 6.03 Company Termination Fee 8.03(d) Confidentiality Agreement 6.04(b) Contracts 3.05(a) 41 Defined Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCustomers 3.21(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) 1.01 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.05(a) Effective Time 2.2 1.03 Employee 6.07(a) Environmental Laws 3.15(c)(i) Environmental Permits 3.15(c)(ii) ERISA 5.15(a3.10(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cERISA Affiliate 3.10(b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Act 3.05(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Fund 2.04(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExpenses 8.03(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFPS Customers 3.16(b)(ix) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cGAAP 3.07(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiGovernmental Entity 3.05(b) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHazardous Substances 3.15(c)(iii) HSR Act 3.05(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv6.06(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bCommittee 3.04(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aCommittee Recommendation 3.04(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property 3.13 In-the-Money Option 2.02(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vIRS 3.10(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLeased Real Properties 3.12(b) Lien 3.05(a) Material Adverse Effect 3.01(c) Material Contract 3.16(b) Measurement Date 3.03(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Co Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bMerger Consideration 2.01(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivMROP Customers 3.16(b)(ix) Multiemployer Plan 3.10(b) Multiple Employer Plan 3.10(b) Nasdaq 3.05(b) Notice of Superior Proposal 6.05(b) OFAC 3.06(d) Other Filings 6.01 Other Contemplated Transactions 3.04(a) Owned Real Property 3.12(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iApprovals 4.03(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aBenefit Programs 6.07(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bRetiree Medical Programs 6.07(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bTermination Fee 8.03(e) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aWelfare Benefit Plans 6.07(c) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPaying Agent 2.02(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPer Share Merger Consideration 2.01(a) Permitted Objection 2.14(bLiens 3.12(a) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPlans 3.10(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Platinum Recitals 42 Defined Term Section Platinum Fee 3.25 Platinum Merger Agreement Recitals Proxy Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) 6.01 Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.12(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRecommendation 3.04(b) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRepresentatives 6.04(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cShares 2.02(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRights 3.03(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Sxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.06(c) SDNs 3.06(e) SEC 3.07(a) SEC Reports 3.07(a) Securities Act 3.07(a) Shares 2.5(b)(i2.01(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSolvent 4.12 Stockholder Approval 3.04(c) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSubsidiary 3.01(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSuperior Proposal 8.01 Suppliers 3.21(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 1.01 Takeover Laws 3.19 Tax or Taxes 3.14(f)(i) Tax Claim 8.7(eReturns 3.14(f)(ii) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Termination Date 8.01

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Industrial Distribution Group Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the terms defined in the Recitals to this Agreement and Section 1.1, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Accounting Firm 3.1 Actions 5.13 Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiReserves 5.29 Adjustments 3.1 Aggregate Settlement Amount 3.3(c)(i) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiBuyer Payment 7.15 Buyer’s Accountants 3.1 Buyer Employees 7.19 Buyer 401(k) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Plan 7.17 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 4.1 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Adjusted Net Worth 3.1 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiDate Balance Sheet 3.1 Closing Date Income Statement 3.1 Closing Date Financial Statement 3.1 Computer Software 5.4(b) Closing Statement 2.10(aConfidential Information Art. X Consulting Agreements 4.3(c) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bControlling Shareholder Art. X Damages 11.3(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDeferred Purchase Price 2.1 Developments Art. X Difference 7.14(c) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDismissal of the Bankruptcy Proceeding 6.9 Employee Plan 5.24(a)(i) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bEndorsement Allonges 9.13 Environmental Claims 5.23(f)(ii) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEnvironmental Conditions 5.23(f)(iii) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dERISA 5.24(a)(ii) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bERISA Affilliate 5.23(f)(iii) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEnvironmental Laws 5.23(f)(i) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFacility Side Letters 4.3(d)) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cOrder 6.9 Gross Up Amount 7.14 Hazardous Substances 5.23(f)(iv) Intellectual Property Rights 5.4 Indemnification Amount 2.14 Indemnification Escrow Agreement 2.2(a) IRS 7.17 2004 Interim Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii7.5 KERP 7.15 KERP Payment 7.15 Leased Property 5.5 Line of Credit 5.30 Line of Credit Maximum Amount 5.30 Litigation Escrow 7.9 8 MJ GeneWorks 401(d) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iPlan 7.17 Multiemployer Plan 5.24(a)(iv) Indemnified Party 12.5(aNew Products 5.4 Non-competition Period Art. X PBGC 5.24(a)(v) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aPension Plan 5.24(a)(vi) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivPersonnel 5.9(c)(i) Independent Auditor 2.10(bPurchase Price 2.1 Section 338(h)(10)Election 7.14 Senior Executive Dispute Schedule 5.13 Severance Costs 7.19 Shareholders’ Accountants 3.1 Sharehlders’ Loans 7.12 Simson Agreement 11.3(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aSimson Litigation 11.3(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Territory Art. X Third-Party Claim 12.5(aPurchaser 7.19 30-Day Transfer Preparation Period 7.19 Transfer 7.19 Transfer Net Profit 7.19 Transferred Assets 7.19 Warn Act 7.6(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Welfare Plan 5.24(a)(viii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Bio Rad Laboratories Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii368 Reorganization 6.2 (j) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Company Recitals Action 3.16 (a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable Survival Period 8.1 (d) ByLaws 5.5 Atiam Recitals Atiam 401(k) Plan 7.1 (q) Atiam Financial Statements 3.6 (a) Atiam Intellectual Property 3.13 (e) Atiam Owned Intellectual Property 3.13 (b) Atiam Registered Items 3.13 (f) Audited Financial Statements 6.6 Auditor 6.6 Balance Sheets 3.6 (b) Balance Sheet Date 3.6 (b) Bilenia Recitals Bilenia Purchase Agreement Recitals Buyers Preamble Buyers Indemnitees 8.2 (a) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i8.2 (b) Claims 10.2 Closing 2.2 Closing Date 2.2 Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iClosing Payment 2.6 (a) Certificates 2.6 (e) Certificates of Merger Recitals Consents 3.5 (a) Constituent Entities Recitals Copyrights 3.13 (a) Corporate Record Books 3.19 DE Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Merger Recitals Disclosure Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) to Article III Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) 2.5 Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dShare Payments 2.7 (b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) 2.2 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEscrow Agent 2.6 (a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFunds 2.6 (a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cExpense Certificate 7.1 (i) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals 3.6 (a) Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiand Warranties 8.1 (b) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGAAP 3.6 (a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aGP Interests Recitals In-Bound Licenses 3.13 (c) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aIntellectual Property 3.13 (a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIntellectual Property Rights 3.13 (a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIRS 3.17 (a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLease 3.12 Leased Personal Property 3.11 (d) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLetter Agreement 5.3 Liabilities 3.7 LP Interests Recitals Losses 8.2 (a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vMarks 3.13 (a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiMaterial Contracts 3.15 (b) Merger Recitals Noncompetition Period 5.8 (a) Nondisclosure Agreements 3.13 (i) Notice of Claim 8.4 (a) Out-Bound Licenses 3.13 (d) PA Articles of Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Recitals PA BCL Recitals Parent Recitals Parent Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) 2.5 Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aReports 4.4 (a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPartnership Interests Recitals Patents 3.13 (a) Permitted Objection 2.14(bPer Share Merger Consideration 2.5 Policies 3.18 (a) Principal Stockholder Pre-Closing Periods 6.2 (a) Pro Rata Share 2.6 (a) Proprietary Information 3.13 (a) Pxxxxx Recitals Regulation D 5.10 Related Party Agreement 3.21 Releasees 10.2 Representatives 5.3 Restricted Business 5.8 (a) SCA Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSCA Financial Statements 3.6 (a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cSCA Shares Recital Secondary Representations and Warranties 8.1 (b) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi7 Shareholder Indemnitees 8.3 Shareholders Preamble Shareholders’ Representative 8.10 (a) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiSoftware 3.13 (a) Real Property Lease 5.11(bStraddle Period 6.2 (c) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aSubsidiary Interests 3.3 (a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Entity 2.1 Third Party Claim 12.5(a8.4 (a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defense 8.4 (b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvWork Product Agreements 3.13 (j) Written Consent 8.10Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Health Benefits Direct Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAgreement Preamble Allocation Schedule 2.2 Belgian Purchased Entity Recitals Belgian Purchased Interests Recitals Cap 10.2(b)(ii) Cash Incentive Compensation 6.7 Closing 2.3 Closing Disclosure Bringdown Letter 3.3 Closing Memorandum 2.3 Closing Statement 2.5(b) Collected [***] Receivables 5.16 Combination Domains 5.7(b) Combination Marks 5.7(b) Confidential Business Information 5.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Current Representation 11.14(a) Designated Person 11.14(a) Dispute Notice 2.5(d) Dispute Resolution Period 2.5(d) [***] Statement 5.16 Electronic Signature Laws and Regulations 11.10(a) Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.5(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviEstimated Cash 2.5(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iEstimated Indebtedness 2.5(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iEstimated Outstanding Intercompany Loan Balance 2.5(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiEuropean Purchased Entities Recitals European Purchased Interests Recitals Final Upfront Purchase Price 2.5(f) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL French Civil Code 11.7 French Purchased Entity Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA French Purchased Interests Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger French Seller Entity Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGerman Purchased Entity Recitals German Purchased Interests Recitals Indemnified Party 10.5(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aTax Proceeding 7.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv10.5(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.5(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntercompany Loan Recitals Italian Purchased Entity Recitals Italian Purchased Interests Recitals Key Business Information 5.4(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiMilestone Payments 2.2 New Plans 6.2(c) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vOld Plans 6.2(c) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bOutside Date 9.1(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv[***] Receivable Balance 5.16 Parties Preamble Post-Closing Representation 11.14(a) Parent Post-Closing Statement 2.5(c) Pre-Closing Business Liabilities 10.4(b) Privileged Communications 11.14(b) Purchased Entities Recitals Purchased Loan Rights Recitals Purchaser Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPurchaser 401(k) Parent Plan 6.4 Purchaser Controlled Tax Proceeding 7.5(c) Purchaser Covered Person 5.11(b) Purchaser FSA Plan 6.5 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a10.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser-Filed Pre-Closing Tax Return 7.3(a) Parent Proposed Change Put Option Recitals Put Option Date Recitals Sample Closing Statement 2.13(b2.5(a) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aSeller Preamble Seller 401(k) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPlans 6.4 Seller Controlled Tax Proceeding 7.5(b) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiSeller Covered Person 5.11(a) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Seller Entities Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller FSA Plan 6.5 Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a10.4(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Insurance Policies 5.8 Shared Contract 2.6(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(a[***] 5.14 [***] License 5.14 Spanish Purchased Entity Recitals Spanish Purchased Interests Recitals Specified Date 9.1(b) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSpecified Marketing Authorization Approval 2.6(a) Straddle Period Tax Claim 8.7(eReturn 7.3(b) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Swiss Seller Entity Recitals Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii10.5(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.5(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred FSA Balances 6.5 U.S. Purchase Price 7.10(a) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10U.S. Purchased Entity Recitals U.S. Purchased Interests Recitals U.S. Seller Entity Recitals UK Purchased Entity Recitals UK Purchased Interests Recitals willful and material breach 9.2 ARTICLE II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (PERRIGO Co PLC)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have has the meanings defined for such terms respective meaning specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviArticles of Merger 1.02 Bankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.03(b)(i) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCapitalization Reference Date 3.03(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.03(b)(i) Closing Statement 2.10(a) 1.03 Closing Date 1.03 Commitment Letter 4.08 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bAcquisition Agreement 5.03(b) Company Adverse Recommendation Change Objection Statement 2.13(b5.03(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bArticles 3.01 Company Board Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04 Company Bylaws 3.01 Company Common Stock 2.01(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Company Contract 3.15(a) Company Disclosure Letter Article III Company DRIP 3.03(c) Company Employee 6.10(a) Company Financial Statements 3.06(a) Company Indemnified Parties 6.09(a) Company Intervening Event 5.03(f)(iii) Company Projections 3.22 Company Recommendation Change Notice 2.14(b5.03(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aCompany Reports 3.06(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dCompany Required Consents 3.05(a) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bCompany Required Statutory Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiCompany Risk Management Guidelines 5.01(a)(xix) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gCompany Shareholder Approval 3.04 Company Shareholders Meeting 3.04 Company Subsidiaries 3.01 Company Takeover Proposal 5.03(f)(i) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aCompany Voting Debt 3.03(d) Confidentiality Agreement 6.02(b) Consent 3.05(b) Continuation Period 6.10(a) Controlled Group Liability 3.09(d) Debt Letters 4.08 DFS Provisions 9.07 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.02 End Date 8.01(b)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEnvironmental Permit 3.14(a)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEquity Securities 3.03(d) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Act 3.05(b)(i) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExchange Agent 2.03(a)(i) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExchange Fund 2.03(a)(i) FERC 3.05(b)(iv) Filing 3.05(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cOrder 7.01(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Financing 4.08 Financing Parties 5.04(b) Financing Source Parties 9.07 FPA 3.05(b)(iv) GAAP 3.06(a) HSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) IBCL Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiInsurance Policies 3.18 IRS IURC 3.09(b) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i3.19(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(aLegal Restraint 7.01(c) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Liens 3.02 Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAmount 6.09(c) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 2.01(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Board Recitals Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iCommon Stock 2.01(d) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aDisclosure Letter Article IV Parent Financial Statements 4.04 Parent Reports 4.04 Parent Required Consents 4.03(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bRequired Statutory Approvals 4.03(b)(iii) Parent Proposed Change Parties Preamble Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Proceedings 5.02 Proxy Statement 2.13(b6.01(a) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aPUCO 3.19(b) Parent PUHCA 2005 3.19(a) Representatives 5.03(a) Represented Employee 6.10(d) Required Consents 4.03(a) Required Statutory Approvals 4.03(b)(iii) SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a3.05(b)(i) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiSecurities Act 3.05(b)(i) Permitted Objection 2.14(bSubstitute Financing 5.04(e) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSuperior Company Proposal 5.03(f)(ii) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Corporation 1.01 Takeover Statute 3.13 Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Litigation 6.04 WARN Act 3.10

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Firm 2.10(d) Accounting Principles 2.10(b) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiDetermination Date 2.9(e) Adjustment Review Period 2.9(c) Adjustment Standard 2.9(b) Adjustment Statement 2.9(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation Schedule 2.11 Approvals 2.12 Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Balance Sheet Date 3.5 Business Recitals Business Balance Sheet 3.5 Business Financial Statements 3.5 Business Intellectual Property 2.4(b) ByLaws 5.5 Business Permits 3.12(b) Business Tangible Property 2.4(d) Cap 9.2(a) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3(b) De Minimis Claim 9.2(b) Deductible 9.2(b)(i) Determination 2.10(e) Determination Date 2.10(f) Discussion Period 2.9(d) Dispute Notice 2.9(d) Excluded Assets 2.5 Fundamental Representations 9.1(a) General Assignment and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(v) Identified Employee 5.13(b) Indemnified Party 9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 9.4(a) Inventory 2.4(f) Key Employee 5.13(a) Lease 3.10 Material Contracts 3.11(a) Material Customers 3.19(a) Material Suppliers 3.19(b) Names 5.8(a) Original Phase I Assessment 5.8(a) Outside Date 8.1(d) Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) Proprietary Information License Agreement 2.8(a)(iii) Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Indemnified Parties 9.2(a) Purchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Purchaser Proposed Adjustment 2.9(a) Purchaser’s Allocation 2.11 QOE 2.9(a) Resale Certificate 2.8(a)(vi) Retained Liabilities 2.7 Retention Bonus Amount 2.14(d)(i5.6(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iReview Period 2.10(c) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Sample Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Seller Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bSeller Indemnified Parties 9.3(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bSeller Proposed Adjustment 2.9(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bSeller’s Allocation Notice 2.11 Shortfall Certificate 5.15(a) DGCL Recitals Shortfall Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cShortfall Review Priod 5.15(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.4(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 6.2 Transferred Employees 5.6(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransition Services Agreement 2.8(a)(iv) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Working Capital Adjusted Purchase Price 2.10(g)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms meaning set forth in the Sections set forth below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Proposal 6.05(e) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Action 3.09 Affiliate Transactions 3.20 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiMerger 1.03 Certificates 2.04(b) Change in Board Recommendation 6.05(c) Change in Control Agreement 3.10(c) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.02 Closing Date 1.02 Code 3.10(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bApprovals 3.05(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBoard Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCommon Stock 2.01(a) Company Disclosure Schedule Article III Company Permits 3.06(a) Company Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Company Rights Agreement 3.03(b) Company Stock Option 2.02(a) Company Stock Option Plans 2.02(a) Company Stockholders’ Meeting 6.03 Company Termination Fee 8.03(d) Confidentiality Agreement 6.04(b) Contracts 3.05(a) Customers 3.21(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) 1.01 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.05(a) Effective Time 2.2 1.03 Employee 6.07(a) Environmental Laws 3.15(c)(i) Environmental Permits 3.15(c)(ii) ERISA 5.15(a3.10(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cERISA Affiliate 3.10(b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Act 3.05(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Fund 2.04(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExpenses 8.03(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFPS Customers 3.16(b)(ix) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cGAAP 3.07(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiGovernmental Entity 3.05(b) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHazardous Substances 3.15(c)(iii) HSR Act 3.05(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv6.06(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bCommittee 3.04(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aCommittee Recommendation 3.04(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property 3.13 In-the-Money Option 2.02(a) Defined Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vIRS 3.10(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLeased Real Properties 3.12(b) Lien 3.05(a) Material Adverse Effect 3.01(c) Material Contract 3.16(b) Measurement Date 3.03(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Co Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bMerger Consideration 2.01(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivMROP Customers 3.16(b)(ix) Multiemployer Plan 3.10(b) Multiple Employer Plan 3.10(b) Nasdaq 3.05(b) Notice of Superior Proposal 6.05(b) OFAC 3.06(d) Other Filings 6.01 Other Contemplated Transactions 3.04(a) Owned Real Property 3.12(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iApprovals 4.03(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aBenefit Programs 6.07(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bRetiree Medical Programs 6.07(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bTermination Fee 8.03(e) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aWelfare Benefit Plans 6.07(c) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPaying Agent 2.02(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPer Share Merger Consideration 2.01(a) Permitted Objection 2.14(bLiens 3.12(a) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPlans 3.10(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Platinum Recitals Platinum Fee 3.25 Platinum Merger Agreement Recitals Proxy Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) 6.01 Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.12(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRecommendation 3.04(b) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRepresentatives 6.04(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cShares 2.02(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRights 3.03(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Sxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.06(c) SDNs 3.06(e) SEC 3.07(a) SEC Reports 3.07(a) Securities Act 3.07(a) Shares 2.5(b)(i2.01(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSolvent 4.12 Stockholder Approval 3.04(c) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSubsidiary 3.01(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSuperior Proposal 8.01 Suppliers 3.21(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 1.01 Takeover Laws 3.19 Tax or Taxes 3.14(f)(i) Tax Claim 8.7(eReturns 3.14(f)(ii) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Termination Date 8.01

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (King Luther Capital Management Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Action 3.12 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation Statement 2.9 Applicable Survival Period 6.1(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Assigned Contracts 2.1(f) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Assigned Prepaid Expenses 2.1(j) Assumption Agreement 2.7(a)(ii) Xxxx of Sale 2.7(a)(i) Business Recitals Business Intellectual Property 3.9(b) Buyer Preamble Buyer Indemnitees 6.2(a) Clawback Escrow 2.10(b) Clawback Escrow Amount 2.14(d)(i2.10(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiClawback Escrow Funds 2.10(b) Closing 2.6 Closing Date 2.6 Closing Working Capital 2.8(a) Closing Working Capital Statement 2.10(a2.8(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCOBRA 5.4(g) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bContaminant 3.9(l)(i) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCopyrights 3.9(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bCorrespondence for the Buyer 5.10(f) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aCorrespondence for the Seller 5.10(e) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dCushion Amount 6.2(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bDisabling Code 3.9(l)(iv) Earn-Out Determination Earnout Payment 2.5 Effective Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) 2.6 Effective Time 2.2 2.6 Employee 3.14(a) ERISA 5.15(aAffiliate 3.13(b)(iii) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 2.10 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Agreement 2.10 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.8(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExcluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Books and Records 2.2(d) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExcluded Liabilities 2.4 Designated Email Accounts 5.10(e) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cWorking Capital 2.8(d) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii3.4(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGAAP 3.4(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aGeneral Escrow Amount 2.10(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aGeneral Escrow Funds 2.10(c)(i) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIn-Bound Licenses 3.9(c) Indemnitor Defense Review Period 6.4(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bExpert 2.8(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntellectual Property 3.9(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property Assignments 2.7(a)(iii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Interim Financial Statements 3.4(a) Losses 6.2(a) Material Contract 3.11(b) Material Permit 3.6(b) Nondisclosure Agreements 3.9(h) Notice of Claim 6.4(a) Notice of Objection 2.8(b) Out-Bound Licenses 3.9(d) Owned Business Intellectual Property 3.9(b) Patents 3.9(a) Policies 3.16 Pre-Closing Tax Period 5.8(b) Post-Closing Tax Period 5.8(b) Proprietary Information 3.9(a) Public Software 3.9(l)(ii) Purchase Price 2.5 Purchased Assets 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRepresentatives 5.1 Restricted Business 5.2(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cPeriod 5.2(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cReview Period 2.8(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Section 1060 Forms 2.9 Seller Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article III Seller Employees 5.4(e) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller Indemnitees 6.3(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aServices Agreement 2.7(a)(vi) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSoftware 3.9(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a6.4 Third Party Defenses 6.4 Trademarks 3.9(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTransferred Employee 5.4(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransition Services Agreement 2.7(a)(v) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iUpfront Purchase Price 2.5 Work Product Agreements 3.9(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Annex II Earnout/Clawback

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Medialink Worldwide Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquiring Party 5.16(d) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) AEB Buyer 5.17 AEB Transaction 5.17 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation Principles 2.13 Alternative Structure Reorganization 5.21 Antitrust Laws 3.3(b) ByLaws 5.5 Approvals 2.14(a) Assignment Agreement and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(iii) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Balance Sheet Date 3.5(a) Business Balance Sheet 3.5(a) Business Contracts 2.4(a) Business Financial Statements 3.5(a) Business Intellectual Property 2.4(b) Business Intellectual Property License. 5.16(b) Business Permits 3.11(b) Business Products. 5.16(a) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii9.2(b)(iii) Closing 2.3 Closing Adjustment 2.9 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(a2.9 COBRA 5.6 Confidential Business Information 5.3(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCovered Person 5.12(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCross License. 5.16(b) DGCL Recitals Current Business Employee 5.6(a) De Minimis Amount 9.2(b)(i) Deductible 9.2(b)(i) Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.11(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Exchange Act 5.15 Excluded Assets 2.5 Final Allocation 2.13 Final Working Capital Statement 2.11(c) Foreign Closing Documents 2.8(a)(iv) German Assets Purchase 6.4 German Purchased Assets 6.4 German Purchased VAT Receipt 6.4 German VAT Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 6.4 Government Officials 3.18 Guarantees 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivInter-Company Contracts 3.15 Inventory 2.4(d) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIP Materials 5.19 Land Division Act 5.18(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aMaterial Contracts 3.10(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiMexican Exported Assets 6.3(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vMexican Exported Assets Purchase 6.3(a) Maximum EarnMexican Exported VAT Receipt 6.3(a) Mexican Purchased Assets 6.3(b) Mexican Purchased Assets Purchase 6.3(b) Mexican Purchased VAT Receipt 6.3(b) Mexican VAT Amount 6.3(c) Non-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiTransferred Assets 2.14(d) Merger Recitals Merger Sub OEM 2.14(b) OEM Program 2.14(b) Outside Date 8.1(d) Pre-Closing WC Claims 5.9(b) Proposed Reorganization 5.21 Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchaser Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchaser 401(k) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivPlan 5.6(g) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a9.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser Portion of the Shared Contract Liabilities 2.14(c) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPurchaser’s Allocation 2.13 Regulation S-X 5.15 Resolution Period 2.11(b) Parent Registration Statement Retained Business Products 5.16(b) Retained Intellectual Property 2.5(c) Retained Intellectual Property License. 5.16(a) Retained Liabilities 2.7 Review Period 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aSchedule Update Period 5.19 Seller Preamble Seller 401(k) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPlans 5.6(g) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a9.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller’s Allocation Notice 2.13 Shared Contract 2.14(c) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.4(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 6.2 Transferred Business Employee 5.6(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Permits 2.4(e) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransition Period 5.6(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvVAT Treatment 6.7 WARN Act 3.14(g) Written Consent 8.10Warranty Deductible 9.2(b)(ii) Workers Compensation Policies 5.9(b) Working Capital Adjustment 2.13 Working Capital Referee 2.11(c) Working Capital Statement 2.10

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Gentex Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Transaction 5.3(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 3.13 Agreement Preface CERCLA 3.21(a)(i) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCertificates 2.2(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.2(a) Closing Date 1.2(a) Code 2.3 Company Preface Company Balance Sheet 3.8 Company Balance Sheet Date 3.8 Company Benefit Plan 3.16(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCBAs 3.20(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCommon Stock 3.5(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDisclosure Schedule Preamble Article III Company Financial Advisor 3.26 Company Financial Statements 3.8 Company Intellectual Property 3.19(b) Company Pension Plan 3.16(c) Company Registered Items 3.19(c) Company SEC Reports 3.7(a) Company Securities 3.5(c) Company Stockholder 2.1 Company Stockholder Approval 3.2(a) Company Stockholder Meeting 5.4(a) 51 Company Stock Option 2.6(a) Company Stock Plans 2.6(a) Company Subsidiary Securities 3.6(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.2 Copyrights 3.19(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) 1.1 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a2.5(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDOJ 7.1(a) Effective Time 2.2 1.2(b) Environment 3.21(a)(ii) Environmental Action 3.21(a)(iii) Environmental Clean-Up Site 3.21(a)(iv) Environmental Laws 3.21(a)(v) Environmental Liabilities 3.21(a)(vi) Environmental Permit 3.21(a)(vii) ERISA 5.15(a3.16(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cERISA Affiliate 3.16(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiESPP 2.6(d) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Act 3.3 FTC 7.1(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivGAAP 3.7(e) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cHazardous Substances 3.21(a)(viii) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cHSR Act 3.3 Indemnified Parties 6.2(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiIntellectual Property 3.19(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIntellectual Property Rights 3.19(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aIntervening Event 5.3(d) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aLease 3.18(c) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivLeased Real Property 3.18(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bMarks 3.19(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiMaterial Contracts 3.14(a) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 2.1(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPreface Notice Period 5.3(c) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNYSE 3.3 Other Antitrust Laws 3.3 Owned Real Property 3.18(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPreface Patents 3.19(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPaying Agent 2.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPayment Fund 2.2(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPension Plan 3.16(b) Permitted Objection 2.14(bLiens 3.17(a) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPolicies 3.24(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Products 3.25(a) Proprietary Information 3.19(a) Proxy Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) 3.10 Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.18(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRelease 3.21(a)(ix) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRepresentatives 5.2 Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.7(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cSEC 3.3 SEC Comments 5.4(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSecurities Act 3.7(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSuperior Proposal 5.3(b) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 1.1 Tax 3.15(a) Tax Claim 8.7(eReturns 3.15(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTaxing Authority 3.15(a) Third-Termination Fee 9.4(a) Third Party Claim 12.5(aProposal 5.3(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiUncertificated Shares 2.2(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10WARN Act 3.20(d)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Lone Star Technologies Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii280G Amounts 3.06 (e) 280G Report 3.06 (e) 409A Amounts 3.06 (f) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii3.01 (d) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable Contracts 6.13 (b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBenefit Plans 4.09 (a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBudgets 4.07 (c) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiMerger 2.02 (a) Certificates 3.03 (b) Claim 6.11 (b) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.02 (a) Closing Date Payment Schedule 2.02 (b) Coal Milestone Payments 3.05 (b)(ii) Company Preamble Recital Company Change Objection 2.13(bIntellectual Property 4.16 Company Licenses 4.06 (a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bOption 3.02 (b) Construction Conditions 3.05 (b)(i) Construction Milestone Payment 3.05 (b)(i) Debt Payment Amount 2.02 (a) Determination Date 3.05 (a) DGCL Recital Disputed Pre-Closing Working Capital Amount 3.04 (a) DM&E 1.01 Effective Time 2.02 (a) Emergency Tonnage 3.03 (b)(iii) ERISA 4.09 (a) Escrow Account 2.02 (b) Escrow Amount 2.02 (b) Estimated Debt Amount 3.04 (a) Estimated Working Capital 3.04 (a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bEstimated Working Capital Statement 3.04 (a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bFifth Milestone Payment 3.05 (b)(ii) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aFinal Adjustment Amount 3.05 (a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dFinal Debt Amount 3.04 (c) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bFinal Working Capital 3.04 (c) EarnFirst Milestone Payment 3.05 (b)(ii) FIRPTA Amount 3.06 (d) Fourth Milestone Payment 3.05 (b)(ii) Gross-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) up Escrow Account 2.9 2.02 (b) Gross-up Escrow Agreement 2.02 (b) Gross-up Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow 2.02 (b) Guarantor Recital Guaranteed Obligations 6.12 Holders 3.03 (a) Incumbent Carrier 3.05 (b)(ii) Indemnified Parties 6.07 (b) Independent Accounting Firm 3.04 (d) IRS Notice 3.06 Kxxx Transaction 6.11 (c) LC Amount 6.11 (c) Letter 3.03 (b) Loss 6.11 (b) Material Contracts 4.13 (a) Merger Recital Milestone Statement 3.05 (b)(iii) Non-Releasing Equityholder 6.11 (a) Non-Releasing Equityholder Indemnity Amount 6.11 (a) Notice of Disagreement 3.05 (b)(iii) Option/Warrant Merger Consideration 3.02 (b) Parent Recital Paying Agent 3.03 (a) Paying Equityholder 6.08 (b) Per Share Merger Consideration 3.01 (a) Purchaser Recital Required Equityholders 6.08 (c) Requisite Stockholder Approval Recital Restricted Equityholder 3.05 (b)(iii) Second Milestone Payment 3.05 (b)(ii) Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Recital Sixth Milestone Payment 3.05 (b)(ii) Stockholders’ Representative 6.08 (a) Stockholders’ Representative’s Losses 6.08 (b) Surviving Corporation 2.03 Termination Date 8.01 (a) Third Milestone Payment 3.05 (b)(ii) 13 Term Section Tonnage Condition 3.05(b)(ii) Track Maintenance Agreement 6.11 (c) Transfer 2.02 (f) Voting Trust 2.06 Voting Trust Agreement 2.06 WARN Act 4.09 (f) Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cStatement 3.04 (b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10ARTICLE II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Foster L B Co)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiTERM SECTION Action 3.18(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiADSP 6.3(d)(iii) Affected Employee 6.4(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable 338 Law 6.3(d)(ii) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iApplicable Survival Period 8.1(d) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAudited Consolidated Financial Statements 3.5 Balance Sheet 3.5 Balance Sheet Date 3.5 Buyer Preamble Buyer 401(k) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Plan 6.4(c)(i) Buyer Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article IV Buyer Indemnitees 8.2 CERCLA 3.21(a)(iv) Closing 4.1 2.4(a) Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Accounts Receivable 3.8 Closing A/R Reserve 3.8 Closing Date 1.1 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.2(a)(ii) Closing Statement 2.10(aReceivables Payment 2.4 COBRA 6.4(f) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bConsents 3.4(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCopyrights 3.15(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCurrent Products 3.7 Election Allocations 6.3(d)(iii) DGCL Recitals Dispute Election Corporation 6.3(d)(iii) Election Notice 2.14(b8.10(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEnvironment 3.21(a)(i) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEnvironmental Action 3.21(a)(ii) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEnvironmental Clean-up Site 3.21(a)(iii) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEnvironmental Laws 3.21(a)(iv) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEnvironmental Permits 3.21(a)(v) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Deposit 2.2(a)(i) Excluded Target Company Intellectual Property 3.15(f) Final Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cAdjustment 2.3(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger 3.5 FreezeFree Agreements 6.11 FreezeFree Assets 6.11 7 TERM SECTION Hazardous Substances 3.21(a)(vi) HIPAA 3.19(i) HIPAA Regulations 3.19(i) HIS Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiHIS Shares Recitals In-Bound Licenses 3.15(c) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIntellectual Property 3.15(a) Indemnified Intellectual Property Rights 3.15(a) Interim Balance Sheet 3.5 Interim Balance Sheet Date 3.5 Lease 3.14(b) Leased Personal Property 3.12(c) Leased Real Property 3.14(a) Liabilities 3.6 Loss Threshold 8.4(a) Losses 8.2 Marks 3.15(a) Material Contracts 3.17(b) NMI Recitals NMI Shares Recitals Noncompetition Period 5.5(a) Nondisclosure Agreement 3.15(i) Notice of Claim 8.5(a) Out-Bound Licenses 3.15(d) Owned Real Property 3.14(a) Party 12.5(aPreamble Patents 3.15(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aPCBs 3.21(i) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivPension Plan 3.19(c) Independent Auditor 2.10(bPolicies 3.22(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aPost-Closing Period 6.3(c)(ii) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiPre-Closing Period 6.3(c)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vPreliminary Balance Sheet 2.3(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cProducts 3.23(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cWorking Capital Adjustment 2.3(a) Qualified Proprietary Information 3.15(a) Purchase Price 2.1 QTT Recitals QTT Shares Recitals Quixote Corp. Preamble Quixote Group 3.9(a) TERM SECTION Quixote Safety Preamble Release 3.21(a)(vii) Required Authorizations 3.11(a) Restricted Business 5.5(a) Review Period 2.3(b) Section 338 Forms 6.3(d)(ii) Section 338(h)(10) Election 6.3(d)(i) Section 338 Tax 6.3(d)(i) Seller 401(k) Plan 6.4(c)(i) Seller Benefit Plans 3.19(a) Seller Group Benefit Plans 3.19(b) Seller Indemnitees 8.3 Seller Party 6.3(e)(ii) Sellers Preamble Sellers Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article III Sensit License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi7.1 Shares Recitals Software 3.15(a) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiSSI Recitals SSI Shares Recitals Statement of Objections 2.3(c) Real Supply Agreement 7.1 Target Companies Recitals Target Companies’ Combined 2006-2009 Financial Statements 3.5 Target Companies’ Combined Interim Financial Statements 3.5 Target Company Benefit Plans 3.19(b) Target Company Intellectual Property Lease 5.11(b3.15(e) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aTarget Company Owned Intellectual Property 3.15(b) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aTarget Company Registered Items 3.15(f) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a8.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defense 8.5(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransafe Preamble Transition Services Agreement 7.1(h) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iUncollected Accounts Receivable 8.11(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bUncollected A/R Determination Date 8.11(a) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvUncollected A/R Indemnity Period 8.11(a) Written Consent 8.10Work Product Agreements 3.15(j) Workers’ Compensation Event 6.4(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Quixote Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, each of the following terms shall have the meanings defined for meaning given to such terms term in the Sections set forth belowapplicable Section of the Agreement listed opposite such term: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAPI Corporation Returns 2.17(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAPI Leased Real Property 2.10(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAPI Registered IP 2.11(a)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiAnti-Bribery Laws 2.15 Book Entry Shares 1.5(e) Closing Statement Date 1.3 Closing 1.3 Company Preamble Company 401(k) Plan 5.5(b) Company Board Recommendation 5.2(b) Company Certifications 2.6(a) Company Change in Recommendation 5.2(b) Company Existing D&O Policy 5.6(a)(ii) Company Indemnified Persons 5.6(a)(i) Company Material Contract 2.12(a) Company Maximum Premium 5.6(a)(ii) Company Owned Real Property 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bReimbursement Fee 8.3(b) Company SEC Documents 2.6(a) Company Specified Agreement 8.1(i) Company Stock Certificate 1.6 Company Stockholder Voting Agreements Recitals Company Stockholders’ Meeting 5.2(a) Company Termination Fee 8.3(b) Company Warrants 1.5(d) Company’s Financial Advisor 2.26 Continuing Employees 5.5(a) Effective Time 1.3 End Date 8.1(b) Exchange Act 2.12(a)(i) Exchange Agent 1.7(a) Exchange Fund 1.7(a) Exchange Ratio 1.5(a)(iii) Xxxx Corporations Returns 3.17(a) Xxxx Leased Real Property 3.10(b) Xxxx Registered IP 3.11(a)(i) Merger Sub Preamble Merger Recitals Parent Benefit Plans 5.5(c) Parent Board Recommendation 5.3(b) Parent Certifications 3.6(a) Parent Change Objection Statement 2.13(bin Recommendation 5.3(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iExisting D&O Policy 5.6(b)(ii) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPersons 5.6(b)(i) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bIntervening Event 5.3(c)(ii) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bMaterial Contract 3.12(a) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aMaximum Premium 5.6(b)(ii) Parent Owned Real Property 3.10(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a3.6(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiParent Reimbursement Fee 8.3(c) Permitted Objection 2.14(bParent Specified Agreement 8.1(h) Principal Parent Stockholder Voting Agreements Recitals Parent Stockholders’ Meeting 5.3(a) Parent Termination Fee 8.3(c) Parent Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Parent’s Financial Advisor 3.26 Pre-Closing Period 4.1 Required Company Stockholder Vote 2.24 Required Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iStockholder Vote 3.24 Required Parent Stockholder Vote 3.24 Surviving Corporation 1.1 Termination Fee 8.3(c) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aWARN Act 2.18(k) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10100 AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER AND REORGANIZATION among: XXXX INNOVATIONS INCORPORATED, a Delaware corporation; API MERGER SUB, INC., a Delaware corporation; and ADVANCED PHOTONIX, INC., a Delaware corporation Dated as of January 30, 2015 101 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization (Luna Innovations Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiReference ABCB First Paragraph ABCB Capitalization Date 4.7(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiABCB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(a) ABCB Ratio 7.1(h) ABCB Regulatory Agencies 4.6 ABCB Regulatory Agreement 4.6 ABCB Retention Program 5.16 ABCB SEC Filings 4.9 Acquisition Agreement 5.8(a) Additional Cash Payment Per Share 7.1(h) Adverse Recommendation Change 2.14(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviFirst Paragraph Ameris Recitals Appraisal Shares 2.12 Audited Financial Statements 3.9(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBank Merger Recitals Bank Merger Agreement Recitals BHCA 3.2 BOLI 3.27(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBook Entry Shares 2.9(b)(i) Certificates 2.9(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.4(a) Claim 5.9(a) Closing 4.1 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Date Plan Year 5.7(c) Continuing Employee 5.7(a) CRA 3.18 Discontinued Employee 5.7(b) Effective Time 2.4(a) Exchange Agent 2.9(a) Exchange Agent Agreement 2.9(a) Exchange Fund 2.9(a) Exchange Ratio 2.7(a) Excluded Shares 2.7(c) Georgia Secretary 2.4(a) Xxxxxxxx Recitals HSB First Paragraph HSB Common Stock 2.7(a) HSB Disclosure Schedule 3.1(a) HSB Financial Advisor 3.30 HSB Financial Statements 3.9(a) HSB Intellectual Property 3.21 HSB Recommendation 2.14(a) HSB Regulatory Agencies 3.6 HSB Regulatory Agreement 3.6 HSB Retention Program 5.16 HSB Shareholder Approval 6.1(b) HSB Shareholders Recitals HSB Shareholders’ Meeting 2.14(a) Indemnitees 5.9(a) Index Ratio 7.1(h) Information Systems Conversion 5.11 Leases 3.14(b) Letter of Transmittal 2.9(b)(i) Loans 3.17(a) Materially Burdensome Regulatory Condition 5.3(a) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing 2.7(a) Non-Voting Common Stock 2.7(a) Non-Solicitation Agreements Recitals Notice of Recommendation Change 2.14(b)(iii) Per Share Cash Consideration 2.7(a) Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.7(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aPremium Cap 5.9(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bRegulatory Agencies 4.6 Stockholders’ Agreement 5.16 Surviving Corporation 2.1(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bTermination Fee 7.2(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Trust Preferred Securities 5.19 Unaudited Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger 3.9(a) Voting Agreement Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Voting Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for meaning given to such terms term in the Sections set forth indicated below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAction 2.8 Additional Cash Amount 1.3(b)(i)(D) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAffiliate Agreements 2.23(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviInitial Paragraph Allocation 1.5 Amusement Agreements 2.10(a)(iii) ByLaws 5.5 Cap ATM Agreements 2.10(a)(iv) Auditor 1.3(b)(iii) Basket 7.2(e)(i) Benefit Plan 2.14(a) Business Recitals Cash Reimbursement Amount 2.14(d)(i1.3(b)(ii)(A) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iClaim 7.2(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Claim Notice 7.2(b) Closing 4.1 1.4(a) Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiDate 1.4(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a5.4(b) Companies Recitals Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bDC Plans 5.3(d) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidential Information 9.1 Covered Person 5.7(a)(ii) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDate of Last Service 1.3(b)(i)(B) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDirect Claim 7.2(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDisbursement Schedule 5.4(a)(iv) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Disclosing Party 9.1 Disclosure Schedules Article 2 Effective Time 2.2 1.4(a) ERISA 5.15(a2.14(a) ERISA Affiliate 2.14(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Agreement 5.5(a) Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cClosing Statement 5.4(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEstimated Sellers Allocable Liabilities 5.4(a)(i) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cEstimated Unpaid Transaction Expenses 5.4(a)(iii) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cCash Reimbursement Amount 1.3(b)(iv) Final Companies’ Indebtedness 5.4(b) Final Sellers Allocable Liabilities 5.4(b) Final Unpaid Transaction Expenses 5.4(b) Financial Statement or Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger 2.6 GAAP 2.6 Identified Employees 5.3(a) IGB Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a7.2(b) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a7.2(b) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivCap 7.2(e)(ii) Independent Auditor 2.10(bXxxxxxx Initial Paragraph Leased Real Property 2.11 Leases 2.11 Live Use Agreement 2.10(a)(i) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Material Contract 2.10 Merger 1.1 Merger Sub Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiParagraph Non-Live Use Agreements 2.10(a)(ii) Term Section Payoff Letter 4.7 Preliminary Purchase Price 1.3(a) Proposed Settlement Amount 7.2(c)(ii) Purchase Price 1.3(a) Purchaser Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Paragraph Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a7.1(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bReceiving Party 9.1 Registered Intellectual Property 2.17 Release Agreement 5.5(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bRepresentative Initial Paragraph Representatives 4.6 Restricted Parties 5.7(a) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRock Solid Recitals Schedule Article 2 Schedule Update 4.5 SciGames Report 1.3(b)(i)(C) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a7.1(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSellers Recitals Sellers Allocable Liabilities 5.4(a)(i) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Sellers Approval Recitals Seller Parties 2.25 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Entity 1.1 Third Party Claim 12.5(a7.2(b) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTop Customers 2.22 Top Suppliers 2.22 Transfer Tax 5.8 Unit Distribution Amount 1.4(b)(iv) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bUse Agreements 2.10(a)(ii) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iUnredeemed Voucher Liability 1.3(c) Voting Debt Vault and ATM Cash Reimbursement Amount 1.3(b)(i)(A) VGT Cash Amount 1.3(b)(ii)(B) VGT Cash Reimbursement Amount 1.3(b)(ii)(C) WARN Act 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Boyd Gaming Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following additional capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Acquired Assets 2.2(a) Additional Asset Sales 9.2(i)(i)(I) Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiPurchase Price 3.1(c) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAllocation 12.16 Assumed Liabilities 2.2(c) Agreement Balance Sheet 5.10(a) Bankruptcy Court Recitals Broker Entities Intellectual Property Rights 5.17(a) Business Marks 8.11(a) Business Employees 8.17(a) Buyer Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBuyer Benefit Plan 8.17(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBuyer Qualified Plan 8.17(d) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iTerm Section Buyer’s Price Estimate 3.4 Case Recitals Cases Recitals Claim 11.3(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 4.1 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiReport 3.5(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a3.5(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBreaches 11.2 Confidentiality Agreement 8.5(c) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bContested Claim 11.4(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDaily Capital Statements 8.12 Damages 11.2 Debit 2.3 Deposit 3.1(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b3.5(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDisputed Items 3.5(b) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDrop Dead Date 10.1(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEncumbrances 5.2(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEscrow Agent 3.1(b) Escrow Account 3.1(a) Excepted Account 2.9 Excepted Account Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c8.21 Excluded Assets 2.2(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPurchase Price 3.5(d) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivF/X Associates Preamble Indemnitor 11.3(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aAccountants 3.5(c) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiClosing 4.1 Initial Closing Date 4.1 Intellectual Property License Agreement 2.6 Latest Regulatory Statements 5.10(a) London Election 2.3 Marks 1.1 Material Contracts 5.21(e) Non-Acceptance Offer Employee 8.17(a) Notice of Claim 11.3(a) Offer Employee 8.17(a) Owned Assets 5.13 Parent Preamble Purchase Price 3.1(a) Purchase Price Adjustment Certificate 3.4 Qualified Plan 5.16(a) RCM Preamble Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Refco Global Futures Preamble Refco Global Holdings Preamble Refco Hong Kong Preamble REFCO Xxxx 8.11(a) Refco Securities Preamble Refco Singapore Preamble Refco Taiwan Preamble Reference Segregated Account Balance 3.3(b) Regulatory Consents 9.1(c) Regulatory Order 5.18(d)(v) RIS Preamble Securities 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vSecurities Act 7.7 Segregated Account Adjustment 3.3 Segregated Account Estimate 3.4 Seller 401(k) Maximum EarnPlan 8.17(d) Seller Liquidated Damages 10.3 Sellers Preamble Sellers’ Price Estimate 3.4 Software 1.1 SRO Reports 5.18(c) Standard Customer Agreements 5.21(a) Standard Give-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiUp Agreements 5.21(d) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bStandard Introducing Broker Agreements 5.21(c) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivSubsequent Closings 4.1 Subsequent Closing Date 4.1 Transferred Employee 8.17(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter Transition Leases 2.7(a) Stock Certificates Transition Services 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aUnresolved Items 3.5(c) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Welfare Plan 8.17(f)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Acquisition Agreement (MF Global Ltd.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 4.19(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable Survival Period 10.1(d) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iArbitrator 2.6(c)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAssigned Contracts 2.1(b)(iv) Assignment and Assumption Agreements 3.2(d) Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreements 3.2(e) Assumed Employment Contracts 7.2(g) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Automatic Transfer Employees 7.2(b) Balance Sheets 4.4(a)(i) Balance Sheet Date 4.4(a)(i) Base Pay 7.2(a) Bills of Sale 3.2(c) Business Recitals Business Authorizations 4.11(a) Buyer Preamble Buyer Closing Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii8.3(c) Buyer Indemnitees 10.2(a) Buyer’s Proposed Calculations 2.6(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a3.1 Closing Date 3.1 Confidentiality Agreement 6.3 Consents 4.3(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCredit Agreement 3.2(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDeductible 10.2(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDiligent Efforts 7.9 Disputed Amounts 2.6(c) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDOJ 7.1(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEntry Claimant 7.2(m) Dissenting Stockholder Estimated Closing Working Capital 2.5(a) Environmental Permits 4.22(a) European Assets 7.3(b)(i) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(b) Excluded In-Bound Licenses 2.2(b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extra Territory Business 4.15(b) Final Allocation 2.10(b) Final Purchase Price 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPurchase Price Adjustment 2.6(d) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.4(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFrench Distribution Agreements 2.2(k) Indemnified Party 12.5(aFTC 7.1(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum EarnFull-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Year Financial Statements 4.4(a)(i)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Globus Medical Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Acquisition Agreements 3.18(a)(ix) Affiliate Letter 2.4 Agent Expenses 7.3(f) Aggregate Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.1(e) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAppraisal Provisions 2.2(e) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAppraisal Shares 2.2(e) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBy-Laws 1.5(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment 1.5(a) Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiof Merger 1.3 Certificate 2.2(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.2 Closing Date 1.2 Closing Price 2.1(a) Closing Stockholder and Expense Schedule 2.1(g) Code Preamble Common Cash Amount 2.1(d) Common Exchange Ratio 2.1(d) Common Merger Consideration 2.1(d) Common Proceeds per Share 2.1(d) Common Stock 2.1(d) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b401(k) Plan 5.8(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBalance Sheet 3.8 Company Board 3.3(c) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bClosing Certificate 2.1(g) Company Disclosure Schedule Article III Company Financial Statements 3.7 Company Permits 3.12 Company Plans 3.13(a) Company Stamp Tax Amount 5.12(a) Company Stock 3.3(a) Confidentiality Agreement 5.4 DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a1.1 Diluted Common Stock Number 2.1(g) Effective Time 2.2 1.3 Employee Incentive Pool 5.13 Equity Right 3.3(b) ERISA 5.15(a3.13(a) ERISA Affiliate 3.13(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 2.3(a) Escrow Agreement 2.3(a) Escrow Amount 2.9 2.1(e) Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Cash Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.1(e) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEscrow Period 2.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bEscrow Stock Amount 2.1(e) Exchange Act 4.5(a) Exon Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv3.6(b) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 Fairness Approval 5.5 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iPreamble Governmental Entity 3.6 (b) Indemnified Party 12.5(aParties 7.2 (a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aIn-the-Money Option 2.1 (g) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivKnowledge of the Company 3.10 Knowledge of Parent 4.5 (e) Independent Auditor 2.10(bLaws 3.6 (a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLiabilities 3.8 Liens 3.2 Losses 7.2 (a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vMaterial Contracts 3.18 (a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiNumber 2.1 (f) Merger Recitals Preamble Merger Consideration 2.2 (a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bOption Pool Number 2.1 (g) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOrdinary Shares 2.1 (a) Outside Date 8.1 (c) Ownership Percentage Interest 2.1 (e) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iBoard 4.5 (e) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aDisclosure Schedule Article IV Parent Plans 5.8 (c) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aStamp Tax Amount 5.12 (a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a4.5 (a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiParent Subsidiaries 4.1 Post Closing 30-Day Period 2.3 (h)(ii) Permitted Objection 2.14(bPreferred Stock 2.1 (c) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cProceedings 3.10 Purchaser Representative 5.10 Record Date 6.2 (k) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Retention Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c5.13 SEC 4.5 (a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second 1.7 Section 262 2.2 (e) Securities Act 2.3 (h)(i) Securityholder Agent 7.3 (a) Series A Cash Amount 2.1 (a) Series A Exchange Ratio 2.1 (a) Series A Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iConsideration 2.1 (a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeries A Preferred Stock 2.1 (a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSeries B Cash Amount 2.1 (b) Series B Exchange Ratio 2.1 (b) Series B Merger Consideration 2.1 (b) Series B Preferred Stock 2.1 (b) Series C Cash Amount 2.1 (c) Series C Exchange Ratio 2.1 (c) Series C Merger Consideration 2.1 (c) Series C Preferred Stock 2.1 (c) Series C Proceeds per Share 2.1 (c) Stockholder Representative 2.1 (g) Stockholder Approval 3.4 Support Agreements Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) 1.1 Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bOpinions 5.15 Termination Fee 8.2 (c) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii7.2 (b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bProposals 5.3 Transferred Employee 5.8 (c) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i5.12 (a) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Warrant 2.1 (g)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Verisity LTD)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have has the meanings defined for such terms respective meaning specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviPreamble Annual Bonus Plan 6.10(e) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.02(b)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iLTI Award 2.03(b) Certificate 2.02(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 1.02 Closing 4.1 1.03 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Date 1.03 Collective Bargaining Agreement 3.10 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bAcquisition Agreement 5.02(b) Company Adverse Recommendation Change Objection Statement 2.13(b5.02(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bArticles 3.01 Company Board Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04 Company Bylaws 3.01 Company Common Stock 2.01(a)(i) Company Disclosure Schedule Article III Company Employee 6.10(a) Company Financial Statements 3.06(a) Company Indemnified Parties 6.09(a) Company Indemnified Party 6.09(a) Company Intervening Event 5.02(g)(iii) Company Material Contract 3.15(a) Company Projections 3.21 Company Reports 3.06(a) Company Stockholder Approval 3.04 Company Stockholders Meeting 3.04 Company Subsidiaries 3.01 Company Takeover Proposal 5.02(g)(i) Company Termination Fee 8.02(b) Company Voting Debt 3.03(b) Consent 3.05(b) Continuation Period 6.10(a) D&O Insurance 6.09(c) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b1.01 Dissenting Share 2.04(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) EAR 3.12 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.02 End Date 8.01(b) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEnvironmental Permit 3.14(a)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEquity Securities 3.03(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Act 3.05(b)(i) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFiling 3.05(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPurchase Date 2.03(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiGAAP 3.06(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGuarantor Preamble HSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) Indemnified Party 12.5(aInsurance Policies 3.18 IRS 3.09(b) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiITAR 3.12 Legal Restraint 7.01(b) Merger Recitals 1.01 Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iTermination Fee 8.02(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPreamble Paying Agent 2.02(a) Parent Proposed Payment Fund 3.03(a) Preferred Stock 6.01(a) Proxy Statement 5.02(d) Recommendation Change 2.13(bNotice 5.02(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bRepresentatives 3.05(a) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRequired Consents 3.05(b)(ii) Parent Required Statutory Approvals 6.10(d) Retention Program 6.03(d)(ii) ROW Conclusion 3.12 Sanctions 3.05(b)(i) SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a3.05(b)(i) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiSecurities Act 5.02(g)(ii) Permitted Objection 2.14(bSuperior Company Proposal 5.02(c) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSuperior Proposal Notice 5.02(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Corporation 1.01 Takeover Statute 3.13 Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Litigation 6.03(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Joy Global Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowindicated section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Companies Recitals Acquired Company Assets 2.4(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Transaction 5.14(a)(i) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation 2.8 Allocation Schedule 2.8 Antitrust Approval 9.1 Approvals 2.9 Assigned Contracts 2.4(a)(ii) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Asturiano Recitals Base Purchase Price 2.2 Closing 4.1 2.3 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Date 2.3 CNDC 9.1 Closing Statement 2.10(a2.7(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCompeting Activity 5.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 5.3 Convey 2.4(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.7(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDispute Resolution Period 2.7(c) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivPreamble Excluded Assets 2.5 General Assignment and Bxxx of Sale 2.6(a)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.7(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInventory 2.4(a)(vi) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLender Mortgage 5.15 Lenders 5.15 Loan Obligations 5.15 Mondalva Recitals Names 5.8(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vNaviera Recitals Naviera Interests Recitals Ocean Business Recitals Ocean Business Guarantees 5.7 Ocean Business Intellectual Property 2.4(a)(iii) Maximum EarnOcean Business Permits 3.5 Palmdeal Preamble Panama Companies Recitals Pre-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiClosing WC Claims 5.9(b) Merger Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Interests Recitals Merger Sub Purchaser Preamble Objections Purchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Purchaser's Allocation 2.8 Release Confirmation 5.15 Required Charters 5.11 Restricted Entities 5.13(a) Sample Closing Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Scheduled Closing Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) 2.3 Seller Preamble Seller's Allocation Notice 2.8 Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.7(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.2 Transferred Ocean Business Employees 5.6(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransition Services Agreement 2.6(a)(iii) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvUABL Preamble UP Argentina Preamble Vessels Recitals WC Insurer 5.9(b) Written Consent 8.10Workers Compensation Policies 5.9(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Equity Interest Purchase Agreement (Ultrapetrol Bahamas LTD)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms meaning ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdverse Recommendation Change 5.02(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviArticles of Merger 1.03 Bankruptcy and Equity Exception 3.03(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBoard of Directors Recitals Book-Entry Shares 2.01(c) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCapitalization Date 3.02(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.01(c) Closing Statement 2.10(a) 1.02 Closing Date 1.02 Code Recitals Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBoard Recommendation 3.03(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCommon Stock 2.01 Company Disclosure Letter III Company Employee 5.09(a) Term Section 71 Company Review Representative 2.13(bFinancial Statements 3.06(b) DGCL Company Required Vote 3.05 Company SAP Statements 3.15(a) Company SEC Documents 3.06(a) Company Shareholders Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bCompany Shareholders’ Meeting 5.03(b) Contract 3.04(a) Contributed Shares Recitals Contributing Shareholders Recitals Contribution Agreement Recitals Delaware Courts 8.07(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aShareholder 2.01(d) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aShareholder Shares 2.01(d) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.03 Environmental Laws 3.13 Equity Commitment Letter 4.09(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEquity Financing 4.09(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Fund 2.02(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExpense Payment 7.03(c) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Forward-Looking Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIII Indebtedness 5.01(a)(ii) Indemnified Party 12.5(aParties 5.07(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aInsurance Laws 3.15(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivInsurance Reserves 3.15(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bInvestment Assets 3.20(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInvestment Guidelines 3.20(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiKBCA Recitals Kentucky Form A Filing 5.04(b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLeased Real Property 3.24(b)(ii) Lessee Real Property Leases 3.24(b)(i) Material Contract 3.23(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiPremium 5.07(b) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 2.01(c) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNotice of Superior Proposal 5.02(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOTCMKTS 3.04(b) Outside Termination Date 7.01(b)(i) Owned Real Properties 3.24(a)(i) Owned Real Property 3.24(a)(i) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Disclosure Letter IV Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPlans 5.09(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPaying Agent 2.02(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b72 Permits 0 Privacy Laws 3.14(j) Parent Proposed Change Proxy Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii3.04(b) Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases 3.24(b)(i) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aReinsurance Contracts 3.19 Related Party Transactions 3.26 Risk Factors III Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.06(d) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aSecurities Act 3.02(c) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Special Committee Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Xxxxx 3.27 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Corporation 1.01 Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Investors Heritage Capital Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth on Section 2 of Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have has the meanings defined for such terms meaning specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Advance Termination Notice 5.13 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation 2.10(a) ByLaws 5.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.03 Available Funds Agreement Recitals Available Funds L/C Recitals Bankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.02(a) Beneficial Interest 5.08(c) Books and Records 2.01(g) Buyer Preamble Buyer Burdensome Condition 5.04(h) Buyer Disclosure Schedule Article IV Buyer Fundamental Representations 7.01 Buyer Required Consents 4.03(a) Buyer Termination Fee 9.02(a) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i8.01(c) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiClaim Notice 8.03(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.08 Closing Date. 2.08 Consent 3.03(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bConsent Required-Warranties 2.12 Deductible 8.01(b)(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDirect Claim 8.03(c) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bEmergency Preparedness Agreements 2.01(l)(ii) DGCL Entergy Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bEntergy Name and Marks 2.02(g) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Excluded Assets 2.02 Excluded Liabilities 2.04 Facility Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFiling 3.03(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aBuyer Entities 8.01(a) Indemnified Entity 8.03(a) Indemnified Seller Entities 8.02(a) Indemnifying Entity 8.03(a) Insurance Policies 3.20 IT Transition 5.09(b) Legal Restraint 6.01(c) Material Contracts 3.07(a) Minimum Claim Amount 8.01(b)(ii) Nine Mile Termination Notice 5.13 Non-Assigned Contracts 2.02(l) Non-Transferred Asset 5.05 Non-Transferred Liability 5.05 NRC Financial Assurances 5.04(h) Observers 5.03(a) Outside Date. 9.01(b) Parties Preamble Party 12.5(aPreamble Pre-Closing Contractual Liabilities. 2.03(b) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivPre-Refueling Buyer Burdensome Condition 5.06(d) Independent Auditor 2.10(bPre-Refueling Seller Burdensome Condition 5.06(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiPurchase Price 2.06(a) Real Property Lease 5.11(b2.01(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aReports 3.14 Required Consents 4.03(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aReversal Event 5.06(e) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate Reversal Notice 5.06(e) Schedule of Merger 2.12(cRuling Amounts 3.19(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSchedule Update 5.07 Seller Preamble Seller Burdensome Condition 5.04(f) Second Step Merger Seller Disclosure Schedule Article III Seller Entities Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller Fundamental Representations 7.01 Seller Required Consents 3.03(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller Tax Representations 7.01 Seller Termination Fee 9.02(b) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSigning Fee 2.05 Specified Shared Contracts 2.01(m) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Claim. 10.05 Termination Event 9.01 Transaction Recitals Transferable Permits 2.01(d) Transferee Party 5.05 Transferor Party 5.05 Transferred Assets 2.01 Transfer 8.8(bTax Valuation 2.10(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Transition Committee 5.09(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, each of the following terms shall have the meanings defined for meaning given to such terms term in the Sections set forth belowapplicable Section of this Agreement listed opposite such term: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiA&S Business Unaudited Financial Data 2.4(a) A&S Company Returns 2.13(a) A&S Top Customers 2.18(a) A&S Top Suppliers 2.18(b) Accounting Firm 5.13(c) Additional Antitrust Consents 6.9 Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) 1.16 Adjustment Excess 1.16 Adjustment Payment 1.16 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAinge Preamble Ainge Board Recommendation 5.2(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Ainge Certifications 3.4(a) Ainge Change in Recommendation 5.2(b) Ainge Company Returns 3.13(a) Ainge Leased Real Property 3.7(b) Ainge Material Contract 3.9(a) Ainge Registered IP 3.8(a) Ainge SEC Documents 3.4(a) Ainge Share Amount 2.14(d)(iReduction 1.16 Ainge Stockholders’ Meeting 5.2(a) Ainge Tax Opinion 6.7(a) Ainge Termination Fee 8.3(b) Ainge Top Customers 3.18(a) Ainge Top Suppliers 3.18(b) Alternative Commitment Letters 5.15(b) Alternative Direct Sales Commitment Letter 5.15(a) Alternative Direct Sales Financing 5.15(a) Alternative Financing Agreements 5.15(c) Alternative Financings 5.15(b) Alternative Newco Commitment Letter 5.15(b) Alternative Newco Financing 5.15(b) Antitrust Filings 5.3(a) Audited Financial Statements 5.13(a) Xxxx of Sale 1.8(a)(i) Burdensome Condition 5.3(c) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate Dividend Recitals Closing 1.7 Closing Date 1.7 Cravath 1.7 Exhibit A-17 Table of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Contents Term Section Company D&O Indemnitee 5.18(a) Debt Exchange Recitals Debt Exchange Parties Recitals Deferred Asset 1.6 Direct Sales Recitals Direct Sales Allocation Statement 1.4(b) Direct Sales Financing Agreements 5.15(a) Direct Sales Leased Real Property 2.7(b) Direct Sales Purchase Price 1.4(a) Direct Sales Review Representative 2.13(bPeriod 1.4(c) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b1.4(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEBITDA Statement 5.13(c) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEBITDA Statement Rejection Notice 5.13(c) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aEBITDA Statement Review Period 5.13(c) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 1.7 End Date 8.1(b) Environmental Laws 2.15 Environmental Liabilities 2.15 Exchange Agent 1.11(b) Exchange Fund 1.11(b) FCPA 2.11(a) Financing Agreement 5.15(b) Financing Source Related Parties 8.3(i) Financings 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFox Preamble Fox Tax Opinion 7.8(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiFox Termination Fee 8.3(d) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bHazardous Materials 2.15 Hazardous Materials Event 2.15 Initial Receipt Period 5.2(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiIntervening Event 5.2(c)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNewco Preamble Newco Bridge Facility 5.15(f) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNewco Commitment Letter 5.15(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iNewco Financing Agreements 5.15(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aNewco Leased Real Property 2.7(b) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bNewco Material Contract 2.9(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bNewco Registered IP 2.8(a) Parent Newco Registration Statement 2.11(aStatements 5.1(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aNewco Securities 5.16(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiNewco Unsecured Notes 5.15(f) Notice Period 5.2(c)(i) participate 5.12(c) Permitted Objection 2.14(bAlternative Financing 5.15(c) Principal Pre-Closing Period 4.1 Required A&S Financial Information 5.15(d) Required Ainge Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate Vote 3.21 Exhibit A-18 Table of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Contents Term Section Required Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iStockholder Vote 3.21 Schedule TO 5.1(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aShrink-Wrap 2.8(b) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSkadden 5.5(a)(v) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Corporation 1.1 Takeover Statute 2.20 Total Adjustment Amount 1.16

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization (Altra Industrial Motion Corp.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Business 2.3(i) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Entity 2.3(e) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviADSP 10.3(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAntitrust Division 6.1(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBenefit Plans 4.13(a) Term Section Buyer 125 Plan 6.4 Buyer Plan 4.13(a) Claim Notice 9.2(c) Closing 3.1 Closing Date 3.1 Closing Purchase Price 2.1 Company Review Representative 2.13(bBenefit Plans 4.13(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Company Intellectual Property 4.19(b) Company Permits 4.16(a) Company Systems 4.19(g) Competing Business 6.8(a) Competing Products 2.3(e) Delivery Date 2.3(b) DHR 11.14(a) Disputed Items 2.3(e) Earnout Final Settlement Date 2.3(c) Earnout Notice 2.14(bof Disagreement 2.3(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEarnout Payoff Amount 2.3(e) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEarnout Statement 2.3(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEstimated Adjustment Amount 2.1 Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 2.1 Estimated Closing Cash 2.1 Estimated Closing Financial Certificate 2.1 Estimated Closing Indebtedness 2.1 Estimated Overall Purchase Price Adjustment 2.1 Excess Payment 2.2(d)(i) EarnFDA 4.16(b) FDA Cost-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiSharing Covenant 6.15(b) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFD&C Act 4.16(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cAdjustment Amount 2.2(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiFinal Closing Balance Sheet 2.2(a) Term Section Final Closing Cash 2.2(a) Final Closing Financial Certificate 2.2(a) Final Closing Indebtedness 2.2(a) Final Overall Cash Purchase Price Adjustment 2.1 Final Settlement Date 2.2(b) Guaranty 11.14(b) Indemnified Claim 9.2(d) Initial Cash Price 2.1 Insurance Policies 4.25 Insured Loss 9.3(b) Interim Financial Information 6.11 NJDEP 6.3(e) Non-Competition Period 6.8(b) Notice of Disagreement 2.2(b) Notice Period 9.2(c) Preliminary Allocation 10.3 Regulatory Approvals 6.1(a) Reimbursement Accounts 6.4 Restricted Party 6.8(a) Retained Earnout Amount 2.3(c) Sale Notice 2.3(j) Section 2.3(e)(X) Notice 2.3(e) Section 2.3(e)(Y) Notice 2.3(e) Seller 125 Plan 6.4 Shortfall Reduction 2.2(d)(i) Significant Customer 4.24(a) Significant Supplier 4.24(a) Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vCovenants 9.1(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiTax Claims 10.6 Territory 6.8(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aThird Party Claim 9.2(c) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aThoratec Financial Statements 4.9 Threshold Amount 9.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.106.12(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Thoratec Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Reference ABCB Preamble ABCB 401(k) Plan 5.7(e) ABCB Capitalization Date 4.7(a) ABCB Common Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiIssuance Recitals ABCB Contract 4.23(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiABCB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(a) ABCB Financial Advisor 4.29 ABCB Financial Statements 4.10(a) ABCB Loans 4.17(a) ABCB Recommendation 2.13 ABCB Regulatory Agencies 4.6 ABCB Regulatory Agreement 4.6 ABCB SEC Filings 4.9 ABCB Shareholder Approval 4.3(a) ABCB Shareholders Recitals ABCB Shareholders’ Meeting 2.13 ABCB Stock Option 2.7(a) Acquisition Agreement 5.8(a) Adverse Recommendation Change 2.12(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAmeris Recitals Bank Merger Recitals Bank Merger Agreement Recitals BHCA 3.2(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBook-Entry Shares 2.8(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiMerger 2.4(a) Certificates 2.8(b)(i) Chosen Courts 8.7(b) Claim 5.9(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Code Recitals Continuing Employee 5.7(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aCRA 3.18 Data Conversion 5.11 Discontinued Employee 5.7(b) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a2.4(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Exchange Agent 2.8(a) Exchange Agent Agreement 2.8(a) Exchange Fund 2.8(a) Exchange Ratio 2.6(a) Excluded Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiFidelity Recitals FSC Preamble FSC 401(k) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bPlan 5.7(e) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivFSC Capitalization Date 3.7(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFSC Contract 3.23(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cFSC Disclosure Schedule 3.1(a) FSC Financial Advisor 3.30 FSC Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger 3.10(a) FSC Insiders 5.17 FSC Loans 3.17(a) FSC Recommendation 2.12(a) FSC Regulatory Agencies 3.6 FSC Regulatory Agreement 3.6 FSC SEC Filings 3.9 FSC Shareholder Approval 3.3(a) FSC Shareholders Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFSC Shareholders’ Meeting 2.12(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFSC Voting Agreement Recitals Georgia Secretary 2.4(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aIndemnitees 5.9(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aLetter of Transmittal 2.8(b)(i) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiMaterially Burdensome Regulatory Condition 5.3(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bConsideration 2.6(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNotice of Recommendation Change 2.12(b)(iii) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPremium Cap 5.9(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aProviding Party 5.4(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bRegulatory Agencies 4.6 Requesting Party 5.4(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bSurviving Bank Recitals Surviving Corporation 2.1(a) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aTakeover Statutes 3.3(b) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aTermination Fee 7.2(b) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiTransition Plan Year 5.7(c) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Trust Preferred Securities 5.16

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Fidelity Southern Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms set forth in the Sections set forth below: Defined Term Section Location of Definition Adjusted Initial Stock Citrix RSU § 3.04(c) Aggregate Merger Consideration 2.10(c)(iii§ 2.04(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAntitrust Remedial Actions § 7.06(c) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger § 2.02 Change in the Parent Recommendation § 7.03(d) Citrix Preamble Citrix Board Recitals Citrix Board Designees § 2.07(a) Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Stock Recitals Citrix Merger Tax Opinion § 7.07(b) Citrix Plan § 7.14(a) Citrix RMT Tax Opinions § 7.07(b) Citrix Separation Tax Opinion § 7.07(b) Citrix Tax Counsel § 7.07(b) Clean-Up Spin-Off Recitals Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) § 2.02 Closing Statement 2.10(a§ 3.05(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCommercial Arrangements § 4.18 Confidentiality Agreement § 7.11(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bContinuing SpinCo Employee § 7.14(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Contribution Recitals Copyrights § 1.01 Dispute Notice 2.14(b§ 3.05(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Distribution Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 § 2.02 Xxxxxxx § 2.07(a) ERISA 5.15(a§ 4.13(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Estimated Cash Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 § 3.05(a) Estimated Net SpinCo Deferred Revenue § 3.05(a) Estimated SpinCo Indebtedness § 3.05(a) Estimated Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c§ 3.05(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Agent § 3.01(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Fund § 3.01(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExchange Offer Recitals Extended Termination Date § 9.01(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivFCPA § 4.10(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aAccounting Firm § 3.05(d) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiTermination Date § 9.01(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Marks § 1.01 Merger Recitals Merger Consideration § 2.04(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNon-U.S. Parent Plans § 5.12(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNon-U.S. SpinCo Plans § 4.13(b) Notice Period § 7.03(d)(ii) One-Step Spin-Off Recitals Operating Committee § 2.07(c) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Board Recitals Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iCapitalization Date § 5.02(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aCharter Approval § 1.01 Parent Customer Data § 5.10(l) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bEmployee Representative Agreements § 5.13 Parent IP Contracts § 5.15(a)(iv) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bIT Systems § 5.10(j) Parent Material Contracts § 5.15(a) Parent Merger Tax Opinion § 7.07(b) Parent Plans § 5.12(b) Parent Products § 5.10(i) Parent Tax Counsel § 7.07(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a§ 7.01(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aStockholders’ Meeting § 7.02 Patents § 1.01 Proxy Statement § 7.01(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiRegistered Parent Intellectual Property § 5.10(b) Permitted Objection 2.14(bRegistered SpinCo Intellectual Property § 4.11(b) Principal Registration Statements § 7.01(a) Replacement Citrix Board Designee § 2.07(a) Required Parent Stockholder Vote § 1.01 Revised Transaction Proposal § 7.03(d)(ii) Schedule TO § 7.01(a) Shares § 2.04(a) SpinCo Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSpinCo Board Recitals SpinCo Closing Report § 3.05(b) Proposed Final Performance Criteria SpinCo Common Stock Recitals SpinCo Contractor Schedule § 4.14 SpinCo Customer Data § 4.11(l) SpinCo Employee Representative Agreement § 4.14 SpinCo Employee Schedule § 4.14 SpinCo Financial Statements § 4.06(a) SpinCo IP Contracts § 4.16(a)(iv) SpinCo IT Systems § 4.11(j) SpinCo Material Contracts § 4.16(a) SpinCo Plans § 4.13(b) SpinCo Products § 4.11(i) SpinCo Registration Statement 2.13(c§ 7.01(a) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(viSurviving Corporation § 2.01 Termination Date § 9.01(a) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(aRights § 4.11(d) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiPercentage § 2.04(e) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTrade Secrets § 1.01 U.S. Parent Plans § 5.12(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10U.S. SpinCo Plans § 4.13(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (LogMeIn, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings are defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiisections indicated. Agreement preamble Arizona Transaction Approval 7.2(f) Adjustment Assessments 3.16(c) Asset Purchase Price Allocation 6.3(f) Basket Amount 2.10(c)(iii6.2(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBusiness Relation 6.7(a)(ii) ByLaws 5.5 Buyer preamble Buyer Prepared Returns 6.3(a)(iii) Cannabist preamble Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i6.2(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCC VA preamble Claim Notice 6.4(d) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 2.5(a) Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 2.5(a) Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiItem 2.4(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.4(a) COBRA 3.14(b) Collateral 5.7(a)(ii) Company Preamble Recitals Company Change Objection 2.13(bCollateral 5.7(a)(i) Company Change Objection Employee Benefit Plan 3.14(a) Company Governing Documents 2.5(b)(iv) Confidential Information 5.8(a)(ii) CSA 9.13 Deposit 2.5(c)(i)(a) Employment and Services Agreement 3.14(f) Environmental Claims 3.17(b) Equity Recitals Estimated Cash 2.3 Estimated Closing Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 2.3 Estimated Net Indebtedness 2.3 Estimated Transaction Expenses 2.3 Estimated Transaction Payments 2.3 Estimated Working Capital 2.3 Excess Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.4(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExcluded Federal Claims 9.13 Final Cash 2.4(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cIndebtedness 2.4(a) Final Transaction Expenses 2.4(a) Final Transaction Payments 2.4(a) Final Working Capital 2.4(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii3.4(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFunds Flow 2.5 IRS 3.14(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aLatest Balance Sheet 3.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aLatest Balance Sheet Date 3.4(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivLien Releases 2.5(b)(iii) Independent Auditor 2.10(bMarijuana Permits 3.16(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aMaterial Contract 3.9(b) Initial Stock Consideration Member Prepared Returns 6.3(a)(ii) Member preamble Notes 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vObjection Notice 6.2(d) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiParty preamble Pledged Collateral 5.7(a)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchase Price 2.2 Restricted Period 6.7(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivSchedules 9.11 Service Contracts 3.6(j) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Shortfall Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a2.4(d) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aPeriod 6.1 SWC Arizona Purchase Agreement preamble Tax Contest 6.3(d) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b6.4(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.3(f) Voting Debt 5.3(bUCC 5.7(a)(iii) Weeks Employment Utility Systems 3.6(h) Valuation Firm 2.4(b) Virginia Purchase Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10preamble WARN Act 3.13(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Equity Purchase Agreement (Cannabist Co Holdings Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall will have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Assets 2.1 Acquired Material Contracts 4.17 Acquisition Proposal 3.4(d) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviALC Act 4.11(d) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iALC Consent 4.11(d) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAssignment and Assumption Agreement 2.3(a) Certificate Assumed Accounts Payable 2.3(a) Assumed Contracts 2.1(e) Assumed Liabilities 2.3(a) Benefit Plan 4.14(c) Xxxx of Incorporation 5.5 Sale 3.6(a) Business Recitals Business Assets 2.3(b) Buyer Preamble Buyer Damages 7.2 Table of Contents Buyer Indemnifying Party 7.3 Buyer Indemnitees 7.2 Buyer Material Adverse Effect 5.1 Buyer Transaction Documents 3.7(j) Claims Notice 7.5 Closing 4.1 3.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiBalance Sheet 2.5(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aDate 3.1 Closing Net Working Capital 2.5(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bClosing Purchase Amount 2.4(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidential Information 6.2 Consulting Agreement 3.2(g) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bContracts 2.1(e) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDisclosure Schedule 1.1 Disputed Amounts 2.5(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEnvironment 1.1 Environmental Liability Cap 7.6(e) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEnvironmental Liability Deductible 7.6(e) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEnvironmental Permits 2.3(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEnvironmental Representations 7.1 ETA 4.20(d) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 2.4(d) Escrow Agreement 2.4(d) Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 2.4(d) Estimated Closing Statement 2.4(c) Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.4(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExcluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.3(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExclusivity Period 3.4(d) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExisting Environmental Condition 2.3(b) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cFacility 2.1(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals 4.6(a) Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii7.1 General Indemnification Cap 7.6(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGST 4.20(d) Indemnified Party 12.5(aHCA 4.11(e) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aIndemnification Threshold 7.6(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivindemnified party 7.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccountant 2.5(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntellectual Property 2.1(f) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiILPP 4.14(f) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Inventory 2.1(a) Koppers Preamble Liens 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vMaterial Contracts 4.17 Table of Contents Net Working Capital 2.4(c) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiObjection Notice 2.5(b) Permitted Objection 2.14(bLiens 4.10(a) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPermits 2.1(i) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cPost-Balance Sheet Liabilities 4.6(b) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(viPost-Closing Adjustment 2.5(e) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiPSTA 3.13 Purchase Orders 2.1(j) Real Property Lease 5.11(bPurchase Price 2.4(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aPurchase Price Decrease 2.5(e) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Purchase Price Increase 2.5(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Koppers Holdings Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following additional capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Acquired Assets 2.2(a) Additional Asset Sales 9.2(i)(i)(I) Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiPurchase Price 3.1(c) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAllocation 12.16 Assumed Liabilities 2.2(c) Agreement Balance Sheet 5.10(a) Bankruptcy Court Recitals Broker Entities Intellectual Property Rights 5.17(a) Business Marks 8.11(a) Business Employees 8.17(a) Buyer Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBuyer Benefit Plan 8.17(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBuyer Qualified Plan 8.17(d) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iTerm Section Buyer’s Price Estimate 3.4 Case Recitals Cases Recitals Claim 11.3(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 4.1 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiReport 3.5(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a3.5(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBreaches 11.2 Confidentiality Agreement 8.5(c) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bContested Claim 11.4(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDaily Capital Statements 8.12 Damages 11.2 Debit 2.3 Deposit 3.1(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b3.5(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDisputed Items 3.5(b) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDrop Dead Date 10.1(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEncumbrances 5.2(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEscrow Agent 3.1(b) Escrow Account 3.1(a) Excepted Account 2.9 Excepted Account Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c8.21 Excluded Assets 2.2(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPurchase Price 3.5(d) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivF/X Associates Preamble Indemnitor 11.3(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aAccountants 3.5(c) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiClosing 4.1 Initial Closing Date 4.1 Intellectual Property License Agreement 2.6 Latest Regulatory Statements 5.10(a) London Election 2.3 Marks 1.1 Material Contracts 5.21(e) Non-Acceptance Offer Employee 8.17(a) Notice of Claim 11.3(a) Offer Employee 8.17(a) Owned Assets 5.13 Parent Preamble Purchase Price 3.1(a) Purchase Price Adjustment Certificate 3.4 Qualified Plan 5.16(a) RCM Preamble Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Refco Global Futures Preamble Refco Global Holdings Preamble Refco Hong Kong Preamble REFCO Mark 8.11(a) Refco Securities Preamble Refco Singapore Preamble Refco Taiwan Preamble Reference Segregated Account Balance 3.3(b) Regulatory Consents 9.1(c) Regulatory Order 5.18(d)(v) RIS Preamble Securities 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vSecurities Act 7.7 Segregated Account Adjustment 3.3 Segregated Account Estimate 3.4 Seller 401(k) Maximum EarnPlan 8.17(d) Seller Liquidated Damages 10.3 Sellers Preamble Sellers’ Price Estimate 3.4 Software 1.1 SRO Reports 5.18(c) Standard Customer Agreements 5.21(a) Standard Give-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiUp Agreements 5.21(d) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bStandard Introducing Broker Agreements 5.21(c) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivSubsequent Closings 4.1 Subsequent Closing Date 4.1 Transferred Employee 8.17(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter Transition Leases 2.7(a) Stock Certificates Transition Services 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aUnresolved Items 3.5(c) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Welfare Plan 8.17(f)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Acquisition Agreement

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation 2.10 Allocation Schedule 2.10 Antitrust Laws 3.4 Approvals 2.11(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAsset Removal Notice 5.18(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAssignment Agreement and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(viii) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiAssumed Liabilities 2.6 Bankruptcy Code 6.1 Base Purchase Price 2.2 Business Contracts 2.4(b) Business Financial Statements 3.6(a) Business Information Technology 2.4(h) Business Permits 3.12(c) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(a2.9(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCollective Bargaining Agreement 3.15(f) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCompeting Business 5.15(b)(i) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) DGCL Recitals Current Representation 11.12(a) D&O Indemnitees 5.17(a) Designated Person 11.12(a) Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.9(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDispute Resolution Period 2.9(c) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDivestiture Action 5.1(a) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bDivestiture Agreement 5.1(a) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEmployment Laws 3.15(k) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gEnforceability Exceptions 3.3 Environmental Permits 3.13(a)(ii) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aEstimated Closing Cash Amounts 2.9(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEstimated Closing Indebtedness 2.9(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.9(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExceptions 5.11(c) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExcluded Assets 2.5 FDA 3.21(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPurchase Price 2.9(f) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFood Authorities 3.21(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFTC 3.21(a) GDPR 5.8(m) Guarantees 5.9 Indemnified Party 12.5(a10.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv10.5(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.9(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInternet Properties 1.1 Inventory 2.4(i) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIP Assignment Agreement 2.8(a)(x) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vKeebler Trademark License Agreement 2.8(a)(xi) Maximum EarnKellogg Trademark License Agreement 2.8(a)(vi) Leave Recipients 5.8(a)(ii) Marks 1.1 Material Contracts 3.11(a) Non-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAssignable Assets 2.11(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Non-Regulatory Approvals 2.11(b) Other Assets 2.4(q) Other Multiemployer Plan 3.15(b) Other Party 10.5(d) Other Seller Business 2.5(z) Outside Date 9.1(d) Owned Real Property 2.4(c) Parties Preamble Objections Party Preamble Patents 1.1 Personal Information 3.9(k) Post-Closing Representation 11.12(a) Post-Closing Statement 2.10(b2.9(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivPurchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Companies 2.4(a) Parent Purchased Company 2.4(a) Purchased Company Assets 2.4(t) Purchased Company Liabilities 2.6(l) Purchased Company Securities 3.2 Purchased Company Shares 2.4(a) Purchaser Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPurchaser 401(k) Parent Plan 5.8(e) Purchaser FSA Plan 5.8(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a10.3 Purchaser Licensed Patent 6.2(b) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Purchaser Parties 10.2(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiPurchaser R&W Insurance Policy 5.7 Purchaser Tax Indemnified Parties 7.1 Purchaser’s Allocation Notice 2.10 Real Property Lease Assignment 2.8(a)(ix) Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases 2.4(c) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRegistered Business Intellectual Property 3.9(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRelated Party Agreement 3.16(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cRelease 5.9 Relevant Party 10.5(d) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRepresented Employee Multiemployer Plan 3.15(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Represented Transferred Business Employee 5.8(a)(i) Required Regulatory Approvals 8.1(a) Retained Claims 2.5(u) Retained Liabilities 2.7 Reverse Supply Agreement 2.8(a)(iv) Securities Act 4.7 Seller Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller 401(k) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aPlans 5.8(e) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller Equity Award 5.8(k)(i) Seller FSA Plan 5.8(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a10.4 Seller Licensed Patent 6.1(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Parties 10.2(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSeller Shares 5.8(k)(i) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSeller Tax Indemnified Parties 7.2 Seller’s Allocation 2.10 Shared Contract 2.11(d) Tax Claim 8.7(eSpecified Competing Business 5.15(b)(i) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bSupply Agreement 2.8(a)(iii) Third-Terms and Provisions 3.10(d) Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Provider 3.9(k) Title Affidavits 2.8(b)(xii) Top Customers 3.20(a) Top Suppliers 3.20(b) Trade Secrets 1.1 Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 7.8 Transferred Business Employee 5.8(a)(i) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Commercial Data 2.4(e) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred FSA Balances 5.8(i) Weeks Employment Transferred Leased Property 2.4(c) Transferred Permits 2.4(l) Transferred Personnel Files 2.4(p) Transition Product Assets 2.4(j) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(a)(v) Written Consent 8.10USDA 3.21(a) Volume Commitment Contracts 5.19

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock and Asset Purchase Agreement (Kellogg Co)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Action 3.18(a) Agent 5.7 Agreement Preface Allocation Certificate 5.9 Applicable Survival Period 10.1(d) Application Survival Period 10.1(d) Balance Sheet 3.6(b) Balance Sheet Date 3.6(b) Baseline Measurement Period 2.9(b) Baseline Revenue 2.9(b) Baytree Capital 3.26 CERCLA 3.21(a)(iv) Certificates 2.2(c) Charter Documents 3.1(b) Common Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii2.1(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 1.3 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.1(b)(i) Closing Statement 2.10(aDate 1.3 Code Recitals Company Preface Company Benefit Plan 3.19(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCommon Stock 2.1(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCommon Stock Equivalents 2.1(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDisclosure Schedule Preamble Article III Company Equity Holders 5.9 Company Intellectual Property 3.15(e) DGCL 74 Company Owned Intellectual Property 3.15(b) Company Owned Software 3.15(n)(i) Company Registered Items 3.15(f) Company Shares 3.2(a) Company Stock Options 2.1(a) Company Stockholder 2.1(b) Company Stockholder Approval 3.4(b) Company Stockholder Indemnitees 10.2(b) Company Voting Agreements Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bConfidentiality Agreement 5.3 Consents 3.5(a) Constituent Corporations 1.1 Copyrights 3.15(a) Delaware Code 1.1 Dissenting Share Payments 2.7(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a2.7(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEarnout Consideration 2.1(b)(i) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEarnout Dispute Notice 2.9(c)(ii) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEarnout Measurement Period 2.9(a)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Earnout Payment 2.13(a2.9(a) Effective Time 2.2 1.3 Environment 3.21(a)(i) Environmental Action 3.21(a)(ii) Environmental Clean-Up Site 3.21(a)(iii) Environmental Laws 3.21(a)(iv) Environmental Liabilities 3.21(a)(v) Environmental Permit 3.21(a)(vi) ERISA 5.15(a3.19(a) ERISA Affiliate 3.19(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 2.2(d) Escrow Amount 2.9 Agreement 2.2(d) Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFund 10.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiRevenue 2.9(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Act 4.4(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExchange Ratio 2.1(b)(i) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cStatement of Revenue 2.9(c)(ii) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii3.6(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFIRPTA Certificate 5.10 Funding 3.6(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(aGAAP 3.6(b) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aHazardous Substances 3.21(a)(vii) In-Bound Licenses 3.15(c) Indemnification Date 10.2(c) Indemnification Threshold 10.2(c) Indemnitors 10.2(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivStock Price 10.3(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIntellectual Property 3.15(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntellectual Property Rights 3.15(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiInterim Balance Sheet 3.6(b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vInterim Balance Sheet Date 3.6(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiInterim Financial Statements 3.6(a) Joint Operating Agreement Recitals Liabilities 3.7 Liens 3.3(a) Lockup Agreement 6.2 Losses 10.2(a) Marks 3.15(a) Material Contracts 3.17(b) Merger Recitals 1.1 Merger Consideration 2.1(b)(i) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPreface Minor Contracts 3.17(e) Outstanding 2006 Monthly Budget 6.4 Nondisclosure Agreements 3.15(i) Notice of Claim 10.4(a) Out-Bound Licenses 3.15(d) Parent Preface Parent Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv2.1(b)(i) 76 Parent Indemnitees 10.2(a) Parent Preamble Preferred Stock 4.2 Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iSEC Reports 4.5(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aStockholder Approval 6.3 Patents 3.15(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPCBs 3.21(h) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiPension Plan 3.19(b) Permitted Objection 2.14(bLiens 3.12(a) Policies 3.23(a) Principal Company Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cRecitals Proposal 5.7 Proprietary Information 3.15(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Proxy Statement 2.13(c7.2(a) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiRCRA 3.21(a)(iv) Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.14(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Release 3.21(a)(viii) Representatives 5.3 Revenue 2.9(a) Reviewing Accountant 2.9(c)(ii) SEC 4.5(a) Securities Act 4.5(a) Software 3.15(a) Statement of Revenue 2.9(c)(i) Stockholders' Representative Preface Stockholders' Representative Agreement 2.2(d) Surviving Corporation 1.1 Tax 3.9(a)(i) Tax Returns 3.9(a)(ii) Taxing Authority 3.9(a)(iii) Third Party Claim 10.4(a) Third Party Defense 10.4(b) Total Parent Shares 2.11(a2.1(b)(i) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transitioned Employees 6.1 Transmittal Letter 2.7(a2.2(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(aTreasury Shares 2.1(b)(i) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aWarranty Losses 10.2(c) Tax Claim 8.7(eWork Product Agreements 3.15(j) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.1077

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (International Microcomputer Software Inc /Ca/)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have has the meanings defined for such terms respective meaning specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcceptable Confidentiality Agreement 5.03(c) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Agreement 5.03(d) Adverse Recommendation Change 5.03(d) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.02(b)(i) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCertificate 2.02(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 1.02 Closing 4.1 1.03 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Date 1.03 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bArticles 3.01 Company Board Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04 Company Common Stock 2.01(a)(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDisclosure Letter Preamble to Article III Company DRIP 5.01(a)(v) Company Employees 6.10(a) Company Financial Advisor 3.22 Company Financial Statements 3.06(a) Company Indemnified Parties 6.09(a) Company Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Company Projections 3.24 Company Real Property 3.16 Company Regulations 3.01 Company Reports 3.06(a) Company Required Consents 3.05(a) Company Required Statutory Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Company Shareholder Approval 3.04 Company Shareholders Meeting 3.04 Company Subsidiaries 3.01 Company Union Contracts 3.10 Company Voting Debt 3.03(b) Confidentiality Agreement 6.02(b) Consent 3.05(b) Continuation Period 6.10(a) Controlled Group Liability 3.09(d) Dissenting Shareholder 2.03 Dissenting Shares 2.03 Effective Time 1.02 End Date 8.01(b)(i) Environmental Permit 3.14(a)(i) Equity Letter 4.06 Equity Securities 3.03(b) Exchange Act 3.05(b)(i) FERC 3.20(a) Filing 3.05(b) Term Section Final Order 7.01(b) First Reserve 6.02(b) Fund 4.06 GAAP 3.06(a) Go-Shop Period 5.03(a) HSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) Insurance Policies 3.19 Legal Restraint 7.01(c) Letter of Transmittal 2.02(b)(i)(1) Material Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vContract 3.15(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAmount 6.09(c) Measurement Date 3.03(a) Merger Recitals 1.01 Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bMultiemployer Plan 3.09(d) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNo-Shop Period Start Date 5.03(b) Notice of Superior Proposal 5.03(e) OGCL 1.01 Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Disclosure Letter Preamble to Article IV Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iRequired Consents 4.03(a) Parent Indemnified Required Statutory Approvals 4.03(b)(ii) Parties 12.2(aPreamble Paying Agent 2.02(a) Parent Proposed Payment Fund 2.02(a) Proceedings 5.02 Proxy Statement 6.01(a) PUHCA 2005 3.20(a) Recommendation Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiNotice 5.03(f) Real Property Lease 5.11(bAgreements 3.16 Related Party 9.15 Representatives 5.03(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRequired Consents 4.03(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRequired Statutory Approvals 4.03(b)(ii) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cRestructuring 5.04(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.06(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSEC 3.05(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSecurities Act 3.05(b)(i) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aState Utilities Commissions 3.05(b)(iv) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Party Recitals Support Agreement Recitals Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Corporation 1.01 Takeover Statute 3.13 Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Litigation 6.04

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Gas Natural Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Reference ABCB First Paragraph ABCB Capitalization Date 4.6(a) ABCB Disclosure Schedule Article IV ABCB Financial Statements 4.9(a) ABCB Ratio 7.1(g) ABCB Regulatory Agencies 4.5 ABCB SEC Filings 4.8 Acquisition Agreement 5.9(a) Additional Cash Payment Per Share 7.1(g) Adverse Recommendation Change 2.15(b) Aggregate Cash Limit 2.9(c) Aggregate Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiLimit 2.9(c) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviFirst Paragraph Ameris Bank Recitals Appraisal Shares 2.13 Average ABCB Stock Price 7.1(g) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAverage Index Price 7.1(g) Bank Merger Recitals Bank Merger Agreement Recitals BHCA 3.1(a) Book Entry Shares 2.10(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iElection Number 2.9(a) Cash Election Shares 2.9(a) Certificates 2.10(b) Certificates of Merger 2.3 Charter Amendment 5.16 Claim 5.10(a) Closing 2.2 Closing Date 2.2 Closing Date Plan Year 5.8(c) Continuing Employee 5.8(a) CRA 3.17 Determination Date 7.1(g) Discontinued Employee 5.8(b) DOL 3.23(a) Effective Time 2.3 Election Deadline 2.9(a) Election Statement 2.9(a) Exchangeable Shares 2.7(a) Exchange Agent 2.10(a) Exchange Agent Agreement 2.10(a) Exchange Fund 2.10(a) Excluded Shares 2.7(c) Florida Articles of Merger 2.3 Florida Department 2.3 Georgia Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Merger 2.3 Georgia Secretary 2.3 Indemnitees 5.10(a) Index 7.1(g) Index Price 7.1(g) Index Ratio 7.1(g) Intellectual Property 3.20 Jacksonville Bank Recitals JAXB First Paragraph JAXB Common Stock 2.7(a) JAXB Disclosure Schedule Article III JAXB Financial Statements 3.9(a) JAXB Recommendation 2.15(a) JAXB Regulatory Agencies 3.5 JAXB Regulatory Agreement 3.5 JAXB SEC Filings 3.8 JAXB Shareholder Approval 6.1(b) JAXB Shareholders Recitals JAXB Shareholders’ Meeting 2.15(a) Loans 3.16(a) Materially Burdensome Regulatory Condition 5.3(a) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing 2.7(a) No Election Shares 2.9(a) Nonvoting Common Stock 2.7(a) Notice of Recommendation Change 2.15(b)(iii) Per Share Cash Consideration 2.7(a) Per Share Equity Award Consideration 2.16 Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.7(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aPremium Cap 5.10(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bRecord Date 2.9(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bRegulatory Agencies 4.5 Sxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.9(c) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bStarting Date 7.1(g) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bStarting Price 7.1(g) Dissenting Stock Election Number 2.9(a) Stock Election Shares 2.6(a2.9(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v2.1(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiTermination Fee 7.2(b) Merger Trust Preferred Securities 5.15 Voting and Support Agreement(s) Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Voting Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Ameris Bancorp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) $ 7.3 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBoard Size Increase Restricted Period Termination Option 2.1(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCBC Act Effect 1.8(c) Closing Statement 2.10(a) 1.1 Company Preamble Recitals Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBank Subsidiary Recitals control 7.1 controlled 7.1 controlling 7.1 Demand 5.1(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDemand Registration 5.1(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cdollars 7.3 Eligibility Criteria 1.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiTransaction Expenses 6.2 Exempt Issuance 2.2(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bextent 7.3 Federal Reserve Board Confirmation 1.10(d) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Follow-On Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiForm S-3 5.3(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFree Writing Prospectus 5.5(a)(iv) Indemnified Party 12.5(ain writing 7.3 Inspectors 5.5(a)(x) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aInvestor Preamble Investor Related Parties 1.2(h) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLosses 5.8(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bAgreement Recitals NASDAQ 1.3(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOther Demanding Sellers 5.2(b) Other Proposed Sellers 5.2(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Bank Board 1.1 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iBank Subsidiary Recitals Parent Board 1.1 Parent Common Stock Recitals Parent Control Effect 1.8(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aIndemnitee 6.1 Parent Share Issuance 2.2(a) Parent Share Issuance Notice 2.2(a)(ii) party 7.3 Permitted Transfer 2.1(b) Permitted Transferee 2.1(b) Piggyback Notice 5.2(a) Piggyback Registration 5.2(a) Proposed Change 2.13(bSecurities 2.4(a)(i) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bRecords 5.5(a)(x) Parent Regulatory Exempt Issuance 2.2(b)(iii) Representatives 1.9(a)(iii) Requested Information 5.7(a) Restricted Activities 3.1(b) Restricted Period 2.1(a) Shelf Notice 5.3(a) Shelf Offering 5.3(d) Shelf Registration Statement 2.11(a5.3(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aStandstill Period 2.3(d) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiTake-Down Notice 5.3(d) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10written 7.3

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Valley National Bancorp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcceptance Date 1.01(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Companies 4.10(a) Acquisition Agreement 6.02(d) Acquisition Proposal 6.02(a) Adverse Recommendation Change 6.02(d) Adverse Recommendation Change Notice 6.02(e) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviPreface Arrangements 4.11(o) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate Articles of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiMerger 2.02 Authorizations 4.09 Certificates 3.02(b) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.02 Closing Date 2.02 Company Preface 59 Company Balance Sheet 4.04(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBalance Sheet Date 4.04(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBenefit Plan 4.11(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCommon Stock Recitals Company Compensation Committee 4.11(o) DGCL Company Equity Interests 4.02(b) Company Financial Advisor 4.07 Company Financial Statements 4.04 Company Leases 4.14 Company Letter Preamble Article IV Company Material Contracts 4.13(b) Company Owned Intellectual Property 4.16(b) Company Permits 4.09(a) Company Personnel 4.10(k) Company Preferred Stock 4.02(a) Company Product 4.17(a) Company Recommendations 1.02(a) Company Registered Items 4.16(f) Company Restricted Shares 2.08(a)(ii) Company SEC Reports 4.04(b) Company Shareholders Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bCompany Shareholder Approval 4.19(c) Company Stock Option 2.08(a)(i) Company Support Agreements Recitals Confidentiality Agreement 6.02(b) Copyrights 4.16(a) Counterproposal 6.02(e) Covered Securityholder 4.11(o) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a3.01 DOJ 6.04(a) Effective Time 2.2 2.02 Employment Compensation Arrangement 4.11(o) Environmental Health and Safety Claim 4.18(a)(i) Environmental Health and Safety Laws 4.18(a)(ii) 60 ERISA 5.15(a4.11(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cERISA Affiliate 4.11(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Agent 3.02(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Fund 3.02(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExpense Reimbursement 8.02(b) Feasibility Completion Expiration Date 2.13(c1.01(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cFDA 4.17(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFTC 6.04(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGAAP 4.04(a) Hazardous Materials 4.18(a)(iii) HSR Act 4.03(c) In-Bound Licenses 4.16(c) Indemnified Party 12.5(aParties 6.06(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv6.06(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bDirector 4.03(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInformation Statement 1.03(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property 4.16(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vIntellectual Property Rights 4.16(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLiabilities 4.08 Marks 4.16(a) MBCA Recitals Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bConsideration 2.07(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivMinimum Condition Appendix B Negotiation Period 6.02(c) Offer Recitals Offer Documents 1.01(d) Offer Price 1.01(a) Other Antitrust Laws 6.04(a) Out-Bound Licenses 4.16(d) Outside Date 8.01(b) Parent Preface Parent Letter Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(ito Article V Patents 4.16(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPension Plan 4.11(b) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate Plan of Merger 2.12(cRecitals Post-Signing Arrangement 6.11(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cPremium Limit 6.06(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Proceeding 4.06 Proprietary Information 4.16(a) Proxy Statement 2.09(a)(iii) Purchaser Preface Purchaser Insider 1.03(a) Representatives 6.03 Rights 1.01(a) Rights Plan 1.01(a) Schedule 14D-9 1.02(a) Schedule TO 1.01(d) Shares 2.5(b)(i1.01(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSocial Security Act 4.17(f) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSoftware 4.16(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSpecial Meeting 2.09(a)(i) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSuperior Proposal 6.02(b) Survival Date 12.1 Superior Proposal Notice 6.02(c) Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 2.01 Termination Fee 8.02(b) Tax Claim 8.7(eTop-Up Option 1.04(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) ThirdTop-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Up Shares 1.04(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Possis Medical Inc)

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Principles 2.6(a)(i) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 4.19(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation Statement 2.7 Altersteilzeit 7.4(b)(ix) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iApplicable Survival Period 10.1(d) Assigned Contracts 2.1(d) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 3.2(b) Assignment and Assumption of Lease 3.2(g) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Audited Financial Statements 4.5(a)(i) Balance Sheet 4.5(b) Balance Sheet Date 4.5(b) Base Net Assets 2.6(a)(ii) Business Recitals Business Authorizations 4.11(a) Buyer Preamble Buyer Closing Certificate 8.3(c) Buyer Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article V Buyer Indemnitees 10.2(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.5(a) Closing 3.1 Closing Assets 2.6(a)(iii) Closing Date 3.1 Closing Liabilities 2.6(a)(iv) Closing Net Assets 2.6(a)(v) Closing Net Assets Statement 2.10(a2.6(a)(vi) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCOBRA 7.4(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 6.3 Consents 4.4(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bCopyrights 4.15(a) DGCL CTC Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDeficit Amount 2.6(e)(i) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aDOJ 7.1(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 3.3(a) Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFund 3.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiAmount 2.6(e)(ii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExcluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cNet Assets 2.6(a)(vii) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.5(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iForeign Plans 4.20(q) Indemnified Party 12.5(aFTC 7.1(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aGerman Employees 7.4(b)(i) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIn-Bound Licenses 4.15(c) Independent Auditor 2.10(bExpert 2.6(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntellectual Property 4.15(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiIntellectual Property Rights 4.15(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vInterim Balance Sheet 4.5(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiInterim Balance Sheet Date 4.5(b) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bInterim Financial Statements 4.5(a)(ii) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivLease 4.14(c) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Leased Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.14(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aLiabilities 4.6 Losses 10.2(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aMarks 4.15(a) Material Contract 4.17(a) Minor Contracts 4.17(b) Names 7.3(a) Noncompetition Period 6.8(a) Notice of Claim 10.4(a) Notice of Objection 2.6(c) Out-Bound Licenses 4.15(d) Patents 4.15(a) Pension Plan 4.20(b) Pensionssicherungsverein 7.4(b)(ix) Personal Property 4.12(a) Policies 4.23(a) Post-Closing Tax Period 7.5(e) Pre-Closing Tax Period 7.5(e) Products 4.24(a) Proprietary Information 4.15(a) Purchase Price 2.5(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Qualified Lawsuit 7.12 Real Property 4.14(b) Representatives 6.3 Restricted Business 6.8(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Contract 2.8(a) Review Period 2.6(c) Section 1060 Forms 2.7 Seller Preamble Seller Benefit Plans 4.20(a) Seller Closing Certificate of Merger 2.12(c8.2(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSeller Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article IV Seller Employees 2.4(f) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller Benefit Plans 4.20(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller Indemnitees 10.3(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSeller Intellectual Property 4.15(e) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Owned Intellectual Property 4.15(b) Seller Registered Items 4.15(f) Software 4.15(a) Subsidiary Stock Certificates 2.7(a4.3(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defense 10.4(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransferred Employees 7.4(a)(ii) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransition Services Agreement 7.10 Unexpected Employees 7.4(b)(v) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Wertguthaben 7.4(b)(ix)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Composite Technology Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii338 Election 6.10(a) Acquisition 5.20 Agreement Preamble Allocation Schedule 2.10 Allocations 2.10 Alternative Financing 5.16(b) Alternative Financing Commitment Letter 5.16(b) Anti-Corruption Laws 3.19(a) Antitrust Laws 3.4 Approvals 2.11(a) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 2.8(a)(vi) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Balance Sheet Date 3.6(a) Base Purchase Price 2.2 BBU 5.17(a) Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(v) Burdensome Condition 5.1(c) Business Balance Sheet 3.6(a) Business Financial Statements 3.6(a) Business Permits 3.12(b) Business Provided Credit Enhancements 5.8(b) Capex Period Capex Underspend definition Casualty Policies 5.10(b) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.9(b) COBRA 5.7(j) Combined Tax Return 6.4(a) Commitment Letters 4.4 Company Representatives 3.19(a) Competing Business 5.14(b)(ii) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3 Covered Person 5.14(a) Debt Commitment Letter 4.4 Debt Financing 4.4 Deductible 9.2(c) Deeds 2.8(a)(vii) Definitive Financing Agreements 5.16(a) Dispute Notice 2.9(d) Dispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Divestiture Action 5.1(c) Divestiture Offer 5.14(b)(iii) Divestiture Offer Acceptance Period 5.14(b)(iii) Divestiture Offer Price 5.14(b)(iii) Divestiture Offer Proposal Period 5.14(b)(iii) Divestiture Period 5.14(b)(iii) Enforceability Exceptions 3.3 Environmental Permits 3.13(a) Equity Commitment Letter 4.4 Equity Financing 4.4 Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.9(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviEstimated Closing Cash Amounts 2.9(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iEstimated Closing Funded Debt 2.9(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExcluded Assets 2.5 Excluded Business Taxes 6.1 Excluded Information 5.17(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cPurchase Price 2.9(f) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Financing 4.4 Financing Uses 4.4 Foreign Acquisition Agreements 2.12 Foreign Closing Documents 2.8(a)(viii) Guarantor Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGuaranty Recitals HK Company 2.8(a)(iv) Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv9.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.9(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInfringe 3.9(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiInsurance Administration Procedures 5.10(b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vInterest Rate 8.2(c) Maximum EarnMaterial Contracts 3.11(a) Mirror Plan 5.7(k)(ii) Mirror Trust 5.7(k)(ii) New Captive Insurance Company 5.10(a) OFAC 3.19(d) Offered Divestiture Business 5.14(b)(iii) Outside Date 8.1(d) Post-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiClosing Statement 2.9(c) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Post-Retirement Plan 5.7(k)(ii) Pre-Closing Reorganization 5.13(a) Pre-Closing Separate Tax Return 6.4(a) Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Consolidated Venture 2.4(a) Purchased Entities 2.4(a) Purchased Entity 2.4(a) Purchased Entity Securities 3.2(a) Purchased Entity Shares 2.4(a) Purchased Non-Consolidated Venture 2.4(a) Purchased Venture Governing Documents 3.2(b) Purchased Venture Interests 2.4(a) Purchased Venture Securities 3.2(b) Purchased Ventures 2.4(a) Purchaser Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchaser 401(k) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivPlan 5.7(g) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPurchaser FSA Plan 5.7(h) Parent Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a9.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Purchaser Tax Indemnified Parties 12.3(a6.1 Purchaser’s Allocation Notice 2.10 R&W Insurance Policy 5.18 Related Parties 10.14 Related Party Agreement 3.16 Released Purchaser Parties 5.21(a) Stockholder Representative Released Seller Parties 5.21(b) Releasing Party Employees 5.21(a) Releasing Purchaser Parties 5.21(b) Releasing Seller Parties 5.21(a) Required Regulatory Approvals 7.1(a) Retained Liabilities 2.7 Sample Closing Statement 2.9(a) Sanctions 3.19(d) Securities Act 4.8 Self-Insured Claims 5.10(a) Seller Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller 401(k) Stock Certificates 2.7(aPlans 5.7(g) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSeller FSA Plan 5.7(h) Seller Indemnified Parties 9.3 Seller Licensed IP 5.9(b)(i) Seller Provided Credit Enhancements 5.8(a) Seller Tax Claim 8.7(eIndemnified Parties 6.2 Seller’s Allocations 2.10 Shared Contract 2.11(c) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bSolvent 4.9 Specially Designated National or Blocked Person 3.19(d) ThirdSpecified Business Contracts 2.4(b) Specified Non-Consolidated Venture 2.4(a) Specified Non-Consolidated Venture Interests 2.4(a) Step Plan 5.13(a) Straddle Period Separate Tax Return 6.4(b) Subsequent Loss 6.5(c) Termination Fee 8.2(b) Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTop Customers 3.21(a) Top Suppliers 3.21(b) Trademarks Intellectual Property definition Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.9(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.12 Transferred Business Employee 5.7(a)(ii) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred FSA Balances 5.7(h) Weeks Employment Transferred Intellectual Property 2.4(d) Transferred International Business Employees 5.7(m) Transferred IT Assets 2.4(r) Transferred Leased Property 2.4(c)(ii) Transferred Leases 2.4(c)(ii) Transferred Owned Property 2.4(c)(i) Transferred Permits 2.4(j) Transition Period 5.9(a) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(a)(iii) Written Consent 8.10Venture Equity Interests 3.2(b) ARTICLE II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock and Asset Purchase Agreement (Johnson Controls International PLC)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiReference ABCB First Paragraph ABCB Capitalization Date 4.7(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiABCB Disclosure Schedule 4.1(a) ABCB Ratio 7.1(h) ABCB Regulatory Agencies 4.6 ABCB Regulatory Agreement 4.6 ABCB Retention Program 5.16 ABCB SEC Filings 4.9 Acquisition Agreement 5.8(a) Additional Cash Payment Per Share 7.1(h) Adverse Recommendation Change 2.14(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviFirst Paragraph Ameris Recitals Appraisal Shares 2.12 Audited Financial Statements 3.9(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBank Merger Recitals Bank Merger Agreement Recitals BOLI 3.27(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBook Entry Shares 2.9(b)(i) Certificates 2.9(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.4(a) Claim 5.9(a) Closing 4.1 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Date Plan Year 5.7(c) Continuing Employee 5.7(a) CRA 3.18 Discontinued Employee 5.7(b) Effective Time 2.4(a) Exchange Agent 2.9(a) Exchange Agent Agreement 2.9(a) Exchange Fund 2.9(a) Exchange Ratio 2.7(a) Excluded Shares 2.7(c) Georgia Secretary 2.4(a) Hxxxxxxx Recitals HSB First Paragraph HSB Common Stock 2.7(a) HSB Disclosure Schedule 3.1(a) HSB Financial Advisor 3.30 HSB Financial Statements 3.9(a) HSB Intellectual Property 3.21 HSB Recommendation 2.14(a) HSB Regulatory Agencies 3.6 HSB Regulatory Agreement 3.6 HSB Retention Program 5.16 HSB Shareholder Approval 6.1(b) HSB Shareholders Recitals HSB Shareholders’ Meeting 2.14(a) Indemnitees 5.9(a) Index Ratio 7.1(h) Information Systems Conversion 5.11 Leases 3.14(b) Letter of Transmittal 2.9(b)(i) Loans 3.17(a) Materially Burdensome Regulatory Condition 5.3(a) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing 2.7(a) Non-Voting Common Stock 2.7(a) Non-Solicitation Agreements Recitals Notice of Recommendation Change 2.14(b)(iii) Per Share Cash Consideration 2.7(a) Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.7(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aPremium Cap 5.9(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bRegulatory Agencies 4.6 Stockholders’ Agreement 5.16 Surviving Corporation 2.1(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bTermination Fee 7.2(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Trust Preferred Securities 5.19 Unaudited Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger 3.9(a) Voting Agreement Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Voting Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Ameris Bancorp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Referee 2.6(d) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition 2.1 Action 4.13 Agents 7.1(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable Survival Period 11.1(c) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet Cash 2.6(c) Balance Sheet Reserve 2.6(c) Balance Sheet Working Capital 2.6(c) Base Identification Period 11.1(a) Buyer Preamble Buyer Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article V Buyer Indemnitees 11.2(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iEstimate 2.6(a) Cash Surplus 2.6(e) CERCLA 4.16 Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Purchase Price 2.1 Closing Transaction Expense Certificate of Incorporation 12.3 COBRA 4.14 Commitment Letters 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBenefit Plan 4.14 Company Debt Amount 2.2 Company Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article IV Company Intellectual Property 4.10(c) Company Change Objection Licenses 4.10(c) Company Owned Intellectual Property 4.10(b) Confidential Information 7.1(a)(i) Continuing Employees 7.3(a) Core Representations 11.1(a) Deductible 11.2(b) Environmental Laws 4.16 Escrow Agent 2.4 Escrow Amount 2.4 Estimated Balance Sheet Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder Estimated Working Capital 2.6(a) Fair Market Value Statement 8.4(g) Final Cash 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bFinal Reserve 2.6(d) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Final Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c2.6(d) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.5 Hazardous Substance 4.16 Indemnification Escrow 2.8 Indemnity Cap 11.2(b) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIntellectual Property 4.10(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Leased Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.9(b) Registrable Leases 4.9(b) Liquor License Holders 6.12(a) MAE Notice 6.6 Material Contract 4.12(b) Most Recent Fiscal Month End 4.5(a) Notice of Claim 11.4(a) Notice of Disagreement 2.6(d) Objection Period 2.6(d) Offering Documents 6.11(a) Payoff Amount Certificate 2.2 Policies 4.17 Purchase Price 2.1 Reports 7.1(a)(i) S-1 Financial Statements 6.11(b) Section 338(h)(10) Election 8.4(f) Seller Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article III Seller Indemnitees 11.3(a) Subsidiary Shares 2.11(a4.3(b) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a11.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defenses 11.4(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bThird Party Licenses 4.10(c) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iWARN Act 4.15(b) Voting Debt 5.3(bWorking Capital Escrow 2.8 Working Capital Shortfall 2.6(e) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvWorking Capital Statement 2.6(c) Written Consent 8.10Working Capital Surplus 2.6(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Palace Entertainment Holdings, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Proposal 6.6(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Articles of Merger 2.2 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAntitrust Law 6.7(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet 7.2(c) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBalance Sheet Date 7.2(c) Benefit Plans 4.13(a) Board of Directors Recitals Board Recommendation 4.2 Capitalization Date 4.5(a) Certificate 3.5(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.2 Closing 4.1 2.2 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Date 2.2 Commitment Letters 5.6 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCommon Stock 3.1(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDisclosure Letter Article IV Company Personnel 6.1(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bCosts 6.9(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a3.4(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDOJ 6.7(b) Effective Time 2.2 Environmental Laws 4.17(b) Environmental Permits 4.17(b) ERISA 5.15(aAffiliate 4.13(c) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Excluded Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c3.1(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExisting Credit Facility 6.12 Financing 5.6 Foreign Plans 4.13(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFTC 6.7(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(aDirectors and Officers 6.9(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aInfringement 4.16(b)(iii) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivKey Employee 7.2(f) Independent Auditor 2.10(bLeased Real Property 4.15(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLicenses 4.11(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiMaterial Contract 4.10(b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiMaterials of Environmental Concern 4.17(b) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 3.1(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivTerm Section NASDAQ 4.4 Owned Real Property 4.15(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPayee 8.2(f) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPaying Agent 3.5(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPayor 8.2(f) Parent Proposed Change Proxy Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii6.4(a) Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.15(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Regulation S-K 4.7(b) Regulation S-X 4.7(a) Representatives 6.6(a) Requisite Stockholder Vote 4.2 Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 4.11(b) SEC 3.5(a) SEC Reports 4.7(a) Shares 2.11(a3.1(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aStockholders Meeting 6.3 Superior Proposal 6.6(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cSurviving Corporation 2.1 Termination Date 8.1(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cTermination Fee 8.2(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10WARN 4.14(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Boston Acoustics Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms given in the indicated Sections set forth belowof this Agreement: INDEX Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii1935 Act 2.18 Aggregate Northern Border Damages 9.3(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAggregate ONEOK Damages 9.3(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAudits 2.6(e) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet 2.5(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBalance Sheet Date 2.5(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiBooks and Records 5.2(b)(i) Business Recitals Claim 9.7(a) Closing 1.3(a) 60 Closing Date 1.3(a) Closing Working Capital 1.5(a) Closing Working Capital Statement 1.5(a) Common Units 1.2 Companies Recitals Company Recitals Company Subsidiary 2.2 Contributing NBP General Partners 1.1 Controlling Party 10.7(c) Conversion Transactions 6.11 Conversion Units 1.2 CPR Rules 11.12 Entities 2.2 Entity 2.2 Entity Intellectual Property Assets 2.9 FERC 6.1(a) Final Closing Working Capital 1.5(c) Financial Statements 2.5(a) FMV Schedules 10.10(a) Governmental Approvals 6.3(a) GP Purchase Agreement 7.1(h) Indemnitee 9.7(a) Indemnitor 9.7(a) Indemnity Threshold 9.3(a) Interim Financial Statements 6.12 KCC Consent 7.1(g) License Period 6.9 Material Contracts 2.10(a) Company Minimum Claim Amount 9.3(a) NBILP Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated NBILP Partnership Agreement 1.4 NBP Partnerships Preamble NBP Partnerships Disclosure Schedules 3 Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cAdjustment 1.5(d)(ii) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiNeutral Auditors 1.5(c) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bNGA 2.18 Non-Controlling Party 10.7(c) Xxxxxx Employment Northern Border Preamble Northern Border Credit Agreement 4.2(a)(xivAmendments 7.2(j) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cNorthern Border Credit Agreements 7.2(j) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cNorthern Border Indemnity Cap 9.3(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiNorthern Border Partnership Agreement 1.2 Northern Border Purchase Agreement 7.1(h) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iNorthern Border Returns 10.4(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent Northern Border SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a3.9(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiNorthern Plains 1.1 OBPI 7.1(k) Permitted Objection 2.14(bOCC Consent 7.1(g) Principal Stockholder ONEOK Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cONEOK Disclosure Schedules 2 ONEOK Guaranty Agreement 1.3(b)(ii) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cONEOK Indemnity Cap 9.3(b) Qualified License ONEOK Marks 6.9 Operating Assets 2.19(a) Other Transaction Agreements 7.1(h) Pan Border 1.1 Parties Preamble Party Preamble Part-Year Fraction 10.5(a) Pre-Closing Period 4.1 Pre-Closing Taxable Period 10.6(a) Related Party 2.14 Resolution Period 1.5(b) Services Agreement 2.14(d)(vi1.3(b)(ii) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aStraddle Periods 10.4(b) Tax Claim 8.7(eControversy 10.7(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Indemnitor 10.7(a) Third-Party Claim 12.5(aTax Records 10.1 TransCanada Agreement 7.1(h) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Units 1.2 Viking Indenture 7.2(l)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Contribution Agreement (Oneok Inc /New/)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) $ 7.3 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBoard Size Increase Restricted Period Termination Option 2.1(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCBC Act Effect 1.8(c) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.1 Company Recitals Company Bank Subsidiary Recitals control 7.1 controlled 7.1 controlling 7.1 Demand 5.1(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bDemand Registration 5.1(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cdollars 7.3 Eligibility Criteria 1.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiTransaction Expenses 6.2 Exempt Issuance 2.2(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bextent 7.3 Federal Reserve Board Confirmation 1.10(d) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Follow-On Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiForm S-3 5.3(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFree Writing Prospectus 5.5(a)(iv) Indemnified Party 12.5(ain writing 7.3 Inspectors 5.5(a)(x) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aInvestor Preamble Investor Related Parties 1.2(h) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLosses 5.8(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bAgreement Recitals NASDAQ 1.3(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOther Demanding Sellers 5.2(b) Other Proposed Sellers 5.2(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Bank Board 1.1 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iBank Subsidiary Recitals Parent Board 1.1 Parent Common Stock Recitals Parent Control Effect 1.8(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aIndemnitee 6.1 Parent Share Issuance 2.2 (a) Parent Share Issuance Notice 2.2 (a)(ii) party 7.3 Permitted Transfer 2.1 (b) Permitted Transferee 2.1 (b) Piggyback Notice 5.2 (a) Piggyback Registration 5.2 (a) Proposed Change 2.13(bSecurities 2.4 (a)(i) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bRecords 5.5 (a)(x) Parent Regulatory Exempt Issuance 2.2 (b)(iii) Representatives 1.9 (a)(iii) Requested Information 5.7 (a) Restricted Activities 3.1 (b) Restricted Period 2.1 (a) Shelf Notice 5.3 (a) Shelf Offering 5.3 (d) Shelf Registration Statement 2.11(a5.3 (a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aStandstill Period 2.3 (d) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiTake-Down Notice 5.3 (d) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10written 7.3

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Investor Rights Agreement (Valley National Bancorp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Audited Financial Statements 3.7 Acquired Balance Sheet 3.7 Acquired Balance Sheet Date 3.7 Acquired Companies 3.2(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Company Benefit Plans 3.19(a) Acquired Financial Statements 3.7 Acquired Interim Balance Sheet 3.7 Acquired Interim Financial Statements 3.7 Acquired Subsidiary Shares 3.4(b) Action 3.18(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable Survival Period 9.1(d) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBelizean Companies 3.1(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBuyer Preamble Buyer Indemnitees 9.2(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiBuyer Warranty Losses 9.2(b) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Consents 3.6(a) Company Cooperation Agreement 6.5(a) Copyrights 3.15(a) Election Notice 9.10(b) Environment 3.21(a)(i) Environmental Action 3.21(a)(ii) Environmental Clean-up Site 3.21(a)(iii) Environmental Laws 3.21(a)(iv) Environmental Permits 3.21(a)(v) Exchange Act 5.9 50 Excluded HemcoNic Assets 3.8(b) Forestry Credits 3.9(b) Forestry Note 2.4(i) Hazardous Substances 3.21(a)(vi) Hemco Recitals Hemco Shares 3.3(e) HemcoNic Recitals HemcoNic Interests Recitals HemcoNic Properties 3.14(a) HemcoNic Shares 3.4(b) IFRS 3.7 Intellectual Property 3.15(a) Intellectual Property Rights 3.15(a) Leased Personal Property 3.12(b) Leased Real Property 3.13(a) Liabilities 3.8(a) Losses 9.2(a) Lough Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bManagement Recitals Management Shares Recitals Management Services Agreement 6.4(d) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bMarks 3.15(a) Xxxxxx Employment Preamble Material Contracts 3.17(b) Matuzulen Recitals Nicaraguan Companies 3.2(a) Nicaragua GAAP 3.7 Notice of Claim 9.4(a) Owned Personal Property 3.12(a) Owned Real Property 3.13(a) Permitted Dividends 3.16(c) Personal Properties 3.12(a) Plan Shares 2.5(b) Policies 3.22(a) Prohibited Transaction 8.4 Proprietary Information 3.15(a) Purchase Price 2.1 Purchase Price Balance 2.2 Real Property 3.13(a) Release 3.21(a)(vii) Report 3.17(f) Representatives 5.4 Restructured Legacy Businesses 3.8(a) Xxxx Preamble Section 338 Election 3.6(d) Seller Documents 3.5 51 Seller Indemnitees 9.3(a) Seller Release 6.4(c) Seller Warranty Losses 9.3(b) Sellers Preamble Third Party Claim 9.4(a) Third Party Defense 9.4(b) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv6.4(b) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub TWL Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding UG Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv6.4(d) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Vesubio Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Vesubio Loan 5.10

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Share Purchase Agreement (Universal Gold Mining Corp.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Acceleration Milestones 2.5(b)(i) Acceleration Milestone Period 2.5(b)(i) Action 3.13 Agreement Preface Allocation Certificate 8.2(d) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 8.2(p) Assumed Liabilities 2.2 Business Recitals Closing 2.6 Closing Date 2.6 Code Recitals Common Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.4(a) Company Preamble Preface Company Change Objection 2.13(bDisclosure Schedule ARTICLE III Company Owned Intellectual Property 3.11(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bPlans 3.17(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bShares 3.2(a) Company Stockholders Preface Confidentiality Agreement 7.8 Consideration 2.4(b) Converted Common Shares 2.5(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a5.8 Employment Agreement 5.2 Escrow Agent 9.2(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Agreement 2.7 Escrow Amount 2.9 2.7 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFund 9.2(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Act 4.4(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExcluded Assets 2.1 GAAP 4.5(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivGeneral Assignment and Xxxx of Sale 8.2(o) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIn-Bound Licenses 3.11(c) Indemnified Party 12.5(aor Indemnified Parties 9.2(b) Indemnifying Key Employees 6.1 Liabilities 3.6 Licensed Intellectual Property 3.11(c) Loss or Losses 9.2(b) MEWA 3.17(a) Noncompetition Agreements 5.3 Offer Letter 6.1 Officer’s Certificate 9.2(c) Option Plan Amendment 6.2 Orion Recitals Party 12.5(aor Parties Preface Parent Preface Parent Advisors 5.5 Parent Option Plan 6.2 Parent SEC Reports 4.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivParent Stockholder Approval 6.3(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bParent Stockholders’ Meeting 6.3(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Preferred Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii2.4(b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Preliminary Proxy Statement 6.3(b) Proxy Statement 6.3(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vPurchaser Preface Regulation D 5.1 Required Consents 8.2(k) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiRetained Liabilities 2.3 Schedule of Assets and Liabilities 3.5(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bSchedule of Assets and Liabilities Date 3.5(a) Outstanding Common SEC 4.5(a) Securities Act 4.5(a) Series A Convertible Preferred Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable 4.2 Series B-1 Convertible Preferred Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) 4.2 Series B-2 Convertible Preferred Stock 4.2 Series C Convertible Preferred Stock 4.2 Series D Convertible Preferred Stock 4.2 Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a9.2(e) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Period 9.1 Threshold 12.2(c)(iiAmount 9.2(c) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bExpenses 7.4 Transferred Approvals 2.1(b)(v) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Contracts 2.1(b)(ii) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Transitioned Employees 6.4 VEBA 3.17(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Oxygen Biotherapeutics, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, each of the following terms shall have the meanings defined for meaning given to such terms term in the Sections set forth belowapplicable Section of the Agreement listed opposite such term: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcceptance Time 1.5(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAlaska Corporation Returns 3.15(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAlaska Leased Real Property 3.8(c) Alaska Material Registered IP 3.9(a)(i) AMAG Merger Agreement 3.11 Anti-Bribery Laws 3.13 Antitrust Filings 6.6(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Portion Recitals Closing 4.1 Date 2.3 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.3 Commitment Letter 4.3(c) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b401(k) Plan 6.4(c) Company Board Recommendation 3.21 Company Certifications 3.4(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bin Recommendation 5.4(e) Company Common Stock Recitals Company ESPP 3.3(c) Company Existing D&O Policy 6.5(b) Company Indemnified Persons 6.5(a) Company Intervening Event 5.4(f)(ii) Company Material Contract 3.10(a) Company Maximum Premium 6.5(b) Company Owned Real Property 3.8(b) Company Rights Agreement Amendment 3.28 Company Rights 3.3(d) Company SEC Documents 3.4(a) Company Specified Agreement 8.1(e) Company Stock Certificate 2.7 Company Stockholders 1.1(f) Company Stockholder Support Agreements Recitals Company Stockholders’ Meeting 6.2(a)(i) Company Termination Fee 8.3(b) Company’s Financial Advisor 3.25 Compensation Committee 3.30 Continuing Directors 1.5(a) Continuing Employees 6.4(a) CVR Agreement Recitals CVR Recitals CVR Rights Agent Recitals Debt Financing 4.3(b) Designated Date 6.3(d) Exhibit A-13 Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) 2.6 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a2.3 EMA Re-Examination 5.4(f)(ii) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEmployment Compensation Arrangement 3.30 End Date 8.1(b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Exchange Act 3.4(d)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The For purposes of this Agreement, each of the following terms shall have the meanings is defined for such terms in the Sections Section set forth belowopposite such term: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii2006 Audited Financial Statements 5.16 2007 Audited Financial Statements 5.16 2008 Audited Financial Statements 5.16 Acquisition Recitals Actions 5.05(c) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiActive Employee 5.06(a) Additional Financial Information 5.16 ADSP 5.05(h)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAncillary Agreements 2.02 ASMIO Recitals Term Section Assumed Benefit Agreement 3.14(a) ByLaws 5.5 Assumed Benefit Plan 3.14(a) Assumed Employee Payments 5.06(j) Assumed Severance Agreements 5.06(j) Auditors 5.16 Basket Amount 9.03(a) Business Recitals Business Customer 6.01(d) Business Employees 3.14(a) Business Portion 5.15 Business Product 3.24 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.03(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCap Ex Budget 5.01(b)(x) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCBA 3.18 Class I Representations 7.02(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.02 Closing Adjustments 1.01(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bClosing Date 1.02 Competitive Activities 6.01(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 6.02(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bConsent 2.03 Continuation Period 5.06(c) DGCL Contract 2.03 Currently Utilized Real Property 3.07(a) Debt Financing Commitment Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDOJ 5.03(a)(ii)(1) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDOL 3.14(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDraft Allocation 5.05(h)(iii) DLLCA Effect 10.11(a) Equity Financing Commitment Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bERISA 3.14(a) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiExchange Act 2.03 Expense Reimbursement 8.02(d) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gFinal Allocation 5.05(h)(iii) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aFinal Assumed Indebtedness Amount 1.01(b) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Final Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c1.01(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step 3.05(a) Foreign Merger Control Laws 2.03 Foreign Plan 3.14(n) FTC 5.03(a)(ii)(1) GAAP 1.01(b) Governmental Entity 2.03 Harbinger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Harbinger Guarantee Recitals HCPMF Recitals Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vHCPSSF Recitals HSR Act 2.03 Improvements 3.07(c) Maximum EarnInbound Licensed Intellectual Property 3.08(a) Incentive Plans 5.06(j) indemnified party 9.09(a)(i) Interim Financial Statements 3.05(a) IRS 3.12(m) Judgment 2.03 Key Employee 3.18 Labor Laws 3.18 Law 2.03 Lease 3.07(b) Leased Property 3.07(a) Leasing Entity 3.07(a) Liens 3.06(a) Liquidated Damages 8.02(b) Losses 9.02 Material Contracts 3.09(c) Multiemployer Plan 3.14(a) New Welfare Plans 5.06(c) Non-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiBusiness Portion 5.15 Notes 1.01(a) Merger NYSE 2.03 Outbound Licensed Intellectual Property 3.08(d) Outside Date 8.01(a)(iv) Owned Intellectual Property 3.08(a) Owned Property 3.07(a) PBGC 3.14(a) Permits 3.10 Permitted Liens 3.06(a) Pet LLC Preamble PLTA 5.20(b) Pre-Closing Consolidated Return 9.09(c)(ii) Pre-Closing Service 5.06(d) Property Owning Entity 3.07(a) Property Taxes 9.01(c)(i) Purchased Direct Subsidiary Recitals Merger Sub Purchased Direct Subsidiary’s Equity Interests Recitals Purchased Indirect Subsidiaries Recitals Purchased Indirect Subsidiaries’ Equity Interests Recitals Purchase Price 1.01 Purchaser Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchaser 401(k) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivPlan 5.06(k) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Purchaser Cure Period 8.01(a)(ii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase Agreement (Spectrum Brands, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall will have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii2013 Cxxx Memo 4.13(b) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Firm 2.17(c) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAdditional Shares 2.18(b) ByLaws 5.5 Anti-Money Laundering Laws 4.26 Apps 4.28 Assumed Option 2.7(a)(i) Audited Financial Statements 6.19 Balance Sheet Date 4.8(b) Benefit Arrangements 4.16(i) Buyer Introduction Buyer Disclosure Schedules 5 Buyer Excluded Representation 9.1(a)(ii) Buyer’s, Mxxxxx Sub’s and the SPAC’s Contractual Representations 5.20 Buyer’s, Mxxxxx Sub’s and the SPAC’s Extra Contractual Representations 5.20 Buyer’s Counsel 10.15(b) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.1(d)(ii) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCertificate 2.9(c) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.2 Claim 6.11 Closing 4.1 3.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 3.1 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiIndebtedness 1.1(n) Closing Working Capital Statement 2.10(a2.5(d) or (e) Coattail Agreement 2.14 Company Introduction Company Closing Cash 1.1(n) Company Preamble Disclosure Schedules 4 Company Change Objection 2.13(bIntellectual Property 4.12(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bShareholder Notice 6.17 Confidential Information 9.4 Confidentiality Agreement 6.4(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bConversion Offering 6.22(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.8 Draft Working Capital Statement 2.17(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEstimated Cash 2.6(c)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Closing Merger Consideration 2.6(c)(i) Estimated Indebtedness 2.6(c)(i) Estimated Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.6(c)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Agent 2.9(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Exchange Rights Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i2.14 Founder Subscription Agreements Introduction Holdback Shares 2.6(d) Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.1(e) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a9.1(e) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIntended Tax Treatment Introduction Leased Real Property 4.10(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bLetter of Transmittal 2.9(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLockup Agreement 2.14 Merger Consideration Spreadsheet 2.6(c)(i) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiNon-Accredited Seller 2.9(i) Term Section Initial OFAC 4.27 Outside Date 8.1(b)(i) Owned Real Property 4.10(b) Party Introduction Pension Plans 4.16(a) Personal Information 4.28 PIPE Investment Introduction PIPE Investment Amount Introduction PIPE Investor Introduction Post-Closing Straddle Period 9.9(c) Post-Signing Matters 6.18 Pre-Closing Straddle Period 9.8(c) Pre-Closing Tax Periods 9.8(a) Principal Seller 9.5 Privacy Requirements 4.28 Registration Rights Agreement 2.14 Related Party Transaction 4.17 Releasee 9.9 RSU 2.7(a)(iii) Sanctions 4.27 Security Breach 4.28 Seller Introduction Seller Excluded Representation 9.1(a)(i) Seller Fundamental Representations 9.1(a)(i) Sellers’ and the Company’s Contractual Representations 4.34 Sellers’ and the Company’s Extra Contractual Representations 4.34 Sellers’ Counsel 10.15(a) Sellers’ Representative Introduction SPAC Introduction SPAC Board Recommendation 6.10(b) SPAC Closing Cash 7.3(g) SPAC Closing Statement 3.2 SPAC Financial Statements 5.10(a) SPAC Incentive Plan 9.10 Investor Rights Agreement 2.15 Straddle Period 9.8(c) Subscription Agreements Introduction Surrender Documentation 2.9(c) Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Tax Act 10.16 Tax Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a9.1(a)(i) Tax Claim 8.7(eMatter 9.8(g) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.1(e) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.1(d)(i) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bUnvested Exchanged Option 2.7(a)(iii) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iVested Exchanged Option 2.7(a)(ii) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Welfare Plans 4.16(b)

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Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Glass House Brands Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Transaction 4.3(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 2.13 Agent 4.3(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate Preface Board Preface Canadian Competition Act 2.3 Change of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiRecommendation 4.3(c) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.12 Closing Date 1.12 Company Preface Company Balance Sheet 2.8 Company Balance Sheet Date 2.8 Company Disclosure Letter Preamble Article II Company Financial Advisor 2.26 Company Financial Statements 2.8 Company Intellectual Property 2.19(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bRegistered Items 2.19(c) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bSecurities 2.5(c) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bSecurities Reports 2.7(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Company Shareholder Approval 2.2(a) Company Shares Preface Company Subsidiary Securities 2.6(b) Confidentiality Agreement 4.2 Copyrights 2.19(a) GAAP 2.7(e) HSR Act 2.3 Indemnified Parties 5.1(a) Intellectual Property 2.19(a) Intellectual Property Rights 2.19(a) Lease 2.18(c) Leased Real Property 2.18(a) Marks 2.19(a) Material Contract 2.14(a) Notes 6.5 Notice 2.14(bPeriod 4.3(c)(iii) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aOptions 2.5(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dOSC 2.7(a) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bOther Antitrust Laws 2.3 Outside Date 8.1(a)(ii)(A) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiOwned Real Property 2.18(a) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gParent Preface Patents 2.19(a) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aPolicies 2.24(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments Principal Joint Venture Interests 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiProducts 2.25(a) Real Property Lease 5.11(b2.18(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRegulatory Conditions 8.1(a)(ii)(A) Registrable Stock Representatives 4.2 Securities Laws 2.3 Share Consideration 2.11(a1.13(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cShareholders Preface Special Committee Preface Subco Preface Superior Proposal 4.3(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSupport Agreement Preface Termination Fee 8.4(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iThird Party Proposal 4.3(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Warrants 2.5(a)

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Samples: Arrangement Agreement (United States Steel Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAgreement Preamble Allocation 2.10 Anti-Corruption Laws 3.23 Antitrust Laws 3.4 Approvals 2.11(a) Assignment Agreement and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(iv) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Balance Sheet Date 3.6(a) Base Purchase Price 2.2 BoA 2.8(b)(v) Brafasco Preamble Business Balance Sheet 3.6(a) Business Financial Statements 3.6(a) Business Permits 3.12(b) Buyer Preamble Buyer Fundamental Representations 9.1(b) Buyer Indemnified Parties 9.2(a) Buyer Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Buyer Portion of the Shared Contract Liabilities 2.11(c) Buyer Savings Plan 5.7(c) Buyer’s Allocation 2.10 Buyer’s Plans 5.7(b) Cap 9.2(b)(ii) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.9(b) Combined Tax Return 6.3(a) Competing Business 5.13(b)(ii) Confidential Business Information 5.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Covered Person 5.13(a) Deductible 9.2(b)(i) Dispute Notice 2.9(d) Dispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.9(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviEstimated Closing Cash Amounts 2.9(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iEstimated Closing Funded Debt 2.9(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iEstimated Closing Working Capital 2.9(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiExcluded Assets 2.5 Excluded Business Taxes 6.1 Final Purchase Price 2.9(f) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bFundamental Representations 9.1(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bGECC 2.8(b)(vi) DGCL GECF 2.8(b)(vi) General Conveyance and Assumption of Liabilities Agreement 2.8(a)(iv) Guarantees 5.8(a) HD Supply Preamble HD Supply Allocation Notice 2.10 HDS GP Preamble HDS Power Solutions Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bHDS Power Solutions Equity Interests Recitals HDS PS Recitals HDS PS Equity Interests Recitals HDS PS Group Preamble Holdings Preamble Inactive Current Business Employees 5.7(h) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iLease Costs 5.17 Indemnified Party 9.4(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aTaxes 6.5(d) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv9.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.9(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInventory 2.4(f) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiJacksonville Site 2.7(j) K&S 10.13(a) Licensed Field of Use 5.15(a) Listed HD Insurance Policies 5.10(b) Material Contracts 3.11(a) Money Laundering Laws 3.24 Non-Transferred Assets 2.11(d) OFAC 3.22 Outside Date 8.1(d) Owned Real Property 2.4(b) Parties. Preamble Party Preamble Per-Claim Threshold 9.2(b)(i) Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) Pre-Closing Claims 5.10(b) Pre-Closing Restructuring 5.12 Pre-Closing Separate Tax Return 6.3(a) Privileged Deal Communications 10.13(b) Pro Canadian Recitals Pro Canadian Equity Interests Recitals Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Companies Recitals Purchased Company Recitals Purchased Company Equity Interests Recitals Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vPurchased Company Guarantees 5.8(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiPurchased Company Subsidiary Equity Interests 3.2(b) Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases 2.4(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRestrictive Covenant Contracts 2.4(k) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRetained Businesses 5.13(b)(iii) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cRetained Liabilities 2.7 Retained Marks 5.15(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRetained Trademark License 5.15(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iReturn Date 5.7(h) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSample Closing Statement 2.9(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller COBRA Period 5.7(f) Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a9.3 Seller Parties 10.13(a) Stockholder Representative Seller Tax Returns 6.3(a) Sellers Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSellers Savings Plan 5.7(c) Stock Certificates 2.7(aShared Contract 2.11(c) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSpecified Assets and Liabilities 5.23 Specified Business Contracts 2.4(a) Straddle Period Separate Tax Return 6.3(b) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Indemnified Parties 6.1 Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.4(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.9(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.10 Transferred Business Employees 5.7(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Leased Property 2.4(b) Weeks Employment Transferred Permits 2.4(g) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(a)(iii) Written Consent 8.10Xxxxxxx Costs 5.10(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase Agreement (Hd Supply, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms has specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: the respective meaning Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdditional Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.03(b)(i) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCertificate 2.03(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 1.02 Closing 4.1 1.03 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 1.03 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(aYear 6.10(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bAcquisition Agreement 5.03(b) Company Adverse Recommendation Change Objection Statement 2.13(b5.03(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bArticles 3.01 Company Board Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04 Company Bylaws 3.01 Company Common Stock 2.01(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Company Contract 3.15(a) Company Credit Agreement 5.05(c) Company Disclosure Letter Article III Company Employee 6.10(a) Company Financial Statements 3.06(a) Company Indemnified Parties 6.09(a) Company Intervening Event 5.03(f)(iii) Company Projections 3.22 Company Recommendation Change Notice 2.14(b5.03(c) Company Reports 3.06(a) Company Required Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Company Required Consents 3.05(a) Company Risk Management Guidelines 5.01(a)(xxi) Company Shareholder Approval 3.04 Company Shareholders Meeting 3.04 Company Takeover Proposal 5.03(f)(i) Company Voting Debt 3.03(b) Confidentiality Agreement 6.02(b) Consent 3.05(b) Continuation Period 6.10(a) Controlled Group Liability 3.09(d) Debt Commitment Letter 4.06 Debt Financing 4.06 Debt Financing Related Parties 9.07 Debt Financing Source Provisions 9.07 Debt Letters 4.06 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) 2.05 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.02 End Date 8.01(b)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEnvironmental Permit 3.14(a)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEquity Commitment Agreement Recitals Equity Securities 3.03(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Act 3.05(b)(i) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExchange Agent 2.03(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExchange Fund 2.03(a) FERC 3.05(b)(iv) Filing 3.05(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cOrder 7.01(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFPA 3.05(b)(iv) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGAAP 3.06(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aHSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aInsurance Policies 3.18 IRS 3.09(b) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIT Policies and Procedures 3.17(d) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIT Systems 3.17(c) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLegal Restraint 7.01(c) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLiability Limitation 9.10 Liens 3.05(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAmount 6.09(c) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 2.01(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNMPRC 3.19(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNRC 3.05(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Disclosure Letter Article IV Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iRequired Approvals 4.03(b)(ii) Parent Indemnified Required Consents 4.03(a) Parties 12.2(aPreamble Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bProceedings 5.02 Proxy Statement 6.01(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPUCT 3.19(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRepresentatives 5.03(a) Parent Represented Employee Required Amendment Required Approvals Required Consents 6.10(c) 5.05(c) 4.03(b)(ii) 4.03(a) SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a3.05(b)(i) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiSecurities Act 3.05(b)(i) Permitted Objection 2.14(bSponsor Recitals Substitute Financing 5.04(e) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSuperior Company Proposal 5.03(f)(ii) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cSurviving Corporation 1.01 Takeover Statute 3.13 TBOC Recitals Transaction Litigation 6.04 Trustee 5.05(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(viWARN Act 3.10 Willful Breach 8.02(e) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate EXHIBIT B COMMITMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN APPLICATIONS TO THE PUCT AND NMPRC AND AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF EL PASO Economic Development and Community Commitments • Commitment to dedicate $100 million to promote economic development in the City of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving El Paso, Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico to be funded at a level of $5 million per year for 20 years. Contributions to the fund will not be recoverable in rates. • Maintain the Company’s annual amount of charitable giving following the transaction at the Company’s average annual charitable giving level for the three-year period ending December 31, 2018 (i.e., approximately $1.2 million per year). • Maintain the Company’s existing low income assistance programs while evaluating potential methods to improve such programs. • Create programs that provide entry-level training focused on engineering, management and finance skills for the local labor force in collaboration with the University of Texas at El Paso and New Mexico State University. • Create apprenticeship programs for technical and professional positions for students in local high-schools and colleges. • Continue and enhance utility supplier diversity by promoting the inclusion of minority-, women-, LGBTQ- and veteran- owned businesses into the Company’s supply chain. • Study and evaluate growth opportunities related to electric vehicles, distributed generation and battery storage in collaboration with the University of Texas at El Paso and New Mexico State University. • The Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10will support Texas RPS standards and the New Mexico Energy Transition Act. • The Company shall report annually to the NMPRC the status of efforts during the prior calendar year to add renewable energy to its power supply portfolio and assure compliance toward the New Mexico Energy Transition Act. Such report shall include a description of efforts to diversify the renewable energy sources considered and an explanation as to what determinations were made and the basis therefor.

Appears in 1 contract


Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings are defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiisections indicated. Accounting Arbiter 2.5(b) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Agreement 5.8(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAssigned Contracts 2.1(c) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAssumed Liabilities 2.3 Available Employees 5.7(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iXxxx of Sale 2.1 Bode 5.12(c)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Century II 2.3 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.8(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aBalance Sheet 2.5(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bClosing Date 2.8(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bClosing Schedule 2.5(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bClosing Working Capital 2.5(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bConsumer Privacy Information 4.11(h) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aCOBRA 5.7(c) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dCode 5.7(c) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bConfidential Information 5.9 Determination Materials 2.5(b) EarnDrop-Out Determination Dead Date 2.14(d)(ii8.1(b) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEmployee Leasing Agreement 2.3 Equipment 2.1(b) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount Agreement 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Execution Date preamble Excluded Liabilities 2.3(c) Final Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c2.5(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.5 Goodwill 2.1(l) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIndemnification Cap 9.2(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aIndemnification Threshold 9.2(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aIntangibles 2.1(k) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIntellectual Property 2.1(f) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIntellectual Property Assignments 2.1 Inventory 2.1(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLeased Employees 4.16(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLeased Real Property 2.1(d) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLicense Agreement 2.8(b)(iii) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivMajor Customer 4.20 Major Vendor 4.20 Material Contracts 4.10 Objection 2.5(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(ipreamble Party preamble Personal Property Leases 2.1(e) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPre-Paid Expenses 2.1(m) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchase Price 2.4 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchaser preamble Purchaser Indemnitee 9.2(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPurchaser’s Working Capital Calculation 2.5(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified Rapid License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii2.8(b)(iv) Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases 2.1(d) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRecords 2.1(g) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRequired Consents 6.4 Remaining Businesses 5.12(c)(i) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cPersons 5.12(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSafirRosetti 5.12(c)(i) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller preamble Seller Indemnitee 9.2(b) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller’s Estimated Working Capital 2.5(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSeller’s Working Capital Calculation 2.5(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSubject Employees 4.16(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(aTerminating Purchaser Breach 8.1(c) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aTerminating Seller Breach 8.1(b)(ii) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTermination Fee 8.2(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i2.6 Transferred Employees 5.7(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Permits 2.1(h) Weeks Employment Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(b)(ii) Written Consent 8.10Xxxx 5.12(c)(i)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (GlobalOptions Group, Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Acquisition Proposal 5.6 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApproval 2.8(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAssumed Liabilities 2.6(a) Bankruptcy Code 5.13(i) -12- Capitalization Date 4.2(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAward 5.9(h) Certificate CBA 3.9(i) Change Definition of Incorporation 5.5 Material Adverse Effect Claim Notice 9.4(a) Claim Objection Notice 9.4(b) Closing 4.1 2.2(a) Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.3(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aDate 2.2(a) Company Consideration Adjustment 2.10(b) Continuation Period 5.9(c) Continuing Employee 5.9(b) Copyrights Definition of Intellectual Property Customer Experience Software Definition of Transferred MRC Software Damages Cap 8.2 Data Contracts 5.15(a) Deductible 9.3(a)(i) Dividend 2.10(b) Employee Outsourcing and Transfer Agreement Term Sheet Definition of Employee Outsourcing and Transfer Agreement Employee Transfer Date 5.9(b) Enforceability Exceptions 4.3(a) Equity Term Sheet Definition of Amended LLC Agreement Excluded Assets 2.4 Fundamental Representation Survival Date 9.1(b) General Cap 9.3(a)(ii) General Survival Date 9.1(b) Guarantor Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names Guarantor Licensees 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiGuarantor Original Software 5.13(a) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gGuarantor RSU Award 5.9(h) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHSR Act 3.3 Inactive Employee 5.9(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.2(c) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a9.2(c) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIndian Liabilities 2.6(a)(iv) Independent Auditor Indian Liabilities Cap 2.6(a)(iv) Inside Date 2.2(a) Liquidity Event 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLoss 9.2(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLosses 9.2(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vMarks Definition of Intellectual Property Material Contracts 3.13(a) Maximum EarnMeasurement Date 2.11(b) Misallocated Asset or Liability 5.8(b) Mortgage Servicing Platform Recitals Non-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAntitrust Approvals 2.8(b) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Non-Assignable Assets 2.8(a) Non-Material Source Code 5.13(h) Non-Recourse Party 9.2(f) Parties Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPatents Definition of Intellectual Property Per Claim Amount 9.3(a)(i) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivPeriodic Taxes 6.3 Reference Date 4.5(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iRegistered Transferred IP 3.10(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aReleasees 5.18 Releasors 5.18 Replacement Award 5.9(h) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bRequired Approvals and Filings 5.2(a) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bResolution Memorandum 9.4(c) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRetained Liabilities 2.5(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aSanctioned Countries 3.7(c) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiShared Software 5.13(a) Permitted Objection 2.14(bSpin‑Out 5.13(e)(ii) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cSubject Provision 9.4(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate Support Software Definition of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aTransferred MRC Software Tax Claim 9.5(b) Tax Claim 8.7(eControlling Party 9.5(b) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Non-Controlling Party 9.5(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a9.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTrade Laws 3.7(c) Trade Secrets Definition of Intellectual Property Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 6.2 Transferee Preamble Transferee 401(k) Transfer Plan 5.09(e) Transferee Financial Statements 4.5(a) Transferee Fundamental Representations 9.1(c) Transferee Indemnified Parties 9.2(a) Transferee India Employee Benefits 5.9(i) Transferee Releasee 5.18 Transferee Releasor 5.18 Transferee Securities 4.2(c) Transferee Taxes 8.7(i9.5(b) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferor Preamble Transferor 401(k) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvPlans 5.09(e) Written Consent 8.10Transferor Financial Statements 3.6(a) Transferor Fundamental Representations 9.1(b) Transferor Indemnified Parties 9.2(b) Transferor Releasee 5.18 Transferor Releasor 5.18 Transferor Taxes 9.5(b) Transferred Contracts Definition of Transferred Assets Transferred Employee 5.9(b) Transferred Software Definition of Transferred Assets Transferred Tangible Personal Property Definition of Transferred Assets Transferring Entities Definition of Transferring Entity Trigger Event 2.11(b) Units 4.2(a) WARN 3.9(j) Xome 5.15(b) Xome Data Contracts 5.15(b) ARTICLE II CONTRIBUTION

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Contribution Agreement (Mr. Cooper Group Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAction 3.14 Acquired Company Preamble Acquired Company Benefit Plan 3.15 Acquired Company Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article III Acquired Company Disclosure Schedule Supplement 6.6(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquired Company Intellectual Property 3.9(d) Acquired Company Licenses 3.9(d) Acquired Company Owned Intellectual Property 3.9(b) Acquisition 2.1 Affected Employee 7.2(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviApplicable Survival Period 11.1(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet 3.4(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBuyer Preamble Buyer Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article V Buyer Guaranty 14.3(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiBuyer’s Guarantor Preamble Buyer Indemnitees 11.2(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.2 Closing Date 2.2 Closing Date Balance Sheet 2.4(b)(i) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCommon Stock Recitals Confidential Information 13.3 Deductible 11.2(d) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.4(c) Dissenting Shares Dispute Period 2.4(c) Employee Supplemental Retention Amount 7.2(b) Ending Escrow Amount 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 2.3(a)(ii) Estimated Closing Date Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cAsset Value 2.4(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii3.4(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iGAAP 3.4(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aImprovements 3.25 Indemnifiable Tax 12.7(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivCap 11.2(d) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccountants 2.4(f) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntellectual Property 3.9(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiInterim Financial Statements 3.4(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLeases 3.8(b) Maximum EarnLosses 11.2(a) Management Incentive Plan Tax Benefit Amount 12.9 Management Supplemental Retention Amount 7.2(c) Material Contracts 3.13(c) Material Customers 3.22 Negative Net Asset Adjustment 2.4(g) Non-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiCompete Period 13.1 Non-Compete Sellers 13.1 Notice of Claim 11.4(a) Merger Policies 3.18 Position Statement 2.4(f) Post-Closing Delivery 2.4(b) Preliminary Title Report 8.4(b) Purchased Securities Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.8 Resolution Period 2.4(e) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRivergate Preamble Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article IV Seller Disclosure Schedule Supplement 6.6(b) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aSeller Indemnitees 11.3 Sellers’ Guarantor Preamble Sellers’ Guaranty 14.2(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aShort Year Returns 12.3 Survey 8.4(c) Tax Claim 8.7(eProceeding 12.7(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a11.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defense 11.4(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bThird Party Licenses 3.9(d) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Transactional Reps 11.1(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Ralcorp Holdings Inc /Mo)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have has the meanings defined for such terms respective meaning specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) A&R Westar Disclosure Letter Article III A&R GPE Disclosure Letter Article IV Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.02(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.02(b)(i) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.03 Closing Date 1.03 Confidentiality Agreement 6.02(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bConsent 3.05(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bContinuation Period 6.10(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bControlled Group Liability 3.09(d) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.04(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.02 End Date 8.01(b)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEnvironmental Permit 3.14(a)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Act 3.05(b)(i) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Agent 2.02(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExchange Fund 2.02(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFERC 3.05(b)(iv) Filed GPE Contract 4.14(a) Filed Westar Contract 3.15(a) Filing 3.05(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cOrder 7.01(b) Form S-4 6.01(a) FPA 3.05(b)(iv) GAAP 3.06(a) GBCLM 1.01(a) GPE Preamble GPE Acquisition Agreement 5.05(b) GPE Adverse Recommendation Change 5.05(b) GPE Articles 4.01 GPE Articles of Merger 1.02 GPE Board Recitals GPE Board Recommendation 4.04 GPE Bylaws 4.01 GPE Common Stock 2.01(a)(i) GPE Designees 6.06(a)(ii) GPE DRIP 5.02(a)(iv) GPE Equity Securities 4.03(b) GPE Exchange Ratio 2.01(b)(i) GPE Fiduciary Out Termination Fee 8.02(b)(iii) GPE Financial Statements 5.7 First Step 4.06(a) GPE Insurance Policies 4.17 GPE Intervening Event 5.05(f)(iii) GPE Merger 1.01(a) GPE Merger Consideration 2.01(b)(i) GPE No Vote Termination Fee 8.02(b)(vi) GPE Other Equity-Based Right 2.03(b)(iii) GPE Preferred No Par Stock 4.03(a) GPE Preferred Par Value Stock 4.03(a) GPE Preference Stock 4.03(a) GPE Proceedings 5.03(b) GPE Projections 4.24 GPE Recommendation Change Notice 5.05(c) GPE Reports 4.06(a) GPE Required Consents 4.05(a) GPE Required Statutory Approvals 4.05(b)(iii) GPE Risk Management Guidelines 5.02(a)(xvii) GPE Shareholder Approval 4.04 GPE Shareholders Meeting 4.04 GPE Subsidiaries 4.01 GPE Takeover Proposal 5.05(f)(i) GPE Termination Fee 8.02(b)(i) GPE Utilities 4.20(b) GPE Voting Debt 4.03(b) Holdco Preamble Holdco Board Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiHoldco Common Stock 2.01(b)(i) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHoldco Restated Articles 6.06(d) Holdco Restated Bylaws 6.06(d) Holdco Surviving Corporation 1.01(a) HSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) Indemnified Party 12.5(aParties 6.09(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aIRS 3.09(b) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivKCC 3.05(b)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(bKGCC 1.01(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLegal Restraint 7.01(c) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLiens 3.02 Maximum Amount 6.09(c) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiMergers 1.01(b) Merger Recitals Consideration 2.01(b)(ii) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bMPSC 3.05(b)(iv) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivNRC 3.05(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Original Merger Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Original Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iParties Preamble Proxy Statement/Prospectus 6.01(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aPUHCA 2005 3.20(a) Term Section Stockholders Representatives 5.04(a) Required Consents 4.05(a) Required Statutory Approvals 4.05(b)(iii) SEC 3.05(b)(i) Securities Act 3.05(b)(i) Superior GPE Proposal 5.05(f)(ii) Superior Westar Proposal 5.04(f)(ii) Takeover Statute 3.13 Transaction Litigation 6.04 WARN 3.10 Westar Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aWestar Acquisition Agreement 5.04(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aWestar Adverse Recommendation Change 5.04(b) Westar Articles 3.01 Westar Articles of Merger 1.02 Westar Board Recitals Westar Board Recommendation 3.04 Westar Bylaws 3.01 Westar Common Stock Certificates 2.7(a2.01(a)(ii) Survival Date 12.1 Westar Designees 6.06(a)(ii) Westar DRIP 5.01(a)(iv) Westar Employee 6.10 Westar Equity Securities 3.03(b) Westar Exchange Ratio 2.01(b)(ii) Westar Financial Statements 3.06(a) Westar Insurance Policies 3.18 Westar Intervening Event 5.04(f)(iii) Westar Merger 1.01(b) Westar Merger Consideration 2.01(b)(ii) Westar Other Equity-Based Right 2.03(a)(iii) Westar Preferred Stock 3.03(a) Westar Proceedings 5.03(a) Westar Projections 3.23 Westar Recommendation Change Notice 5.04(c) Westar Reports 3.06(a) Westar Represented Employee 6.10(b) Westar Required Consents 3.05(a) Westar Required Statutory Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Westar Risk Management Guidelines 5.01(a)(xvii) Westar Shareholder Approval 3.04 Westar Shareholders Meeting 3.04 Westar Subsidiaries 3.01 Westar Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 1.01(b) Tax Claim 8.7(eWestar Takeover Proposal 5.04(f)(i) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bWestar Termination Fee 8.02(b)(ii) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Westar Voting Debt 5.3(b3.03(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvWillful Breach 8.02(e) Written Consent 8.10EXHIBIT B BOARD MATTERS

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Great Plains Energy Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAction 3.16 Agreement Preface Allocation Certificate 5.7 Applicable Survival Period 9.1(c) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAudited Financial Statements 3.6(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviBenefit Plan 3.17(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCertificates 2.2(d) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.2 Closing Date 1.2 COBRA 3.17(c) Code Recitals Company Preface Company Capital Stock 3.4(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCommon Stock 3.4(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bContracts 3.15 Company Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article III Company Equity Holders 5.10 60 Company Preferred Stock 3.4(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bStockholder 2.1(a) Company Stockholder Letter Agreements Recitals Company Stock Option Plan 2.1(b) Constituent Corporations 1.1 Contingent Earn-Out Payments 2.7 DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b1.1 Dissenting Share Payments 2.9(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a2.9(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEffective Time 1.2 Ending Date 9.1(c) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bERISA 3.17(a) Escrow Amount 2.2(e) Estimated Adjusted Closing Cash 7.2(j) Exchange Agent 2.2(a) Financial Statements 3.6(a) FIRPTA Certificate 7.2(l) GAAP 3.6(a) Grants 3.9 HIPAA 3.17(c) Indemnitees 9.2(a) Indemnitor 9.2(a) Indemnity Escrow Agent 2.2(e) Indemnity Escrow Agreement 2.2(e) Information Statement 6.1(a) Intellectual Property 3.16(a) Intellectual Property Rights 3.16(a)(v) Interim Financial Statements 3.6(a) Liabilities 3.7 Licensor 3.22(a) Liens 3.3(a) Losses 9.3(a) Merger 1.1 Merger Consideration 2.1(c)(i) Merger Sub Preface Minimum Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiRate 2.7(b) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gNotice 10.1(a) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aNotice of Claim 9.4(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aParent Preface Parent Common Stock 2.1(c)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Parent Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article IV Parent Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.5 Parent Indemnitees 9.2(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iParent Indemnitor 9.3(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aParent Losses 9.2(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aParent Representative 5.4 Patents 11.1 Permitted Liens 3.13(b) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivPolicies 3.20 Public Documents 4.4 Recoupment 9.6 Recoupment Limit 9.6 62 Regulation D 5.8 Release 3.22(a)(viii) Independent Auditor 2.10(bRelease Date 2.3(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aRequired Certificate of Amendment Vote 3.2(d) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiRequired Company Stockholder Vote 3.2(d) Term Section Initial Reserve 9.11(g) Securities Act 4.5(a) Share Price 2.4(b) Shares 3.4(a) Stockholder 2.1(a) Stockholders’ Representative Preface Stockholder Indemnitees 9.3(a) Stockholder Indemnitor 9.2(a) Stockholder Losses 9.3(a) Straddle Period 6.6(a) Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v1.1 Tax Contest 6.6(c) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiThird Party Claim 9.4(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bThird Party Consideration 2.7(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivThird Party Defense 9.3(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a2.2(c) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Treasury Shares 2.1(a)(ii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Sangamo Biosciences Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Additional Merger Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.1 (c) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviPreface Applicable Survival Period 8.4 (c) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iArbitration Firm 2.1 (b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCancellation Acknowledgement 2.5 (a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCertificates 2.5 (a) Claim Notice 8.2 (a) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.2 Closing Date 1.2 Closing Working Capital 2.1 (b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) Preface Confidentiality Agreement 5.5 Constituent Corporations 1.1 DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) 1.1 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.8 DOJ 5.2 (a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.2 Escrow Agent 2.4 (a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Agreement 2.4 (a) Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.1 (b) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExchange Agent 2.4 (b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Agreement 2.4 (b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExchange Fund 2.4 (b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cWorking Capital 2.1 (b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFinancing 4.5 FTC 5.2 (a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHolder Documents 2.5 (a) Xxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Act 3.4 (b) Incentive Plan Participant 2.3 (d) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) 8.1 Indemnifying Party 12.5(a8.1 Indemnity Escrow Funds 2.4 (a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIntellectual Property Licenses 3.13 (e) Independent Auditor 2.10(bIn-Licenses 3.13 (e) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLosses 8.1 Material Contracts 3.14 (b) Merger Recitals 1.1 Merger Consideration 2.1 (a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPreface Notice Period 8.2 (a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOut-Licenses 3.13 (d) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPreface Participating Common Holder 2.5 (c) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aParticipating Common Convertible Holder 2.5 (e) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bParticipating Preferred Holder 2.5 (b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bParticipating Preferred Warrant Holder 2.5 (d) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aPer Share C-1 Merger Consideration 2.2 (c) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPer Share D-1 Merger Consideration 2.2 (d) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aPre-Close Short Period 5.9 (c) Stockholder Representative Preamble Preface Stockholder Representative Agreement 2.5 (a) Straddle Period 5.9 (c) Surviving Corporation 1.1 Target Working Capital 2.1 (b) Transitioned Employees 5.8 (a) Transmittal Letter 2.7(a2.5 (a) Stock Certificates 2.7(aWorking Capital Shortfall 2.1 (b)(v) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Working Capital Statement 2.1 (b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Online Resources Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Asset Purchase Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Principles 2.6(a)(i) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 4.15(a) Allocation Statement 2.7 Applicable Survival Period 10.1(d) Asset Purchase Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAssigned Contracts 2.1(e) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Assignment and Assumption Agreement 3.2(c) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Base Amount 2.14(d)(i2.6(a)(ii) Business Authorizations 4.7(a) Buyer Preamble 6 Buyer Closing Certificate 8.3(c) Buyer Indemnitees 10.2(a) Buyer Restricted Business 6.8(b) Buyer Warranty Losses 10.2(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i2.5(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 CERCLA 4.18(a)(iv) Closing 4.1 3.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.5(b) Closing Date 3.1 Closing Equipment Part Inventory Amount 2.6(a)(iii) Closing Equipment Part Inventory Statement 2.10(a2.6(a)(iv) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCOBRA 7.3(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 6.3 Consents 4.3(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bEnvironment 4.18(a)(i) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bEnvironmental Action 4.18(a)(ii) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEnvironmental Clean-up Site 4.18(a)(iii) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEnvironmental Laws 4.18(a)(iv) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEnvironmental Permit 4.18(a)(v) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 3.3(a) Escrow Amount 2.9 Agreement 3.2(a) Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFund 3.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExcluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(e) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExcluded Liabilities 2.4 Facility Preamble Hazardous Substances 4.18(a)(vi) Xxxxxx Employment In-Bound Licenses 4.11(a) Insured Real Properties 8.2(g) Intellectual Property License Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv3.2(d) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cLosses 10.2(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cMaterial Contracts 4.13(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii7 Noncompetition Period 6.8(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iNotice of Claim 10.5(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOption Agreement 2.5(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPersonal Property 4.8(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPolicies 4.19(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPost-Closing Tax Period 7.4(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPre-Closing Tax Period 7.4(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aProposal 6.9(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPurchase Price 2.5(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Purchased Assets 2.1 Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.10(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRelease 4.18(a)(vii) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRepresentatives 6.3 Restricted Contract 2.8(a) Seller Preamble Seller Benefit Plans 4.16(a) Seller Closing Certificate 8.2(c) Seller Disclosure Schedule Article IV Seller Employees 7.3(f) Seller Fundamental Covenants 10.2(c) Seller Indemnitees 10.3(a) Seller Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cBusiness 6.8(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSeller Warranty Losses 10.3(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSpecial Warranty Deed 3.2(e) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defense 10.5(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransferred Employees 7.3(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Vacation Benefits 7.3(c) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Xxxxxxxxxxxx Farms Termination 6.1

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (ALPHA & OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR LTD)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition to the defined terms set forth in Section 1.01 of this Exhibit A, each of the following capitalized terms shall have has the meanings defined for such terms respective meaning specified in the Sections Section set forth opposite such term below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iArticles of Merger 1.03 Bankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 3.04 Book-Entry Shares 2.02(b)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i2.01(a)(ii) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.02(b)(i) Closing Statement 2.10(a) 1.04 Closing Date 1.04 Commitment Letter 4.10 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bAcquisition Agreement 5.03(b) Company Adverse Recommendation Change Objection Statement 2.13(b5.03(b) Company Articles 3.01 Company Board Recitals Company Board Recommendation 3.04 Company Bylaws 3.01 Company Common Stock 2.01(a)(i) Company Disclosure Letter Article III Company DRIP 5.01(a)(iv) Company Employee 6.10(a) Company Financial Statements 3.06(a) Company Indemnified Parties 6.09(a) Company Intervening Event 5.03(f)(iii) Company Projections 3.22 Company Recommendation Change Notice 5.03(c) Company Reports 3.06(a) Company Required Consents 3.05(a) Company Required Statutory Approvals 3.05(b)(iv) Company Risk Management Guidelines 5.01(a)(xvii) Company Shareholder Approval 3.04 Company Shareholders Meeting 3.04 Company Subsidiaries 3.01 Company Takeover Proposal 5.03(f)(i) Company Termination Fee 8.02(b)(ii) Company Voting Debt 3.03(b) Confidentiality Agreement 6.02(b) Consent 3.05(b) Continuation Period 6.10(a) Controlled Group Liability 3.09(d) Debt Letters 4.10 Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) DFS Provisions 9.07 Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a2.04(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a1.03 End Date 8.01(b)(i) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cEnvironmental Permit 3.14(a)(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEquity Securities 3.03(b) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExchange Act 3.05(b)(i) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExchange Agent 2.02(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExchange Fund 2.02(a) Exchange Ratio 2.01(a)(ii) FERC 3.05(b)(iv) Filed Company Contract 3.15(a) Filing 3.05(b) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cOrder 7.01(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFinancing 4.10 Financing Parties 5.05(b) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFinancing Source Parties 9.07 Form S-4 6.01(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aFPA 3.05(b)(iv) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aGAAP 3.06(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivHSR Act 3.05(b)(ii) Independent Auditor 2.10(bInsurance Policies 3.18 IRS 3.09(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aKCC 3.05(b)(iv) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiKGCC 1.02 Legal Restraint 7.01(c) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Liens 3.02 Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAmount 6.09(c) Merger Recitals 1.02 Merger Consideration 2.01(a)(ii) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNRC 3.05(b)(iv) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOther Equity-Based Right 2.03(c) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iAcquisition Agreement 5.04(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aAdverse Recommendation Change 5.04(b) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bBoard Recitals Parent Board Recommendation 4.04 Parent Charter Approval 4.04 Parent Common Stock 2.01(a)(ii) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bDisclosure Letter Article IV Parent Equity Securities 4.03(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aFiduciary Out Termination Fee 8.02(b)(iii) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aFinancial Statements 4.06(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiParent Intervening Event 5.04(f)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aParent No Vote Termination Fee 8.02(b)(vi) Term Section Stockholders Parent Preferred No Par Stock 4.03(a) Parent Preferred Par Value Stock 4.03(a) Parent Preference Stock 4.03(a) Parent Projection 4.17 Parent Recommendation Change Notice 5.04(c) Parent Reports 4.06(a) Parent Required Consents 4.05(a) Parent Required Statutory Approvals 4.05(b)(iii) Parent Shareholder Approval 4.04 Parent Shareholders Meeting 4.04 Parent Subsidiaries 4.01 Parent Termination Fee 8.02(b)(i) Parent Takeover Proposal 5.04(f)(i) Parent Utilities 4.14(b) Parent Voting Debt 4.03(b) Parties Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aPreferred Stock 3.03(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aProceedings 5.02 Proxy Statement/Prospectus 6.01(a) PUHCA 2005 3.19(a) Representatives 5.03(a) Represented Employee 6.10(b) Required Consents 4.05(a) Required Statutory Approvals 4.05(b)(iii) SEC 3.05(b)(i) Securities Act 3.05(b)(i) Stock Certificates 2.7(aConsideration 2.01(a)(ii) Survival Date 12.1 Substitute Financing 5.05(e) Superior Company Proposal 5.03(f)(ii) Superior Parent Proposal 5.04(f)(ii) Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 1.02 Takeover Statute 3.13 Transaction Litigation 6.04 WARN 3.10 Willful Breach 8.02(e) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10EXHIBIT B Parent agrees that the initial application submitted to the Kansas Corporation Commission with respect to the Merger will include specific commitments and agreements consistent with the items set forth below. Although the Merger is not subject to an approval proceeding in Missouri, Parent would expect to make similar commitments and agreements for the benefit of the Missouri customers of its utility subsidiaries in the context of future rate case proceedings of its utility subsidiaries before the Missouri Public Service Commission.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Westar Energy Inc /Ks)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: Defined Term Section Reference Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiOption 2.8(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdverse Recommendation Change 2.14(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviFirst Paragraph Appraisal Shares 2.12 Audited Financial Statements 3.9(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet 3.9(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBalance Sheet Date 3.9(a) Bank Merger 2.17 Bank Merger Agreement 2.17 Bank Merger Certificates 2.17 BHC Act 3.1 Book Entry Shares 2.9(b) CABF First Paragraph CABF Common Stock 2.7(a) CABF Disclosure Schedule Article III CABF Equity Awards 2.8(b) CABF Exercisable Option 2.8(a) CABF Recommendation 2.14(a) CABF Regulatory Agreement 3.5 CABF Restricted Stock Award 2.8(b) CABF Shareholders Recitals CABF Shareholders’ Meeting 2.14(a) Call Reports 3.9(a) Carolina Alliance Bank 2.17 Certificate 2.9(b) Certificates of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.3 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) 2.2 - 10 - Defined Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bReference Closing Date 2.2 Closing Date Plan Year 5.7(d) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bContinuing Employee 5.7(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aCRA 3.35 Disclosure Schedules Article IV Discontinued Employee 5.7(c) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDOL 3.24(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a2.3 Equity Award Exchange Ratio 2.8(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Exchange Agent 2.9(a) Exchange Agent Agreement 2.9(a) Exchange Fund 2.9(a) Exchange Ratio 2.7(a) Excluded Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c2.7(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii3.9(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIndemnitees 5.9(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aImmediate Family 1.1(pp) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aIntellectual Property 3.21 Interim Balance Sheet 3.9(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivInterim Balance Sheet Date 3.9(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bInterim Financial Statements 3.9(a) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLeased Property 3.14(c) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLeases 3.14(c) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLoans 3.17(a) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiMaterially Burdensome Regulatory Condition 5.2(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bConsideration 2.7(a) Outstanding Net Share 2.8(a) Notice of Recommendation Change 2.14(b)(iii) OGCL 2.4 Ohio Secretary 2.3 Option Cancellation Agreements 2.8(a) OREO 3.14(b) Owned Real Property 3.14(b) Parent First Paragraph Parent Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) 2.4 - 11 - Defined Term Section Reference Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aPlans 5.7(d) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiFilings 4.11 Park Disclosure Schedule Article IV Park National 2.17 Per Share Cash Consideration 2.7(a) Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.14(c) Registrable Payoff Amount SCBCA 2.4 SCBFI 1.1(nn)(i) Shares 2.11(a3.6(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 South Carolina Secretary 2.3 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iCorporation 2.1 Termination Fee 7.2(b) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10and Support Agreements Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization (Park National Corp /Oh/)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 4.19(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation Statement 2.7 Annual Financial Statements 4.4(a)(i) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAssigned Contracts 2.1(d) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAssignment and Assumption of Lease 3.2(e) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiAssumed Liabilities 2.3 Balance Sheet 4.4(b) Balance Sheet Date 4.4(b) Business Recitals Business Authorizations 4.10(a) Buyer Preamble CERCLA 4.22(a)(iv) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination 3.1 Closing Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration 3.1 Closing Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cDifferential 2.6 COBRA 6.3(i) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiConsents 4.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bCopyrights 4.14(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivEnvironment 4.22(a)(i) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cEnvironmental Action 4.22 (a)(ii) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cEnvironmental Clean-up Site 4.22 (a)(iii) Environmental Laws 4.22 (a)(iv) Environmental Permit 4.22(a)(v) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.4(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHazardous Substances 4.22(a)(vi) In-Bound Licenses 4.14(c) Indemnification Deductible 7.1(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) 7.2 Indemnifying Party 12.5(a7.2 Intellectual Property 4.14(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivIntellectual Property Rights 4.14(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bInterim Balance Sheet 4.4(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInterim Balance Sheet Date 4.4(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiInterim Financial Statements 4.4(a)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Lease 4.13(c) Leased Real Property 4.13(a) Liabilities 4.5 Marks 4.14(a) Material Contract 4.17(b) Minor Contracts 4.17(e) Nondisclosure Agreements 4.14(i) Out-Bound Licenses 4.14(d) Owned Real Property 4.13(a) Patents 4.14(a) PCBs 4.22(i) Pension Plan 4.20(b) Personal Property 4.11(a) Policies 4.23(a) Post-Closing Tax Period 6.4(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 6.4(b) Products 4.24(a) Proprietary Information 4.14(a) Purchase Price 2.5 Purchased Assets 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiRCRA 4.22(a)(iv) Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.13(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRelease 4.22(a)(vii) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cContract 2.8(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSection 1060 Forms 2.7 Seller Preamble Seller’s Disclosure Schedule Preamble Article IV Seller’s Employees 6.3(f) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller’s Benefit Plans 4.20(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller’s Intellectual Property 4.14(e) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSeller’s Owned Intellectual Property 4.14(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller’s Registered Items 4.14(f) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSoftware 4.14(a) Survival Transferred Employees 6.3(b) Transition Services Agreement 3.2(h) Closing Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Working Capital Target 2.6 Work Product Agreements 4.14(j)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Symmetry Medical Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms given in the indicated Sections set forth belowof this Agreement: INDEX Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii1935 Act 2.17 Aggregate Northern Border Damages 9.3(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAggregate ONEOK Damages 9.3(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAudits 2.6(e) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet 2.5(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBalance Sheet Date 2.5(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiBooks and Records 5.2(b)(i) Business Recitals Claim 9.7(a) Closing 1.3(a) Closing Date 1.3(a) Closing Working Capital 1.4(a) Closing Working Capital Statement 1.4(a) Common Units 3.1(e)(v) Companies Recitals Company Recitals Company Subsidiary 2.2 Contribution Agreement 7.1(h) Controlling Party 10.7(c) Conversion Transactions 6.11 CPR Rules 11.12 Entities 2.2 Entity 2.2 Entity Intellectual Property Assets 2.9 FERC 6.1 Final Closing Working Capital 1.4(c) Financial Statements 2.5(a) FMV Schedules 10.10(a) Governmental Approvals 6.3(a) GP Purchase Agreement 7.1(h) Indemnitee 9.7(a) 55 Indemnitor 9.7(a) Indemnity Threshold 9.3(a) Interim Financial Statements 6.12 KCC Consent 7.1(g) License Period 6.9 Material Contracts 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bMinimum Claim Amount 9.3(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cAdjustment 1.4(d)(ii) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiNeutral Auditors 1.4(c) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bNGA 2.17 Non-Controlling Party 10.7(c) Xxxxxx Employment Northern Border Preamble Northern Border Credit Agreement 4.2(a)(xivAmendments 7.2(k) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cNorthern Border Credit Agreements 7.2(k) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cNorthern Border Disclosure Schedules 3 Northern Border Indemnity Cap 9.3(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Northern Border Returns 10.4(b) OCC Consent 7.1(g) ONEOK Preamble ONEOK Disclosure Schedules 2 ONEOK Guaranty Agreement 1.3(b)(ii) ONEOK Indemnity Cap 9.3(b) ONEOK Marks 6.9 Operating Assets 2.18(a) Other Transaction Agreements 7.1(h) 56 Parties Preamble Party Preamble Part-Year Fraction 10.5(a) Pre-Closing Period 4.1 Pre-Closing Taxable Period 10.6(a)(i) Purchase Price 1.2 Related Party 2.14 Resolution Period 1.4(b) Services Agreement 1.3(b)(ii) Shares Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aStraddle Periods 10.4(b) Tax Claim 8.7(eControversy 10.7(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Indemnitor 10.7(a) Third-Party Claim 12.5(aTax Records 10.1 TransCanada Agreement 7.1(h) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Viking Indenture 7.2(m)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Oneok Inc /New/)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAmalgamated Company Recitals Amalgamated Company Shares 2.03 Amalgamation Recitals Amalgamation Agreement 2.01 Amalgamation Consideration 2.06(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAmalgamation Sub Preamble AT 3.12 Business Recitals Business Day 2.02 Bye-Laws 2.03 Capital Budget 5.01 Capitalization Date 0 Certificate 2.06(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiCFIUS 6.03(a) Closing Statement 2.10(a2.02 Closing Date 2.02 Communications Act 3.08(a) Companies Act Recitals Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bDisclosure Schedule Article III Company Financial Statements 3.03(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bGround Stations 3.18(c) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bIncentive Plan 2.09 Company Material IP 3.17 Company Permits 3.12 Company Plan 3.13(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bCompany Plans 3.13(a) Company Satellites 3.18(a) Company Securities 3.01(e) Company Shareholders Meeting 6.02 Company Shares 2.06 Company Stock Option 2.09 Company Subsidiary Securities 3.01(f) Confidentiality Agreement 5.02(b) Controlled Group 3.13(b) Dissenting Shareholder 2.06(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a2.06(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Dutch Permits 3.12 Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a2.03 Excluded Shares 2.06(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cExon-Xxxxxx Review 6.03(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cFCC 3.08(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cTermination Date 9.02(a) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiXxxxxxx Sachs 3.20(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iHealth Status Reports 3.18(a) HSR Act 3.08(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(aParties 6.06(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aInsurance Policy 3.06 ITAR 3.08(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivITU 3.18(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bLeased Property 3.21(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLetter of Transmittal 2.07(b) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiMajor Stations 3.18(c) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vMaterial Backlog Contracts 3.11(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiMemorandum of Association 2.03 NS B.V. Recitals NYSE 3.08(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOwned Property 3.21(a) Parent Preamble Parent Disclosure Schedule Article IV Parties Preamble Paying Agent 2.07(a) Payment Fund 2.07(a) Representatives 6.04(a) Required Approvals 8.01(b) Required Company Vote 3.02 Revised Confidentiality Terms 6.04(a) SEC 3.03(a) Section 108 Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i2.03 SER Notification 3.08(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aSuperior Proposal 6.04(b) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bTail Policy 6.06(c) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iVAT 3.16(e) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Transaction Agreement and Plan of Amalgamation (New Skies Satellites Holdings Ltd.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, each of the following terms shall have the meanings is defined for such terms in the Sections Section set forth belowopposite such term: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccess Agreement 4.2(l) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAccrued PTO Obligations 8.1(c) Acquired Asset Contract 2.6 Acquired Real Property 2.1(h) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAssignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(b) ByLaws Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Audited Financial Statements 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBenefit Plans 5.15(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iXxxx of Sale 4.2(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Business Employees 5.14(a) Casualty 11.1(g) Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Date 4.1 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii3.1(a) Closing Statement 2.10(aContinued Plans 9.1(d) Company Customers 2.1(f) Damages 10.2 Deductible 10.4(a) DII Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aEEOC 5.14(d) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Work Orders 2.5 Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv4.2(j) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cEquipment 2.1(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Excluded Assets 2.2 Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals 5.5 Fixed-Price Contracts 2.5 FLSA 5.14(d) Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) 10.1 Indemnified Party 12.5(a10.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a10.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivInterim Period 8.1 Interim Statement of Operations 5.5 IP Assignment 4.2(c) Independent Auditor 2.10(bLeased Real Property 5.20(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aLQT 2.1 LQT Leased Assets 2.2(e) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiName 9.3 Oral Contract 2.1(c) 5 Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vOSHA 5.14(d) Maximum EarnOrganizational Documents 5.1 Outside Date 4.1 Owned Real Property 5.20(a) Pre-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiClosing Date Period 9.2(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Property Tax Proration Period 2.7 Property Transfer Documents 4.2(l) Prorated Tax Amount 9.2(b) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchaser Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchaser Indemnitees 10.2 Purchaser’s Plan 9.1(d) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiReal Property 5.20(b) Real Property Lease 5.11(b5.20(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aReimbursable Contracts 2.5 Restricted Area 5.20(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cPeriod 8.3(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRetained Liabilities 2.4 Scheduled Contracts 2.1(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Scheduled Permits 2.1(d) Seller Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller Indemnitees 10.3 Seller’s Premium Reimbursement 8.1(d) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aStraddle Period 9.2(b) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSubleases 4.2(k) Tax Claim 8.7(ePaying Party 9.2(b) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Reimbursing Party 9.2(b) Title Company 7.1(f) Title Policy 7.1(f) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a10.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTransferred Employees 9.1(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) 2.6 Unaudited Financial Statements 5.5 Warranty Claim 9.7 Written Consent 8.10Contracts 2.1(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Gulf Island Fabrication Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiReference Adverse Recommendation Change 2.14(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviFirst Paragraph Appraisal Shares 2.12 Audited Financial Statements 3.9(a) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iBalance Sheet 3.9(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iBalance Sheet Date 3.9(a) Call Reports 3.9(a) Certificate 2.9(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.3 Closing 4.1 2.2 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Date 2.2 -9- Defined Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bReference Continuing Employee 5.7(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aCRA 3.33 DOL 3.24(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a2.3 Exchange Agent 2.9(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Exchange Agent Agreement 2.9(a) Exchange Fund 2.9(a) Excluded Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c2.7(c) Financial Statements 5.7 3.9(a) Indemnitees 5.10(a) Insight First Step Paragraph Insight Common Stock 2.7(a) Insight Recommendation 2.14(a) Insight Series A Preferred Stock 3.6(a) Insight Shareholders Recitals Insight Shareholders’ Meeting 2.14 Intellectual Property Rights 3.21 Interim Balance Sheet 3.9(a) Interim Balance Sheet Date 3.9(a) Interim Financial Statements 3.9(a) Leased Property 3.14(c) Leases 3.14(c) Loans 3.17(a) Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiConsideration 2.7(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iNotice of Recommendation Change 2.14(b)(iii) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum EarnORC 2.3 Ohio Secretary 2.3 Ohio Superintendent 2.3 Option Cash-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiAgreement 2.8 OREO 3.14(b) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bOwned Property 3.14(b) Outstanding Parent First Paragraph Parent Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv2.7(a)(i) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aPlans 5.7(d) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiFilings 4.10 -10- Defined Term Section Reference Pre-Closing Financial Statements 5.15 Merger Consideration 2.7(a) Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.14(c) Registrable Payoff Amount Regulatory Agencies 3.5 Shares 2.11(a3.6(a) Registrable SRB Obligations 3.9(e) Surviving Bank 2.1 Tax Adjuster Cash Consideration 2.17 Tax Adjuster Stock Consideration 2.11(a2.17 Tax-Free Reorganization Recital Termination Fee 7.2(b) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Total Option Cash Consideration 2.8

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (First Financial Bancorp /Oh/)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections location set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiDefinition Location 2013 Audited Financial Statements 6.14 2015 Quarterly Statements 6.14 Accountant’s Determination 6.8(f)(ii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquisition Proposal 6.20 Affected Foreign Employees 6.6(u) After-Acquired Business Real Property Appendix A After-Identified Common Software 6.11(c)(ii) After-Identified E-4 Software 6.11(c) After-Identified IPR 6.11(c)(i) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAgreement Date Preamble Allocation 3.3(a) ByLaws 5.5 Allocation Methodology 3.3(a) Allocation Statement 3.3(a) Antitrust Order 6.3(c) Applicable IM Business Property 6.11(d) Applicable Seller Retirement Plan 6.6(x)(i) Applicable Shared Contracts 4.18(a) Assigned Contracts Appendix A Assigned Material Contract 4.5(a) Assumed Debt Appendix C Assumed Liabilities Appendix C Assumed Pending Litigation Appendix C Audited Financial Statements 4.11(a) Bxxx of Sale 2.5(a) Books and Records 6.5(a) Business Guarantees 6.17 Business Indemnitees 6.9(a) Business Real Property Appendix A Business Retirement Plans 6.6(x)(ii) Buyer Preamble Buyer Benefit Plans 6.6(n) Buyer Equity Commitments 5.5(a) Buyer Equity Financing 5.5(a) Buyer Indemnified Parties 9.1(a) Buyer Indemnified Party 9.1(a) Buyer Long Term Incentive Program 6.6(d) Buyer Losses 9.1(a) Buyer NQDCP 6.6(w) Buyer Rabbi Trust 6.6(w) Buyer Related Parties 10.3(d) Buyer’s 401(k) Plan 6.6(r) Buyer’s FSA 6.6(p) Buyer-Signed Tax Returns 6.8(c)(ii) Calculation Principles 3.2(b) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.2(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iCFO Certificate 6.15(f) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiC-H Holdings 5.5(a) C-H Holdings Equity Financing Commitment 5.5(a) Channel Agreements 4.5(a) Classified Government Contracts Retention Election 6.3(b) Cleared Employees 6.3(b) Closing 8.1 Closing Business Cash Deficit Amount 3.5(a) Closing Business Cash Surplus Amount 3.5(a) Closing Business Indebtedness 3.5(a) Closing Date 8.1 Closing Date Waiver 8.1 Closing Statement 2.10(a3.5(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCompeting Activity 6.10(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCompliant Offer 6.6(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 6.2(b) DGCL Recitals Continuation Period 6.6(c) Continuing Employee 6.6(b) Copyright and Mask Work Assignment Agreement 2.5(a) D&O Indemnity Arrangements 6.9(a) Debt Financing 5.5(a) Debt Financing Commitment 5.5(a) Deductible 9.2(b) Delayed Matching Contributions 6.6(r) Delayed Transfer Closing 2.7(c) Delayed Transfer Jurisdiction 2.7(c) Determination Date 3.5(f) DHS 6.6(u) Disclosure Letter Article 4 Discontinued Products Appendix A Dispute Notice 2.14(b3.5(c) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDOL 6.6(u) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDSS 6.3(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDSS Approval 6.3(b) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a8.1 Employee Census 4.12(n) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Employing Entity 6.6(b) Equity Financing 5.5(a) Equity Financing Commitments 5.5(a) Equity Transfer Documents 3.4(a) Estimated Business Indebtedness 3.2(b) Estimated Closing Net Working Capital 3.2(b) Estimated Closing Statement 3.2(b) Estimated Consideration 3.2(a) Estimated Net Pension Liabilities 3.6(a) Estimated Net Pension Liabilities Adjustment Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c3.6(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiEstimated Pension Statement 3.6(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bEstimated Working Capital Adjustment Amount 3.2(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivExcluded Assets Appendix D Excluded Contracts Appendix D Excluded Employee Liabilities 6.6(k) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cExcluded Liabilities Appendix E Excluded Pending Litigation Appendix E Excluded Software Appendix D Excluded Tax Liabilities 6.8(a)(i) Exclusive Period 6.20 Exon-Fxxxxx Filing 6.3(b) FAR 4.20(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cBusiness Cash Deficit Amount 3.5(f) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiFinal Business Cash Surplus Amount 3.5(f) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iFinal Business Indebtedness 3.5(f) Indemnified Party 12.5(aFinal Closing Net Working Capital 3.5(f) Indemnifying Party 12.5(aFinal Closing Statement 3.5(f) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(ivFinal Consideration 3.5(f) Final Net Pension Liabilities 3.6(e) Final Net Pension Liabilities Adjustment Amount 3.6(e) Final Working Capital Adjustment Amount 3.5(f) Financing 5.5(a) Financing Agreements 6.15 Financing Commitments 5.5(a) FOCI 6.3(b) Foreign Continuing Employee 6.6(b) GIC Preamble GIC Equity Financing Commitment 5.5(a) Government Contract 4.20(a) Government Contract Bid(s) 4.20(c) Governmental Authority 4.3(a) Governmental Consent 6.3(a) GSA Contract 4.20(b) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccountant 3.5(e) Independent Engineer 2.13(aActuary 3.6(d) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiInformation 6.12 Information Management Applications 6.10(a) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation Infringement Claims 9.1(c) Inventory Appendix A IPMA Preamble Key Separation Obligations 9.5 Leased Real Property Appendix A Lenders 5.5(a) Limited Guarantees Preamble Local Transfer Agreement 2.5(a) Material Blended Pricing Agreements 4.18(b) Material Contracts 4.5(a) Material Shared Contracts 4.5(a) Minimum Amount 9.2(b) Negative Adjustment Amount 3.5(g) New Business Retirement Plan 6.6(x)(i) New U.S. Transition Health and Welfare Plans 6.6(dd) Notification 6.8(g) OFAC 4.22(a) Offer Recipient Employee 6.6(b) Officer Certificates 6.15(f) Operational Separation Activities 2.7(a) Other Asset Sellers 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vOther Buyer 2.1 Other Sellers 2.2 Other Share Sellers 2.2 Other Transfer Documents 2.5(a) Maximum EarnOutside Date 10.1(b) Parties Preamble Party Preamble Patent Assignment 2.5(a) Paying Party 6.6(aa) Pension Calculation Principles 3.6(a) Pension Determination Date 3.6(e) Pension Dispute Notice 3.6(b) Positive Adjustment Amount 3.5(g) Post-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiClosing Tax Action 6.8(e)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Post-Transaction Severance Benefits 6.6(i) Potential Contributor 9.2(h) Preliminary Allocation 3.3(a) Privileged Information 6.12 Privileges 6.12 Products Appendix A Proposed Spin-Off 4.16 Purchase Price 3.1 Purchase Transaction Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchased Assets Appendix A Qualified Representations 9.2(e) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiQualifying Termination 6.6(i) Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases Appendix A Refund Recipient 6.8(e)(i) Registrable Payoff Registered Transferred IPR 4.7(a) Releasee 6.18(d) Releasors 6.18(d) Required Amount Shares 2.11(a5.5(d) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aResponsible Party 6.6(aa) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Assets 2.6(a) Restricted Split Interest 2.6(c) Retained Contracts Agreement 2.6(d) Retention RSUs 6.6(d) Scheduled Guarantees 6.17 SEC 4.3(a) Section 3.3 Assets 3.3(a) Section 338(g) Elections 6.8(h) Securities Purchase Agreement Officer’s Certificate of Merger 2.12(c6.15(f) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSeller Preamble Seller 401(k) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Plan 6.6(r) Seller Indemnified Party 9.1(b) Seller Losses 9.1(b) Seller Related Parties 11.5 Seller Severance Policies 6.6(i) Seller U.S. Benefits Transition Plans 6.6(dd) Seller’s FSA 6.6(p) Seller-Paid Transferred Pension Assets Appendix G Seller-Signed Tax Returns 6.8(d)(i) Split Interest 2.6(c) Sponsor Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSponsor Equity Financing 5.5(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSponsor Equity Financing Commitment 5.5(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aStatutory Financial Statements 6.14 Straddle Period Tax Returns 6.8(c)(iii) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSubleases 2.5(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSubstitute Unvested Award 6.6(d) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aTangible Assets Appendix A Tax Attribute 6.8(e)(ii) Tax Benefit 9.2(i) Tax Claim 8.7(e6.8(g) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTax Restoration Amount 10.3(b)(ii) Third-Tax Return Filer 6.8(d)(iv) Termination Fee 10.3(b)(i) Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.3(c)(i) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Claim Notice 9.3(c)(i) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTrade Secret Assignment Agreement 2.5(a) Trademark Assignment 2.5(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i2.6(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransfer Date 6.6(x)(iii) Weeks Employment Transfer Tax Returns 6.8(b)(v) Transferred Intellectual Property Rights Appendix A Transferred IT Asset Appendix A Transferred Technology Appendix A Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xvPreamble U.S. Benefits Transition Date 6.6(dd) Written Consent 8.10U.S. Continuing Employee 6.6(b) U.S. Health and Welfare Transition Date 6.6(p) Unvested RSUs 6.6(d) Withholding Party 3.7(a) ARTICLE 2 SALE OF ASSETS AND SHARES AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase Agreement (Symantec Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) 280G Approval 6.11 Action 4.13 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) CERCLA 4.16 Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.2 Closing 4.1 2.2 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Date 2.2 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bBenefit Plan 4.14(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bDisclosure Schedule Preamble to Article IV Company Disclosure Schedule Supplement 6.5 Company Intellectual Property 4.10(a) Term Section Company Review Licenses 4.10(c) Company Stock Certificates 3.2(e)(iv) Company Stockholder Representative 2.13(b3.7(a) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bCompany Stockholder Representative Completion Date 3.7(c) Company Stockholder Representative Costs 3.7(c) Confidentiality Agreement 7.1 Continuing Employees 7.2(a) Disbursement Amount 3.2(e)(ii) Disbursing Agent 3.2(e)(ii) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) 3.5 Dissenting Shares Payment 3.5 Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a3.5 EGTRRA 4.14(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Release Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c11.3(e)(ii) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cExchange Documents 3.2(e)(iv) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii4.5 GAAP 4.5 GUST 4.14(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iIndemnitee 11.3(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv12 Indemnitor 11.3(i) Independent Auditor 2.10(bExpert 2.9(a)(iii) Independent Engineer 2.13(aIntellectual Property 4.10(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiLeased Real Property 4.9(b) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLeases 4.9(b) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiLetter of Transmittal 3.2(e)(iv) Material Contract 4.12(a) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNotice of Objection 2.9(a)(ii) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parachute Payment 6.11 Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Disclosure Schedule Preamble to Article V Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a11.3(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPolicies 4.17 Preliminary Closing Date Calculations 2.9(a)(i) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPreliminary Company Transaction Expenses 2.9(a)(i) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiPreliminary Working Capital Adjustment 2.9(a)(i) Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.9(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aReview Period 2.8(b)(ii) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aSeverance Policies 4.14(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a11.3(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aStraddle Period 8.5(a)(i) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSubsidiary Shares 4.3(b) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 2.1 Terminated Employees 7.2(c) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(aLicenses 4.10(c) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Amount 11.3(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Triple-S Management Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms set forth in the Sections set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiActions 4.7 ADSs 3.1(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAlternative Acquisition Agreement 6.2(d)(ii) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAlternative Financing 6.9(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAlternative Financing Documents 6.9(b) Certificate Applicable Date 4.5(a) Bankruptcy and Equity Exception 4.3(a) Book-Entry Shares 3.1(a) BVI Companies Act Recitals BVI Plan of Incorporation 5.5 Merger 2.3 Closing 4.1 2.2 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Date 2.2 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bAdverse Recommendation 6.2(d)(ii) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bBenefit Plans 4.8(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bDisclosure Schedule Article IV Company IP 4.14(a) DGCL Recitals Company Option 3.3(a) Company Recommendation 4.3(c) Company Reports 4.5(a) Company Termination Fee 8.3(a)(ii) Confidential Information 9.12(b) Contract 4.3(d) Damages 6.11(b) Debt Commitment Letter 5.3(a) Debt Financing 5.3(a) Deposit Agreement 3.1(a) Depositary 3.1(a) Dispute Notice 2.14(b9.4(b) Dissenting Shareholders 3.1(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a3.1(a) Effective Time 2.2 2.3 Employees 4.13 Equity Commitment Letter 5.3(a) Equity Financing 5.3(a) ERISA 5.15(a4.8(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Exchange Act 4.4 Exchange Fund 3.2(a) Excluded Party 6.2(b) Excluded Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c3.1(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiFacility Agreement 6.9(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bFinancing 5.3(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivFinancing Documents 5.3(a) Feasibility Completion Founder Shares 3.1(a) GAAP 4.5(b) Go-Shop Period End Date 2.13(c6.2(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cGovernmental Entity 3.2(d) HKIAC 9.4(b)(i) HKIAC Rules 9.4(b)(i) IC Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Advisor 4.16 Indemnified Parties 6.11(a) Injunction 7.1(b) Judgment 4.7 Laws 4.9(a) Lender 5.3(a) Liabilities 4.7 Licenses 4.9(b) Liens 4.2 Limited Guarantee Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiLimited Guarantor Recitals Material Contract 4.10(a)(vi) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Memorandum and Articles of Association 2.4 Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 3.1(a) Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bNon-Wholly Owned Subsidiaries 4.2 Notice of Superior Proposal 6.2(d)(ii) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOwned Real Property 4.11(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iTermination Fee 8.3(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPaying Agent 3.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPer ADS Merger Consideration 3.1(a) Parent Proposed Change Per Share Merger Consideration 3.1(a) Proxy Statement 2.13(b4.4 Requisite Company Vote 4.3(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aRollover Agreement Recitals Rollover Shareholders 3.1(a) Parent Rollover Shares 3.1(a) Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 4.5(a) SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aArticle IV Securities Act 4.5(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iiiShare 3.1(a) Permitted Objection 2.14(bShare Certificate 3.1(a) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cShareholders’ Meeting 6.4(a) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(cShares 3.1(a) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSolicited Person 6.2(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(aPlan 4.2 Surviving Corporation 2.1 Terminated Acquisition Proposal 6.2(b) Survival Termination Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a8.1(b)(i) Tax Claim 8.7(eTier I Termination Fee 8.3(a)(ii) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTier II Termination Fee 8.3(a)(ii) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Recitals Wholly Owned Subsidiaries 4.2

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Camelot Information Systems Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, each of the following terms shall have the meanings defined for meaning given to such terms term in the Sections set forth belowapplicable Section of this Agreement listed opposite such term: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAlternative Arrangement 6.3(h) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAlternative Debt Commitment Letter 6.8(a) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAlternative Fee Letter 6.8(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Alternative Financing 6.8(a) Alternative Financing Agreements 6.8(a) Anti-Money Laundering Laws 2.12(c) Antitrust Approvals 7.5 Antitrust Filings 6.3(b) Applicable Gaming Approvals 7.5 Audited Financial Statements 6.8(k) Bankruptcy and Equity Exceptions 2.4 Buyer Preamble Buyer Breach Termination Fee 10.3(e) Buyer Enforcement Costs 10.3(h)(ii), 10.3(h)(ii) Buyer Extraordinary Action 6.3(d) Buyer No Vote Termination Fee 10.3(c) Buyer Notice Period 6.2(c) Buyer Permitted Claims 10.3(f) Buyer Pre-Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiDamages Proceeding 10.3(f) Buyer Regulatory Termination Fee 10.3(e) Buyer Sub Preamble Buyer Subsequent Deal Termination Fee 10.3(c) Certificates 1.8(b) Closing Statement 2.10(a1.3 Closing Date 1.3 D&O Indemnitee 6.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bDebt Commitment Letter 4.6(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bDebt Financing 4.6(a) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a1.7 DTC 1.8(d) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDTC Payment 1.8(d) DLLCA Ember Sub Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEquity Commitment Letter Recitals Equity Financing 4.6(a) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEquity Sale Recitals Equity Sale Closing Time Recitals Excluded Action 5.5(h) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gExisting Agreements Recitals Fair Labor Standards Act 2.16(i) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aFDI Approvals 7.5 FDI Filings 6.3(b) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cFee Letter 4.6(a) Financial Services Approvals 7.5 Financial Services Authority 6.3(g) Financial Services Notice Filings and Approvals 6.3(b) Financing 4.6(a) Financing Agreements 6.8(a) Financing Commitments 4.6(a) Gaming Holdco Recitals Gaming Law Filings 6.3(b) GLP 3.22 Guaranty Recitals Hxxxxxxx Lxxxx 3.22 Indenture 6.8(h) Interim Financial Period 6.8(k) Interim Financial Statements 5.7 First Step 6.8(k) Lxxx and Guarantee Release 6.8(j) Material Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiPartner Business Asset 5.3(b)(iv) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vMaterial Spinco Business Asset 5.2(b)(iv) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Liability Amount 10.2 Merger Recitals Merger Sub Effective Time 1.2 Exhibit A - 31 Merger Partner Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bMerger Partner Board Recitals Merger Partner Board Determination 3.4 Merger Partner Board Recommendation 6.2(b) Outstanding Common Merger Partner Certifications 3.6(a) Merger Partner Change in Recommendation 6.2(b) Merger Partner Employees 6.13(a) Merger Partner International Benefit Plan 3.16(g) Merger Partner Intervening Event 6.2(d) Merger Partner Leased Real Property 3.9(b) Merger Partner Material Contract 3.11(a) Merger Partner Preferred Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv3.3(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Merger Partner Real Property Lease 5.11(b3.9(b) Registrable Merger Partner Returns 3.15(a) Merger Partner SEC Documents 3.6(a) Merger Partner Specified Time 3.3(a) Merger Partner Stockholders’ Meeting 6.2(a) Merger Partner Tail Transaction 10.3(c) Merger Partner Termination Fee 10.3(b) Merger Partner Top Customers 3.20(a) Merger Partner Top Suppliers 3.20(a) Non-Recourse Party 11.16 Notice of Merger Partner Intervening Event 6.2(d) Notice of Merger Partner Superior Proposal 6.2(c) Outside Date 10.1(b) Owned Merger Partner Share 1.5(a)(ii) participate 6.7(c) Parties Preamble Party Preamble Paying Agent 1.8(a) Payment Fund 1.8(a) Payoff Amount Shares 6.8(i) PCAOB 2.6(g) Per Share Price 1.5(a)(i) Pre-Closing Period 5.1 Qualifying Merger Partner SEC Documents Article III Qualifying Remainco SEC Documents Article II R&W Insurance Policy 6.14 Redemption Notice 6.8(h) Regulatory Meeting 6.3(b) Remainco Preamble Remainco Alternative Proposal 6.2(c) Remainco Board Recitals Remainco Burdensome Action 6.3(f) Remainco Certifications 2.6(d) Remainco Specified Time 2.3(b)(i) Remedial Action 6.3(c) Required Amount 6.8(b) Required Merger Partner Stockholder Vote 3.21 Seller Permitted Claims 10.3(f) Special Committee Recitals Spinco Preamble Spinco Business Audited Financial Statements 2.6(a) Spinco Business Financial Statements 2.6(a) Spinco Business Interim Financial Statements 2.6(a) Spinco Company Returns 2.15(a) Spinco International Benefit Plan 2.16(g) Spinco Leased Real Property 2.9(b) Spinco Material Contract 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aSpinco Real Property Lease 2.9(b) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cSpinco Reference Balance Sheet 2.6(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSpinco Registered IP 2.10(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Spinco Senior Executive Employee 5.2(b)(ix) Spinco Top Customers 2.20(a) Spinco Top Suppliers 2.20(a) Subject Indebtedness 6.8(i) Surviving Corporation 1.2 Surviving Corporation Option Cash Award 1.6(a)(iii) Surviving Corporation PSU Cash Award 1.6(a)(ii) Surviving Corporation RSU Cash Award 1.6(a)(i) U.X. Xxxxxx Partner Employees 3.16(j) U.S. Spinco Employees 2.16(k) Uncertificated Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.101.8(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (International Game Technology PLC)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii338 Election 6.10(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAccrued PTO 5.7(e) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation 2.1 Allocation Schedule 2.1 Antitrust Laws 3.4 Apportionment 5.7(g)(i) ByLaws 5.5 Approvals 2.11(a) Assignment Agreement and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(v) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Base Purchase Price 2.2 Beneficial Shares 2.1 Business Balance Sheet 3.6(a) Business Employee Census 3.16(a) Business Financial Information 3.6(a) Business Intellectual Property 2.4(d) Business Permits 3.13(b) Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i9.2(b)(ii) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iChicago Facility 2.7(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Chosen Court 10.7 Closing 4.1 2.3 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(a2.9(b) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCombined Tax Return 6.4(a) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bCompeting Business 5.13(b) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 5.3 Consultation Processes 5.7(l) DGCL Recitals Continuation Period 5.7(b)(i) Covered Person 5.13(a) De Minimis Amount 9.2(b)(i) Deductible 9.2(b)(i) Deferred Asset Closing Countries 2.16(a) Deferred Assets 2.16(a) Deferred Closing 2.16(b) Deferred Closing Conditions 2.16(b) Deferred Closing Country Amount 2.16(i) Deferred Closing Country Closing Working Capital 2.9(c) Deferred Closing Date 2.16(b) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 6.5(b) Deferred Liabilities 2.16(a) Deferred Retained Assets 2.17(a) Deferred Retained Closing 2.17(b) Deferred Retained Closing Conditions 2.17(b) Deferred Retained Closing Date 2.17(b) Deferred Retained Liabilities 2.17(a) Determination 2.10(e) Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.9(d) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDispute Resolution Period 2.9(d) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDraft Deferred Retained Settlement Statement 2.17(j) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bDraft Deferred Settlement Statement 2.16(j) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEquipment Lease 2.8(a)(x) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gEstimated Adjustment Amount 2.9(b) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aEstimated Closing Cash Amounts 2.9(b) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEstimated Closing Funded Debt 2.9(b) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cExcluded Assets 2.5 Final Purchase Price 2.9(f) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiForeign Acquisition Agreements 2.12 Foreign Closing Documents 2.8(a)(vii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bGCP Tecnologías Venezuela, S.A. Tax Return 6.4(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Guarantees 5.8 Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv9.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(aAccounting Firm 2.9(d) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiDeferred Retained Settlement Amount 2.17(h) Term Initial Deferred Settlement Amount 2.16(h) Intercompany Arrangements 5.6 Interim Allocation 2.1 International Asset Employee 5.7(d)(i) Inventory 2.4(i) IP Assignment 2.8(a)(xi) Material Contracts 3.12(a) Material Employee 3.16(i) Non-Regulatory Approvals 2.11(b) Non-Settling Party 2.10(e) Original Agreement Preamble Original Execution Date Preamble Outside Date 8.1(d) Owned Real Property 2.4(c) Parties Preamble Party Preamble Post-Closing Statement 2.9(c) Pre-Closing Seller Tax Return 6.4(a) Pre-Closing WC Claims 5.10(b) Proposed Allocation Settlement Notice 2.10(e) Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Entities 2.4(a) Purchased Entity Shares 2.4(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser 401(k) Plan Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v5.7(b)(iii) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiPurchaser FSA Plan Section 5.7(b)(iv) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a9.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPurchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Purchaser Operational Instructions 2.16(e) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPurchaser Tax Indemnified Parties 6.1 Purchaser’s Allocation Notice 2.1 Qualifying O.U.S. Offer 5.7(d)(i) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aQualifying Offer 5.7(d)(i) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(viiQualifying U.S. Offer 5.7(b)(i) Real Property Lease 5.11(b2.4(c) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRegistered Business Intellectual Property 3.10(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cPeriod 5.13(b) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cRetained Claims 2.5(k) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Retained Liabilities 2.7 Sample Closing Statement 2.9(a) Securities Act 4.7 Seller Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller 401(k) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aPlans Section 5.7(b)(iii) Term Seller FSA Plan Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder 5.7(b)(iv) Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a9.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Operational Instructions 2.17(e) Stock Certificates 2.7(aSeller Tax Indemnified Parties 6.2 Seller’s Allocation 2.1 Settling Party 2.10(e) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aShared Contract 2.11(c) Significant Customer 3.18(a) Significant Supplier 3.18(d) Specified Business Contracts 2.4(b) Specified Tax Claim 8.7(eProceeding 6.6(a) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bStraddle Period Combined Tax Return 6.4(b) Third-Straddle Period Purchaser Tax Return 6.4(b) Supply Agreement 2.8(a)(ix) Termination Liabilities 5.7(d)(i) Third Party Claim 12.5(a9.4(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiTolling Agreement 2.8(a)(iii) Trademark License Agreement 2.8(a)(viii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTaxes 6.12(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Business Employees 5.7(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Business Independent Contractor Agreements 2.4(p) Weeks Employment Transferred FSA Balances Section 5.7(b)(iv) Transferred Leased Property 2.4(c) Transferred Permits 2.4(k) Transferred U.S. Business Employee 5.7(b)(i) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv2.8(a)(iv) Written Consent 8.10TSA Counterparty 6.6(a) Warranty Deed 2.8(b)(viii) Workers Compensation Policies 5.10(b) Working Capital Accounting Principles 2.9(a) ARTICLE II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock and Asset Purchase Agreement (GCP Applied Technologies Inc.)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Action 3.16 Additional Financial Statements 5.14 Agent 5.10 Agreement Preface Applicable Survival Period 9.1(c) Arbitration Firm 2.10(c) Audited Financial Statements 3.6(a) Auditor 5.14 Balance Sheet 3.6(b) Balance Sheet Date 3.6(b) Cap 9.2(c) Certificates 2.3 Charter Documents 3.1(b) Closing 1.2 Closing Date 1.2 Closing Working Capital 2.10(b) Code 2.9 Common Stock Merger Consideration 2.10(c)(iii2.1 Company Preface Company Common Stock 2.2(a) 50 Company Intellectual Property 3.13(f) Company Option Plan 2.4 Company Owned Intellectual Property 3.13(c) Company Owned Software 3.13(n)(i) Company Preferred Stock 3.2(a) Company Registered Items 3.13(g) Company Stockholder Approval 3.4(b) Company Stockholders 2.6 Confidential Information 2.10(d) Confidentiality Agreement 5.2 Consents 3.5(a) Contaminant 3.13(n)(v) Copyrights 3.13(a) Disabling Code 3.13(n)(v) Dissenting Share Payments 2.8(b) Dissenting Shares 2.8(a) Document Production 3.13(b) Domain Names 3.13(a) Effective Time 1.2 Employee Benefit Plan 3.17(a) Estimated Working Capital 2.10(a) Estimated Working Capital Closing Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii2.10(a) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviExchange Act 4.4(b) ByLaws Final Working Capital 2.10(c) Financial Statements 3.6(a) FIRPTA Certificate 5.12 Fundamental Representations and Warranties 9.1(b) GAAP 3.6(b) In-Bound Licenses 3.13(d) Indemnification Threshold 9.2 Indemnitors 9.2 Intellectual Property 3.13(a) Intellectual Property Rights 3.13(a) Interim Balance Sheet 3.6(b) Interim Balance Sheet Date 3.6(b) Interim Financial Statements 3.6(a) Interim Parent Note 2.1 IRS 3.17(a) Landlord 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iLiabilities 3.7 Liens 3.3(a) Losses 9.2(a) Marks 3.13(a) Merger 1.1 Merger Consideration 2.1 Merger Sub Preface Net Asset Statement 2.10(b) Net Proceeds 9.6 Nondisclosure Agreements 3.13(j) Notice of Claim 9.3 NRS 1.1 Optionholder 2.4 Out-Bound Licenses 3.13(e) Parent Preface Parent Indemnitees 9.2 Parent Preferred Stock 4.2 Patents 3.13(a) Per Share Cash Merger Consideration 2.5(b)(i2.2(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Merger Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.2(a) Closing Statement Permitted Liens 3.11 Principal Stockholders Recital Proposal 5.10 Proprietary Information 3.13(a) Public Software 3.13(n)(vi) Real Estate Lease 5.5 Registration Period 5.13 Representatives 5.2 52 SEC 4.5 Securities Act 4.5(a) Software 3.13(a) Stockholders’ Representative Preface Surviving Corporation 1.1 Systems 3.13(n)(v) Target Working Capital 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bTax 3.18(a)(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bTax Returns 3.18(a)(ii) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bTaxing Authority 3.18(a)(iii) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bTerminated Employees 5.4(a) Dissenting Third Party Claim 9.3(a) Third Party Defense 9.3(b) Transmittal Letter 2.3(a) Treasury Shares 2.6(a2.1(a)(i) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dTucows Common Stock 2.1 Parent Note 2.1 Tucows Party 4.1 Tucows Parties 4.1 Tucows SEC Reports 4.5(a) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bWarranty Losses 9.2 Work Product Agreements 3.13(k) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(i) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.102.10(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Tucows Inc /Pa/)

Other Defined Terms. The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms in the Sections set forth indicated below: Defined Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiReference Acquisition Agreement 5.9(a) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAdverse BKYF Recommendation Change 2.14(b) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xvi) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(i) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii) Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(b) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(b) First Paragraph Appraisal Shares 2.12 Bank Merger Recitals Defined Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bReference Bank Merger Agreement Recitals BHCA 3.1(a) DGCL BOK Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bBKYF First Paragraph BKYF Common Stock 2.7(a) Dissenting BKYF Disclosure Schedule Article III BKYF’s Financial Statements 3.9(a) BKYF Recommendation 2.14(a) BKYF Regulatory Agencies 3.5 BKYF Regulatory Agreement 3.5 BKYF SEC Filings 3.8 BKYF Shareholder Approval 6.1(b) BKYF Shareholders Recitals BKYF Shareholders’ Meeting 2.14(a) Book Entry Shares 2.6(a2.9(b) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dCertificates 2.9(b) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bCertificates of Merger 2.3 Closing 2.2 Closing Date 2.2 Closing Date Plan Year 5.8(c) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiContinuing Employee 5.8(a) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gCRA 3.18 Discontinued Employee 5.8(b) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(aDOL 3.24(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a2.3 Exchange Agent 2.9(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Exchange Agent Agreement 2.9(a) Exchange Fund 2.9(a) Excluded Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c2.7(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiIndemnitees 5.10(a) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bIntellectual Property 3.21 Kentucky Articles of Merger 2.3 Kentucky Secretary 2.3 Loans 3.17(a) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xivMaterially Burdensome Regulatory Condition 5.3(a) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) - 11 - Defined Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Reference Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bConsideration 2.7(a) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step North Carolina Certificate of Merger 2.12(c2.3 North Carolina Secretary 2.3 Notice of BKYF Recommendation Change 2.14(b)(iii) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cParent First Paragraph Parent Capitalization Date 4.6(a) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iParent Disclosure Schedule Article IV Parent’s Financial Statements 4.9(a) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter Parent Regulatory Agencies 4.5 Parent SEC Filings 4.8 Per Share Cash Consideration 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(aPer Share Equity Award Consideration 2.15 Premium Cap 5.10(b) Survival Date 12.1 Regulatory Agencies 4.5 Sxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act 3.9(c) Subsidiary Bank Recitals Surviving Company 2.12(aCorporation 2.1(a) Tax Claim 8.7(eTermination Fee 7.2(b) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Trust Preferred Securities 5.18

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Bank of Kentucky Financial Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iii) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iii) Acquisition Proposal 5.17 Affiliate Transactions or Interests 3.21 Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAlternative Financing 5.18(b) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Amount 2.14(d)(iAlternative Financing Commitment Letter 5.18(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAntitrust Law 5.1(b) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 Closing 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiBack-to-Back Arrangement 5.7(b) Balance Sheet Date 3.7(a) Base Purchase Price 2.2 Business Balance Sheet 3.7(a) Business Financial Statements 3.7(a) Capital Investment 5.20(d)(i) Capital Transaction 5.20(d)(ii) Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(a2.5(b) Commitment Letters 4.5 Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bData 3.15(h) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bIPR Agreements 3.12(a)(v) Term Company IT Systems 3.15(i) Company Material Contract 3.12(a) Company Permits 3.6(a) Company Proceeds 5.20(d)(iii) Company Software 3.15(g) Company Subsidiary 3.1(c) Competing Business 5.15(b) Confidential Information 5.3 Confidentiality Agreement 5.3 Contract Separation 5.7(a) Covered Person 5.15(a) Credit Enhancements 5.10(a) Credit Support …………………………………………………………………………… Section Company Review Representative 2.13(b5.10(c) DGCL Recitals Data Protection Program 3.15(h) Debt Commitment Letter 4.5 Debt Financing 4.5 Debt Financing Sources 4.5 Definitive Financing Agreements 5.18(a) Dispute Notice 2.14(b2.5(d) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aDispute Resolution Period 2.5(d) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dDivestiture Period 5.15(b)(iii) DLLCA DOJ 5.1(b) Enforceability Exceptions 3.3 Equity Commitment Letter 4.5 Equity Financing 4.5 Equity Interests Recitals Domain Names 5.13(bEstimated Adjustment Amount 2.5(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(iiEstimated Closing Cash Amounts 2.5(b) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(gEstimated Closing Company Transaction Expenses 2.5(b) Earn-Out Estimated Closing Funded Debt 2.5(b) Excluded Information 5.19(a) Exclusivity Period 5.17 Exempt Transaction 5.17 Extraordinary Action 5.8 Final Purchase Price 2.5(f) Financing 4.5 Financing Uses 4.5 Foreign Closing Documents 2.4(v) FTC 5.1(b) Guarantor Recitals Guaranty Recitals Heritage Name 5.11(a) Holding Fee Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i5.21 HSR Act 5.1(b) Indemnified Party 12.5(a9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv9.4(a) Independent Auditor 2.10(bAccounting Firm 2.5(d) Independent Engineer 2.13(aInsurance Policies 3.17 Inventions 5.11(b)(i) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiInventor 3.15(f) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vLabor Agreement 3.11(b) Maximum EarnLeased Real Property 3.19 Organizational Documents 3.1(d) Outside Date 8.1(d) Post-Out Payment 2.13(k)(iiClosing Statement 2.5(c) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Promissory Note 2.4(iv) Purchaser Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(bPurchaser 401(k) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivPlan 5.9(g) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPurchaser Covenant Parties 5.11(b)(ii) Parent Purchaser Group 5.1(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 12.2(a9.2(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Purchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1, 4.1 Real Property Lease 5.11(bLeases 3.19 Regulatory Remedy 5.1(c) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRelated Parties 10.14 Review Period 2.5(d) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aSample Closing Statement 2.5(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cSecurities Act 4.9 Seller Preamble Seller 401(k) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cPlans 5.9(g) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSeller Consolidated Returns 6.1(b) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSeller Covenant Parties 5.11(b)(i) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Seller Indemnified Parties 12.3(a9.3 Seller Pre-Closing Covenants 9.1 Seller Prepared Returns 6.1(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSeller Separate Returns 6.1(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(aSolvent 4.10 Stranded Shared Contract 5.7(b) Tax Claim 8.7(eSharing Agreements 3.16(h) Technical Review Committee 2.13(bTermination Fee 8.2(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.4(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.5(a) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.6 Transferred Business Employee 5.9(a)(ii) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred International Business Employees 5.9(i) Weeks Employment Transition Period 5.11(a) Transition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.102.4(iii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Securities Purchase Agreement (ODP Corp)

Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings defined for assigned to such terms in the Sections of the Asset Purchase Agreement set forth below: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAccounting Principles 2.6(a)(i) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAction 4.15(a) Allocation Statement 2.7 Applicable Survival Period 10.1(d) Asset Purchase Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAssigned Contracts 2.1(e) ByLaws 5.5 Cap Assignment and Assumption Agreement 3.2(c) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Base Amount 2.14(d)(i2.6(a)(ii) Business Authorizations 4.7(a) Buyer Preamble Buyer Closing Certificate 8.3(c) Buyer Indemnitees 10.2(a) Buyer Restricted Business 6.8(b) Buyer Warranty Losses 10.2(b) Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(i2.5(a) Certificate of Incorporation 5.5 CERCLA 4.18(a)(iv) Closing 4.1 3.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iii2.5(b) Closing Date 3.1 Closing Equipment Part Inventory Amount 2.6(a)(iii) Closing Equipment Part Inventory Statement 2.10(a2.6(a)(iv) Company Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bCOBRA 7.3(i) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bConfidentiality Agreement 6.3 Consents 4.3(a) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bEnvironment 4.18(a)(i) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(bEnvironmental Action 4.18(a)(ii) Dissenting Shares 2.6(aEnvironmental Clean-up Site 4.18(a)(iii) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(dEnvironmental Laws 4.18(a)(iv) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(aEnvironmental Permit 4.18(a)(v) Escrow Account 2.9 Agent 3.3(a) Escrow Amount 2.9 Agreement 3.2(a) Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(cFund 3.3(a) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iiiExcluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(e) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(bExcluded Liabilities 2.4 Facility Preamble Hazardous Substances 4.18(a)(vi) Xxxxxx Employment In-Bound Licenses 4.11(a) Insured Real Properties 8.2(g) Intellectual Property License Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv3.2(d) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(cLosses 10.2(a) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(cMaterial Contracts 4.13(b) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(iiNoncompetition Period 6.8(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(iNotice of Claim 10.5(a) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(ivOption Agreement 2.5(b) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(iPersonal Property 4.8(a) Parent Indemnified Parties 12.2(aPolicies 4.19(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(bPost-Closing Tax Period 7.4(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(bPre-Closing Tax Period 7.4(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(aProposal 6.9(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(aPurchase Price 2.5(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Purchased Assets 2.1 Real Property Lease 5.11(b4.10(a) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(aRelease 4.18(a)(vii) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(aRepresentatives 6.3 Restricted Contract 2.8(a) Seller Preamble Seller Benefit Plans 4.16(a) Seller Closing Certificate 8.2(c) Seller Disclosure Schedule Article IV Seller Employees 7.3(f) Seller Fundamental Covenants 10.2(c) Seller Indemnitees 10.3(a) Seller Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate of Merger 2.12(cBusiness 6.8(a) Second Step Effective Time 2.12(cSeller Warranty Losses 10.3(b) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSpecial Warranty Deed 3.2(e) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(a) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(a) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(a) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a10.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(iiThird Party Defense 10.5(b) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransferred Employees 7.3(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(iTransferred Vacation Benefits 7.3(c) Voting Debt 5.3(b) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xv) Written Consent 8.10Xxxxxxxxxxxx Farms Termination 6.10

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Integrated Device Technology Inc)

Other Defined Terms. The In addition, the following terms shall have the meanings defined for such terms ascribed to them in the Sections set forth belowcorresponding section of this Agreement: Term Section Adjusted Initial Stock Consideration 2.10(c)(iiiAcceptance Notice 2.15(b) Adjustment Amount 2.10(c)(iiiAcquiring Party 5.16(d) Agreement Preamble BG&E 4.2(a)(xviAllocation 2.11 Antitrust Laws 3.4 Approvals 2.12(a) ByLaws 5.5 Assignment Agreement and Xxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(iv) Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Balance Sheet Date 3.6(a) Base Purchase Price 2.2 Business Balance Sheet 3.6(a) Business Financial Statements 3.6(a) Business Information Technology 2.4(f) Business Intellectual Property 2.4(d) Business Intellectual Property License 5.16(b) Business Permits 3.12(b) Cap 9.2(b)(iii) China JV 5.25 China JV Separation 5.25 Closing 2.3 Closing Date 2.3 Closing Statement 2.10(b) Combined Tax Return 6.4(a) Competing Business 5.14(b) Completion of the Consultation Process 2.15(a) Confidential Business Information 5.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 5.3(a) Consultation Process 2.15(a) Controlling Party 6.6(c) Covered Person 5.14(a) Deductible 9.2(b)(i) Dispute Notice 2.10(d) Dispute Resolution Period 2.10(d) Divestiture Period 5.14(b) Environmental Permits 5.17 Estimated Adjustment Amount 2.14(d)(i2.10(b) Estimated Closing Cash Consideration 2.5(b)(iAmounts 2.10(b) Certificate Estimated Closing Funded Debt 2.10(b) Estimated Closing Working Capital 2.10(b) Excluded Assets 2.5 Excluded Business Taxes 6.1 FCPA 3.21 Final Purchase Price 2.10(f) Foreign Acquisition Agreements 2.14 Foreign Closing Documents 2.8(a)(v) French Assets 2.15(a) French Entities 2.15(a) French Interests 2.15(a) French Offer 2.15(b) French Offer Letter 2.15(b) French Purchase Price 2.15(b) French Ventures 2.15(a) German Asset Sale 6.12(d)(i) German Assets 6.12(d)(i) German Seller Entity 6.12(d)(iii) Holland Facility 5.20 Identified Guarantees 5.8 Indemnified Party 9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 9.4(a) Independent Accounting Firm 2.10(d) Inventory 2.4(i) IP Retained Litigations 5.11(c) Lease Agreement 5.20 Licensing Notice 5.16(b) Licensing Request Period 5.16(b) Material Contracts 3.11(a) Money Laundering Laws 3.22 Named IP Retained Litigation 5.11(d) Non-Controlling Party 6.6(c) Non-Transferred Assets 2.12(d) OFAC 3.20 Outside Date 8.1(d) Overhead Restructuring Cap 2.7(m) Owned Real Property 2.4(c) parties Preamble Post-Closing Statement 2.10(c) Pre-Closing Restructuring 5.13 Pre-Closing Separate Tax Return 6.4(a) Pre-Closing WC Claims 5.10(b) Pricol Venture 5.22 Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.4 Purchased Consolidated Venture 2.4(a) Purchased Entities 2.4(a) Purchased Entity 2.4(a) Purchased Entity Shares 2.4(a) Purchased Non-Consolidated Venture 2.4(a) Purchased Venture Interests 2.4(a) Purchased Ventures 2.4(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser 401(k) Plan 5.7(g) Purchaser Field of Incorporation 5.5 Closing Use 5.16(a) Purchaser Fundamental Representations 9.1(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 9.2(a) Purchaser Material Adverse Effect 4.1 Closing Consideration Schedule 8.9 Closing Payment Certificate 2.8 Closing Per Share Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(iiiPurchaser Portion of the Shared Contract Liabilities 2.12(c) Purchaser Tax Indemnified Parties 6.1 Purchaser’s Allocation Notice 2.11 Real Property Lease 2.4(c) Retained Business Products 5.16(b) Retained Intellectual Property 5.16(a) Retained Intellectual Property License 5.16(a) Retained Liabilities 2.7 Sample Closing Statement 2.10(a) Company Securities Act 4.6 Seller Preamble Company Change Objection 2.13(bSeller 401(k) Company Change Objection Statement 2.13(bPlans 5.7(g) Term Section Company Review Representative 2.13(bSeller Field of Use 5.16(b) DGCL Recitals Dispute Notice 2.14(b) Dissenting Shares 2.6(a) Dissenting Stockholder 2.6(d) DLLCA Recitals Domain Names 5.13(b) Earn-Out Determination Date 2.14(d)(ii) Earn-Out Expiration Date 2.13(g) Earn-Out Payment 2.13(a) Effective Time 2.2 ERISA 5.15(a) Escrow Account 2.9 Escrow Amount 2.9 Escrow Shares 2.9 Estimated Net Working Capital Amount 2.8 Excess Dissenting Share Payments 2.6(c) Excess Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(iii) Excess Licensing Fees Statement 2.14(b) Xxxxxx Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xiv) Feasibility Completion Date 2.13(c) Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Financial Statements 5.7 First Step Merger Recitals Seller Fundamental Representations 12.2(c)(ii9.1(a) Fundamental Transaction 2.17 Incremental Startup Investment 2.13(k)(i) Indemnified Party 12.5(a) Indemnifying Party 12.5(a) Indemnity Payouts 2.14(d)(iv) Independent Auditor 2.10(b) Independent Engineer 2.13(a) Initial Stock Consideration 2.5(b)(ii) Term Section Initial Surviving Corporation 2.1 Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(v) Maximum Earn-Out Payment 2.13(k)(ii) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objections Statement 2.10(b) Outstanding Common Stock Number 2.5(b)(iv) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 7.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 12.3(b)(i) Parent Seller Indemnified Parties 12.2(a9.3(a) Parent Proposed Change 2.13(b) Parent Proposed Change Statement 2.13(b) Parent Registration Statement 2.11(a) Parent SEC Documents 7.10 Performance Criteria 2.13(a) Performance Criteria Percentage 2.13(k)(iii) Permitted Objection 2.14(b) Principal Stockholder Preamble Proposed Final Performance Criteria 2.13(c) Proposed Final Performance Criteria Statement 2.13(c) Qualified License Agreement 2.14(d)(vi) Qualified Licensing Fees 2.14(d)(vii) Real Property Lease 5.11(b) Registrable Payoff Amount Shares 2.11(a) Registrable Stock Consideration 2.11(a) Restricted Stockholders 11.1 Second Step Certificate Seller Portion of Merger the Shared Contract Liabilities 2.12(c) Second Step Effective Time Seller Tax Indemnified Parties 6.2 Seller’s Allocation 2.11 Shared Contract 2.12(c) Second Step Merger Recitals Second Merger Sub Preamble Shares 2.5(b)(iSpecified Business Contracts 2.4(b) SilvaGas Gasifier 2.13(aSpecified Retained Litigation 2.7(n) Term Section Stockholders Preamble Stockholder Indemnified Parties 12.3(aSpecified Schedules Update Period 5.16(b) Stockholder Representative Preamble Stockholder Transmittal Letter 2.7(aSt. Petersburg Agreement 5.26 Straddle Period Separate Tax Return 6.4(b) Stock Certificates 2.7(a) Survival Date 12.1 Surviving Company 2.12(a) Tax Claim 8.7(e) Technical Review Committee 2.13(b) Third-Third Party Claim 12.5(a) Threshold 12.2(c)(ii9.4(a) Transaction Recitals Transfer 8.8(bTransaction Accounting Principles 2.10(b) Transfer Taxes 8.7(i6.12(a) Voting Debt 5.3(bTransferred Business Employee 5.7(a) Weeks Employment Agreement 4.2(a)(xvTransferred Leased Property 2.4(c) Written Transferred Permits 2.4(k) U.S. Export Control Law 3.20 U.S. Sanctions Law 3.20 VAT Leakage 6.12(b)(ii) VAT Recovery Outside Date 6.12(b)(ii) Venture Consent 8.105.22 Venture Equity Interests 3.2(b) Warranty Claim 5.18 Warranty Deed 2.8(b)(v) Workers Compensation Policies 5.10(b) Works’ Councils 2.15(a) ARTICLE II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase Agreement (Visteon Corp)

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