Infinite Campus definition

Infinite Campus refers to the centralized, electronic student information data system maintained by the District or any successor or replacement system chosen by the District.

Examples of Infinite Campus in a sentence

  • Please describe how you will manage student information using the statewide Infinite Campus system, and how you will build capacity around the use of the software in order to independently maintain the system.

  • Please describe how you will manage student information using the statewide Infinite Campus system, and how you will build capacity around the use of the software.

  • The numbers used for the automated calls are pulled from the district’s student information system, Infinite Campus.

  • The school will use the Primary Household Phone Number, as designated in Infinite Campus, to notify parents that day if their child must stay for second dismissal.

  • DSST has access to and maintains an information file on each student via the DPS electronic records system, Infinite Campus.

  • It is the parent’s responsibility to keep the most current information in Infinite Campus.

  • Parent/Guardian InformationBy my signature below, I affirm that there are no legal restrictions that would preclude me from accessing student’s information.By my signature below, I have read and understood the terms of the Infinite Campus Parent/Guardian Portal Acceptable Use and Safety Policy and agree to adhere to its terms.

  • At the end of each grading period, parents and students can view and print the most recent progress report/report card using Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

  • The ability to monitor a student’s attendance, grades, and any assignment information can be securely viewed from an Internet Browser at home, office or public library through Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

  • At least one Google Classroom assignment per week will be graded and entered in Infinite Campus.

Related to Infinite Campus

  • Bioassay means the determination of kinds, quantities or concentrations and, in some cases, the locations of radioactive material in the human body, whether by direct measurement, in vivo counting, or by analysis and evaluation of materials excreted or removed from the human body. For purposes of these rules, “radiobioassay” is an equivalent term.

  • Modular building manufacturer means a person or corporation who owns or operates a

  • Merck has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • Spectrum means frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum used to provide fixed or mobile communications services as licensed or authorized by the FCC.

  • Very high radiation area means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving an absorbed dose in excess of 5 Gy (500 rad) in one hour at one meter from a source of radiation or one meter from any surface that the radiation penetrates.

  • RMC shall have the meaning provided in Section 3.2.

  • Catalyst means a substance whose presence enhances the reaction between chemical compounds.

  • MP means Monongahela Power Company, an Ohio corporation.

  • Biomethane means biogas that meets pipeline quality natural gas standards.

  • Fabric refresher means a product labeled to neutralize or eliminate odors on nonlaundered fabric including, but not limited to, soft household surfaces, rugs, carpeting, draperies, bedding, automotive interiors, footwear, athletic equipment, clothing and/or on household furniture or objects upholstered or covered with fabrics such as, but not limited to, wool, cotton, or nylon. “Fabric Refresher” does not include “Anti-static Product,” “Carpet/Upholstery Cleaner,” “Footwear or Leather Care Product,” “Spot Remover,” or “Disinfectant,” or products labeled for application to both fabric and human skin.

  • Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.

  • Medical cannabis card means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.

  • EMD means Earnest Money Deposit.

  • Drug store means a place whose principal business is, the

  • Radiologic technologist means an individual, other than a licensed doctor of medicine, osteopathy,

  • CTI means CTI Logistics Limited (ABN 69 008 778 925) and/or any Affiliate of CTI Logistics Limited as the case may be, which performs all or any of the Services.

  • biodiversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems;

  • DS Electric generation service that is provided at retail pursuant to the Applicable Legal Authorities under the Company’s retail electric tariffs and under any other agreements or arrangements between the Company and Customers, to any Customer that is not being served by an EGS. Default Allocation Assessment – shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the PJM Agreements. Delivery Period – The delivery period specified in an Appendix C Transaction Confirmation. Delivery Point – Means the applicable zone of the Company as designated by PJM. DS Customer(s) – Retail customers who are provided Default Service pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Applicable Legal Authorities and the Company’s retail tariffs.

  • ESC means erosion and sediment control.

  • Physical therapy licensing board or "licensing board" means the agency of a state that is responsible for the licensing and regulation of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.

  • Modern biotechnology means the application of:

  • Medical cannabis means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.

  • DSM means the most current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.

  • Novartis shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Arena means an enclosed building:

  • Public research university means Rutgers, The State University