Coverage Selection Prior to Retirement An employee who retires and is eligible to continue insurance coverage as a retiree may change his/her health or dental plan during the sixty (60) calendar day period immediately preceding the date of retirement. The employee may not add dependent coverage during this period. The change takes effect on the first day of the month following the date of retirement.
Transition to Retirement 24.1 An Employee may advise their Employer in writing of their intention to retire within the next five years and participate in a retirement transition arrangement.
Pre-Retirement Counseling Leave After reaching earliest retirement age, each employee shall be granted up to three and one-half (3-1/2) days leave with pay to pursue bona fide pre-retirement counseling programs. Employees shall request the use of leave provided in this Article at least five (5) days prior to the intended date of use. Authorization for use of pre-retirement counseling leave shall not be withheld unless the Appointing Authority determines that the use of such leave will handicap the efficiency of the employee's work unit. When the dates requested for pre-retirement leave cannot be granted for the above reason, the Agency shall offer the employee a choice from three (3) other sets of dates. The leave herein discussed may be used to investigate and assemble the employee's retirement program, including PERS, Social Security, insurance and other retirement income.
DEFINITION OF EMPLOYEE STATUS AND BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT For the purpose of this Article “regularly scheduled” means any combination of shifts scheduled in advance and issued by the Employer. (Reference Article 25.04 – Posting of Work Schedules) Employees at the commencement of their employment and at all times shall be kept advised by their Employer into which employee status they belong.
VESTED RETIREMENT GRATUITY VOLUNTARY EARLY PAYOUT a) An Employee eligible for a Sick Leave Credit retirement gratuity as per Appendix A shall have the option of receiving a payout of his/her gratuity on August 31, 2016, or on the employee’s normal retirement date.
Non-Vested Retirement Gratuity for Teachers 1. The minimum years of service for retirement gratuity shall be defined as the lesser of the contractual minimal service requirement in the 2008-2012 collective agreement, or ten (10) years.
Re-employment After Retirement Employees who have reached retirement age as prescribed under the Pension (Municipal) Act and continue in the Employer's service, or are re-engaged within three (3) calendar months of retirement, shall continue at their former increment step in the pay rate structure of the classification in which they are employed, and the employee's previous anniversary date shall be maintained. All perquisites earned up to the date of retirement shall be continued or reinstated.
Pre-Retirement Leave An employee scheduled to retire and to receive a superannuation allowance under the applicable Superannuation Act(s), or who has reached the mandatory retiring age, shall be entitled to:
Re-employment After Voluntary Termination or Dismissal for Cause Where an employee voluntarily leaves the Employer's service, or is dismissed for cause and is later re-engaged, seniority and all perquisites shall date only from the time of re-employment, according to regulations applying to new employees.
Supplemental Employment Benefit for Maternity and Parental Leave 8.5.1 Effective April 1, 2002, when on maternity or parental leave, an employee will receive a supplemental payment added to Employment Insurance benefits as follows: