Group A. An applicant for employment who has three (3) years or more experience as a Construction laborer and has been employed for a period of at least one (l) year during the last three (3) years by an Employer who is a party to a collective bargaining agreement with the Union containing no discriminatory referral provisions, and who has maintained residence for the past year within the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market.
Group A. This clause applies to employees who are occasionally required to work away from their usual place of work.
(i) Where an employee is required to work away from his usual working place, the employee shall be provided with transport conforming to applicable local road ordinance requirements, at the employer‘s expense, or be reimbursed by the employer for traveling expenses as mutually agreed between the employer and employee if the employer does not provide transport.
(ii) The employee shall be paid at his normal hourly rate for traveling during ordinary hours of work and at half his normal hourly rate outside the ordinary hours of work.
(iii) Where the employee is required to work or travel in excess of three hours of the commencement or of the completion of such employee‘s normal working hours the employer shall reimburse the employee for substantiated meal expenses incurred during this period of traveling.
(iv) Where overnight stay is required, the employer shall provide and pay for all accommodation and meals, but where accommodation only is provided the employer shall pay the subsistence allowance as set out in Part II clause 2(a), for each night of overnight stay.
Group A. Group A is established pursuant to the Certification of Representation Order dated June 18, 2014, in Case No. 2014-RS-0007-S.
Group A. Employees hired prior to July 1, 1991 in a regular status position are eligible with fifteen (15) years of creditable service upon reaching age fifty-five (55) through sixty-five (65).
Group A. All applicants who have worked as operating engineers for the past four years; have been employed for a period of at least one year during the last four years by Employers (par- ties to collective bargaining agreements with the Union, not containing discriminatory referral provisions), and who have maintained residence for the past year within the geographi- cal area constituting the normal construction labor market (as hereafter defined). All applicants for employment who have worked as operat- ing engineers in construction for the past four years; and have been employed for a period of at least six months within the past three years by Employers (parties to collective bargaining agreements with the Union, not containing discriminatory re- ferral provisions), and who have maintained residence for the past year within the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market (as hereinafter defined). All other applicants.
Group A. The weekly biosolids available will be distributed to the three awarded vendors in accordance with Section 3, paragraph 3.5A of the solicitation, using the following formula:
a. Is the estimated base amount of sludge per vendor available for purposes of this weekly exercise.
b. Is the estimated amount of sludge to be offered to the second lowest vendor
c. Is the estimated amount of sludge to be offered to the third lowest vendor
d. Is the estimated amount of sludge that is offered to the lowest vendor and not offered to the 2nd or 3rd low vendor due to their higher price, and therefore the estimated amount of additional sludge offered to the first low vendor
e. Is the total estimated amount of sludge offered to the first lowest vendor which includes the amount identified by d.
Group A. All applicants who have worked as building and construction laborers for the past three (3) years; have been employed for a period of one (1) year during the last three (3) years by Employers (parties to collective bargaining agreements with the Union, not containing discriminatory referral provisions), and who have maintained residence for the past year within the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market.
Group A. All applicants for employment who have worked at the trade as Journeymen or apprentices in work of the type covered by this Agreement for the past three (3) years in the geographic area covered by the District Council of Ironworkers of the State of California and Vicinity; provided, however, if such applicants request registration in this Group with the designation of a particular classification or classifications and specialty or specialties, they shall have worked at least six (6) months within the three (3) years immediately preceding such registration in such classification or classifications and specialty or specialties.
Group A. Fire fighters shall receive the following days off with full
(a) The first day of January (New Year's Day)
(b) The third Monday in January (Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. Day)
(c) The third Monday in February (President's Day)
(d) The last Monday in May (Memorial Day)
(e) The fourth day of July (Independence Day)
(f) The first Monday in September (Labor Day)
(g) The second Monday in October (Columbus Day)
(h) The fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day)
(I) The day after Thanksgiving
Group A. All applicants who have worked as operating engineers for the past four years; have been employed for a period of at least one year during the last four years by Employers (parties to collective bargaining agreements with the Union, not containing discriminatory referral provisions), and who have maintained residence for the past year within the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market (as hereafter defined). All applicants for employment who have worked as operating engineers in construction for the past four years; and have been employed for a period of at least six months within the past three years by Employers (parties to collective bargaining agreements with the Union, not containing discriminatory referral provisions), and who have maintained residence for the past year within the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market (as hereinafter defined). All other applicants.