for the Future definition

for the Future. Advance set forth herein shall be attached as Exhibit "A" hereto and incorporated by reference herein.

Examples of for the Future in a sentence

  • Celgene will have the right to exercise the Celgene Program Option with respect to any Future Program (including any Follow-On Compound with respect to such Future Program) upon the Acceptance of an IND by the applicable Regulatory Authority for the Future Program Compound in such Future Program.

  • TRQ and Rio Tinto will, during the three month period following the later of the Co-Lending Closing Date and the Outside Date (which period may be extended by written consent of each of TRQ and Rio Tinto and which period may be accelerated by mutual consent of the parties), meet to review the funding options for the Future Funding Shortfall.

  • Except for the Future TRW GaAs HBT Patent Rights, Future TRW MBE Patent Rights, or as specified in Sections 2.1.6, 2.2.7, 2.3.6 and 2.4.6, rights and licenses to future TRW technologies applicable to the Licensed Field and/or Licensed Products are not granted to Licensee by this Agreement.

  • The license granted in this Section 4.1 for the Future Wound Care Application shall continue in full force even after a transfer by PBI or PTG of the Intellectual Property Rights that include the Future Wound Care Application to a third party.

  • If Sprint PCS elects to enter into resale arrangement with any then existing resellers or new resellers for any services other than those services described in the current Attachments to this Program Requirement 3.5.2 ("FUTURE SERVICES"), Manager is not required to activate subscribers for the Future Services with an NPA-NXX of Manager until the next available opt out date.

  • To the Knowledge of ABI, the Land is presently comprised of sufficient additional acreage and, as of the Closing Date, has the necessary water, sewer, gas, electric, communications, telephone, irrigation, drainage and wastewater facilities and all other utilities required by Law and otherwise sufficient to allow for the Future Expansion (assuming that sufficient capital expenditures shall have been made, and the necessary Permits shall have been obtained, in order to give effect to the Future Expansion).

  • The leases for the Existing Stores are referred to as the "Existing Store Leases", and the leases being negotiated for the Future Stores (so long as they are not fully executed by the parties thereto) are referred to as the "Future Store Leases".

  • Therefore, the Company will account for the Future Tranches when drawn upon as a liability and subsequently measure the liability at amortized cost in accordance with IFRS 9.

  • Mr. McLarty is a past chairman of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Greater Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce, Fifty for the Future, Tire Group International, and P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc.

  • Notwithstanding the preceding, Shares may be held in the name of Miramar Fiduciary Corporation, as nominee for the Future Shareholder.

Related to for the Future

  • Overseas Shareholders holders of Scheme Shares who are resident in, ordinarily resident in, or citizens of, jurisdictions outside the United Kingdom;

  • Party A The guarantor under any guarantee in support of Party A's obligations under this Agreement. Party B: None.

  • AOC means the Administrative Office of the Courts.

  • exporter means a natural or juridical person located in an exporting Party who exports a good from the exporting Party;

  • Investor Parties has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Shareholder Group means (i) Shareholder and (ii) any Affiliate or Shareholder Family Entity (as defined in the Shareholder's Agreement) of Shareholder (other than the Company).

  • Shareholder Data means all information maintained on the records database of Transfer Agent concerning Shareholders.

  • Determining Party For all applicable Extraordinary Events, Dealer. Non-Reliance: Applicable Agreements and Acknowledgments Regarding Hedging Activities: Applicable Additional Acknowledgments: Applicable

  • the data importer means the processor who agrees to receive from the data exporter personal data intended for processing on his behalf after the transfer in accordance with his instructions and the terms of the Clauses and who is not subject to a third country's system ensuring adequate protection within the meaning of Article 25(1) of Directive 95/46/EC;

  • APM means material associated with the MS operating system Software or application Software, or both, that accompany the HPE Computer System in HPE’s packaging, including without limitation, the Customer manual, recovery media, and external media;

  • Counterparty means PJMSettlement as the contracting party, in its name and own right and not as an agent, to an agreement or transaction with a Market Participant or other entities, including the agreements and transactions with customers regarding transmission service and other transactions under the PJM Tariff and the Operating Agreement. PJMSettlement shall not be a counterparty to (i) any bilateral transactions between Members, or (ii) any Member’s self- supply of energy to serve its load, or (iii) any Member’s self-schedule of energy reported to the Office of the Interconnection to the extent that energy serves that Member’s own load.

  • BofA means Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, a national banking association.

  • Dealer means a dealer who sold a Financed Vehicle and who originated and assigned the respective Receivable to AmeriCredit or an Originating Affiliate under a Dealer Agreement or pursuant to a Dealer Assignment.

  • Minimum Holding means the minimum number or value of Shares which must be held by Shareholders as specified in the relevant Supplement.

  • retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of the following:

  • Dealer-operator means the individual who works at the established place of business of a dealer

  • Net Metering Net metering refers to customers who sell electricity they produce, typically through a rooftop solar panel, back to the utility for credit. If you are a net metering customer, you should not enroll with XOOM because your net metering agreement will not transfer to XOOM once you enroll.

  • Masterworks Investor refers to an affiliate of Masterworks that has raised capital from unaffiliated third party investors to invest the proceeds in a diversified collection of artwork and which acquires Class A Ordinary Shares as part of such investment strategy.

  • Interested Parties means the Administrator, its subsidiaries and its affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, delegates and associates.

  • CPPIB means the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.