Extra Contract Agreements. The Employer agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract with his employees, individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Any such agreement shall be null and void.
Extra Contract Agreements. The Employer and the Union agree not to enter into any agreement with another labor organization during the life of this Agreement with respect to the employees covered by this Agreement, or any agreement or contract with said employees, individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms or provisions of this Agreement, or which in any way affects wages, hours or working conditions of said employees, or any individual employee, or which in any way may be considered a proper subject for collective bargaining. Any such agreement shall be null and void.
Extra Contract Agreements. It is agreed that neither party to this Agreement shall enter into any agreement or contract with the employees which conflicts with the terms and provisions of this Agreement.
Extra Contract Agreements. The Employer agrees not to enter into any agreement with another labor organization with respect to the employees covered by this Agreement nor any agreement or contract with employees covered by this Agreement individually or collectively, which conflicts with the express terms of this Agreement.
Extra Contract Agreements. (a) The Employer agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract with its employees, individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Any such agreement shall be null and void.
(b) Every profit-sharing plan, condition, or incentive plan of any type, whether or not it alters or amends the economic conditions contained in this Agreement, must be negotiated and agreed to by TNFINC prior to implementation. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to apply to existing safety programs or other prizes or bonus items the receipt of which do not alter the economic terms of this Agreement.
Extra Contract Agreements. The Employer agrees not to enter into any agreement with another labor organization during the life of this Agreement with respect to the employees covered by this Agreement, or any agreement or contract with the said employees, individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms or provisions of this Agreement, or which in any way affects wages, hours, or working conditions of said employees, or any individual employee, or which in any way may be considered a proper subject for collective bargaining. Any such agreement shall be null and void. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Employer and the Union from entering into written letters of understanding during the life of this Agreement.
Extra Contract Agreements. [No change]
Extra Contract Agreements. Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Em- ployer agrees not to enter into, or attempt to enter into, any agree- ment or contract with its employees, either individually or collec- tively, or to require or attempt to require employees to sign any document, either individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the provisions of this Agreement. Any such Agree- ment or document shall be null and void. Any such agreement or document may not be placed in an employee’s file or used by the Employer as a basis for discipline or used in connection with any disciplinary proceeding, nor may any such agreement or document nor the contents thereof be divulged to any person or entity. In addition, the Company will not discipline an employee for refus- ing to sign any Company form related to the principle of a fair day’s work unless the signing is required by law or by this Agreement.
Extra Contract Agreements. The Board agrees not to enter into any agreement with another labor organization during the life of this Agreement with respect to the employees covered by this Agreement; or any agreement or contract with the said employees, individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms or provisions of this Agreement, or which in any way affects wages, hours or working conditions of said employees, or any individual employee, or which in any way may be considered a proper subject for collective bargaining. Any such agreement shall be null and void.
Extra Contract Agreements. Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Employer agrees not to enter into, or attempt to enter into, any agreement or contract with its employees, either individually or collectively, or to require or attempt to require employees to sign any document, either individually or collectively, which in any way conflicts with the provisions of this Agreement. Any such Agreement or document shall be null and void. Any such agreement or document may not be placed in an employee's file or used by the Employer as a basis for discipline or used in connection with any disciplinary proceeding, nor may any such agreement or docu- ment nor the contents thereof be divulged to any person or entity.