Charges Pursuant to Exhibit F. The total estimated amount for charges pursuant to this exhibit is set forth in Exhibit G.
Charges Pursuant to Exhibit F. The total estimated amount for charges pursuant to this exhibit is set forth in Exhibit G. ¶ <#>@Secured @Meeting room, which will function as a @centralized office area for the Judicial Council during the Program. ¶ ¶ <#>@Secured @Program storage space, which will be used to store any Materials that arrive at the Property within @seventy- two (@72) hours prior to the start of the Program. The Judicial Council will endeavor to ensure that all arriving Materials are marked with the Property’s address, contact’s name, and the date or name of the Program. @Should Program Materials arrive at the Property more than @seventy-two (@72) hours before the commencement of the Program, the Contractor shall receive and store up to @five (@5) boxes of Materials at no charge. @No less than one (1) hour prior to the commencement of the registration for the Program or commencement of the Program itself, the Contractor shall deliver all Materials at the time and to the location as directed by the @Meeting Planner/Program Coordinator.¶ ¶ <#>@All parking.¶ ¶ <#>Administrative and Operating Expenses Charged to the Judicial Council¶ ¶ The Judicial Council may reimburse the Contractor for itemized administrative and operating expenses, pursuant to this exhibit, that are reasonable, allowable, and allocable in performing the Work of this Agreement, provided that the Judicial Council first approves such charges via one (1) or more BEO’s that set forth the final details on these items.¶ ¶ <#>Equipment Rental Charges¶ ¶ <#>@The Judicial Council may use either the Contractor’s audio-visual provider or provide for its own audio-visual source to service the Program. Should the Judicial Council use the Contractor’s audio-visual provider, the charges for services and/or equipment provided under this exhibit shall...
Charges Pursuant to Exhibit F. The total estimated amount for charges pursuant to this exhibit is set forth in Exhibit G. Description Exhibit Estimated Total Cost Sleeping Rooms C $@,@@@.@@ Meeting and Function Rooms D $@,@@@.@@ Food and Beverage Service E $@,@@@.@@ Miscellaneous Requirements and Expenses F $@,@@@.@@
Charges Pursuant to Exhibit F. The total estimated amount for charges pursuant to this exhibit is set forth in Exhibit G. Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts Standard Agreement No. @Agreement Number with @Contractor Name