GENERAL CONDITIONS Clausole campione

GENERAL CONDITIONS. (i) Inspection of Books The Assured shall keep a complete and accurate record of all gross charges for operations covered hereunder and shall make these records available to Underwriters upon request.
GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1. Minimum driver's age. 20 years
GENERAL CONDITIONS. Pursuant to articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the Parties do hereby represent to have read and approved all the clauses comprising this Contract, to be cognisant of them and to have specifically discussed and agreed upon them. For acceptance, enforceability and cognisance within the meaning of articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code of articles: 3. Orders, Order Confirmations and Technical Documents; 4. Price; 5. Billing and Payments; 6. Delivery, collection of the product, transfer of risks; 8. Warranties, liability; 9. Return of materials for credit and repairs out of warranty; 12. Export conditions; 15. Language; 16. Applicable law.
GENERAL CONDITIONS. The following General Conditions form part of the insurance contract concluded with the Insurers. They all override all other provisions of this contract which state differently unless individual of these General Conditions have been explicitly amended in the other contractual documentation or have been marked as being not applicable.


  • Dichiarazione di responsabilità I soggetti elencati al precedente Paragrafo 1.1 del Prospetto Informativo dichiarano, ciascuno per le parti di rispettiva competenza che, avendo adottato tutta la ragionevole diligenza a tale scopo, le informazioni contenute nel Prospetto Informativo sono, per quanto a propria conoscenza, conformi ai fatti e non presentano omissioni tali da alterarne il senso. Il Prospetto Informativo è conforme al modello depositato presso la Consob in data 5 giugno 2015 a seguito di comunicazione del provvedimento di approvazione con nota del 4 giugno 2015, protocollo n. 0045428/15.