CONFLICT OF INTEREST Clausole campione

CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The Authorised Offerors will receive an upfront commission for the distribution investment service performed in the context of the offer. Further to any such appointment, the distribution commission, received by the Authorised Offerors will create possible conflicts of interest. No fees will be paid by the Issuer to intermediaries performing the investment services of the collection and transmission of orders or of the mere execution of orders in the context of the distribution of the Notes during the Offer Period and directly or indirectly connected to the MOT through which investors will apply for the Notes. The Dealer has undertaken to subscribe for a minimum amount of Notes equal to INR 300,000,000 under the Terms Agreement – entered into on July 12, 2016 by the Dealer and the Issuer (the “Terms Agreement”) – irrespective of the outcome of the offer of the Notes. The Issuer has agreed to allow the use of these Final Terms and the Prospectus by the Dealer and by any entities appointed as distributors by the Dealer (the “Authorised Offerors”) in connection with an offering of the Notes in Italy (the “Public Offer Jurisdiction”) during the Offer Period (as defined below). The list of the Authorised Offerors (if any) will be published on the following website: The offer of the Notes is conducted in Italy only and is addressed to the public at large. Qualified Investors, as defined for by article 2 of the Prospectus Directive as implemented by art. 100 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 58/1998 as amended from time to time (the “Italian Financial Services Act”) and art. 34-ter paragraph 1 lett. b) of CONSOB Xxxxxxxxxx Xx. 00000 of 14 May 1999 as amended from time to time can only acquire the Notes in the framework of the public offer of the Notes if, and to the extent that, the Total Amount of the Offer has not been exhausted by requests from the public at large. On the Issue Date, the Notes will be subscribed for by the Dealer acting as principal and then assigned to prospective investors in the context of the offer of the Notes. The Dealer has undertaken to subscribe for a minimum amount of Notes equal to INR 300,000,000 under the Terms Agreement irrespective of the outcome of the offer of the Notes, save in the case of withdrawal of the offer and cancellation of the issuance of the Notes as provided for by paragraph (iii) below. No undertakings will be made by the Authorised Offerors (if any) or has been made by any th...
CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The Applicant declares the absence, even potential, of a conflict of interest. If the Applicant becomes aware of a conflict of interest, it must immediately notify UL.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST. RF Microtech SRL safeguards the private life of its employees and collaborators, as well as respects social groups formed outside the work context. Nevertheless, RF Microtech SRL oversees that the personal interests of its employees and collaborators do not negatively influence business operations. The policy of RF Microtech SRL is based on respect for the rules of fair competition and antitrust law, in order to avoid any commercial behaviour that may be considered improper. These principles are respected by all company employees who, in the performance of their duties, will not accept gifts or favors of nominal value, even of small entity, pursuing only the corporate interest. Suppliers of RF Microtech SRL must ensure that all their employees share these values, preventing possible conflicts of interest and unjust enrichment Acceptance: The Supplier: (stamp and signature)
CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Any investigator and/or research staff member who has a conflict of interest with this study (such as patent ownership, royalties, or financial gain greater than the minimum allowable by their institution) must fully disclose the nature of the conflict of interest.


  • Posa in opera Per la posa in opera dei suddetti manufatti dovrà essere predisposto un adeguato appoggio, ricavando nel piano di posa (costituito da terreno naturale o eventuale rilevato preesistente), un vano opportunamente profilato, e accuratamente compatto, secondo la sagoma da ricevere ed interponendo, fra il terreno e la tubazione, un cuscinetto di materiale granulare fino (max 15 mm) avente spessore di almeno 30 cm. Il rinterro dei quarti inferiori delle condotte dovrà essere fatto con pestelli meccanici o con pestelli a mano nei punti ove i primi non sono impiegabili. Il costipamento del materiale riportato sui fianchi dovrà essere fatto a strati di 15 mm utilizzando anche i normali mezzi costipanti dei rilevanti, salvo che per le parti immediatamente adiacenti alle strutture dove il costipamento verrà fatto con pestelli pneumatici o a mano. Occorrerà evitare che i mezzi costipatori lavorino a contatto della struttura metallica. Le parti terminali dei manufatti dovranno essere munite di testate metalliche prefabbricate, oppure in muratura in conformità dei tipi adottati. L’installazione dei tubi di drenaggio dovrà essere iniziata dal punto di uscita in modo da permettere all’acqua di scolare fuori dello scavo in apposito scavo della larghezza di m 0,50 circa. Questi tubi dovranno essere posti in opera in modo che i fori si trovino nel quarto inferiore della circonferenza. L’installazione dei tubi di scarico dai rilevati verrà fatta in cunicoli scavati lungo la massima pendenza della scarpata della profondità media di m 0,40 e della larghezza strettamente sufficiente per la posa del tubo, che dovrà essere ricoperto con il materiale di scavo, in modo da ripristinare la continuità della scarpata. Il materiale di rinterro dovrà essere permeabile in modo da consentire il rapido passaggio dell’acqua e dovrà inoltre funzionare da filtro onde trattenere le particelle minute in sospensione impedendone l’entrata con la conseguente ostruzione del tubo; si impiegherà sabbia per calcestruzzo contenente pietrisco medio ed esente da limo. Il rinterro dovrà essere eseguito in strati e ben battuto onde evitare cedimenti causati da assestamenti. Per quanto non contemplato nella presente norma si farà riferimento alle norme A.A.S.H.O. m 36-37 e M 167-57.