Definizione di Offer Period

Offer Period. From and including July 12, 2016 to and including July 14, 2016 during trading hours on the MOT (i.e., 9.00 am to 5.30 pm, CET), subject to early closing of the Offer Period as described under paragraph (iii) below.
Offer Period is (subject to the provisions below) the period commencing on (and including) the date of 1 October 2012 and expiring on the earlier of (i) the date of 5 November 2012 (included) and (ii) the day (excluded) immediately after the date on which subscriptions of the Notes equals the Maximum Aggregate Nominal Amount (as defined below). The “Maximum Aggregate Nominal Amount is initially fixed in amount equal to EUR 15,000,000 (“Initial Maximum Aggregate Nominal Amount”) which amount can be increased by the Issuer during the Offer Period up to four times the Initial Maximum Aggregate Nominal Amount (the Initial Maximum Aggregate Nominal Amount resulting from the increase, the “Increased Maximum Aggregate Nominal Amount). The Increased Maximum Aggregate Nominal Amount will be published on the websites of the Issuer and the Distributor and will be effective from and including the date on which the communication has been published. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the investor should be aware that:
Offer Period. The Issuer's consent referred to above is given for Non-exempt Offers of Securities from the Issue Date until the date on which the Securities are delisted (the "Offer Period"). Conditions to consent: The conditions to the Issuer's consent are that such consent (a) is only valid during the Offer Period; and (b) only extends to the use of the Base Prospectus to make Non-exempt Offers of the relevant Tranche of Securities in the Republic of Italy. AN INVESTOR INTENDING TO PURCHASE OR PURCHASING ANY SECURITIES IN A NON-EXEMPT OFFER FROM AN AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL DO SO, AND OFFERS AND SALES OF SUCH SECURITIES TO AN INVESTOR BY SUCH AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL BE MADE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE OFFER IN PLACE BETWEEN SUCH AUTHORISED OFFEROR AND SUCH INVESTOR INCLUDING ARRANGEMENTS IN RELATION TO PRICE, ALLOCATIONS, EXPENSES AND SETTLEMENT. THE RELEVANT INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORISED OFFEROR AT THE TIME OF SUCH OFFER.

Examples of Offer Period in a sentence

  • All of the Securities requested through the Distributor during the Offer Period will be assigned up to the maximum amount of the Offer.

  • Not applicable Each investor will be notified by the Distributor of its allocation of Securities after the end of the Offer Period.

  • In the event that during the Offer Period the requests exceed the total amount of the offer destined to prospective investors the Issuer, in accordance with the Distributor, will proceed to early terminate the Offer Period and will immediately suspend the acceptance of further requests.

  • The Issuer has agreed to allow the use of these Final Terms and the Prospectus by the Dealer and by any entities appointed as distributors by the Dealer (the “Authorised Offerors”) in connection with an offering of the Notes in Italy (the “Public Offer Jurisdiction”) during the Offer Period (as defined below).

  • No fees will be paid by the Issuer to intermediaries performing the investment services of the collection and transmission of orders or of the mere execution of orders in the context of the distribution of the Notes during the Offer Period and directly or indirectly connected to the MOT through which investors will apply for the Notes.

  • Description of the application process: Prospective investors intending to apply for the Notes during the Offer Period are required to contact their own intermediaries for the purpose of transmitting their buy orders – directly or indirectly through the market’s participants – to the MOT Market.

  • The Issuer will determine the final amount of Notes issued up to a limit of USD 100,000,000 – save as provided above – also depending on the number of the buy orders transmitted to the MOT Market during the Offer Period.

  • Relevant Clearing System(s): Monte Titoli Offer Period: See paragraph 48 above Offer Price: The Issue Price (of which a maximum annual amount of 0.75% is represented by commissions payable to the Distributor).

  • No fees will be paid by the Issuer to intermediaries performing the investment services of the collection and transmission of orders or of the mere execution of orders in the context of the distribution of the Notes during the Offer Period and directly or indirectly connected to the MOT Market through which investors will apply for the Notes.

  • The Issuer reserves the right to appoint intermediaries to act as Authorised Offerors during the Offer Period according to the applicable law.

More Definitions of Offer Period

Offer Period. The Issuer's consent referred to above is given for Non-exempt Offers of Securities from the Issue Date until the date on which the Securities are delisted (the "Offer Period"). Conditions to consent: The conditions to the Issuer’s consent are that such consent (a) is only valid during the Offer Period; (b) only extends to the use of the Base Prospectus to make Non-exempt Offers of the relevant Tranche of Securities in Italy. AN INVESTOR INTENDING TO ACQUIRE OR ACQUIRING ANY SECURITIES IN A NON-EXEMPT OFFER FROM AN AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL DO SO, AND OFFERS AND SALES OF SUCH SECURITIES TO AN INVESTOR BY SUCH AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL BE MADE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY TERMS AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS IN PLACE BETWEEN SUCH AUTHORISED OFFEROR AND SUCH INVESTOR INCLUDING AS TO PRICE, ALLOCATIONS AND SETTLEMENT ARRANGEMENTS. THE INVESTOR MUST LOOK TO THE AUTHORISED OFFEROR AT THE TIME OF SUCH OFFER FOR THE PROVISION OF SUCH INFORMATION AND THE AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH INFORMATION. Section B - Issuer and Guarantor Element Title B.1 Legal and commercial name of the Issuer BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. ("BNPP B.V." or the "Issuer"). B.2 Domicile/ legal form/ legislation/ country of incorporation The Issuer was incorporated in the Netherlands as a private company with limited liability under Dutch law having its registered office at Xxxxxxxxxxx 000, 0000 XX Xxxxxxxxx, the Netherlands. B.4b Trend information Not applicable, there are no trends, uncertainties, demands, commitments or events that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on BNPP B.V. and the industries in which it operates for at least the current financial year. Element Title B.5 Description of the Group BNPP B.V. is a wholly owned subsidiary of BNP Paribas. BNP Paribas is the ultimate holding company of a group of companies and manages financial operations for those subsidiary companies (together the "BNPP Group").
Offer Period. From and including May 30, 2016 at 9.00 am CET time to and including June 20, 2016, at 4.00 pm CET time, subject to any early closing or extension of the Offer Period as described under (iii) below. The Notes will be distributed through door-to-door selling pursuant to Article 30 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, as amended from time to time (the “Italian Financial Services Act”) from and including May 30, 2016 at 9.00 am CET time to and including June 13, 2016, at 4.00 pm CET time, subject to any early closing or extension of the Offer Period as described under paragraphs (iii) and
Offer Period. An offer of the Notes (the “Offer”) is being made on the MOT through EQUITA SIM S.p.A., acting as Dealer (the “Dealer”) in the Republic of Italy during the period commencing on (and including) September 27, 2018 and ending on (and including) October 18, 2018 during trading hours on the MOT (i.e. 9.00am to 5.30pm, CET), (subject to early termination of the Offer Period as described below under “Terms and Conditions of the Offer—Conditions to which the offer is subject”).
Offer Period. An offer of the Certificates may be made by the Distributor other than pursuant to Article 1(4) of the EU Prospectus Regulation in the Public Offer Jurisdiction during the period commencing on (and including) October 14, 2022 and ending on (and including) October 27, 2022, subject to early termination or extension of the Offer Period as described below under "Terms and Conditions of the Offer— Conditions to which the offer is subject". The Certificates may be placed in the Public Offer Jurisdiction outside the premises of the Distributor ("door-to-door"), by means of financial advisors authorised to make off-premises offers (consulenti finanziari abilitati all'offerta fuori sede) pursuant to Article 30 of Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998, as amended (the "Financial Services Act") from (and including) October 14, 2022 to (and including) October 27, 2022, subject to early termination or extension of the Offer Period as described below under "Terms and Conditions of the Offer—Conditions to which the offer is subject". Pursuant to Article 30, paragraph 6, of the Financial Services Act, the effects of the subscriptions made "door-to-door" are suspended for a period of seven days from the date of the subscription. During such period, investors have the right to withdraw from the subscription without any charge or fee, by means of notification to the Distributor.
Offer Period. The period commencing on (and including) 18 November 2013 and ending on the earlier of (i) 3 January 2014 (included) and (ii) the day (excluded) immediately after the date on which subscriptions of the Notes equals the Aggregate Nominal Amount, provided that, during the Offer Period, the Issuer will be entitled to extend the length of the Offer Period. The Issuer shall fortwith give notice of any such extension by publication of a notice on its website and on the Distributor’s website xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.

Related to Offer Period

  • Optional L’installazione stabilmente fissata al veicolo fornita dalla casa costruttrice con supplemento al prezzo base di listino.

  • Offerta complessivamente inteso, l’insieme delle dichiarazioni e dei documenti, di carattere amministrativo ed economico, che l’Operatore Economico sottopone alle valutazioni degli organi di procedura ai fini dell’aggiudicazione;

  • Risposta Si rimanda al precedente chiarimento n. 18 sub-2. Nel disciplinare di gara al paragrafo OFFERTA TECNICA si legge: “..,La relazione dovrà essere composta da un numero massimo di 30 pagine (carta formato A4, scritta su un’unica facciata, carattere Arial, dimensione 10, interlinea 1,5, margini superiore, inferiore, destro e sinistro 2,5 cm) ivi inclusi eventuali tabelle e grafici..” Si chiede inoltre conferma che nel numero di pagine non vengano considerate copertine, indici ed allegati quali CV, certificati, o altra documentazione (es copia attestati TE-DITTE, MDO-DITTE ecc) Il numero di pagine massimo è in riferimento al contenuto della relazione tecnica. Indici, allegati ed elementi grafici di contorno non saranno presi in considerazione. Nel disciplinare di gara al paragrafo OFFERTA TECNICA si legge: “..,Paragrafo 'Esperienze in servizi progettazione pregressi' Professionalità e adeguatezza dell’offerta desunta dalla descrizione di due servizi di progettazione esecutiva relativi a interventi, eseguiti nei sessanta mesi precedenti alla formulazione dell'offerta, ritenuti dal concorrente significativi della propria capacità progettuale di realizzare le prestazioni sotto il profilo tecnico, scelti fra interventi qualificabili affini a quelli oggetto dell'affidamento (si specifica sul punto che sono ritenuti di particolare interesse servizi di Progettazione di impianti di trazione elettrica in ambito ferroviario con alimentazione a 3 KVcc)..” Si chiede di confermare che, nel caso di sub-appalto della categoria B5 (in quanto categoria non in possesso dell’Offerente sia singolo che raggruppato), detto requisito possa essere ricoperto tanto dalla società individuata per l’esecuzione delle prestazioni quanto dalla mandataria e/o mandante del Raggruppamento Offerente.

  • Offerta Tecnica il documento di cui all’Allegato “B”;

  • L’“OFFERTA è composta da: A – Documentazione amministrativa;

  • Controllo indica il controllo di oltre il 50% dei diritti di voto o del capitale di una delle parti.

  • Responsabile Unico del Procedimento xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx.

  • Controvalore delle quote l’importo ottenuto moltiplicando il Valore Unitario della Quota per il numero delle quote del Fondo Interno Assicurativo possedute dal Contraente a una determinata data.

  • Offerente «Concorrente» o «Operatore»: l’impresa, il raggruppamento di operatori economici, il consorzio o comunque l’operatore monosoggettivo o plurisoggettivo che ha partecipato alla procedura, e che ha presentato la propria Offerta in vista dell’aggiudicazione dell'Appalto;

  • Responsabile del Procedimento Xxxxxx Xxxxxx.

  • Periodo di validità 1. L’Assicurazione copre i Sinistri che si sono verificati durante il periodo di efficacia della garanzia assicurativa. I sinistri che si sono verificati durante il periodo di efficacia della garanzia assicurativa, la cui causa però è da trovarsi in un periodo precedente alla stipula del Contratto di Assicurazione, sono coperti soltanto se il Contraente o l’Assicurato non erano a conoscenza della causa che ha provocato il sinistro fino al momento della stipula del Contratto di Assicurazione.

  • Periodo dal .................................................

  • Periodo di Carenza Sono i primi 3 (tre) giorni di malattia e/o infortunio non professionale o seguenti a quello dell’infortunio professionale, in cui l’INPS/INAIL non erogano al Lavoratore alcun trattamento indennitario. Infatti, le indennità riconosciute dall’INPS o dall’INAIL decorrono solo dal 4° (quarto) giorno di malattia/infortunio.

  • Luogo di esecuzione si intende “l’intero territorio nazionale”; nello schema tipo 1.2

  • Rendiconto annuale della Gestione Separata riepilogo aggiornato annualmente dei dati relativi al rendimen- to finanziario conseguito dalla Gestione Separata e all’aliquota di retrocessione di tale rendimento attribuito da Poste Vita S.p.A. al contratto.

  • TIQV è il Testo integrato della regolazione della qualità dei servizi di vendita di energia elettrica e di gas naturale;

  • Modulo di Proposta documento accluso alla Polizza Vita il cui contenuto viene confermato dal Contraente in occasione della sottoscrizione dell’Accordo e con cui il Contraente rende le dichiarazioni ivi formulate che si intendono rilasciate prima di ogni Proposta e con riferimento ad ogni singola copertura richiesta.

  • Rete Un gruppo di Sistemi informatici collegati tra loro tramite una tecnologia (compreso Internet, Intranet e reti private virtuali) tale da permettere lo scambio di Dati.

  • Periodo di copertura (o di efficacia)

  • Periodo di Franchigia Periodo di tempo durante il quale, pur in presenza di un evento indennizzabile ai sensi delle Condizioni di Assicurazione, il Beneficiario non ha diritto ad alcuna Indennità.

  • Durata del contratto il periodo che ha inizio e termine alle date fissate nella Scheda di Copertura.

  • Diritto di Recesso il diritto del Contraente di recedere dal contratto entro 30 giorni dalla sottoscrizione dello stesso.

  • Bando di Gara il documento che riassume le caratteristiche essenziali dell’affidamento, elaborato dalla Stazione Appaltante ai sensi delle disposizioni di cui all’art. 64 del D.Lgs 163 del 12 aprile 2006, pubblicato con le formalità di cui all’art. 66, comma 7°, nonché ai sensi dell’art. 70 commi 8° e 9°, del predetto Decreto con conseguente riduzione dei termini minimi di ricezione delle offerte di cui allo stesso articolo 70, comma 2°;

  • Responsabile procedimento Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Determinazione Dirigenziale firmata digitalmente da: XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX (D.lgs 267/2000) Visto di regolarità contabile e attestazione di copertura finanziaria. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX

  • Premio annuo Importo che il Contraente si impegna a corrispondere annualmente secondo un piano di versamenti previsto dal contratto di assicurazione.

  • Spese peritali Sono quelle relative all’opera del perito nominato dal giudice (C.T.U.- consulente tecnico di ufficio) o dalle parti (consulente di parte).