VRR Percentage definition

VRR Percentage. A fraction, expressed as a percentage, the numerator of which is the Initial Combined VRR Interest Balance and the denominator of which is the sum of (x) the aggregate Initial Certificate Balance of all of the Classes of Principal Balance Certificates and (y) the Initial Uncertificated VRR Interest Balance of the Uncertificated VRR Interest.

Related to VRR Percentage

  • Asset Percentage has the meaning specified in Section 2.05(b)(ii).

  • Class B Percentage Any one of the Class B-1 Percentage, Class B-2 Percentage, Class B-3 Percentage, Class B-4 Percentage, Class B-5 Percentage or Class B-6 Percentage.

  • Participation Percentage means the rounded percentage of the total actual Project costs that will be contributed by the OPWC, not to exceed the maximum dollar contribution of the OPWC identified in this Project Agreement, and the rounded percentage of the total actual Project costs that will be contributed by the Recipient. Both percentages are identified in Appendix B. If the total actual Project costs exceed the estimated Project costs identified in Appendix B, the Local Subdivision Participation Percentage will increase to reflect the cost overrun, while the OPWC percentage contribution will decrease recognizing that there is a maximum dollar contribution from the OPWC which is identified in this Project Agreement.

  • Cash Percentage shall have the meaning specified in Section 14.02(a)(iii).

  • Class C Percentage means at any time the percentage equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is the Outstanding Amount of the Class C Notes and the denominator of which is the sum of the Outstanding Amount of all the Notes.

  • NOLV Percentage the net orderly liquidation value of Inventory, expressed as a percentage, expected to be realized at an orderly, negotiated sale held within a reasonable period of time, net of all liquidation expenses, as determined from the most recent appraisal of Borrowers’ Inventory performed by an appraiser and on terms satisfactory to Agent.

  • Investor Percentage means for any Monthly Period, (a) with respect to Finance Charge Receivables and Default Amounts at any time and Principal Receivables during the Revolving Period, the Floating Investor Percentage and (b) with respect to Principal Receivables during the Controlled Accumulation Period or the Rapid Amortization Period, the Fixed Investor Percentage.

  • Invested Percentage means, with respect to any Series of Notes, the percentage specified in the applicable Series Supplement.

  • Investment Percentage means a percentage established for each Partner on the Partnership's books as of the first day of each Fiscal Period. The Investment Percentage of a Partner for a Fiscal Period will be determined by dividing the balance of the Partner's Capital Account as of the commencement of the Fiscal Period by the sum of the Capital Accounts of all of the Partners as of the commencement of the Fiscal Period. The sum of the Investment Percentages of all Partners for each Fiscal Period will equal 100%.

  • Note Percentage means (i) for each Payment Date until the aggregate principal amount of each Class of Notes has been paid in full, 100%; and (ii) thereafter, 0%.

  • Class A Percentage means 100% minus the Class B Percentage.