Unsaturated zone monitoring system definition

Unsaturated zone monitoring system means a system beneath a facility used to monitor water quality in the unsaturated zone as necessary to detect leaks from landfills and surface impoundments.

Related to Unsaturated zone monitoring system

  • Unsaturated zone or "zone of aeration" means the zone between the land surface and the water table.

  • Monitoring System means a system established by BNY to fulfill the Responsibilities specified in clauses (d) and (e) of Section 1 of Article III of this Agreement.

  • Beam monitoring system means a system designed and installed in the radiation head to detect and measure the radiation present in the useful beam.

  • Saturated zone or "zone of saturation" means that part of the earth's crust in which all voids are filled with water.

  • Fraud Monitoring System means an off-line administration system that monitors suspected occurrences of ABT- related fraud.

  • Primary dose monitoring system means a system which will monitor the useful beam during irradiation and which will terminate irradiation when a preselected number of dose monitor units have been delivered.

  • Signaling System 7 (SS7) means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.

  • Continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS means all of the equipment necessary to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration program, to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and to record average operational parameter value(s) on a continuous basis.

  • Signaling System 7 (SS7 means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.

  • Continuous parameter monitoring system or "CPMS" means all of the equipment necessary to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this article, to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and to record average operational parameter value(s) on a continuous basis.

  • Generator Planned Outage means the scheduled removal from service, in whole or in part, of a generating unit for inspection, maintenance or repair with the approval of the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.

  • Predictive emissions monitoring system or "PEMS" means all of the equipment necessary to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and calculate and record the mass emissions rate (for example, pounds per hour) on a continuous basis.

  • Generator Maintenance Outage means the scheduled removal from service, in whole or in part, of a generating unit in order to perform necessary repairs on specific components of the facility, if removal of the facility meets the guidelines specified in the PJM Manuals.

  • Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.

  • Levee system means a flood protection system which consists of a levee, or levees, and associated structures, such as closure and drainage devices, which are constructed and operated in accordance with sound engineering practices.

  • Continuous monitoring system means the total equipment, required under the emission monitoring section in applicable subsections used to sample and condition (if applicable), to analyze, and to provide a permanent record of emissions or process parameters.

  • Performance Monitoring System has the meaning given to it in paragraph 1.1.2 in Part B of Schedule 6 (Service Levels, Service Credits and Performance Monitoring);

  • Slug loading means any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants, released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration as to cause interference in the POTW.

  • Fire alarm system means a system designed to detect and annunciate the presence of fire, or by-products of fire. Fire alarm system includes smoke detectors.

  • Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities means System Upgrade Facilities that a Developer may construct without affecting day-to-day operations of the New York State Transmission System during their construction. NYISO, the Connecting Transmission Owner and the Developer must agree as to what constitutes Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities and identify them in Appendix A to this Agreement.

  • Subsystem means any subset of the System identified as such in the Contract that may be supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned individually before Commissioning of the entire System.

  • Cannabis testing facility means an entity registered by

  • Customer-generator means a user of a net metering system.

  • Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.

  • The Works/Project means the works to be executed or done under this contract.

  • generating plant means the generating facility described in Schedule 1 as amended from time to time;