The Wall Street Journal definition

The Wall Street Journal means the newspaper of general circulation published under that name in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, State of New York, or a successor thereto.
The Wall Street Journal means the The Wall Street Journal newspaper published by Dow Jonex & Xompany, Inc.

Examples of The Wall Street Journal in a sentence

  • The Wall Street Journal may not publish the Prime Rate on that day.

  • Determining the Prime Rate We use the Prime Rate from the rates section of The Wall Street Journal.

  • The Prime Rate for each billing period is the Prime Rate published in The Wall Street Journal on the Closing Date of the billing period.

  • If The Wall Street Journal is no longer published, we may use the Prime Rate from any other newspaper of general circulation in New York, New York.

  • For example, information found in a report filed with the SEC, or appearing in Dow Jones, Reuters Economic Services, The Wall Street Journal or other publications of general circulation would be considered public.

  • Should the customer fail to make payment as specified, the Company may, beginning on the twenty-sixth (26th) day, assess simple interest at a rate equal to the prime rate as published in the Money Rates column in The Wall Street Journal.

  • For example, information found in a report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or appearing in Dow Jones, Reuters Economic Services, The Wall Street Journal or other publications of general circulation would be considered public.

  • Except as otherwise provided in a Bankruptcy Court order, as of the Effective Date, any Claim asserted in currency other than U.S. dollars shall be automatically deemed converted to the equivalent U.S. dollar value using the exchange rate for the applicable currency as published in The Wall Street Journal, National Edition, on the Effective Date.

  • For example, information can be considered public when it has been made available through a public filing with a regulatory body, or through a mainstream media source such as The Wall Street Journal.

  • Carpenter, a columnist defrauded The Wall Street Journal by stealing non-public information from the Journal and using it for trading in the securities markets.

Related to The Wall Street Journal

  • Journal means the official Journal of the European Union or successor publication thereto.

  • Money Rates listing under the caption “London Interbank Offered Rates” for a one month period (or, if no such rate is published therein for any reason, then the Published Rate shall be the rate at which U.S. dollar deposits are offered by leading banks in the London interbank deposit market for a one month period as published in another publication selected by the Administrative Agent).

  • U.S. Treasury Bill Rate on any date means (i) the Interest Equivalent of the rate on the actively traded Treasury Bill with a maturity most nearly comparable to the length of the related Dividend Period, as such rate is made available on a discount basis or otherwise by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in its Composite 3:30 P.M. Quotations for U.S. Government Securities report for such Business Day, or (ii) if such yield as so calculated is not available, the Alternate Treasury Bill Rate on such date. "Alternate Treasury Bill Rate" on any date means the Interest Equivalent of the yield as calculated by reference to the arithmetic average of the bid price quotations of the actively traded Treasury Bill with a maturity most nearly comparable to the length of the related Dividend Period, as determined by bid price quotations as of any time on the Business Day immediately preceding such date, obtained from at least three recognized primary U.S. Government securities dealers selected by the Auction Agent.

  • Real-Time Market has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Prime Rate means the rate of interest per annum publicly announced from time to time by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. as its prime rate in effect at its principal office in New York City; each change in the Prime Rate shall be effective from and including the date such change is publicly announced as being effective.

  • LIBOR Market Index Rate means, for any day, LIBOR as of that day that would be applicable for a LIBOR Loan having a one-month Interest Period determined at approximately 10:00 a.m. Central time for such day (rather than 11:00 a.m. (London time) two Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period as otherwise provided in the definition of “LIBOR”), or if such day is not a Business Day, the immediately preceding Business Day. The LIBOR Market Index Rate shall be determined on a daily basis.

  • U.S. Treasury Rate means, with respect to the Reset Date, the rate per annum equal to: (1) the yield on actively traded U.S. Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity for one-year maturities on the Reset Determination Date and appearing under the caption “Treasury constant maturities” on the Reset Determination Date in the applicable most recently published statistical release designated “H.15 Daily Update”, or any successor publication that is published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System that establishes yields on actively traded U.S. Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity, under the caption “Treasury Constant Maturities”, for the maturity of one year; or (2) if such release (or any successor release) is not published on the Reset Determination Date or does not contain such yields, the rate per annum equal to the semi-annual equivalent yield to maturity of the Comparable Treasury Issue, calculated using a price for the Comparable Treasury Issue (expressed as a percentage of its principal amount) equal to the Comparable Treasury Price for the Reset Date.

  • Official Journal means the Official Journal of the European Union;

  • Treasury Index Rate means the average yield to maturity for actively traded marketable U.S. Treasury fixed interest rate securities having the same number of 30-day periods to maturity as the length of the applicable Dividend Period, determined, to the extent necessary, by linear interpolation based upon the yield for such securities having the next shorter and next longer number of 30-day periods to maturity treating all Dividend Periods with a length greater than the longest maturity for such securities as having a length equal to such longest maturity, in all cases based upon data set forth in the most recent weekly statistical release published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (currently in H.15 (519)); provided, however, if the most recent such statistical release shall not have been published during the 15 days preceding the date of computation, the foregoing computations shall be based upon the average of comparable data as quoted to the Trust by at least three recognized dealers in U.S. government securities selected by the Trust.

  • Benchmark Rate means the average of the four quotations given by the Reference Dealers on the Calculation Date at 11.00 a.m. (Central European time (CET)) of the mid-market annual yield to maturity of the Reference Bond specified in the relevant Final Terms. If the Reference Bond is no longer outstanding, a Similar Security will be chosen by the Calculation Agent at 11.00 a.m. (Central European time (CET)) on the Calculation Date, quoted in writing by the Calculation Agent to the Issuer and published in accordance with Condition 13. The Benchmark Rate will be published by the Issuer in accordance with Condition 13.

  • Published means, unless the context requires otherwise,

  • NYFRB Rate means the rate for a federal funds transaction quoted at 11:00 a.m. on such day received to the Administrative Agent from a Federal funds broker of recognized standing selected by it; provided, further, that if any of the aforesaid rates shall be less than zero, such rate shall be deemed to be zero for purposes of this Agreement.

  • CMS Rate means the applicable swap rate for swap transactions in the Reference Currency with a maturity of the Designated Maturity, expressed as a percentage, which appears on the Relevant Screen Page as at the Specified Time on the relevant Interest Determination Date in question, all as determined by the Calculation Agent.

  • Day Rate means the rate per day per grade tendered by the Supplier in the Supplier’s proposal that shall never be exceeded within this Contract;

  • Financial Markets means international financial markets in which currency and other financial assets exchange rates are determined in multi-party trade.

  • Federal Funds Rate means, for any day, the rate per annum equal to the weighted average of the rates on overnight Federal funds transactions with members of the Federal Reserve System arranged by Federal funds brokers on such day, as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on the Business Day next succeeding such day; provided that (a) if such day is not a Business Day, the Federal Funds Rate for such day shall be such rate on such transactions on the next preceding Business Day as so published on the next succeeding Business Day, and (b) if no such rate is so published on such next succeeding Business Day, the Federal Funds Rate for such day shall be the average rate (rounded upward, if necessary, to a whole multiple of 1/100 of 1%) charged to Bank of America on such day on such transactions as determined by the Administrative Agent.

  • Published Rate means the rate of interest published each Business Day in The Wall Street Journal “Money Rates” listing under the caption “London Interbank Offered Rates” for a one month period (or, if no such rate is published therein for any reason, then the Published Rate shall be the rate at which U.S. dollar deposits are offered by leading banks in the London interbank deposit market for a one month period as published in another publication selected by the Administrative Agent).

  • T-Bill Rate means, for any Quarterly Floating Rate Period, the average yield expressed as a percentage per annum on three-month Government of Canada Treasury Bills, as reported by the Bank of Canada, for the most recent treasury bills auction preceding the applicable Floating Rate Calculation Date.

  • Eurodollar Market means a regular established market located outside the United States of America by and among banks for the solicitation, offer and acceptance of Dollar deposits in such banks.

  • Bloomberg Screen SOFRRATE Page means the Bloomberg screen designated “SOFRRATE” or any successor page or service;

  • published market means, for a class of securities, a marketplace on which the securities have traded that discloses regularly in a publication of general and regular paid circulation or in a form that is broadly distributed by electronic means the prices at which those securities have traded;

  • Bloomberg means Bloomberg Financial Markets.

  • Average Rate means the simple arithmetic mean of the bank rates in effect at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time each day during the calendar month which immediately precedes the calendar month in which payment is made, where the "bank rate" means the rate of interest established from time to time by the Bank of Canada as the minimum rate at which the Bank of Canada makes short term advances to members of the Canadian Payments Association;

  • LIBOR Index Rate means, for any Interest Period, the rate per annum (rounded upwards, if necessary, to the next higher one hundred-thousandth of a percentage point) for deposits in U.S. Dollars for a period equal to such Interest Period, which appears on the LIBOR01 Page as of 11:00 a.m. (London, England time) on the day two (2) Business Days before the commencement of such Interest Period.

  • Wall means a contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier.