Telemetric position monitoring system definition

Telemetric position monitoring system means a data transfer system that captures information by instrumentation and/or measuring devices about the location and status of a transport vehicle or package between the departure and destination locations.
Telemetric position monitoring system means a data transfer system that captures information by either instrumentation, or measuring devices, or both, about the location or both, and status of a transport vehicle or package between the departure and destination locations.
Telemetric position monitoring system means a data trans- fer system that captures information by instrumentation or measuring devices about the location and status of a transport vehicle or pack- age between the departure and destination locations.

Examples of Telemetric position monitoring system in a sentence

  • Telemetric position monitoring system means a data transfer system that captures information by instrumentation and/or measuring devices about the location and status of a transport vehicle or package between the departure and destination locations.

  • DHS 157.03 (374m) "Telemetric position monitoring system" means a data transfer system that captures information by instrumentation or measuring devices about the location and status of a transport vehicle or package between the departure and destination locations.

  • Telemetric position monitoring system" means a data transfer system that captures information by instrumentation and/or measuring devices about the location and status of a transport vehicle or package between the departure and destination locations.

More Definitions of Telemetric position monitoring system

Telemetric position monitoring system means a data trans- fer system that captures information by instrumentation or measuring
Telemetric position monitoring system means a data transfer system that captures
Telemetric position monitoring system means a data transfer system that captures information by
Telemetric position monitoring system means a data transfer system that captures information by instrumentation or measuring devices about the location and status of a transport

Related to Telemetric position monitoring system

  • Beam monitoring system means a system designed and installed in the radiation head to detect and measure the radiation present in the useful beam.

  • Monitoring System means a system established by BNY to fulfill the Responsibilities specified in clauses (d) and (e) of Section 1 of Article III of this Agreement.

  • Fraud Monitoring System means an off-line administration system that monitors suspected occurrences of ABT- related fraud.

  • Primary dose monitoring system means a system which will monitor the useful beam during irradiation and which will terminate irradiation when a preselected number of dose monitor units have been delivered.

  • Predictive emissions monitoring system or "PEMS" means all of the equipment necessary to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and calculate and record the mass emissions rate (for example, pounds per hour) on a continuous basis.

  • Market Monitoring Unit means the consulting or other professional services firm, or other similar entity, retained by the Board, as specified in Section 30.4.2 of Attachment O, that is responsible for carrying out the Core Market Monitoring Functions and the other functions that are assigned to it in Attachment O. The Market Monitoring Unit shall recommend Tariff and market rule changes, but shall not participate in the administration of the ISO’s Tariffs, except as specifically authorized in Attachment O.

  • Continuous parameter monitoring system or "CPMS" means all of the equipment necessary to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this chapter, to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, oxygen or carbon dioxide concentrations), and to record average operational parameter value on a continuous basis.

  • State Level Monitoring Cell means the body constituted by the State Government for the control and elimination of ragging in institutions within the jurisdiction of the State, established under a State Law or on the advice of the Central Government, as the case may be.

  • Secondary dose monitoring system means a system which will terminate irradiation in the event of failure of the primary dose monitoring system.

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Management Program or "MS4 Program" means a management program covering the duration of a state permit for a municipal separate storm sewer system that includes a comprehensive planning process that involves public participation and intergovernmental coordination, to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the CWA and regulations and the Act and attendant regulations, using management practices, control techniques, and system, design and engineering methods, and such other provisions that are appropriate.

  • Net Metering Net metering refers to customers who sell electricity they produce, typically through a rooftop solar panel, back to the utility for credit. If you are a net metering customer, you should not enroll with XOOM because your net metering agreement will not transfer to XOOM once you enroll.

  • Prescription monitoring program “PMP,” or “program” means the program established pursuant to 657—Chapter 37 for the collection and maintenance of PMP information and for the provision of PMP information to authorized individuals.

  • Infrastructure means infrastructure serving the County and improved or unimproved real estate and personal property, including machinery and equipment, used in the operation of the Project, within the meaning of Section 4-29-68 of the Code.

  • External beam radiation therapy means therapeutic irradiation in which the source of radiation is at a distance from the body.

  • Continuous emission monitoring system or "CEMS" means the equipment required under section 11 of this rule to sample, analyze, measure, and provide, by means of readings recorded at least once every fifteen (15) minutes, using an automated data acquisition and handling system (DAHS), a permanent record of nitrogen oxides emissions, stack gas volumetric flow rate, stack gas moisture content, and oxygen or carbon dioxide concentration, as applicable, in a manner consistent with 40 CFR 75*. The following systems are the principal types of continuous emission monitoring systems required under section 11 of this rule:

  • Continuous monitoring system means the total equipment, required under the emission monitoring section in applicable subsections used to sample and condition (if applicable), to analyze, and to provide a permanent record of emissions or process parameters.

  • Database Management System (DBMS) A system of manual procedures and computer programs used to create, store and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and/or Automatic Location Identification for 911 systems. Day: A calendar day unless otherwise specified. Dedicated Transport: UNE transmission path between one of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches and another of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches within the same LATA and State that are dedicated to a particular customer or carrier. Default: A Party’s violation of any material term or condition of the Agreement, or refusal or failure in any material respect to properly perform its obligations under this Agreement, including the failure to make any undisputed payment when due. A Party shall also be deemed in Default upon such Party’s insolvency or the initiation of bankruptcy or receivership proceedings by or against the Party or the failure to obtain or maintain any certification(s) or authorization(s) from the Commission which are necessary or appropriate for a Party to exchange traffic or order any service, facility or arrangement under this Agreement, or notice from the Party that it has ceased doing business in this State or receipt of publicly available information that signifies the Party is no longer doing business in this State.

  • Integrated pest management means careful consideration of all available plant protection methods and subsequent integration of appropriate measures that discourage the development of populations of harmful organisms and keep the use of plant protection products and other forms of intervention to levels that are economically and ecologically justified and reduce or minimise risks to human health and the environment. ‘Integrated pest management’ emphasises the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms;

  • Electric generation service means the provision of retail