Special Risk Insurer definition

Special Risk Insurer means the issuer of the Special Risk Policy, its successors and assigns.

Examples of Special Risk Insurer in a sentence

  • The South African Government has established a Special Risk Insurer in which it is the sole shareholder to provide Riot Strikes and Terrorism Cover to all South Africans on a non refusable, non cancellable basis.

Related to Special Risk Insurer

  • windstorm means straight line winds of at least 80 miles per

  • Insurer means a person who insures or guarantees for the benefit of the mortgagee all or any portion of the risk of loss upon borrower default on any of the mortgage loans originated, purchased or serviced by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, including the Federal Housing Administration, the United States Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Rural Housing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and any private mortgage insurer, and providers of hazard, title or other insurance with respect to such mortgage loans or the related collateral.

  • Underlying insurance means the DESIGNATED UNDERLYING POLICY and all insurances affording professional liability insurance coverage to any INSURED hereunder which are considered to be primary to this insurance, including without limitation, any such mandatory insurance coverage afforded any INSURED by any law society or other program, and any such non-mandatory insurances purchased as coverage or primary to (beneath) this POLICY coverage, but in no case shall include any insurance specifically acquired and stated to be in excess of this POLICY. Signed on behalf of Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity CompanyDaniel E. PinningtonDaniel E. PinningtonPresident and Chief Executive Officer Endorsement No . 1pollutIon exClusIonThis POLICY, subject to all its terms and conditions not in conflict with this endorsement, and further to Part III Exclusion (g), shall include the following:This insurance does not apply to:(a) damage arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, seepage, dispersal, release or escape of pollutants:

  • All Risk property insurance on a full replacement cost basis insuring CLEC’s property situated on or within any CenturyLink Premises. CLEC may elect to insure business interruption and contingent business interruption, as it is agreed that CenturyLink has no liability for loss of profit or revenues should an interruption of service occur.

  • R&W Insurer means AIG Specialty Insurance Company.

  • excess risks means, in relation to a Ship, the proportion of claims for general average, salvage and salvage charges not recoverable under the hull and machinery policies in respect of the Ship in consequence of its insured value being less than the value at which the Ship is assessed for the purpose of such claims;

  • Insured Risks means fire lightning explosion earthquake storm tempest flood subsidence landslip heave impact terrorism bursting or overflowing of water tanks and pipes earthquake damage by aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped there from riot and civil commotion labour disturbance and malicious damage and such other risks as the Academy Trust insures against from time to time subject in all cases to any exclusions or limitations as may from time to time be imposed by the insurers or underwriters;

  • Earthquake insurance, if the Leased Property is currently, or at any time in the future, located within a major earthquake disaster area, in amount, and in such form and substance and with such limits and deductibles as are satisfactory to Landlord; and

  • Fire means the emission of flames from the vehicle. Sparks and arcing shall not be considered as flames.

  • Primary Mortgage Insurance Insurance obtained from a Primary Mortgage Insurer which insures the holder of a Mortgage Note against loss in the event the related Borrower defaults under such Mortgage Note or the related Security Instrument, including all riders and endorsements thereto.

  • FHA Insurance The contractual obligation of FHA respecting the insurance of an FHA Loan pursuant to the National Housing Act, as amended.

  • Fannie Mae Guides The Fannie Mae Sellers' Guide and the Fannie Mae Serxxxxxx' Xxide and all axxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxions thereto.

  • operational risk means the risk of loss for the individual portfolio resulting from inadequate internal processes and failures in relation to people and systems of the investment service provider or from external events, and includes legal and documentation risk and risk resulting from the trading, settlement and valuation procedures operated on behalf of the individual portfolio;

  • Special Form property insurance, including insurance against loss or damage by fire, vandalism and malicious mischief, terrorism (if available on commercially reasonable terms), earthquake, explosion of steam boilers, pressure vessels or other similar apparatus, now or hereafter installed in the Hotels, with equivalent coverage as that provided by the usual extended coverage endorsements, in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the then full replacement cost of the property requiring replacement (excluding foundations) from time to time, including an increased cost of construction endorsement;

  • Mortgage Insurer means CMHC, Genworth Financial Insurance Company Canada, or any other company that insures the payment of mortgages to mortgage lenders.

  • Special Primary Insurance Policy Any Primary Insurance Policy covering a Mortgage Loan the premium of which is payable by the Trustee pursuant to Section 4.04(a), if so identified in the Mortgage Loan Schedule. There are no Special Primary Insurance Policies with respect to any of the Mortgage Loans.

  • Low risk means normal, uncomplicated prenatal course as determined by adequate prenatal care and prospects for a normal, uncomplicated birth as defined by reasonable and generally accepted criteria of maternal and fetal health.

  • Sovereign Risk means nationalization, expropriation, currency devaluation, revaluation or fluctuation, confiscation, seizure, cancellation, destruction or similar action by any governmental authority, de facto or de jure; or enactment, promulgation, imposition or enforcement by any such governmental authority of currency restrictions, exchange controls, taxes, levies or other charges affecting a Fund's Assets; or acts of armed conflict, terrorism, insurrection or revolution; or any other act or event beyond the Custodian's or such other Person's control.

  • Blanket insurance policy means a group policy covering a defined class of

  • Primary Mortgage Insurance Policy Any primary mortgage guaranty insurance policy issued in connection with a Mortgage Loan which provides compensation to a Mortgage Note holder in the event of default by the obligor under such Mortgage Note or the related Security Instrument, if any or any replacement policy therefor through the related Interest Accrual Period for such Class relating to a Distribution Date.

  • Insurance means comprehensive insurance of the vehicle(s)/equipment and shall include insurance of the crew.