Renminbi definition

Renminbi or “RMB” means the lawful currency of the PRC.
Renminbi means the lawful currency of the PRC;
Renminbi or “RMB” means the lawful currency of China.

Examples of Renminbi in a sentence

  • On 1st July 2009, the government of the Chinese Mainland promulgated Measures for the Administration of the Pilot Program of Renminbi Settlement of Cross-Border Trades (跨境貿易人民幣結算試點管理辦法) (the “Measures”) and its implementation rules, pursuant to which designated and eligible enterprises are allowed to settle their cross-border trade transactions in Renminbi.

  • Capitals of foreign- invested enterprises and Renminbi funds gained through the settlement of foreign exchange shall not be invested directly or indirectly in securities or wealth management products, or used for issuance of loans to unrelated enterprises (except as otherwise explicitly specified in the business scope of the enterprise), or the construction or purchase of real estate that is not for self-use (real estate enterprises not included).

  • Any principal, interest and other cost due and payable by the Borrower under this Agreement may be repaid or paid in US Dollar ( or other convertible currency accepted by the Lender) and recorded in Renminbi in accordance with the buying rate of US Dollar ( or other convertible hard currencies accepted by the Lender) to Renminbi promulgated by the Account Bank of the Lender on the date such payments are received by the Lender.

  • The remittance of Renminbi into and outside the Chinese Mainland is subject to controls imposed under Chinese Mainland law.

  • In case drawdowns in US Dollar (or other convertible hard currencies accepted by the Lender) are requested, the amount in US Dollar shall be purchased with Renminbi in accordance with the selling rate of US Dollar (or other convertible hard currencies accepted by the Lender) to Renminbi promulgated by the Account Bank of the Lender on the date the aforesaid disbursements are made by the Lender and recorded in Renminbi.

More Definitions of Renminbi

Renminbi means the lawful currency of the People’s Republic of China;
Renminbi or "RMB" means the lawful currency for the time being of the People's Republic of China (the "PRC"), which, for these purposes, excludes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC, the Macau Special Administrative Region of the PRC and Taiwan;
Renminbi means the lawful currency of the People’s Republic of China.
Renminbi or "CNY" means the lawful currency of the PRC;
Renminbi or "RMB" means the lawful currency of the PRC, deliverable in Hong Kong.
Renminbi means renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC;
Renminbi means the currency of the Borrower.