reentry vehicle definition

reentry vehicle means a vehicle designed to return from Earth orbit or outer space to Earth, or a reusable launch vehicle designed to return from Earth orbit or outer space to Earth, substantially intact.
reentry vehicle means a vehicle designed
reentry vehicle means any vehicle de-

More Definitions of reentry vehicle

reentry vehicle. ’ means a vehicle designed to return from Earth orbit or outer space to Earth, or a reusable launch vehicle designed to return from outer space substantially intact. ø(10)¿ (14) ‘‘State’’ means a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and a territory or possession of the Unit-
reentry vehicle. ’ means a vehicle de-
reentry vehicle. ' means a vehicle designed to return
reentry vehicle means any contrivance and its stages or components designed to
reentry vehicle means a vehicle, including a reusable launch vehicle, designed to return from earth orbit or outer space to earth substantially intact;
reentry vehicle means any vehicle, including its stages or components, spacecraft, or reusable launch vehicle designed to return from earth orbit or outer space to earth substantially intact.
reentry vehicle means any vehicle and its stages or components designed to return