RBS Hedging Arrangements definition

RBS Hedging Arrangements means those hedging, derivative and other financial instruments listed in Schedule 11 hereto;

Related to RBS Hedging Arrangements

  • Hedging Arrangements means, with respect to any Person, any agreements or other arrangements (including interest rate swap agreements, interest rate cap agreements and forward sale agreements) entered into to protect that Person against changes in interest rates or the market value of assets.

  • Hedging Arrangement means a hedge, call, swap, collar, floor, cap, option, forward sale or purchase or other contract or similar arrangement (including any obligations to purchase or sell any commodity or security at a future date for a specific price) which is entered into to reduce or eliminate or otherwise protect against the risk of fluctuations in prices or rates, including interest rates, foreign exchange rates, commodity prices and securities prices.

  • Hedging Agreements means, collectively, interest rate protection agreements, equity index agreements, foreign currency exchange agreements, option agreements or other interest or exchange rate or commodity price hedging agreements (other than forward contracts for the delivery of power or gas written by the Borrower to its jurisdictional and wholesale customers in the ordinary course of business).

  • Rate Hedging Agreement means an agreement, device or arrangement providing for payments which are related to fluctuations of interest rates, exchange rates or forward rates, including, but not limited to, dollar-denominated or cross-currency interest rate exchange agreements, forward currency exchange agreements, interest rate cap or collar protection agreements, forward rate currency or interest rate options, puts and warrants.

  • Hedging Agreement means any interest rate, foreign currency, commodity or equity swap, collar, cap, floor or forward rate agreement, or other agreement or arrangement designed to protect against fluctuations in interest rates or currency, commodity or equity values (including, without limitation, any option with respect to any of the foregoing and any combination of the foregoing agreements or arrangements), and any confirmation executed in connection with any such agreement or arrangement.

  • Commodity Hedging Agreements means, in respect of a Person, any commodity purchase contract, commodity futures or forward contract, commodities option contract or other similar contract (including commodities derivative agreements or arrangements), to which such Person is a party or a beneficiary.

  • Permitted Hedging Agreement means a Hedging Agreement made by a Loan Party or its Subsidiary in the ordinary course of its business in accordance with the reasonable requirements of its business, and not for speculative purposes, and in any such case, if the counterparty to such Permitted Hedging Agreement is not a Lender or an Affiliate of a Lender, such Permitted Hedging Agreement shall be unsecured (except for Permitted Liens of the type described in clause (xii) of the definition thereof).

  • Other Hedging Agreements means any foreign exchange contracts, currency swap agreements, commodity agreements or other similar arrangements, or arrangements designed to protect against fluctuations in currency values or commodity prices.

  • Rate Hedging Obligations of a Person means any and all obligations of such Person, whether absolute or contingent and howsoever and whensoever created, arising, evidenced or acquired (including all renewals, extensions and modifications thereof and substitutions therefor), under (a) any and all Rate Hedging Agreements, and (b) any and all cancellations, buy backs, reversals, terminations or assignments of any Rate Hedging Agreement.

  • Hedge Agreements means interest rate swap, cap or collar agreements, interest rate future or option contracts, currency swap agreements, currency future or option contracts and other similar agreements.

  • Commodity Hedging Agreement means any forward contract, swap, option, hedge or other similar financial agreement or arrangement designed to protect against fluctuations in commodity prices.

  • Swap Agreements means any agreement with respect to any swap, forward, future or derivative transaction or option or similar agreement involving, or settled by reference to, one or more rates, currencies, commodities, equity or debt instruments or securities, or economic, financial or pricing indices or measures of economic, financial or pricing risk or value or any similar transaction or any combination of these transactions; provided that no phantom stock or similar plan providing for payments only on account of services provided by current or former directors, officers, employees or consultants of the Borrowers or the Subsidiaries shall be a Swap Agreement.

  • Specified Hedging Agreement means any Interest Rate/Currency Hedging Agreement entered into by the Borrower or any Subsidiary Guarantor and any Qualified Counterparty.

  • Interest Rate Hedging Agreement means any interest rate protection agreement or other interest rate hedging arrangement.

  • Cash Management Arrangements means all cash management arrangements pursuant to which Honeywell or its Subsidiaries automatically or manually sweep cash from, or automatically or manually transfer cash to, accounts of SpinCo or any member of the SpinCo Group.

  • Secured Hedging Agreement means any Hedging Agreement between a Credit Party and a Hedging Agreement Provider, as amended, restated, amended and restated, modified, supplemented or extended from time to time.

  • Hedging Contracts means all Interest Rate Contracts, foreign exchange contracts, currency swap or option agreements, forward contracts, commodity swap, purchase or option agreements, other commodity price hedging arrangements, and all other similar agreements or arrangements designed to alter the risks of any Person arising from fluctuations in interest rates, currency values or commodity prices.

  • Other Hedging Agreement means any foreign exchange contracts, currency swap agreements, commodity agreements or other similar agreements or arrangements designed to protect against the fluctuations in currency or commodity values.

  • Hedge Agreement means (i) any interest rate swap agreement, any interest rate cap agreement, any interest rate collar agreement or other similar interest rate management agreement or arrangement, (ii) any currency swap or option agreement, foreign exchange contract, forward currency purchase agreement or similar currency management agreement or arrangement or (iii) any Commodities Hedge Agreement.

  • Net Hedging Obligations means, as of any date, the Termination Value of any such Hedging Agreement on such date.

  • Financing Arrangements means the arrangements between the Borrower and the State as per current policy of the Borrower, and acceptable to ADB;

  • Hedging Contract means (a) any agreement providing for options, swaps, floors, caps, collars, forward sales or forward purchases involving interest rates, commodities or commodity prices, equities, currencies, bonds, or indexes based on any of the foregoing, (b) any option, futures or forward contract traded on an exchange, and (c) any other derivative agreement or other similar agreement or arrangement.

  • Hedging Obligations means, with respect to any specified Person, the obligations of such Person under:

  • Currency Hedge Obligations means, at any time as to any Person, the obligations of such Person at such time that were incurred in the ordinary course of business pursuant to any foreign currency exchange agreement, option or futures contract or other similar agreement or arrangement designed to protect against or manage such Person’s or any of its Subsidiaries’ exposure to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates.

  • Hedging Agreement Provider means any Person that enters into a Hedging Agreement with a Credit Party or any of its Subsidiaries that is permitted hereunder to the extent such Person is a (a) Lender, (b) an Affiliate of a Lender or (c) any other Person that was a Lender (or an Affiliate of a Lender) at the time it entered into the Hedging Agreement but has ceased to be a Lender (or whose Affiliate has ceased to be a Lender) under the Credit Agreement.

  • Hedging Counterparty means HSBC Bank plc or any Affiliate of HSBC Bank plc or any other party