Examples of Radioactivity in a sentence
Radioactivity or the use, existence or escape of any nuclear fuel, nuclear material, or nuclear waste or action of nuclear fission or fusion.
All Public water systems shall conduct radionuclide monitoring in accordance with 40 CFR,§141.26, Monitoring Frequency for Radioactivity in Community water systems.
The purpose of this performance measure is to monitor how well we are working to ensure that.Each year, SEPA publishes a retrospective report on Radioactivity in Food and the Environment (RIFE).
Topics of study include The Scientific Method and Experimental Procedures; Biology: Ecosystems; Chemistry: Chemical reactions and Radioactivity; Physical Sciences: Motion; and Earth Sciences: Plate tectonics.
EPA 600/4-80-032, August 1980 (referred to as “USEPA Radioactivity Methods”).