Part A section definition

Part A section means the section of a simplified prospectus that contains the disclosure required by Part A of Form 81-101F1 Contents of Simplified Prospectus;

Examples of Part A section in a sentence

  • The Part B sections of a multiple SP may be bound separately from the Part A section of that document.

  • Despite subsection (1), an amendment to the Part B section that is separately bound from the Part A section of a simplified prospectus must be effected only by way of an amended and restated Part B section.

  • Under the Instrument, a simplified prospectus consists of two sections: a Part A section, which provides introductory information about the mutual fund, general information about mutual funds and information applicable to the mutual funds managed by the mutual fund organization, and a Part B section, which contains specific information about the mutual fund.

  • In order to maximize flexibility for mutual fund organizations and improve the accessibility of disclosure provided to investors, the Instrument allows the Part B sections of a multiple SP to be bound separately from the Part A section.

  • If there is an amendment to the Part A section of the document but not to a Part B section, the amendment could be in the form of an amending document or an amended and restated Part A document.

  • If no amendment to the Part A section is being made, no amendment is required to the Part A document.

  • Particularly in the case of a switch by an investor from one mutual fund to another in a mutual fund family, the mutual fund organization must ensure that the investor is provided with the Part B section of the simplified prospectus pertaining to the mutual fund just purchased, even if the Part A section of the simplified prospectus was previously delivered.

  • For a multiple SP in which the Part A section is bound separately from the Part B sections, state, in substantially the following words:A complete simplified prospectus for the mutual funds listed on this cover consists of this document and any additional disclosure document that provides specific information about the mutual funds in which you are investing.

  • If there is an amendment to a Part B section of a multiple SP with Part A and Part B sections bound separately the amendment must be made by way of an amended and restated Part B document, whether or not an amendment is being made to the Part A section.

  • This would permit an investor to be provided with a Part A section that described the mutual fund family and mutual fund organization generally, and only the mutual fund-specific disclosure that relates to the mutual fund or mutual funds in which the investor is interested.

Related to Part A section

  • Tomographic section means the volume of an object whose x-ray attenuation properties are imaged in a tomogram.

  • Line section means either that portion of an EDU's electric system connected to a customer bounded by automatic sectionalizing devices, the end of the distribution line, or a line segment identified as appropriate for study by a utility engineer.

  • Section means a section of the Act.

  • Non-Section 423 Component means those Offerings under the Plan, together with the sub-plans, appendices, rules or procedures, if any, adopted by the Administrator as a part of this Plan, in each case, pursuant to which rights to purchase Shares during an Offering Period may be granted to Eligible Employees that need not satisfy the requirements for rights to purchase Shares granted pursuant to an “employee stock purchase plan” that are set forth under Section 423 of the Code.

  • Sections “Subsections”, “Paragraphs”, and other subdivisions without reference to a document are to designated Articles, Sections, Subsections, Paragraphs and other subdivisions of this Agreement;

  • Nominal tomographic section thickness means the full width at half-maximum of the sensitivity profile taken at the center of the cross-sectional volume over which x-ray transmission data are collected.

  • Exhibit means any item labeled as an Exhibit in the Solicitation or placed in the Exhibits section of the solicitation.

  • Official responsibility means administrative or operating authority, whether intermediate or final, to initiate, approve, disapprove or otherwise affect a procurement transaction, or any claim resulting therefrom.

  • Sub-Sector refers to the specific sector in which the reservation is taken;

  • Part VI means Tariff, sections 200 through 237 pertaining to the queuing, study, and agreements relating to New Service Requests, and the rights associated with Customer-Funded Upgrades in conjunction with the applicable Common Service Provisions of Tariff, Part I and appropriate Schedules and Attachments.

  • Part 2 means Part 2 of the withdrawal agreement or (as the case may be) Part 2 of the EEA EFTA separation agreement, so far as the Part in question applies to and in the United Kingdom;

  • Initial Response means the first contact by a Support Representative after the incident has been logged and a ticket generated. This may include an automated email response depending on when the incident is first communicated.

  • designated sector means a sector, sub-sector or industry that has been designated by the Department of Trade and Industry in line with national development and industrial policies for local production, where only locally produced services, works or goods or locally manufactured goods meet the stipulated minimum threshold for local production and content;

  • Part II means Tariff, Part II, sections 13 through 27A pertaining to Point-To-Point Transmission Service in conjunction with the applicable Common Service Provisions of Tariff, Part I and appropriate Schedules and Attachments. Part III:

  • Schedule of Benefits means the section of this policy which shows, among other things, the Eligibility Requirements, Eligibility Waiting Period, Elimination Period, Amount of Insurance, Minimum Benefit, and Maximum Benefit Period.

  • Subsection means subsection of the section in which the term is used;

  • Part III means Tariff, Part III, sections 28 through 35 pertaining to Network Integration Transmission Service in conjunction with the applicable Common Service Provisions of Tariff, Part I and appropriate Schedules and Attachments. Part IV:

  • subheading means the first six-digits in the tariff classification number under the Harmonized System.

  • Schedule of Fees means the published note of the School's prevailing fees notified to you from time to time and a copy of which remains available on the School's website and from the School at any time upon request;