marine mammal definition

marine mammal means a seal or sea lion (order Pinnipedia) or a dolphin or whale (order Cetacea);
marine mammal means any marine mammal that is not depleted (as defined in the MMPA) or listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.
marine mammal means any speci- men of the following species, whether alive or dead, or any part thereof, in- cluding but not limited to, any raw, dressed, or dyed fur or skin: NOTE: Common names given may be at variance with local usage; they are not required to be provided by the Act, and they have no legal significance.

Examples of marine mammal in a sentence

  • Marine Mammal Stranding Report must be submitted for dead marine mammal sightings, as well as upon capture and prior to transport of live marine mammals.

  • The potential benefits of capture must outweigh potential negative consequences, and capture is to be conducted in accordance with the Wildlife Recovery and Transportation section of the Marine Mammal Oil Spill Response Guidelines.

  • If the nature of the threat to killer whales is not imminent, the Wildlife Branch Director will consult with the NOAA Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Program prior to taking action.

  • If a carcass is found and NOAA Fisheries authorizes a necropsy, the necropsy should follow the established killer whale necropsy protocol (Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx 2014) and NOAA’s Marine Mammal Oil Spill Response Guidelines and be coordinated with NOAA Fisheries.

  • The RP is obligated to fund the activities of this program during a spill or to alternatively duplicate the existing system and operate in accordance with the Marine Mammal Oil Spill Response Guidelines established by NOAA, which are currently being updated.

More Definitions of marine mammal

marine mammal means any marine mammal that is not depleted (a species above its optimum population level) or is not listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.
marine mammal means mammals that live the majority of their lives in marine waters and are classified by a hunting regulation as marine mammals;
marine mammal means California sea lions and harbor seals.
marine mammal means any member of the order Cetacea (such as whales and dolphins), order Sirenia (such as dugong), or the suborder Pinnipedia (such as seals and sea lions).
marine mammal means any animal of the class Mammalia living in an aquatic environment and includes their young;
marine mammal means any mammal that is morphologically adapted to the marine environment, including sea otters and members of the orders Sirenia, Finnipedia, and Cetacea, or primarily inhabits the marine environment such as polar bears.
marine mammal means any species of cetacean or pinniped;