Limited access highway definition

Limited access highway means a highway:
Limited access highway means a highway especially designed for through traffic over which abutters have no easement or right of light, air, or access by reason of the fact that their property abuts upon such limited access highway.
Limited access highway means a highway especially designed for through traffic over or to which

Examples of Limited access highway in a sentence

  • Compiler's note: The words “driver into” in subsection (1) evidently should read “drive into”.257.679a Limited access highway; pedestrians and certain vehicles prohibited; bicycles permitted on paths; violation as civil infraction.Sec.

  • Unless other- wise stated, words and phrases used herein shall have the fol- lowing meaning:(1) Highway - A general term denoting a street, road or public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right of way.(2) Conventional highway - An arterial highway without access control.(3) Limited access highway - A highway upon which the rights to ingress and egress, light, view and air are controlled by law.

  • Any nonresident's operating privilege as defined in KRS Chapter 186 or 189; (7)[(4)] "Limited access highway" has the same meaning as "limited access facility" does in KRS 177.220;(8)[(5)] "Refusal" means declining to submit to any test or tests pursuant to KRS 189A.103.

  • Unless otherwise stated, words and phrases used herein shall have the following meaning:(1) Highway - A general term denoting a street, road or public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right of way.(2) Conventional highway - An arterial highway without access control.(3) Limited access highway - A highway upon which the rights to ingress and egress, light, view and air are controlled by law.

  • Limited access highway that conducts inter- and intra-regional traffic.

More Definitions of Limited access highway

Limited access highway means a state highway so designated under the provisions of section 13b-27;
Limited access highway means a state highway, or a portion of a state highway, along which the department has acquired access rights as provided by chapter 47.52 RCW. A state highway, or a portion of a state highway, along which the department has not acquired access rights as pro- vided by chapter 47.52 RCW is termed herein as a "nonlim- ited access highway."
Limited access highway means that portion of a highway with oasis or service center facilities for motorists and truckers. Includes highways with limited access from surface roads, often commonly referred to as freeways or Interstate Highways.
Limited access highway means any Highway to or from which access is denied or controlled, in whole or in part, from or to abutting land or intersecting streets, roads, Highways, alleys or other public or private ways.
Limited access highway means a highway especially designed for through traffic over which abutting properties have no easement or right of light, air, or access by reason of the fact that those properties abut upon the limited access highway.
Limited access highway means a road or highway or bridge constructed pursuant to the provisions of KRS 177.220 to 177.310;
Limited access highway means a state highway so designated