ISG Agreement definition

ISG Agreement means that certain Amended and Restated Asset Purchase Agreement by and among Buyer, International Steel Group, Inc. and the Debtor and the Debtor Subsidiaries dated as of February 25, 2004, as amended by (i) that certain Amendment No. 1, dated March 8, 2004; (ii) thatcertain Amendment No. 2, dated April 21, 2004; and (iii) that certain Amendment No. 3 dated May 5, 2004.

Examples of ISG Agreement in a sentence

  • No variation (including any supplement, deletion or replacement, however effected) of this ISG Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing (which for this purpose, does not include e-mail) signed by or on behalf of each of the parties to this ISG Agreement.

  • ETSI’s total liability to the Member under this ISG Agreement shall be limited to the amounts paid by the Member to ETSI pursuant to this ISG Agreement in the budget year during which the Member’s claim against ETSI arose.

  • The rights and obligations of the Member under this ISG Agreement are personal to the Member and shall not be assigned (whether absolutely or by way of security and whether in whole or in part), sub-contracted, delegated, transferred, pledged, declared in trust for a third party, or otherwise disposed of in any manner whatsoever (each of the above an "assignment") and any such purported assignment in contravention of this clause shall be ineffective.

  • Each party irrevocably agrees for the benefit of ETSI that the Tribunal de Grande Instance xx Xxxxxx shall have jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning this ISG Agreement and any matter arising therefrom.

  • Each party irrevocably agrees for the benefit of ETSI that the Tribunal de Commerce xx Xxxxxx shall have jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning this ISG Agreement and any matter arising therefrom.

  • The representative of the Member whose name and title appear on the signature page of this ISG Agreement has been duly authorized for the purposes hereof.

  • Decisions concerning (i) the ISG Budget under Article 3.1(b) of the ISG Agreement, (ii) Additional Costs under Article 3.1(c) of the ISG Agreement, and (iii) the allocation of costs among members of the ISG under Article 3.2 of the ISG Agreement, require unanimous support of the ISG members who are present and are eligible to vote, as defined below.

  • Decisions concerning (i) the election of MOI ISG Officials, (ii) the ISG Budget under Article 3.1(b) of the ISG Agreement, (iii) Additional Costs under Article 3.1(c) of the ISG Agreement, and (iv) the allocation of costs among members of the ISG under Article 3.2 of the ISG Agreement, require unanimous support.

  • Severance/unenforceable provisions If any provision or part of this ISG Agreement is deemed void or unenforceable due to applicable law, it shall be deemed to be deleted and the remaining provisions of this ISG Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

  • Jurisdiction Each party irrevocably agrees for the benefit of ETSI that the Tribunal de Grande Instance xx Xxxxxx shall have jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning this ISG Agreement and any matter arising therefrom.

Related to ISG Agreement

  • SPS Agreement means the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures which is a part of the WTO Agreement; Subheading means the first six digits in the tariff classification number under the HS; Territory means:

  • Factoring Agreement means any factoring agreement by and between Borrower and/or any Restricted Subsidiary and a Factor.

  • Sponsor Letter Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • SCM Agreement means the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • Transaction Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • MCIP Agreement means the Agreement for the Development of a Joint County Industrial and Business Park (2010 Park) dated as of December 1, 2010, as amended, between the County and Xxxxxxxx County, South Carolina, as the same may be further amended or supplemented from time to time, or such other agreement as the County may enter with respect to the Project to offer the benefits of the Special Source Revenue Credits to the Company hereunder.

  • Formation Agreement has the meaning attributed to it in Recital A;

  • Secondment Agreement is defined in Section 2.2.

  • Lock-Up Agreement means the Lock-Up Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Company and the directors, officers and 5% stockholders of the Company, in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto.

  • Cooperation Agreement means that certain Mortgage Loan Cooperation Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, among Borrower, Lender and Sponsor, as the same may from time to time be amended, restated, replaced, supplemented or otherwise modified in accordance herewith.

  • leasing agreement means an agreement by which one person (the lessor) grants a right to possession or control of an object (with or without an option to purchase) to another person (the lessee) in return for a rental or other payment;

  • TRIPS Agreement means the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;

  • Side Agreement means the Side Agreement for Transfer Agency Services between the Customer and Transfer Agent dated as of January 1, 2015.

  • Restructuring Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • Connection Agreement means an agreement entered into between a distributor and a person connected to its distribution system that delineates the conditions of the connection and delivery of electricity to or from that connection;

  • Netting agreement means a netting agreement, master netting agreement or other similar document having the same effect as a netting agreement or master netting agreement and, as applicable, any collateral annex, security agreement or other similar document related to any master netting agreement or Permitted Contract.

  • Arrangement Agreement has the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals hereof;

  • Marketing Agreement means an agreement entered into, with the director, by producers, distributors, processors, or handlers pursuant to this act and binding only on those signing the agreement.

  • Side Letter means any side letter executed by an Investor with any Borrower or the Investment Adviser with respect to such Investor’s rights and/or obligations under its Subscription Agreement and any other applicable Operative Document.

  • Transition Agreement has the meaning set forth in Section 12.8.1.

  • Seller's Agreement An agreement for the origination and sale of Mortgage Loans generally in the form of the Seller Contract referred to or contained in the Program Guide, or in such other form as has been approved by the Master Servicer and the Company, each containing representations and warranties in respect of one or more Mortgage Loans consistent in all material respects with those set forth in the Program Guide.

  • Co-operation Agreement means the agreement between the Exchange and Oslo Børs with regards to the access to the Linked Order Book;

  • Client Agreement means the agreement between the Company and the Client, which together with the Terms of Business are defined as “Operative Agreements” and govern the terms on which the Company deals with the Client.

  • New Management Agreement means the management agreement to be entered into between Buyer and the Manager for the operation and management of the Hotel on and after the Closing Date.

  • Transportation Agreement means an agreement pursuant to the Tariff under which Transporter provides Transportation or other contract services to a Shipper.

  • Services Agreement means an agreement entered into between a Utility and one or more Affiliates for the provision of Shared Services or For Profit Affiliate Services and shall provide for the following matters as appropriate in the circumstances: