Irritant definition
Irritant means any substance, other than a corrosive, that on
Irritant means a substance causing or producing dangerous or intensely irritating fumes upon contact with fire or when exposed to air.
Irritant means any substance, other than a corrosive,
Examples of Irritant in a sentence
Experimental/calculated data:Skin corrosion/irritation rabbit: Irritant.
Irritant Product, repeated or prolonged contact with skin or mucous membranes can cause redness, blisters or dermatitis, inhalation of spray mist or particles in suspension may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, some symptoms may not be immediate.
Not classified - based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Corrosion/irritation : Irritant.
Experimental/calculated data:Skin corrosion/irritation rabbit: non-irritant (OECD Guideline 404) Serious eye damage/irritation rabbit: Irritant.
Effects and symptomsInhalation : No specific effects and/or symptoms are known.Skin contact : Irritant.
More Definitions of Irritant
Irritant means any substance, other than a corrosive, that on immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with normal living tissue will induce a local inflammatory reaction.
Irritant means a substance that will produce local irritation or inflammation on contact with tissues and membranes, such as skin or eyes, or that will, after inhalation, produce local irritation or inflammation of nasal or lung tissue.
Irritant means any substance not corrosive within the meaning of paragraph (t) of this Article which, on immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with normal living tissue will induce a local inflammatory reaction.
Irritant means a chemical which causes a reversible inflammation at the site of contact.
Irritant means any substance not corrosive within the meaning of subsection (3) of this section, but that on immediate, prolonged, or repeated contact with normal living tissue will induce a local inflammatory reaction.
Irritant means any substance not corrosive within the meaning of subsection
Irritant and “contaminant.” “Irritant” means a substance causes irritation to humans, Aloha contends. Thus, “irritant” applies in personal injury claims, but not when the claim only alleges property damage.