Habitat preservation definition

Habitat preservation means keeping threatened natural habitat and protects native floral and faunal biodiversity that may be lost to a planned urban development.

Examples of Habitat preservation in a sentence

  • Habitat preservation areas, with preference given to large contiguous blocks of habitat and where possible, corridors to facilitate species movement among these blocks, are to be identified.

  • Habitat preservation also provides water quality protection, scenic and air quality, biological diversity, and other environmental services.Benefits of critical habitat designation are in addition to those provided by listing of the owl as threatened or those derived from other actions taken by land management agencies to provide protection to the owl and its habitat.

  • Habitat preservation is valid on quality habitat, in accordance with the HQT.

  • Habitat preservation in Placer County is complicated by the lack of habitat available that has not already been designated for conservation or development.

  • Thus, all Employees are considered Access Persons (unless otherwise notified in writing) and must comply with the procedures adopted by CapAcuity and as set forth below.

  • Habitat preservation and mitigation for woodlands, creeks, riparian and seasonal wetland areas should occur within the defined boundaries of the impacting projects where long-term resource viability is feasible and desirable consistent with applicable state and federal permits.

  • Habitat preservation may be viewed as an investment; a way to ensure the opportunity for uninterrupted economic growth.

  • Habitat preservation and recovery is a fundamental objective of sage-grouse conservation planning.

  • Habitat preservation and enhancement will be concentrated outside the permit area, in the high-quality habitat of the proposed HCP/NCCP Preserve System.

  • Habitat preservation may be employed for species whose habitat is not easily restored or created, or the information on how to accomplish the restoration or creation of habitat is either not known or is unreliable; other mitigation strategies may contain little to no habitat preservation and rely heavily on creation, restoration, or enhancement of habitat.

Related to Habitat preservation

  • Standard fertility preservation services means procedure based upon current evidence-based standards of care established by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the American Society for Clinical Oncology, or other national medical associations that follow current evidence-based standards of care.

  • Habitat means the physical and biological environment in which

  • Wildlife habitat means a surface water of the state used by plants and animals not considered as pathogens, vectors for pathogens or intermediate hosts for pathogens for humans or domesticated livestock and plants.

  • Services Environment refers to the combination of hardware and software components owned, licensed or managed by Oracle to which Oracle grants You and Your Users access as part of the Cloud Services which You have ordered. As applicable and subject to the terms of this Agreement and Your order, Oracle Programs, Third Party Content, Your Content and Your Applications may be hosted in the Services Environment.

  • Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act land-disturbing activity means a land-disturbing activity including clearing, grading, or excavation that results in a land disturbance equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet and less than one acre in all areas of jurisdictions designated as subject to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (9VAC25-830) adopted pursuant to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act.

  • Stormwater means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land’s surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, or is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.

  • Processes with Significant Environmental Aspects means the Equipment which, during regular operation or if not properly operated or maintained, may cause or are likely to cause an adverse effect.

  • Operating Environment means, collectively, the platform, environment and conditions on, in or under which the Software is intended to be installed and operate, as set forth in the Statement of Work, including such structural, functional and other features, conditions and components as hardware, operating software and system architecture and configuration.

  • Ex-situ conservation means the conservation of components of biological diversity outside their natural habitats.

  • in situ conservation means the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings and, in the case of domesticated or cultivated species, in the surroundings where they have developed their distinctive properties.

  • Water pollution means the unpermitted release of sediment from disturbed areas, solid waste or waste-derived constituents, or leachate to the waters of the state.

  • Reservation System means the Contributor's Reservation Terminal and Reservation System equipment and software, if any.

  • Stormwater runoff means water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.

  • Natural environment means the air, land and water, or any combination or part thereof, of the Province of Ontario; (“environnement naturel”)

  • Air pollution means the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more air contaminants in sufficient quantities, and of such characteristics and duration as is, or is likely to be, injurious to human health, plant or animal life, or property, or which unreasonably interferes with enjoyment of life and property. For the purposes of this chapter, air pollution shall not include air contaminants emitted in compliance with chapter 17.21 RCW, the Washington Pesticide Application Act, which regulates the application and control of the use of various pesticides.

  • Drainage means the movement of water to a place of disposal, whether by way of the natural characteristics of the ground surface or by artificial means;

  • Fish habitat means habitat which is used by any fish at any life stage at any time of the year, including potential habitat likely to be used by fish which could be recovered by restoration or management and includes off-channel habitat.

  • Nonpoint source pollution means pollution such as sediment, nitrogen, phosphorous, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and toxics whose sources cannot be pinpointed but rather are washed from the land surface in a diffuse manner by stormwater runoff.

  • Wastewater means the spent water of a community. From the standpoint of source, it may be a combination of the liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants, and institutions, together with any groundwater, surface water, and storm water that may be present.

  • Procurement means the purchasing, buying, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining of any supplies, services, or construction. It includes all functions that pertain to the procurement of any supply, service, or construction item, including description of requirements, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract, and all phases of contract administration;

  • Conservation easement means a nonpossessory interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative obligations the purposes of which include retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space values of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.

  • Stormwater system means both the constructed and natural facilities, including pipes, culverts, watercourses and their associated floodplains, whether over or under public or privately owned land, used or required for the management, collection, conveyance, temporary storage, control, monitoring, treatment, use and disposal of stormwater;

  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater means the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Environment Federation;

  • Wildlife means all species of animals including, but not limited to, mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, and crustaceans, which are defined as "wildlife" and are protected or otherwise regulated by statute, law, regulation, ordinance, or administrative rule in a participating state. Species included in the definition of "wildlife" vary from state to state and determination of whether a species is "wildlife" for the purposes of this compact shall be based on local law.

  • Customer Environment means Customer’s data network/equipment and premises environment.

  • Wildlife law means any statute, law, regulation, ordinance, or administrative rule developed and enacted to manage wildlife resources and the use thereof.